Blessed by Sapphires (A Dance with Destiny Book 2)

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Blessed by Sapphires (A Dance with Destiny Book 2) Page 21

by JK Ensley

  “What a messed-up pair we are, you and I,” he said softly.

  Brushing back a loose curl, he gently tucked it behind my ear and let the backs of his fingers trace a tingling path down my cheek.

  “I’m the messed-up one. You… you are ever regal, ever elegant. I’m reminded of the time when you first stepped from the shadows and revealed yourself to me.”

  Varick laughed. “And you swore you couldn’t breathe if you looked upon me.”

  “It was true. It very nearly still is,” I admitted.

  “You flatter me.”

  “Not in the least.”

  “Did I stop you from leaving?”

  “Well, I was thinking about a private little paradise I’d like to visit for a time.”

  “Oh, really? Have you forgotten your promise so soon?”

  “I will never forget your only request of me, Prince Varick.”

  “So you were coming to find me then?”

  “Yes, in a few moments.”

  “To tell me of your pending sabbatical or to invite me along on your little holiday?” His eyes sparkled and danced as he spoke.

  I looked away. “I would never be so bold. I leave those dreams upon my pillow when I rise.”

  “Can I touch you?”

  “No, Varick. I am not clean. Not anymore. And my heart is no longer a thing of beauty… nor is it mine own. Your majestic touch would be too painful to bear. I will not soil you. Nor will I let you soil yourself in a moment of weak remembrance.”

  “You will not let me?”

  He moved closer, completely blocking out the sun. I stood trembling in his giant shadow, holding my breath. When he gently caressed my shoulders, I shivered. He softly laughed at my body’s involuntary response.

  “I have missed you more than you can possibly imagine,” he said.

  “Oh, I can imagine. Believe me. I can definitely imagine. I’m still trying to absorb the unbelievable fact you never betrayed me. Never sought comfort from another… never stopped loving only me.”

  “For me, for my heart… things are as they were the day we were parted. It’s like time stood still and now the clock has begun anew. In my feeble heart, you are yet my Anicee, returning from your last summons.” He tenderly placed his hands on either side of my neck, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. “I swore these words would never cross my lips. But, Jenevier, you are more beautiful and far lovelier than even my inflated dreams of you.”

  “You are too kind. I differ now only because I betrayed you. Please, do not look upon my strange colorings as anything more than horrid flaws—testaments to my ongoing failures.”

  “I’m the one who failed you.” His cheeks flushed. “And that’s the reason I was lurking outside your home. I was trying to muster the courage to beg your forgiveness. Had I been a better Guardian, you would never have been marked. Had I been an unbiased trainer, you wouldn’t have been so horribly broken. Had I been a more attentive husband, you would never have been alone when you faced Merodach and your terrible death sentence would never have been. I am the reason for each and every harm that has befallen you, my love. If I were truly worthy of you, your first tear would never have fallen. Jenevier, do not protest my words. You are far greater than I can ever be. Will you, one day, find enough compassion within your magnificent heart to forgive all I have done to you? This, my precious Angel, I humbly beg of you.”

  Varick was on his knees, silent tears flowing freely down his chiseled face. He held my hands in his, pleading.

  “Varick, I forgave you even before I was marked. There is not, nor will there ever be, a sin against you in my heart. To me, you are perfection and above reproach.”

  He wrapped his angelic arms around my waist and laid his head on my chest.

  “Gratitude, my love,” he whispered. “Thank you.”

  I stroked his beautiful silver hair and kissed the top of his head. “You never even had to ask.”

  “One day, can we start over? Do you think one day we’ll have another chance?”

  “Perhaps… one day. I am still a married woman, remember?”

  He squeezed me tighter. “I love you, my Princess.”

  “And I you, my sweet Prince.”

  We stayed like that, holding one another in the yard outside my home, for hours. No one bothered us. Each passerby respectfully looked the other way.

  Neither one was willing to break the magical moment binding us. Our tedious future was too fragile a thing to take even one breath for granted. So, we did not.

  Chapter 30



  Valadrog and Vareen held a great celebration to honor mine and Valencia’s long-awaited return. There was food, music, and dancing. All worries were forgotten and a great time was had by all. No one pulled me this way or that. I danced with all my wonderful friends and I got the chance to become much closer to the ones I hadn’t known very well before my exile.

  After an entire day of just enjoying my angelic family, I begged pardon to leave. Gracefully thanking my charming hosts over and over for such grand kindness and overwhelming love, I politely kissed Valadrog and Vareen farewell.

  I left the waning party more content than I’d thought possible. I was so nervous about the celebration before it started that I almost flew off into the clouds. Vareilious talked me down and basically carried me to the event. I’ll have to think of a glorious way to show my gratitude for his bullheaded stubbornness. I would never have wanted to miss this.

  “Aye, an’ where are ye running off tae, wee rabbit?”

  Vittorio caught up to me, picked me up from behind, and tossed me onto one of his gigantic shoulders—causing me to get a terrible case of the giggles. He held my hands out, spinning around while I screamed and laughed.

  “Since when did you two get so close?” Vareilious asked as he approached.

  “Haven’t you heard, Brother? Those two disappeared for a few days,” Vinika said. “They didn’t tell a soul where they were going and they both came back with tightly sealed lips.”

  “Vittorio? Sealed lips?” Vareilious snorted. “Impossible.”

  “Aye, I may talk a lot aboot battle, but I nae kiss an’ tell, Brother.”

  Vittorio kept dancing around in our circle while holding out my hands. I couldn’t have stopped giggling even if I’d tried, which I did not. I hadn’t been this blissfully happy since… No, I’ll never admit to being this blissfully happy before. No one was waiting for me, and no one was depending on me. I had no duties or commitments to weigh down my thoughts. I had nowhere to go and nothing of import to do. I reveled in this new unfettered type of freedom. It was exhilarating, and I was determined to enjoy every glorious moment.

  “You mean… you kissed Jenevier?” Vareilious asked, eyes wide.

  “Aye, Brother. That’s for us tae know an’ ye nae tae find oot.”

  He lifted me off his shoulders, gently stood me up, and held one hand over my head as he twirled me around and around like a ballerina. Even Vinika joined in the laughter when he released me—my wobbly legs and dizzy head almost got the best of me. I finally sat down and waited for my world to stop spinning.

  “Ugh, Vittorio. Are you trying to make me lose my supper?”

  “Jenevier, is it true you spent days away with this disreputable fellow?”

  “Yes, Vareilious. It is exceedingly true.” I smiled at Vittorio and he shot me a secret wink.

  “When was this?” he demanded. “And how did I not know about it?”

  “Aye, it was back when ye had tae cover my summonses for me, Brother.”

  “You mean to tell me… you were hiding out with my woman while I did your job?” Vareilious glared at Vittorio, then me, and back again.

  “Well, she dinnae say she was yer woman. But then again, we were quite busy an’ yer name just dinnae come up.” Vittorio plopped down next to me and began pulling up blades of grass, weaving them through my curls. “Aye now, ye dunnae have enough color,
Lass. I believe ye need some green here… an’ here… an’ a wee bit more over here…”

  I was giggling, shaking my head back and forth to knock the grass out.

  Varick joined our growing group of friends and placed a calming hand upon Vareilious’s tense shoulder. “It sounds like this is where the party moved to.”

  “Aye, Brother, a party follows me wherever I go,” Vittorio sang.

  “We were just discussing the private little outing they’re keeping secret,” Vareilious said.

  “Aye, that ooting wasnae secret, Brother. Now, what we did whilst on the ooting, that’s the secret. Right, Princess?”

  I laughed. “Aye, demons cannae drag it from me.” I tried to mimic Vittorio’s accent. I failed miserably.

  “Ye should thank me, Brother. How’d ye think she learned all those cool dance moves?”

  Vittorio pinched my side as he leaned in, giving me a quick kiss on my back. He kept adding more grass to my curls.

  “He taught her to dance?” Vareilious turned his questions directly at me. “Jenevier, is this true or is he just flapping his mouth to hear his own vile voice?”

  “I’m sworn to secrecy, good Vareilious. I will neither confirm nor deny anything about our little holiday.” I punched Vittorio in the thigh when he yanked hard on one of my curls. “I will confirm this, though. I am wholly exhausted. I leave you now to your frivolity and beg regretful departure of your beloved company. Varick, will you walk me home? We must have a word or two, I beg you.”

  Vittorio gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I returned the favor. Varick held out his hand, helping me up. I generously passed out final hugs, kisses, and farewells before I took his proffered arm, slowly making our way to my ethereal domicile.

  “You’re leaving, aren’t you?”

  I glanced up at him from the corner of my eye. “For a while.”

  “Can I ask where you’re going?”

  “I wish you wouldn’t.”

  “Are there any demons, Angels, or other Vanir at your secret destination?”

  His worries brought a smile to my face. “There aren’t even any humans, dear Guardian.”

  “When will you return?”

  “I’m not certain.” I pulled on a piece of grass dangling from my curls. “When I tire of being away, I suppose.”

  “You won’t be returning to Vanahirdem, will you?”

  “Someday… perhaps.”

  Varick stopped walking, halting my steps as well. “Under the circumstances, I cannot grant your leave.”

  I laughed. “Grant my leave? I promised to tell you if I were going. I never agreed to having ask your permission.”

  He stared up at the clouds and released a heavy sigh. “You also promised we’d try again, the two of us.”

  “I remember saying perhaps we would try again one day. I don’t remember saying I promise.”

  “It was implied,” he whispered.

  “Listen, Varick. I would love nothing more than for us to be the way we were. But we’re not. I would love nothing more than for the whole marriage misunderstanding thing to never have happened. But it did. I would love nothing more than to be your wife, your Anicee one day. But not this day. We’re strangers now, you and I. Our paths have changed. And forget not. I am yet wed in every way that matters to a man I love with a ferocity I hadn’t known I possessed. Vareen no longer has visions of me and no summons will ever contain my image again. I am an abomination. You know this in your head even if you deny it in your heart. I am destined to leave this beautiful city. Prolonging my departure will only make things harder when I finally must go.”

  “Then I shall accompany you. I am your Guardian still; I’ve stayed by your side the whole of your life. It is only right and natural that I should continue as before.”

  “Varick, you haven’t been my Guardian Angel since I was but a child. You have much work to do here. You can’t leave and I won’t let you. You’re not invited.”

  “How about Alzeen? Would you invite him?”

  I laughed. “Ahh, you would try to tempt me? Are you Angel or devil?”

  “I am neither.” He began walking once more. “When will you be leaving?”

  “Right now. While everyone’s busy enjoying each other’s company.”

  We reached my house. Varick opened the door and followed me inside. I packed up the precious few things I owned and released a sigh as I turned to my lost love and smiled. His eyes were so sad, I almost changed my mind.

  “Aren’t you even going to tell Vareilious goodbye?” he whispered.

  I snorted. “Now you speak madness. He would never let me leave. He would watch me always and follow me everywhere.”

  “As would I.”

  “Yes, but you are rational enough to see that this is something I have to do… for me.”

  “Will Vittorio be able to find you?”

  “For a time, perhaps.”

  “Tell me goodbye properly, Milady.”

  I gave Varick a hug and kissed his cheek. He didn’t release me, yet slowly moved his lips ever closer. He never took his eyes from mine, yet he kissed me not.

  “Jenevier, I wasn’t remade. I haven’t changed. I still love you fiercely… even more so,” he whispered, his sweet breath tickling my lips. “Think about how you would feel if our roles were reversed, if I was the one walking away from you.”

  “I know exactly how I’d feel. I’ve already felt it. The loss of you has already destroyed me. I’m so sorry that my mistakes are causing you such pain. It truly grieves my worthless heart. But Varick, I was remade. I am changed. Besides, I yet wear Vindicus’s mana—”

  He cut off my words when his mouth found mine. He gently kissed me, and then once more, just a little firmer. His third kiss was fringed with raw hunger, and the many others that soon followed were passionate, mind-altering.

  When at last he released me, I swayed.

  Looking down at the strong hands now steadying me, I saw beautiful olive skin. My surprised gaze instantly met Alzeen’s. My innocent, loving, glorious Alzeen. Had I tried, I would never have been able to guess what seeing my beloved standing before me would do to my mind, to my heart… what it would do to my trembling soul. I knew he was Varick still, but I was instantaneously weak when my eyes beheld his mask. I always would be.

  “I wished to hold you once more with these arms. To kiss you one last time with these lips,” he said. “We never got to finish what we started in the Valley of Trees, you and I.”

  My eyes were drawn to his magical markings, my fingertips naturally followed. This man mesmerized me. I was now, and always would be, wholly powerless in his presence. His mere touch sent painful goose bumps across my tremulous body.

  “You lied to me… You are devil.” My voice caught in my throat, sounding more like a rasp than a whisper.

  Alzeen’s mischievous smile, coupled with the wicked glint in his eye, only punctuated my words. This man owned me. With but a look, no one else even existed. I could only hope he didn’t realize it. When he removed my tunic, easily slid it over my head without protest or resistance… that hope faded. He knew. He’d always known. And he now took full advantage of that delicious knowledge.

  I did not break my vow to Vindicus that night. Yet, I bent it to the point of snapping.

  Chapter 31



  The cool water flowing between my wiggling toes as they dangled in the lipid pool was refreshing and peaceful. I lay on the soft grass, slowly moving my feet back and forth, listening to the ripples softly lapping against the other bank. The warm sun on my face, my hands behind my head, eyes closed… this was paradise in its truest form.

  I thought at first perhaps clouds had moved in, shading my resting spot. Carefully opening one eye just a tiny bit, I held my hand up to block the light. But it was no cloud, only a little man. I didn’t jump nor did I sit up. I simply closed my eye and remained blissfully at ease.

  I smiled lazily. “Hello
there, stranger. Nice day, isn’t it?”

  “What are you doing in this place, Lady?”

  “Well, this is my place. And as for what I’m doing here, I’m relaxing. Want to join me? It feels divine.”

  “Your place? How can this place be yours? You don’t even look like you belong on Lyra.”

  “Yes, this is my place. It can be mine because a great warrior Angel gave it to me. And if I don’t look as if I’m from Lyra, pray tell. Where do I look like I hail from?”

  “Well, you look like perhaps you sprang from the ground like the rest of these colored stones around here,” he quipped.

  I chuckled. “Sprang from the ground? Are you saying I’m a troll?”

  “I don’t know what a troll looks like where you come from, but you don’t look like any troll I’ve ever seen.”

  “Oh really? And exactly how many trolls have you seen?” I couldn’t help the pure enjoyment I was getting from teasing this tiny man.

  “That doesn’t matter,” he huffed.

  “No, I suppose it doesn’t. What does matter is that you’re blocking my sun.”

  “Your sun? Did the Angel give that to you as well?”

  “What if he did? It’s not like I could hide it away and not share it with anyone. So if you want to believe I own the sun, tell me. Does it shine any less bright upon your back since this little revelation?”

  “No, I guess not.”

  “Then what harm can come from that being my sun, or from this being my place? Can you not enjoy the beauty all around you now that you know it belongs to me?”

  “You talk funny.”

  “Do I?”

  “Yeah. All your words go around in circles.”

  I had to chuckle. “Smart boy.”

  “I’m not a boy. I’m a full grown Fairy.”

  “You don’t say, a real Fairy, huh? Where are your wings?”

  “Hmpft. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  I smiled. “We hardly know each other well enough for that, now, do we?”

  He only grunted.

  “Very well, how about names? You have one, do you not? Would you like to share it with me?”


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