Loving Their Dream Weaver

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by Loving Their Dream Weaver (lit)

  As Liam expected, the farm hand Aaron never returned to work. He informed the police detective, who took the report with little interest. They also shared the information with Roane, who offered to track him down. While McKenzie men were law-abiding, this was personal. Unless necessary, they decided to deal with it themselves. The police had ranked this as a low priority case and didn’t care that Suz’s work would keep the world turning.

  The evening the loom was back together, redressed, and ready to work, they invited everyone who had helped to a thank you dinner. A local restaurant catered the chicken and pork BBQ along with potato salad, coleslaw, Brunswick stew, and hushpuppies. Jubilee made apple pie and chocolate cake for dessert.

  It wasn’t until everyone had gone home that Suz walked into the sunroom alone for the first time. She circled the loom, rubbed the wood, and felt the history of the grain. She slid onto the bench and picked up a shuttle half-full of cream yarn from the basket under the bench. She would work for an hour or so before heading to bed with the boys. Maybe tonight she could entice them to help her soothe another hunger that nibbled at her, now that her worry over the loom was receding.

  She sat and cradled the shuttle to her chest before leaning forward. She needed to get to work and weave. She had only a few weeks until they left for Scotland and so much work to do. The loom was dressed with enough warp for six shawls and her goal was to finish all six before they left. Once she completed them, she would then choose the best of the lot to offer to Mother Nature.

  Leaning forward, she frowned when the air around the warp threads seemed to grow solid and repel her hand, keeping her from touching the shuttle to the warp. She tried again and again, but each time it was as if an invisible barrier kept her from throwing the shuttle. Had moving the loom destroyed her connection to it? Had she killed the magic? Had the past days of worry and work and calling in favors been for nothing?

  Sliding from the bench, Suz returned the shuttle to the basket and walked out of the room. She needed answers that only Ruth could give her, but Ruth was gone. How was she supposed to keep the world spinning if the loom refused her touch?

  She found Penn and Liam in the kitchen finishing the clean up. She didn’t realize she was crying until they looked at her, then put down what they were doing and engulfed her in a McKenzie brothers sandwich.

  “What’s wrong, lass?” Liam tilted her head up so he could wipe her tears away.

  “I can’t weave.”

  “What do ye mean?”

  “I can’t weave. The loom won’t let me.”

  Liam looked at Penn and they shared a moment of their silent communication before turning their attention back to her.

  “Show us, luv.” Penn took her hand and led her to the sunroom, with Liam following behind.

  Suz got situated on the bench with the brothers on either side. She picked up a shuttle and demonstrated how she could only get so far before stopping.

  “Let me try.”

  Liam took the shuttle, but he too could only make it so far before hitting an invisible barrier. The same thing happened when Penn made an attempt.

  “Hmmm,” he said, walking all the way around the loom and trying the same thing from the back. Again, he was repelled. “I wonder . . .”

  “Wonder what?”

  “I wonder if Suz needs to claim the loom again. There were a lot of strange hands touching it, taking it apart, cleaning, and then putting it back together again. Do ye ken if there’s anythin’ in Ruth’s guide?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not even sure where I left it.”

  “I’ll check upstairs,” Liam volunteered while Suz and Penn searched the first floor.

  It was discovered in the dining room, under a stack of unopened mail. Handing the mail to Penn, Suz carried the notebook to the living room and curled up on the couch, determined to find an answer. The men joined her after finishing in the kitchen. They turned on the classic movie channel and got caught up in a World War II movie marathon.

  It was nearly dawn before Suz closed the book with a weary sigh. “Nothing.” She’d read the book cover to cover, but Ruth said nothing about what to do if the loom refused to allow the Dream Weaver to work.

  “We could always try it and see. Couldn’t hurt.”

  “We’re too tired.” Suz said, then sniffed and wiped at the tears that flooded her eyes and ran down her cheeks. “What happens if . . .”

  “Dunna think like that, lass. It will be fine. We’ll claim the loom again. Ye’ll get to work and everythin’ will be fine.” Liam scooped her up from the couch and carried her up the stairs. Penn followed a moment later after turning out the lights and checking to make sure the doors were locked and the new security system armed.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Suz carried a basket of empty bobbins and shuttles to the barn, along with a cone of the cream yarn that Penn and Liam had used to dress the loom. There had been so many people around for so long, she needed a little peace and quiet. She needed to think about the loom and what not being able to touch the warp meant. Liam was making the rounds of the farms to check on all his babies, so his office would be empty.

  She was surprised when she was able to leave the house and get to his office without seeing anyone. She closed herself into Liam’s office with a grin. Maybe—just maybe—she could wind bobbins without anyone asking her a question she didn’t have an answer for.

  She was in the office an hour before the door opened and Liam entered with a naughty gleam in his eye. “I wondered where ye were. Hiding from the world? Or waiting for me? I miss ye. Ye’ve got me cock trained and it’s need of a little lovin.’”

  “Mmmm, sounds like a good time for a break.” Suz put down the last bobbin she was winding and reached for her sweater. In seconds she was naked.

  As she stripped, Liam pulled off his boots and then dropped his jeans before settling into the executive office chair.

  Suz crawled into his lap and settled over him. “Mmmm. So good.”

  “Ride me, lass.” Liam took her hips in his hands and helped her to slide down over him.

  Suz purred as he slid in, filling her to capacity. He was hot and hard and felt oh so good. Laying her hands on his chest, she began to bob up and down his hard shaft. Playing with his nipples, she began to move faster and faster until the spiral of lust tightened around low in her belly.

  “Come with me, Liam. Now,” she screamed as the tight spiral exploded into climax. Liam roared as he climaxed just a few short strokes later.

  Suz collapsed against Liam, resting her head on his shoulder as she tried to regain the strength to stand.

  “Now that’s how I like to see a woman. Naked and giving pleasure. Have you told him you can’t get off no matter what he does to you, sweet cheeks?”

  * * * *

  “Who the hell are you?” Liam growled, twisting the chair around to stare at the intruder. Twisting again, he grabbed Suz skirt off the floor and draped it over her back to cover their naked bits.

  “Luke? What the hell are you doing here?” Suz pushed away from Liam’s chest and turned to look over her shoulder at the man who’d walked into Liam’s office like he owned it.

  “Luke? Yer ex?” Liam asked, holding her as she tried to turn and stand while they were still intimately connected. She pulled at his still semi-inflated cock in a way that wasn’t pleasant. “What the hell’s he doin’ here?”

  Suz couldn’t answer his questions, so she focused on the man now leaning against the wall by the door. He’d crossed his arms and looked like he was planning to stay awhile. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I saw that Ruth had passed. I wanted to pay my respects. Besides, you owe me and I’m here to collect. I want what’s mine.” Luke spoke as if he popped in to see his ex-wife on a regular basis.

  He spoke bullshit, and everyone in the room knew it.

  Suz squirmed, and Liam winced as the move twisted his shaft.

  Pulling her close, he hel
d her tight as he rubbed a cheek against hers. He whispered so only she could hear. “Lass, if ye dunna stop yer bound to hurt one of us. I’m partial to ALL our parts staying happy so we can play again later.”

  Suz froze then turned to stare at him. Nodding her understanding, she relaxed into his embrace. “Sorry about that. I like all your bits right where they are, too.”

  Laying her head on his shoulder, she rubbed her hands up and down his sides to soothe him. He breathed in her clean, fresh scent and sighed. She was perfect. Perfect size, perfect lover, perfect in every way. So good, so sexy.

  He brushed a kiss over her temple, and then shifted his attention to the man across the room. “Step outside and close the door. We’ll be there in a few minutes.” Liam’s deep voice remained deceptively soft, though his tone allowed no room for argument.

  “Don’t be shy on my account. I’ve seen her naked before.”

  “Get out,” Liam growled through clenched teeth.

  * * * *

  Suz kept her head on Liam’s shoulder until she heard the door open then close again. Only then did she carefully raise her body until Liam’s cock dropped free. Climbing from his lap, she reached for her clothes. After using several paper towels to wipe up, she dressed.

  “Lass.” Liam began once they were both fully clothed again.


  “I’m sorry. I should’ve locked the door.”

  Suz turned to stare at the man who, along with his equally beautiful and caring twin, filled her heart and life with his love. He’d apologized because her ex-husband was an asshole who didn’t have the sense to be embarrassed when walking into such an intimate situation.

  “It’s not your fault, Liam. We should have taken this”—she waved to the office chair she was now tempted to have bronzed—“back to the house. Besides, who knew Luke would show up now?”

  She crossed the small space that separated them and wrapped her arms around his back. He felt so good to her. If only Penn were here to complete their trinity.

  He chuckled as he hugged her. “We’ll do better next time. For now, let’s deal with whatever your ex-husband is here about.” Threading his fingers through hers, he led the way to the door.

  “You don’t think it’s just about paying his respects, do you?”

  Liam paused with his free hand on the doorknob. “When was the last time you saw him?”

  Suz had to think a long ways back for that information. “More than ten years. The day I miscarried. Once out of the hospital, I moved out and found a lawyer. He’s never tried to contact me until now.”

  Liam nodded with a sad expression. “He’s no’ here to pay respects. He wants money.”

  “But I don’t have any money.”

  * * * *

  Liam stared at her, amazed. How could she not understand that she now owned a multi-million dollar yarn and fiber company? Releasing her hand, he wrapped his arm around her back and pulled her close enough to kiss the top of her head. “Lassie, yer worth about fifteen million dollars. But he’ll no’ get a cent as long as Penn and I have breathe in our bodies.”

  Before Suz could respond, Liam opened the door. After flipping off the lights, he guided Suz out. As he pulled the door closed behind them, he wondered how he could keep Suz safe and rid themselves of this nuisance without getting any blood on his clothes. If only Penn were here. He was the diplomat. Liam preferred to act first and apologize later.

  Chapter 9

  The man stood a dozen feet from the front of the barn, studying the numerous outbuildings as if taking an appraisal of the farm. Liam walked out with Suz tucked securely under one arm, taking his time so he had a moment to study the stranger.

  He too was tall and lean. He looked sickly and in need of a haircut. His faded jeans showed holes worn through in several places and the brown leather jacket he wore zipped to the collar had seen better days. His sneakers looked equally aged with mismatched laces. Yep, he was looking for money. Maybe Liam wouldn’t beat him up, but he wasn’t going to let him get close to his woman, either.

  It wasn’t until Luke turned back to face them that Liam realized the man had a weapon. Dropping his arm from around Suz’s shoulders, he shifted, putting his body between her and the hand gun.

  “So, yer here to pay yer respects to Ruth?”

  Liam planted his feet shoulder-width apart and crossed his arms over his chest. He was twice the other man’s size, but that little silver hand piece was an equalizer.

  “Yes. I also want to speak with Suz about a pact we made when we were married. She owes me. I came for what’s mine.”

  “For six horrible months ten years ago? Yeah, right.” Suz muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

  * * * *

  Penn slowed his approach from the house when he saw the silver flash of a gun. He stepped up to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with his brother after winking at a wide-eyed and pale Suz. Turning his attention to the man holding the gun, he mirrored his brother’s stance. “Sounds to me like Suz doesna wanta visit with ye.”

  Before the stranger could respond, Hank stepped around the side of the barn. “Aaron? What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  * * * *

  All at once, the pieces of the puzzle fit together and Suz gasped. “Oh my God.”

  White hot rage burst in her like a nuclear mushroom cloud. Luke was Aaron. He really was responsible for the phone calls, trashing her studio, and ruining the shawls she’d worked so hard to create. He was responsible for her not sleeping for the last week and for Penn and Liam having to take time away from their jobs to move the loom. He was responsible for it all, but she wasn’t going to let him get away with it.

  Shoving her way between Penn and Liam, the anger carried her forward across the open space between the twins and Luke. “You made those phone calls? You trashed the studio? You ruined my work?”

  The anger grew so hot, hard, and fast she wondered if her head would pop off from the pressure.

  The men remained frozen, not expecting her to become the aggressor. Luke stared at her wide-eyed. He’d never seen her in a temper, but back then he’d beat it out of her. But today she was beyond angry. She was a woman on a mission. As the Dream Weaver, she was responsible for that loom and he’d damaged it. He’d destroyed a piece of her soul when he’d poured the fertilizer on her weaving.

  She moved so fast, Luke didn’t have a chance to react. She didn’t think about the gun in his hand before she planted her left leg solidly underneath her then kicked high and hard with her right. Her aim was straight and true, and she caught him square between the legs, crushing his cock and testicles into his pelvis. Dropping her right foot to the ground, she stepped forward as she pulled back her arm, curled her hand into a fist, and swung, slamming her fist into his nose.

  She watched as his eyes widened with amazement and pain before he dropped the weapon to the ground. His eyes then rolled back in his head and he fell backward, unconscious. Only then did the pain in her hand reach her brain. She cradled her hand as she frowned down at him. As blood dripped from his nose, he curled into a ball, both hands instinctively reaching between his legs to protect his genitals.

  She stood over him and glared. “Nobody screws up my loom and my weaving and gets away with it. Nobody!”

  Before she could kick him again, Penn grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him. A moment later, she was dangling from his shoulder. From that vantage point she didn’t see Hank pick up the gun and hand it to Roane, who appeared from a car that had pulled just moments before. Nor did she see the shocked expressions all four men wore.

  Penn and Liam looked at each and each nodded. The Dream Weaver was in full force and it was time for her to bond with the loom once again.

  “Who does he think he’s messing with? Thinks he can get away with ruining my work and then demand money? Stupid ass.” She continued muttering as Penn carried her toward the house with Liam following close behind. They were almost to the porc
h when she realized she was hanging from his shoulder. “Where are we going? What are you doing? Put me down!” Suz swatted at his ass as he carried her up the steps to the back porch.

  Liam swatted her ass. “Be still. He doesna want to drop ye.”

  Suz stopped her wiggling and arched her back, but she couldn’t see him. Turning her head to the left, she saw Jubilee in the kitchen doorway, grinning as she wiped her hands.

  “I’ll be gone in two minutes,” the older woman said, grinning broadly.

  Suz felt her face burning as Penn carried her through the living room and into the sunroom.

  “Lock the door then pull the curtains” Penn ordered as he set Suz down. He pulled her against his chest and kissed her while Liam attended to gaining them some privacy.

  Suz allowed his kiss, though her hand still hurt. Her arms traveled up his chest and wrapped around his neck as she opened her mouth and let him in. One hand slid down her back to cup her ass, pulling her so close, a piece of paper would not have fit between them. The hard, hot length of his shaft heated her belly even with his pants and her jeans between them.

  “God, I’ve missed this, lass.” He murmured as he released her.

  Liam stepped in to kiss her, as well. The fingers of one hand threaded through her hair to hold her head still as his other arm pulled her close so she could feel his arousal as well.

  “I need you. Both of you. Please. Let’s claim the loom.” Suz whispered, not sure they heard her or not.

  “Aye luv, and we both need you.” Penn reached for the hem of her sweater and pulled it over her head as Liam pulled down her skirt.


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