Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild

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Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild Page 6

by Napoli, Natalia

  Katie feels safe and comfortable. She feels beautiful and confident. He starts to move his finger inside of her as he kisses her. He holds the back of her head softly and moves so he is laying on top of her, gently moving his fingers in and out of her. He slowly starts to move down and gently kisses her breasts. He moves his lips onto her stomach and down between her legs. He puts her legs on his shoulders and presses into her with his tongue.

  Katie is totally relaxed and begins to feel like she’s going to climax. She let’s herself go completely and enjoys the experience of receiving. She can tell Alfred is enjoying himself as he smiles and looks at her. He slides his fingers inside of her as he continues to lick her clit. She is completely enraptured in the moment, unaware of her surroundings. She starts to climax and grabs his hair. He presses his mouth harder onto her, merging with her. As she orgasms, she can tell Alfred is really turned on by all of it. While she orgasms she looks at his beautiful shoulders and strong arms holding her. They are nothing but wild, they are free and between them is nothing but love. Katie knows, this freedom, this depth and raw emotion is the real fun part of college.

  Fiery Passion: A Dragon Paranormal Romance

  Chapter One

  Lila couldn’t be having a worse day. She just shook her head at everything that was going on, trying to keep her eyes averted to the ground. The rain poured down around her, and she was starting to get chilled. Standing under the ledge to keep from getting soaked wasn’t going to work much longer. It had been a long, stressful day at work, and she just wanted to go grab a cup of coffee and get home.

  Sadly, it didn’t seem like her plans were going to happen. Why me? She groaned inwardly. That’s when she darted out, running a little ways with her heels skidding across the slippery sidewalk. Luckily, there wasn’t that many people out as she moved this way and that. She dodged one woman, who yelled after her angrily. Shouting an apology she kept going as the rain picked up and she was stuck under another ledge, groaning out loud this time.

  “You don’t have an umbrella, do you?” Came a cool, level voice.

  Lila jumped as she looked up at him. He was standing in front of her with his polished black leather shoes, perfectly fitting slacks, and a deep blood red button up. He smiled at her kindly, but there was something about his eyes that just seemed dangerous. Lila was caught in his gaze. She couldn’t seem to look away.

  “No.” She finally managed to say, and he just chuckled. It was deep and rich.

  “Then get under mine, and we’ll walk to the coffee shop. We can wait out the rain.” He said kindly, and for a moment Lila hesitated.

  “I don’t bite.” He laughed, and she looked sheepish.

  “Sure.” She said, and he made sure to tilt the umbrella over to her so she wouldn’t have to walk too close. She was surprised by the amount of heat that he was putting out, but she shrugged it off. Looking down at the ground, they walked the next two blocks in silence.

  “Are you going to tell me your name?” He asked, and she looked up at him, nearly startled.

  “You haven’t introduced yourself either.” She said, shaking her head. “Lila.” She continued.

  “That’s a beautiful name. My name is Adam, and I think we’re here.” He said, opening the door as he did.

  “I don’t get you.” She said.

  “Don’t get what?” He answered, and they walked up to the counter.

  “Why you’re being nice to a total stranger.” She said, looking at him bewildered.

  “Does it count that you’re pretty?” He asked, waggling an eyebrow at her, causing her to laugh.

  “I suppose if that’s your reason.” She said, giggling with a slight blush to her cheeks.

  “Just one of. Now what would you like?” He asked, as the person behind them patiently waited for them to order.

  “French vanilla latte.” She answered, going to pull out her money, but he shook his head.

  “I got it.” He said, swiping a credit card before they waited.

  “So only one of?” She asked, and he laughed.

  “You’re not going to let that go, are you?” Adam asked, causing Lila’s smile to widen just a little.

  “Nope.” She said as they were handed their coffee. He ushered her to a seat, pulling the chair out for her.

  “Well the other was so that I could get this date.” He said, and she quirked a brow.

  “Date?” She asked before taking stock of everything that was going on around her. She couldn’t help but to giggle, tilting her head back to laugh.

  “You did sucker me into a date.” She exclaimed, and he looked at her coolly. A flash of something was seen in his eyes that made her unable to look away, and yet she couldn’t figure out why.

  “I think you’re a willing party.” He said with a wink before taking a sip of his own coffee.

  “Yeah, sure.” She said, and he took her hand. She was once again surprised by the warmth of his hand as he looked at her intently.

  “You can take my umbrella and leave if you aren’t. I will not hold you here, Lila.” He said, and his words struck her.

  So many people today had tried to force her to do what they wanted. Her family. Her friends. Her workplace, and yet here was this total stranger that wasn’t trying to force anything on her. Just enjoying my company. She thought. It made her happy, and she shook her head before taking another sip.

  “I’m fine here. Thanks.” She said, and they started to talk. She talked with him more than she had expected.

  He even bought another cup of coffee as she learned all the normal things. His favorite food, his favorite color, what he did in his spare time. He listened intently to whatever she had to say, and there was a few things that he avoided talking about. He didn’t seem to want to talk about his job or anything like that, but he had no problem talking about himself.

  He seemed to love hearing Lila speak of her own troubles and her own hopes. She hadn’t shared this much with someone in a long time. I’m not one to make friends. She thought, but quickly she pushed the thought away. She looked at the time before sighing.

  “I think I need to leave.” She said.

  “Oh, I suppose it is getting late.” He agreed, and that’s when he clicked a pen out of his pocket and grabbed a napkin.

  “Here. Call me if you ever get stuck in the rain again.” He said.

  “I have somewhere to be too. Would you like me to drop you off wherever you’re going? My car will be here soon.” He asked, but Lila shook her head.

  “No. I’ll be fine.” Thank you, and sure enough only a phone call and a few minutes later, a car came to pick him up. Lila was left with a phone number and an umbrella. It was a short walk home, and surprisingly it was still sprinkling. With his umbrella, she made it home dry, but the night seemed a little colder without him by her side. Lila tried to shake off those feelings.

  Chapter Two

  In comparison, the next day was something that she could barely stand it. It was another day of pushy employers, and she was thankful that they didn’t talk about jobs the night before. After all, she was just a secretary, and that wasn’t something that she wanted to admit to. Sure, there was a part of her that wanted to climb the cooperate ladder, but there was a much stronger part that just didn’t feel right there in the office at all.

  She couldn’t help but to shake her head as she finished filing the paperwork, and that’s when she decided to take a break. She once again looked at the number that she had put into her pocket, and for just a moment she thought about calling it. I’m at work. She reasoned, knowing that she couldn’t just ditch everything for a little excitement.

  He’s probably at work too. She thought before she finished grabbing a cup of coffee from the break room, remembering his own warmth. She didn’t know why she was thinking of him so much, but she couldn’t help it. Lila hadn’t had something exciting in her life in a while, and a little excitement no matter where it stemmed from was welcome because of it.

“What are you staring off at?” Allen said as he slammed a pile of paperwork down on her desk. He frowned, and she just rolled her eyes.

  “You really shouldn’t do that to someone above you.” He snapped.

  “You really shouldn’t be so hurt that someone won’t go out with you. Do I need to talk to HR again?” She snapped back, and he just walked away without saying a word.

  She looked at the paperwork he had just put down on her desk, and it was a mountain’s worth. She couldn’t stand it, but she started to work anyways. The rest of the day was monotonous because of it, but she continued on with her work anyways. She knew she needed the money, and that was something that Lila hated. She wanted to do something else, but there was nothing else to do. This is my job. She told herself, and Lila couldn’t be happier when she finally got to clock out.

  “Watch where you’re going.” Someone gripped at her, and she nearly jumped out of her skin as she realized she had almost bumped into someone going out of the elevator.

  With his tone, he didn’t even bother to apologize. There didn’t seem to be a reason. Instead, Lila decided to do something crazy. She pulled out the number, but she didn’t have the courage to call him. Instead, she texted, asking if they could meet up. She didn’t expect the reply to be so sudden, but her phone started buzzing away. It was a text message, and it was a long one.

  She looked down at her phone, seeing the address splayed out with instructions to wait for a car there. He said that he was happy to see her soon, and she couldn’t understand why he was insisting on picking her up. Lila just shrugged as she started. It wasn’t too far away, and it was just a block or two from the coffee shop that they had agreed to go to yesterday.

  Lila tried to keep her excitement in check, but it was harder with each and every step. She wanted a little excitement. She wanted to see him again, and she couldn’t help but to shake her head with a smile on her face as she stood there on the corner, waiting for him. When the black car pulled around, she just beamed even more, but then she saw someone step out that wasn’t Adam. He walked around the car before opening the door.

  “Mr. Barret asked me to pick you up.” He said, and she looked at him confused.

  “Adam?” She inquired, and the guy nodded.

  Alarms went off, but she ignored them. I did ask for excitement. She thought to herself as she slipped into the car. It was just a short trip before they stopped in front of a nice Italian restaurant, and she gave him a puzzled look. He went over to open the door for her, telling her that Adam could be found inside. Lila went a little closer to the door, and immediately she felt out of place. Turning back crossed her mind, but she refused to allow herself too. She knew that she needed to do this. I’m the one that texted him. She thought. The hostess looked at her with a fake smile. She could see the judgement in her eyes.

  “May I help you?” She asked.

  “Yeah, I’m looking for Adam.” She said. “Adam Barret.” She answered, watching the hostess’ eyes go wide before she ushered her further inside.

  “Of course, of course. Right this way, ma’am.” She said, leading the way, and Lila was lead through the main dining room to a private room. It overlooked the river, and Adam smiled at her.

  “When you texted, I thought you might be hungry.” He said with that warm smile of his.

  “Yes, but isn’t this a little elaborate?” She asked, heat flushing to her cheeks.

  “Well count this as our second date.” He said, shrugging casually.

  “Will I ever get a chance to get ready for one of these dates?” She questioned as he pulled the chair out for her, and his smile was mischievous.

  “What is on your mind?” She asked, and he held up a finger. The waiter came, and he smiled at them. Before she could order, he took the lead, ordering in perfect Italian. She looked at him, clearly impressed.

  “So you order for me now?” She asked, and he shrugged.

  “I want to help you try new things.” He said, and there was that flash in his eyes again. He studied her intently as she shook her head, trying to clear her mind.

  “I suppose I can deal with that. You seem to like taking the lead.” Lila told him, and he just laughed. Adam couldn’t help but to agree. If only you knew. He thought, waiting for their wine to arrive.

  “I’m only 20.” She said, and he shrugged.

  “I don’t care if you don’t, but if you’d prefer something else I can have it fetched.” He told her, but before he could even get it all the way out she took a sip before making a face at the white wine.

  “How about I get you a blush?” He said, making her blush.

  “I’d make a joke that you already have one, but I think that’d be cheesy.” He told her before ordering a blush for her.

  Adam didn’t even wait for her to answer, and she just smiled at him the entire time. Dinner came, and she didn’t realize how much she was enjoying herself until she knew that everything was coming to a close. In the back room, she forgot how far out of place she had felt with everyone dressed up nicely in the other room. Even with him in his suit, she didn’t feel as bad as he prattled on about flowers and foods.

  They even talked about their favorite tree and where they’d go on vacation if they got the chance to go anywhere they’d like. Neither of them seemed to care too much for travel, and both of them picked the woods. He told her that he’d love to take her, but the comment was quickly brushed aside. So quickly that she barely remembered that he said it. He elegantly led the conversation, and Lila was more than happy to let someone else take the reins for once. Every time her glass was empty, he called to have it refilled. He just shook his head as she giggled the night away, and her plate was soon empty. Lila felt fuller than she had before.

  “Desert?” He asked, but she went to shake her head, still giggling.

  “No, no, I shouldn’t.” She said, and he clenched his teeth just a little before relaxing. It was like his entire body tensed up.

  “You’ll love it.” He said, ordering for the both of them, and with him taking command once more she could feel the rush of excitement as it ran through her body. Lila did love the dessert. The chocolate mousse with a touch of raspberry was better than she could have hoped for, and another glass of wine later and they were done.

  “This was wonderful.” She said, and he just nodded. He started to help her up, offering his arm when she stumbled. She walked out, smiling smugly at the hostess that had once snubbed her. The woman just glared at her, which only gave her a little more pride. There was a car already waiting for them, and he opened the door before getting in the back seat beside her. She leaned on his shoulder as the driver gave them a look. James had always been the nosey type, but he liked him as an advisor, and so he didn’t say anything at all.

  “Where are we going?” She whined in that cute way of hers. He shook his head before brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. He could feel the heat and desire radiating off of her, and he leaned down to brush his lips against hers. It was just like he thought when she moaned into the kiss, opening her mouth to let him in. his tongue brushed over her own, and she mewled cutely as he pulled away. Her lips were tingling, and she looked up at him, clearly waiting for her response.

  “Where you can get rid of that alcohol in a safe place. We’re going to my house.” He said.

  “I’d like to do more than that.” She giggled, but she didn’t say anything else.

  Chapter Three

  Despite her attentions, Lila fell asleep before they got to his house. He couldn’t help but to chuckle a little at the notion. Picking her up in his well-muscled arms, he carried her into the house before putting her in one of the nicer guestrooms. Tucking her in, he laid out a nightgown for her to change into if she wanted, and there was a note that he put by her bedside. He could feel the ache of desire, as he wanted to do more, but he couldn’t do it. Not like this, but soon. He reminded himself.

  James was waiting for him in the living room, and he just lea
ned against the doorway giving him that look. He tried to ignore it, but it was easier said than done. Something about James always got under Adam’s skin, and worse yet, James knew it. He just shook his head, going to the kitchen to make a Whiskey Sour.

  “What?” Adam asked before James sighed again.

  “You know she’s not one of us.” He said.

  “Your point?” Adam asked.

  “My point is that you need to choose a mate, and you know it. There will be people that will rise up against you if you don’t take one soon. It makes you feel weak. Dragon’s don’t take to weak.” He scolded Adam.

  “I don’t care if you’re my bodyguard, you can’t say things like that.” Adam said, trying to tease him and lighten up the mood some.

  “Not helping the situation. Is this your mate?” He growled.

  “Not sure yet. How about you just deal with it for now and I’ll see.” He told James.

  “You’ll have to tell her eventually. Then we’ll see what the girl is made of.” James told him, and that was the last thing James said before he started to walk away.

  “Night!” He called out, but James just snorted. It was clear that he was very annoyed by it all.

  For now, I’m still in charge. He thought to himself, but he knew that James was wise in his words. He thought about it for a moment. Could she be my mate? She hasn’t run away yet. I like her. She’s beautiful. Comparable to any dragon shifter. He ran through the options in his head, but he just wasn’t sure. Not yet. She might just be a fling.


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