Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild

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Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild Page 1

by Napoli, Natalia

  Erotic Island Secrets:

  Forbidden Passions Run Wild

  Copyright: Published in the United States by Natalia Napoli / © Natalia Napoli

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  Check Out Other Books by Natalia Napoli at:

  The Billionaire's Younger Lover: Meeting The Philanthropist (Book 1)

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  The Billionaire's Younger Lover: Snowed In With A Millionaire (Book 2)

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  The Billionaire's Younger Lover: Love Or Lust (Book 3)

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  Dorm Escapades: College Adventures

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  Under The Moonlight: An Unexpected Werewolf Paranormal Romance

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  The Billionaire's Estate: Secret Gardens of Ecstasy

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  Fiery Passion: A Dragon Paranormal Romance

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1: The Engagement

  Chapter 2: The Wedding

  Chapter 3: Alone in Paradise

  Chapter 4: Secret Fantasies


  Check Out Other Books by Natalia Napoli

  About The Author

  *Bonus Collection*


  Chapter 1: The Engagement

  A white swan lands in the quiet harbor and Preston Fairfield watches it glide across the water. Preston is sitting on a boat parked at the local country club. He holds a gimlet and has a big grin on his face. Some of his former fraternity brothers are walking up with a few cases of beers. “Gentleman! Welcome to the party!” Football season has just ended and Preston invited his friends to celebrate the end of his first professional season. Preston’s family has been members of the Nantucket Country Club for years and this is his favorite place to get away. His friends always envy him because he has all the money he could ever want and gets all the girls. As his friends walk up one of them says, “just as we were getting used to being the good looking ones in town, this asshole comes home.” They all laugh and crack open some celebratory beers.

  Preston says, “well I’m still trying to catch up to my old man.” He indicates to the country club tiki bar where his dad is leaning closely to a hot older woman. The boys cheer and whistle and one yells, “yeah Mr.Fairfield!” They laugh again and after sitting on the boat and having a chugging contest, they decide to go up to the tiki bar for shots. Preston’s father, who is a wealthy retiree has been drinking most of the day. He clinks his glass with a stir stick. “Folks, I have an announcement,” he says excitedly. “My heart has been stolen by this young woman and we would like you all to come with us to Anguilla to celebrate our nuptials!” Preston grins as this is very much in character with his old man’s personality. He’s always done exactly what he wanted. His dad continues, “There’s a motto I’ve lived by which is, when you see something you want, go after it and don’t let anything stop you. When I first met Pam, I knew I would make her my wife. Now we are getting married.” Everyone at the bar cheers and Preston claps entertained by his chummy father. Preston raises his drink, “cheers to you guys!”

  Everyone orders food out on the deck and eat to their heart’s content. They drink until the late hours of the night and everyone takes a taxi home to their big houses. The next morning Preston wakes up in his old room from high school with a terrible hangover. His father pops his head in the room wearing a pink shirt with read lobsters. Preston says, “what was Tommy Bahama smoking when he made that shirt pops?” His father smiles and says, “you’re just jealous. Listen Pam and I are going to breakfast and her daughter’s coming. You’ve been on the road so much you haven’t had a chance to get to know her. Since she’s going to be a part of the family now, you should come.” Preston groans, “my head feels like an atomic bomb went off in it. Can I just be really happy for you from here in the comfort of my bed?”

  His dad knows his son too well, “I guess I’ll have to enjoy their bloody mary bar by myself then?” Preston’s ears perk up at this and he says, “wait I’ll come.” He throws on a pair of J.Crew turquoise shorts and a blue striped polo shirt. He stands up and puts his hand on his head. “Jesus, how do you have so much energy?” His dad laughs, “Probably all the sex.” Preston throws his pillow at his dad. “Gross!”

  They arrive at the restaurant and Pam is sitting next to a tall blonde model who is thin and wearing a revealing top. Pam get’s up excited to see the boys. Pam introduces her daughter to Preston and says, “this is my daughter Renee.” Renee shakes his hand and thinks to herself what gorgeous eyes Preston has. She notices his biceps bulging from his polo shirt. Preston is six foot four and extremely buff. He has a scruffy beard and a jovial personality. He tries to bite his tongue and not comment on how hot Renee is. “Nice to meet you,” he says as his body temperature goes up.

  His dad says, “well I’m heading to the bloody mary bar,” and walks away. Preston jumps up, “oh yeah! Me too!” Pam laughs, “you two are so similar.” The boys stuff their drinks with olives, cucumbers, lemons and celery and return to the table. Pam says, “so Preston, since you start training again soon, we pushed up the wedding date to make sure you could come!” Preston says, “wow guys, that’s really cool!” His dad smiles and says, “yup we leave in a week!” They all cheers and Renee smiles and looks at Preston as she drinks. Their eyes lock for a moment and he thinks, damn hottest step sister ever!

  Renee says, “Preston your dad is great. He comes over and cooks us lobster all the time. My friends love him because he always brings the best wine and they always come over when he’s cooking.” Preston smiles, “that’s my old man! Always the life of the party!” Preston flashes a smile at Renee who is struck by his good looks. His perfect white teeth and chisell
ed features are hard not to stare at. Pam says, “we were saying yesterday how lucky we are to have the most successful kids on the whole island.” Preston raises an eyebrow and says in a sarcastic tone, “and the best looking.”

  Pam says, “well that is true, Renee just got back from Fashion week in Milan.” Preston says, “well she takes after her mother hey pops?” His dad is looking through his reading glasses at the menu and says, “I have always had good taste, which is why I’m going for the breakfast salmon cake special.” Preston chuckles as he he leans back and laughs at his father. He catches Renee’s eyes again and realizes she is probably the most attractive girl he’s ever seen. He finds himself wondering if she’s single and then stops himself and thinks, wait she’s going to be family.

  The food arrives they all enjoy their dishes to the last crumb. As he takes the last bite, leaning back, Preston’s father says, “hey guys why don’t you go shopping for the trip on me!” He hands Preston his black American Express card which has an unlimited spending amount. Preston, who has more clothes than he possibly needs and makes great money, never turns down the opportunity to buy more. Preston said, “Dad are you trying to get rid of us so you guys can have the house to yourself?” He punches him in the shoulder. His father says, “yup! Now get out of here!” They all laugh and get up to go. His father says, “alright Preston you take my car to the mall and we’ll take Pam’s.”

  Preston opens the door for Renee as he is used to doing for women. He gets into the brand new Mercedes SLR and says, “alright, time for a joyride.” Renee laughs and says, “that was so nice of him. I don’t even need clothes but if he likes to be generous then I can spend!” The two spoiled kids drive the car to the mall and go to the most expensive stores. They buys expensive sunglasses and then go to Bloomingdale’s to look at bathingsuits. When they get to the women’s department Preston who has only just met his soon to be step sister says, “I’m gonna go to the men’s department, I’ll meet you back here. Girls always take longer than guys.” He walks away without getting her number.

  He goes to the men’s department and finds a few bathing suits he loves in his size. He then realizes he has the card so he waits to purchase his stuff. He wanders back to the women’s department and looks around for Renee. He doesn’t see her anywhere and thinks she might be in the changing room so he walks up and sees her in a red bikini standing in front of the mirror. She is drop dead gorgeous and Preston’s jaw literally falls open.

  Renee turns around, “hey!” She says with a smile, “do you like it?” She is very insecure and takes a long time to buy things. She over analyzes every piece of clothing and outfit hoping to look better than the other women. She still thinks she looks overweight even though she’s far underweight. “I think it makes my ass look bigger than it is,” she says looking behind her in the mirror. He says, “looks good to me.” She smiles and says, “are you sure?” He says, “yeah it’s cool.” She says, “ok, you can’t lie to me since we’re practically family, so I’ll get it.” Preston feels a little awkward staring at his soon to be stepsister half naked.

  After they pay Preston drops her back at her Mom’s house and as she get’s out of the car, there’s a tension in the air. Renee says, “by the way, if you’re single, I can hook you up with some of my really hot friends, they would love you.” Preston says, “wow, that’s sweet! Thanks!” She smiles and grabs all of her bags and slams the door shut. Preston tries not to sneak a peek at her short shorts as she walks away. Get it together man! He says to himself. He looks at his phone and sees a friend request from Renee and he feels excited. He decides to wait and not add her right away which is what he usually does when he’s interested in a girl.

  Chapter 2: The Wedding

  The morning of their departure for Anguilla arrives and they all four drive together to the airport. There are a lot of bags and some of them are taking up one seat in the back. Preston and Renee are squished next to each other and their legs touch. Preston feels a rush of energy go through his body when her soft leg touches his. He tries to distract himself and says, “so guys what is there to do on this island?” Pam says, “well it’s one of the most romantic islands so there are a lot of couples activities, and since most of our friends are couples we figured they would like it and it’s a great place to get married.”

  His Dad chimes in, “I hear there are a lot of young Europeans that tour here too so you guys will probably meet some people your age. And I hear they have a great night life!” Both Renee and Preston’s ears perk up at this as they both like to party. “Cool!” Renee says. As they arrive at the airport, Renee tries to open her door but her long nails aren’t letting her grip the handle so Preston reaches over to help her but accidentally grazes her boob, “oops sorry,” he says as he opens the door. Renee sees his perfectly chiseled arm in front of her. “Thanks,” she says, ignoring the accidental boob graze.

  They get on the plane and of course the parent’s want to sit next to each other and the other two seats are way at the back of the plane. Preston, who is a big athlete takes up his seat and then some. Renee tries to be friendly and asks him if he wants to watch a movie. He says, “sure you pick it.” The flight attendant comes by and offers cocktails and they both order a vodka soda. Renee laughs, “I see we have the same taste.” Preston takes a big sip, drinking half of his drink and responds, “I too have to watch my girlish figure.” He laughs.

  The woman sitting next to Renee is a pretty famous personal trainer and Renee recognizes her from her social media. She smiles and says hello. She asks Renee if they are married and she says no we are going to be siblings. She smiles and looks at Preston. The woman says, “oh congrats to your parents.” The famous trainer continues to make small talk with Renee and asks her what she does for a living. Renee likes to tell people she’s a model because they are usually impressed. The strong woman scowls and says with a smile, “so what are you going to do later?” Renee says, “I don’t know, maybe run a modeling agency or something?” Preston says, “marry a rich guy?” The woman looks at Preston with a look that says please!. “I wish you young people were taught to think about the future more. Marrying for money is like shooting yourself in the foot. It’s like saying here I’ll do what you want as long as you give me money. It’s really fucked up.” Preston laughs, “awe common I was just joking.”

  The woman says, “what do you plan on doing to change the world sweetie?” Renee looks at her blankly. The woman says, “if you’re ever interested in helping people, I run a non-profit that helps starving children get access to food in other countries. Here’s my number.” She sips her tea and opens a book. Renee says, “thanks,” and puts the card in her wallet. Renee pulls out her mirror and looks at herself. She fixes her makeup and then opens a Vogue magazine. Preston says, “holy shit! Is that you?” Renee smiles and says, “mmhmm.” The woman next to her glances over, “I’m sorry but don’t you realize that you’re a part of making young girls who are naturally big boned and muscular have body image issues? You might be naturally thin but many women are naturally beautiful in other ways.” Renee doesn’t know what to say and says, “I guess I could umm donate some of the money to a girl’s charity or something.”

  Renee’s mother, who has lots of makeup and big fake boobs walks up and says, “honey did you bring your straightener?” Renee says, “yeah why?” Her mom says, “I know it’s going to be humid so I’m going to need to borrow it when we get there.” Renee says, “ok Mom, I’ll give it to you when we get our bags. Yay you’re getting married!” Her mom laughs and says, “I know we are celebrating up here with champagne!” She walks away and the men in the aisle stare at her. She’s a really attractive older woman and knows it. She definitely spends a lot of time grooming herself and she loves compliments.

  Preston says, “all my guy friends think your mom is so hot.” Renee says, “I know isn’t she?” The trainer next her Renee says, “all you guys care about is looks but what happens when you get old and those
looks fade? What will make you happy then?” Renee says with total conviction, “I don’t know maybe that’s what Botox is for?” The woman shakes her head and goes back to her book.

  Renee looks at Preston like, what the fuck?! And Preston lifts his eyebrows as if to say, what is that lady’s problem? They decide to start a movie and watch ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith.’ As the movie heats up, Preston feels himself getting aroused. His eyes begin to wander away from the screen and towards Renee’s legs. She leans forward to grab something out of her bag and he glances at her exposed back. An image flashes into his mind of him behind her. He tries to shake it off.

  The plane lands and Renee smiles as she stands up to get out of the plane. Her boobs are practically hanging out of her shirt and Preston tries not to look. They all get to the hotel to check in and from the lobby they can see the infinity pool that is spilling over into the crystal blue ocean. Large cabanas surround the pool and pool boys walk around with trays of drinks. Pam says, “I think we have enough time to hit up the pool for lunch before we need to get ready for the rehearsal dinner.” Preston sees one of the waitresses who is wearing a bikini top and short shorts. Her long curly brown hair is wild in the soft island wind. Preston plots a way to hit on her as her skin looks so delicious. Preston is the type of guy that always get’s what he wants. Renee sees him eyeing this girl and sees how his eyes wander unashamed. She likes that he is not ashamed to be attracted to people and she glances around the pool for any eligible attractive men.


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