Blessed by Sapphires (A Dance with Destiny Book 2)

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Blessed by Sapphires (A Dance with Destiny Book 2) Page 29

by JK Ensley

  Eventually I floated back down, coming to rest beside my furry maestro.

  I blissfully sighed. “That was more beautiful than Angels singing.” Kitty nuzzled my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around his soft neck. “Perhaps I’ve found my place in this universe after all. What more could I wish for than an enchanting forest, magical music, and a beautiful new friend? Simply divine. Now, if I only had a teapot.” I laughed and ran my hands down his soft back.

  “Do that again, Ajená. I love the way it feels.”

  I jumped just a little, startled again by the fact he was actually speaking… but I slowly relaxed.

  Scratching him under the chin, I looked straight into his warm brown eyes. “I met a talking dog once. He was horrible, vile. Threatened to make a meal out of me, he did.”

  “Fret not, Ajená,” he purred. “There are no dogs on Byzantha.”

  “Are you a cat only, or will you turn into a person? I’ve learned the hard way… most things are not as they seem. Just stay my kitty. Okay?” I rubbed our cheeks together. “I no longer like surprises. The thrill has lost its flavor, you might say.”

  “Ajená,” he purred, nuzzling my hand. “Scratch me just a little more to the right and I will show you.”

  I did as he asked. He let out a low warning meow an instant before he pounced on me, pushing me to the ground.

  I berated myself. I should’ve known. Dammit. Why am I always so stupid?

  My beautiful new fur-friend was gone and a grown man lay on top of me.

  “Ajená, why did you do that?” he asked, rather perturbed.

  His long brown hair fell down around me. It was a few shades darker, yet matched his chocolate-colored skin perfectly. But his eyes hadn’t changed. The pupils rounded out a bit, yes, but these were the same eyes I’d only just been looking into.

  “Be-because you told… you told me to.”

  “Ajená.” There was a low rumble in his chest and he rolled his eyes. “My words were meant as play. It was but jest.” He stared at me for a moment and then snorted. “Never mind. You are as a child, little flower.”

  He turned his head slightly and I noticed the strange markings on his temples, much darker than was his skin. I looked down to see that they were on his neck and chest as well.

  “What are you doing?” He sort of growled at me. “Don’t look down! You forced my change, Ajená. Close your eyes,” he demanded.

  I did as I was told.

  “Keep them shut and turn your back. Do not move until I tell you. Do you understand me, Ajená?”

  “Yes, Kitty.”

  “My name is Syadar.”

  “Yes, Syadar. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Jenevier.”

  My words were only met with silence. I stayed there, curled up on my side on the forest floor, eyes closed. Several minutes later, I heard a voice call out.

  “You can open your eyes now, Ajená.”

  I sat up slowly, turning to see the brown man with flowing chocolate hair approaching me, fastening some brown pants that were almost the same color as his skin. I giggled.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “Because you still look naked.”

  He plopped down beside me, resting back on one elbow. “Did you peek?”

  “No, I did not.”

  “Then how do you know what I look like naked?”

  “I only meant your pants are very near the same color as your skin.”

  “Do you wish to see me naked, Ajená?”

  I blushed brightly and looked down at the fallen foliage surrounding my bare feet. “N-no, I do not.”

  He laughed. It was a soft, warm, very feline-ish laugh. “Then why did you scratch me like that, Ajená?”

  He yanked on one of my curls and I turned back to him.

  “Because you told me to, Syadar. And my name is Jenevier.”

  He smiled. “I heard you the first time.”

  “Why did you tell me to scratch you if you knew what would happen?”

  “Perhaps it was in jest, perhaps not. Perhaps I wanted you to see me naked, Ajená.”

  He rolled all his R’s and that made perhaps come out sounding more like purrrhaps.

  “Why do you insist on calling me Ajená?”

  I tried to say the word fluidly and slightly accented, the way he did. It sounded jerky, dry, and flat instead. He laughed.

  “Because, Ah-zha-nah…” He sounded the word out for me. “…I like the name I’ve given you. It suits you.”

  “Then perhaps I’ll continue to call you Kitty.”

  “As you wish, Ajená.”

  He laid flat on his back, arms behind his head, and looked to the glowing canopy. I mimicked him.

  “This forest is breathtaking. It’s strange there aren’t any birds or other small animals scurrying about, but it’s beautiful nonetheless.”

  “The forest is full of life, birds as well,” he said. “They just choose to remain silent, hidden.”


  “Because…” He looked at me out of the corner of his eye. “…Kitty is here.”

  I sat up on one elbow. “Kitty? You mean, you? They’re scared of you?”

  “Of course they are, silly girl.”

  “But why?”

  “Because… they are delicious.”

  The word rolled off his tongue in that same strange accented way of his. He smiled devilishly, revealing his sharp feline teeth. I got tickled and laughed.

  “You are a strange one, Ajená.”

  “Yes, I know.” I was still giggling a little. “I’ve heard that pretty much my whole life.”

  I looked closer at his markings, running my finger down the long jagged one edging his ribcage.

  “Have you never heard… You should keep your hands to yourself, or… Do not touch without asking?”

  I jerked my hand back. “Yes, I’ve heard those many times as well,” I admitted.

  “So… you are either stubborn, refuse to listen, or simply do not learn very well.”

  I smiled. “Or perhaps, all of the above.”

  “Yes, I can see that as well,” he purred.

  “So? Can I touch them or not?”

  Syadar let out an exasperated sigh. “Give me a moment to center myself.” He paused. “Very well, Ajená. You may touch me now. But be incredibly gentle, unless you wish to be pounced upon again.” His eyes flickered.

  I was extremely careful… but way too curious. “They are beautiful, Syadar,” I whispered. “What do they mean?”

  “They are the markings of my clan.”

  “Your clan? So there are more like you?”

  He laughed, but it sounded more like a rippling purr. “There are. This is Byzantha, Ajená. This is where we live. You are the stranger here.”

  “Yes.” I sighed, continuing to trace his mesmerizing tattoos. “I’m the stranger everywhere I go, it seems. Even in my own home.”

  My mind had been on my beautiful Alzeen, but it drifted back to Ashgard with my words. I didn’t notice how Syadar’s purrs had increased until it was too late. He grabbed my wrists, pushing me down. His eyes were more cat than man now. He pressed against me. Our noses were touching when next he spoke.

  “I told you to take care what you did to me, Ajená. I allowed you to be commander of my body. Yet you tease me mercilessly, arousing me past the point of sanity.”

  His chest was heaving and his breath now carried a sweetly sour scent. It made my body go weak, numbed my senses.

  “I-I’m sorry, Syadar. Apologies.” My strained voice was barely above a whisper.

  He pushed off me, collapsing back down beside me in the leaves. I didn’t move or speak until the rapid rise and fall of his chest had slowed and his breathing had returned to normal.

  “Syadar… I truly am so dreadfully sorry.”

  “Shhh, Ajená, little flower. I desire you still.”

  I held my tongue and didn’t move until next he spoke.

  “I could tell by the lost look in yo
ur eyes, you knew not what you were doing, Ajená. But tell me, little flower. Where did you learn how to trace me so precisely… if I am the first Byzanthian you’ve met?”

  “I have a friend… his tattoos are much the same as yours. I meant no harm, forgive me. My mind was lost on him; I wasn’t paying proper attention. It’s all my fault, Syadar. I’m sorry.”

  “There is nothing to forgive, Ajená. Only promise me now, when next you trace me your mind will be upon me, not your friend.” He held up a single finger. “And one thing more, promise you will choose me during our Month of Joining,” he purred.

  “What’s a Month of Joining?”

  He smiled. “I’ll tell you if you tell me what a tattoo is.”

  “Oh, a tattoo is a mark placed on the skin to signify something important or memorable. Many races share in this practice.”

  “Not here, dear one. These marks are my birthright. I was born with them. They signify my status within our clan. Each new cub bears the marks he will carry the whole of his life. But your friend, he had such marks as these placed upon his body?”

  “I know not. He doesn’t remember.” I sighed. “It’s complicated.”

  Syadar chuckled with his odd purring sort of laugh. “This friend of yours, did you trace him as you did me?”

  My mind went back to that glorious day in the Valley of Trees. “Yes, I outlined every mark he—”

  His strange laughter cut off my words. “And was his response likened unto mine?”

  I blushed at the tantalizing memory. “Yes, it was.”

  “Then his are not these tattoos you mentioned either, Ajená.” He turned to me and smiled. “Will he, this friend of yours, be your choice during the Month of Joining?”

  “You still haven’t told me what that is. And, no. Alzeen isn’t from here, so he cannot possibly be part of your joined month.”

  Syadar laughed. “Month of Joining, Ajená, not joined month. And your friend is from here… whether he remembers it or not. Tell me what he looks like.”

  “Why do you call me Ajená? What does it mean?”

  “Little flower. Tell me what he looks like.”

  “So, you won’t answer my questions, yet you continue to press more upon me.”

  “I did answer your question. Little flower—that’s what Ajená means. I named you thus because you look like a little flower, my little flower,” he purred. “My Ajená.”

  “Oh. Wow… That’s actually quite beautiful. I think I like it.”

  “You should, it’s an exceptionally high compliment. And rare…” He sort of smirked, sensually. “Coming from me.”

  “Gratitude, my friend.” I smiled happily. “Now, what is this Month of Joining I’m to choose you for?”

  “It’s the month wherein we will become mates, and you will bless me with an extraordinarily colorful cub,” he said, twirling a pink curl around his finger.

  When he lightly touched my shoulder, I nearly jumped out of my skin. “You wish to sleep with me?”

  “No, Ajená. I have no intention of sleeping,” he purred.

  I jumped to my feet and began dusting off all the leaves and forest debris that was covering my beautiful dress, the one gifted me by the Oracle on Praetoria.

  Syadar stood and gently took my hands in his. “Tell me what he looks like, Ajená, this man who stole your heart.”

  “I never said he stole my—”

  “You didn’t have to say the words, little flower. It is written clearly within your eyes.”

  My mind went back to my Alzeen, keeper of my shattered heart. “He is glorious. His skin bears an olive tint and his hair flames like drying blood.” I felt the tears burning the backs of my eyes. “His lovely markings are a deep red and his eyes are much like mine, save his are green encircled with rust colored flames.”

  “Would that I could be so blessed as to own a heart such as yours, Ajená. I would cherish it always and claim you as my own. No other cat could look upon you and every Month of Joining would be ours.” He tenderly kissed the back of my hand. “And every month in-between as well, my beautiful Ajená.”

  I didn’t see the large black cat approaching. I was lost in Syadar’s mesmerizing chocolate eyes and sweetly sour scented words.

  “Mmm. Tell me. Where did such a tasty little treat come from, Syadar? She smells divine. Were you planning on sharing her, or was it your intent to keep her hidden away behind your own personal scratching post?” His deep voice purred and cooed and hummed.

  I wanted so badly to pet the black cat, stroke his ebony fur. But I’d just learned from Syadar, that wasn’t always such a good idea.

  “I have no intention of sharing her, Lyndar. You know me better than that. Besides, she was just bidding me adieu. Were you not, Ajená?”

  Syadar’s eyes were still warm, but they now held a warning for me alone to see.

  “Yes, my dearest Syadar. I fear I must be on my way. I have tarried longer than was my intention. I will return to you as promised, during the Month of Joining.” I winked at him. “Until then.”

  He squeezed my hands ferociously. I giggled inside.

  “You are horrible,” he whispered.

  He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me gently. That’s when I saw the enormous white cat approaching from behind.

  “So, she has made her choice without even knowing all her options?” His purr was extremely deep, majestic even.

  Syadar tensed in my arms. “Yes she has, Rindar. She chose me.” His embrace tightened, almost painfully so.

  “We shall see,” Rindar purred.

  Syadar whispered in my ear, “I saw you come from the clouds, Ajená. Make haste.” He squeezed me again. “Return from whence you came, my love.”

  “I will never forget you, Syadar. I promise we will meet again someday. We’ll play in this magical, musical forest together once more. I swear it.”

  He lightly kissed my cheek. “I hope with all my heart you will keep that promise, little flower. Now, let me give you a gift.” His cool nose touched my ear. “When next you see this Alzeen friend of yours…”

  He whispered a secret about how I was to trace my beloved in a way he could never resist. I giggled.

  When he finally released me, I looked to the majestic cats standing around us. “I claim Syadar as mine own. All of my Months of Joining shall be his and his alone.”

  I donned my mask and watched as their eyes widened slightly when they beheld Vashti. Syadar grabbed my hand. His purr seemed almost like a growl. He pulled me against him. I knew what he was going to do, and… I was evil enough to allow it. His lips were as warm and soft as his fur had been.

  “I will never forget you, my Ajená.”

  His sweetly sour whisper tingled over my skin. I shivered.

  “Then we are of like-mind, my Syadar.”

  I smiled… and disappeared into the clouds.

  Chapter 41



  I hate that infernal nausea.

  I looked around. Well, I tried to look around. There was nothing but blackness. It was dense and suffocating. I couldn’t even see the cloud bank from which I’d just emerged. It was terrifying… true darkness always is.

  I heard labored breathing and then a distant hiss. I smelled something old, something foul. Straining my ears, I searched with my extended wings. They tingled so rapidly they were humming. Faith may have brought me here, but fear ruled my racing heart. I turned back, flying as fast as my wings would carry me. I knew I’d found the clouds only when they spat me out into the bright sky of another realm.

  Why didn’t I feel sick that time? And from what hell did I just flee?

  “You have returned to my visions, child.”

  Vareen’s angelic voice greeted me just as my feet touched down.

  “I was wondering why those accursed clouds cast me out into a city which holds more pain than not for me.” I stood my ground, barely inside the crystal gate. “I determined to go on faith
and be winged where needed.” I looked back to the betraying cloudbank. “I believe I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Please, do not be cross. Now is the time for your destiny to be revealed. I beheld your joyous homecoming and the great love they still hold for you in Ashgard.” Her smile radiated warmth and kindness. “You would be forgiven any transgression by the people of your homeland. They stand in awe of you. They always have.” She slowly approached me. “Why then did you choose to leave?”

  “If you were snooping around watching me, you should know the answer to that most painful of questions. Why would you bring me grief with the retelling?”

  “Have I wronged you, child?” Vareen placed her hand elegantly upon her chest, seemingly shocked.

  “No. All the wrongs have been my own doing.” I narrowed my blurring glare. “I only wish now to go where I don’t have to look upon the people I’ve hurt during my trials. I want a new start, Vareen. I want to go somewhere I can just live a normal life.”

  “How is that possible? You aren’t normal. You never have been. Wherever you go, Jenevier, there you will be. Your presence removes the normal, child. It’s a gift.”

  “And a curse.”

  “Yes, that too. Remember your lessons.”

  “Every curse has a blessing and every blessing has a curse, I know, I know.” I rolled my eyes. Childish? Yes. But I did it anyway. “Perhaps if my purpose was clear, if my path were open before me, perhaps then I would have a goal set in mind and this ridiculous thrashing about within my chest would cease.”

  Vareen smiled knowingly. “And that’s exactly why those accursed clouds dumped you out upon my doorstep, child. Come with me. I have much to tell you.”

  I didn’t move. “Something tells me I’m not going to like this.”

  Vareen laughed softly. “Why are you always in such a hurry?” She tossed her words back over her shoulder. “Thousands of years from now, you will look back to this moment and ask yourself that same question.”

  I rolled my eyes and followed her graceful movements, movements which only proved to exemplify how graceful mine were not.


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