Earth's Mark (Lords of Krete Book 2)

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Earth's Mark (Lords of Krete Book 2) Page 1

by Rachael Slate

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  She’s hiding within herself

  Kleoptoleme of the Amazons will have no man. Despite being in charge of the annual mating season, she won’t ever surrender her body—or her heart—again. Not after a great loss left her hollow inside. But her encounter with a provocative bear shifter just might change all that.

  He’ll scour the earth for his mark

  Lord Arctus of Krete has spent months searching for the Amazons’ secret camp. Desperate for an army to overthrow the illegitimate King Minos, he’ll agree to any terms—even becoming the breeding male of the alluring Kleo. To prove his worth and secure her aid, he’ll have to challenge her—to a duel of hearts.

  Together, they’ll thrive; apart, they’ll shrivel into nothingness

  Love entwines about their hearts, but the darkness from Kleo’s past threatens to sever their bond. And it will take every ounce of their will to find a way to grow new roots together.

  Earth’s Mark

  Lords of Krete #2

  Rachael Slate


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  Silver Metals

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11




  Meet Rachael

  Free Reads!

  Also by Rachael Slate

  Preview of Air’s Mark

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2017 by Rachael Slate

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  First Edition August 2017

  Edited by Kelley Heckart

  Cover design by NovelArt Designs

  Tribal Artwork by Alyssa Renae White

  Formatting by NovelArt Designs

  Epub: ISBN 978-1-988396-23-1

  Kindle: ISBN 978-1-988396-22-4

  Silver Metals

  When the Olympian gods overthrew the Titans, they divided the rule of the world. Zeus proclaimed himself Supreme Ruler and governed the skies. Poseidon claimed the oceans. The Underworld, and the souls of the dead, fell to Hades. All were content with the arrangement.

  Until Hades met Persephone.

  Their forbidden love blasted through Mt. Olympus, initiating a cataclysmic rift between the gods. The imbalance in the heavens nearly shattered the fragile human world below. In punishment, Zeus cursed Persephone. Nine months of each year, she would remain by her mother’s side, tending to the human harvests. The other three months were hers to spend with her husband, Hades, in the Underworld.

  The arrangement pleased none.

  Centuries have passed. As humans turn their devotion to Science, the powers of the Olympian gods diminish. In an attempt to regenerate their divinity, the gods have procreated, breeding new species of being—such as centaurs, winged ones, and mermaydes. With the unique strengths of their individual godly parents, these descendants have thrived in their own worlds, alongside humans but hidden from view.

  The rift in Olympus widens as each god gains new strength. When the Fates intervene with a damning wager, these descendants become the answer to Persephone’s curse. Hades and Persephone’s quest to reclaim their love will pit god against god, in a tournament unmatched since time began. Victory will lie in the union of warriors—exceptional females who control the elements and the males whose love makes them strong.

  If they succeed, love will be theirs to claim.

  But if they fail, their love will fall to ruin.

  It is the eve of war, and the battle for the power of Silver Metals begins now.

  Chapter 1

  Caucasus Mountains, spring

  Year 579 of the reign of Queen Hippolyta III

  Kleoptoleme of the Amazons hunted alone. Always. She wound her arm and prepared to launch her spear at the deer crossing the meadow. Squinting, she aimed, but a flurry of silver brown flashed between her and the deer, scaring away her prey. Damn. She swung her weapon toward the intruder and inhaled a sharp breath. A bear.

  Its lustrous hide glistening, the colossal beast stormed past her view, into the woods. That hue, that rich velvety fur. How the others would envy her if she donned such a glorious hide.

  She crept forward, switching the hunt to the bear instead. Those beasts were sacred to her goddess, Artemis, and surely one crossing her path was a good omen.

  Mayhap, this mating season wouldn’t be as disastrous as her last.

  Blending into the forest around her, Kleo stole toward the beast. It had paused by a stream. Sweet goddess, he was even more enormous and magnificent than upon her first glimpse. The early morning rays of the sun glimmered across his luxurious fur. Determination flooding her veins, she aimed and flung her spear, a war cry on her lips.

  A perfect kill shot.

  Except, the beast swung a massive paw toward her spear and swiped it aside, then targeted its menacing brown glower upon her.

  Swiftly, Kleo flamed her argent powers across her hand and the spear flew straight to her palm. What was this beast? Just as she was about to aim again, the creature’s body shuddered, his fur rippling and…dissolving? She gasped and seized a step backward. That was no ordinary bear.

  A shimmer of light condensed around him, making her wince at the brightness, until it vanished and in the bear’s place rested a man. On his hands and knees, he rumbled a fierce growl at her, his eyes burning like burnished bronze.

  The spear quivered in her hands, but she steadied herself and mirrored his glare. Right. He was trespassing on Amazon lands. If he shifted into a bear form, had Artemis granted him permission?

  She bit her lip in indecision.

  “Lass, if you’re going to shoot at me again, you’d better not miss.” The timbre of his voice was deep and darkly masculine, his accent unusual in its lilting burr. He must have come from far away. Slowly, he rose, his calculating scrutiny not leaving hers. Those depths, they offered warmth like the glow of a cozy hearth, ensnaring her as he stalked ever closer. A dense clustering of curled lashes outlined them in charcoal. His heavy brows were drawn low, beckoning her into those scintillating pools.

  Shaking herself, she raised her spear. “Oh, trust me, I w
on’t.” Sweeping her arm forward, she aimed the tip of her spear toward his throat. “Not another step. Explain what you’re doing on Amazon lands, or I’ll not hesitate.”

  The corner of his sensuous lips quirked, luring her focus to the strong line of his jaw. Everything about this man dripped temptation and luxurious masculinity. Either that, or she’d gone far too long without a male’s company. His chiseled chest bare, he wore dark leather breeches molded to thick, robust thighs, and tall boots. His shoulders were impossibly broad, his arms brawny and powerful. Every hardened edge of him was sculpted to precise perfection, as though he were as much a bear in human form as in his animal state. Even his locks were clipped short and gleamed the same silver brown as his fur.

  “Amazon lands?” He rocked back on his feet and smirked. “Are you their Queen then?”

  “Of course not.” She scoffed. Why would he assume such?

  “Ah, forgive me.” He nodded in assessment. “You seem so regal.”

  Regal? Ha. Their true Queen, Hippolyta III, was devastating in her presence. Her stare alone made men soil their breeches.

  “Be thankful I am not. Who are you and why have you come here? Answer wisely,” she stepped forward and traced the spear’s tip along his throat, “for your intrusion alone is cause for your execution.”

  Arctus grinned at the lovely female aiming a spear at his throat. Such fire sparked in her pale, hyacinth-hued depths. What luck, to have stumbled across her. “Ah, pray pardon. I am Lord Arctus of Krete.”

  Her eyes narrowed even further. “Krete is under the rule of King Minos.”

  He clenched his fist at his side. “Aye. For the moment.” Relaxing his grasp, he bowed his head. “I have come to request the aid of the Amazons in overthrowing the tyrannical rule of King Minos and restoring our rightful King upon the centaur throne.”

  “Centaur?” The beauty frowned at him through densely curled lashes.

  In answer, he flashed into his centaur form and stamped his front hoof. “Aye, Alala.” War cry. That terrifying shriek of hers could have struck any creature dead.

  She was tall, but even so, the top of her head didn’t meet his nose. Tipping her burgundy locks to the side, she studied him. Her elbow-length hair was plaited in dozens of twisting braids. Pursing her wine-red lips, she planted her hands on her hips. Her high boots nearly met the hem of her ivory chiton, which grazed her toned legs mid-thigh and was pinned at one shoulder. The fabric fell in delicate folds across her lush curves, and his throat grew a little drier. Much time had passed since he’d contemplated anything other than revenge.

  “No.” Her nose scrunched in dismissal and she veered from him, toward the woods whence she’d appeared.

  “No?” he barked after her, but the maiden vanished into the forest. As swiftly as she’d arrived.

  Damn Hades.

  Arctus scraped a hand across his jaw. He’d anticipated a good many things, but not being declined outright. Not like that. Not after months of searching for this place. And certainly not with the goddess Artemis’s reassurance.

  Well, he hadn’t ventured this far from his homeland to be turned away at the first rejection. After gathering his sack, he shifted into his human shape and tracked the path she’d taken. She couldn’t have gone far. He sniffed the air and caught her scent. Warm, inviting, and sweet like the nectar of a new bloom.

  A clash of metal against metal clanged through the air. Up ahead. Aye, this was good. He raced toward the sounds of sparring. Heavy breaths, scuffled footsteps, and steely clamor. Arctus passed through a low stone wall toward an open field surrounded by mountainous caves. No one stopped him, probably because a throng of female warriors gathered in a circle around an arena, hollering toward a pair of combatants.

  Not just any fighters. A male and an Amazon. The adept female knocked her opponent to his knees, yet, instead of declaring his defeat, she stabbed him clean through with her broad sword. Blood dribbling from his mouth, he gurgled and swayed, before crashing to the earthen ground.

  Sweet gods, what madness was this?

  The Amazons around her walloped a fierce series of cries, offering their appreciation of her efforts. The warrior plucked her blade free and wiped it on the high grass surrounding the arena. Then she clucked dismissively at her victim. “You shouldn’t have come back for a third try. Warned you.”

  Arctus froze in his advance and dropped his sack. What in Hades did that mean?

  As he was about to reassess his approach, the throng of warriors whirled toward him. Immediately, their cries died on their lips and they surrounded him, lethal spear tips poised at his throat. He raised his hands in placation, but the females hissed.

  One stepped forward. “Why have you ventured to our lands during our sacred mating season, male?”

  He stiffened. Mating season? “Ah…”

  “Well, pick a female to challenge or find yourself relieved of your,” her scrutiny dipped to his groin, “more defining characteristics.”

  Swallowing thickly, he assessed her words. “Pick a female?”

  “The only males permitted here are the ones we breed with. If you’ve come for anything else, you won’t be leaving. Intact.”

  Bloody hell. What had he walked into? Damned enchanting female had distracted him. Might as well choose her to suffer this fate along with him.

  “I don’t know her name.” He regarded the leader. “She has lovely hyacinth eyes and dark burgundy hair, and,” he wove his hands in front of him, “delightful curves.”

  “Kleo.” A few shocked murmurs arose around him, the females crooning her name.

  “You don’t truly mean her, do you?” The leader tsked. “You’re either the bravest male, or the most foolish. Probably the latter.”

  He folded his arms and ignored her taunt. “Aye, that’s exactly who I mean.”

  “Kleoptoleme!” the maiden called toward one of the caves. “You have a challenger.”

  Kleo froze at the trill of Ainia’s voice. The female was in charge of the testing. Surely, Ainia had meant someone else.

  No one had challenged Kleo in two dozen years. None had won since Sinon. Her hand dropped to her belly and a pang fluttered inside her heart.

  She shoved her emotions aside and strode from her dwelling. Bracing an arm above her eyes, she squinted toward the arena. Damn, not him.

  How had he followed her? Blasted centaur senses. She ought to have covered her trail better. By Artemis, why had he requested her? She stormed to the arena, through the parting in the crowd. “I’m not going to fight you, centaur. You may choose someone else.” She swept a hand toward the throng of chittering females. Of course, this would draw their gossip.

  “I came here seeking you, Kleoptoleme.” Ah, so did he think knowing her name would grant him an audience?

  “I said, choose another.” Huffing, she headed toward her cave.


  Irksome male. Surely, he knew he had to fight, right?

  “If you don’t fight, you won’t leave alive,” Ainia droned.

  “Then I guess this is my execution, heh.”

  Damn him. Kleo fisted her hands at her side and contemplated strolling inside her cave. Her sisters would be swift. The male wouldn’t suffer.

  His death would still be my fault.

  She hung her head, bowing her shoulders. Stop this madness and make him choose another. Straightening, she spun on her heel and marched straight to the arena, the crowd parting again for her. “I fear you don’t grasp this process, centaur.”

  “Oh, aye.” He folded his brawny arms across his chest and jerked his chin toward a corpse in the field. “I saw a demonstration earlier.”

  She perched her hands on her hips. What was his game? “No one challenges me,” she edged closer, “because they don’t win. Do you understand? Hmm? No one has bested me in decades. Choose another and save yourself.”

  “Mmm.” He rubbed the side of his neck. “When I win, I’m permitted to bed that female, correct?”
  “Yes.” She fought against rolling her eyes. “You must prove yourself worthy of breeding an Amazon, that your offspring would make a great warrior for either of our clans.”

  He leaned forward and purred against her ear, “Well then, lass, it’s you I choose.”

  Kleo clenched her hands. Now, she wanted to kill him, just to wipe the wickedly confident smirk off his handsome face. She waved for a weapon. “Fine. Enjoy your last breaths.”

  “Oh, I have an inkling we’ll both be doing a lot more than breathing soon enough.”

  Ugh. Males.

  One of the warriors handed her a pair of light blades. She sliced them through the air and assessed her opponent. “What weapon will you choose?”

  His warm stare passed over the generous selection piled in one corner before settling atop her once more. “None.”

  His arrogance would soon mean his end. Kleo blinked in resignation. He was massive and solid, but no more so than other opponents she’d faced. And bested. Hundreds of times.

  “Send my best to Hades.” She charged forward, slashing her knives. Arctus dodged her blows, more nimble than she’d anticipated for his large frame. Reassessing, she spun about, bracing for his attack, but he simply stood, awaiting her.

  A trick?

  “Forgive me, but you’ll have to send another messenger.” He cast her a broad, easy grin. “I’m nowhere near surrender.”


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