The Land: Swarm: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 5)

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The Land: Swarm: A LitRPG Saga (Chaos Seeds Book 5) Page 33

by Aleron Kong

  More cheers rang out, and people shouted back greetings. “Tonight,” Richter continued in a loud voice, “we will see the rebirth of a lost people. A light that was once lost in the dark will blaze back to life. Because of you and your efforts, these pixies have a home to welcome them. A home of love, strength, and laughter!” Much louder cheers rang out. Richter paused before continuing. Then he lifted his tankard, “But until they get here… Let’s! Get! PISSED!” He tilted his head back and drained his mug in one long quaff. The shouts and applause were deafening as others followed their lord’s example. Richter wiped a bit of foam from his lips and tossed the mug to one of his villagers who went to fill it again. He waved to everyone one last time and then hopped down. It was time to bond with his people.

  The night was clear, and he kept summoning mist lights as the hours passed. He handed them to his villagers who started a game of throwing them back and forth. He was confident that his people would take them back down to the village later and spread them around. Alma played her favorite game of dive-bombing unsuspecting feasters and snatching food out of their hands. Each successful raid was followed by curses from her victim and cheers from everyone around her vanquished foe.

  Lorala walked by him, trailing a sweet fragrance. She didn’t say anything, but her smile made it clear he should have some Star Zenia ready for later. When he saw her walk over to the twins and start drinking and laughing together, his mouth started to water while, somehow, his throat went dry. Sion kicked his foot to bring him back to the conversation they had been having. Richter stuttered and made excuses, but his friend just gave him a smug look and kept talking.

  The chaos seed walked around, meeting with everyone he could. Sumiko walked up at some point and gave him the good news that he could trust the Scholars’ words. He was not as happy to get an earful about how she was not a slave slash lie detector there to quiz people at his whim. It was only by throwing Sion under the bus that he was able to escape a major tongue lashing. After he had asked if his friend’s ‘bad cough’ had resolved itself, Sumiko started examining her fellow sprite. The exam seemed to mostly involve her poking Sion with a bony finger, but it still let Richter retreat to the sound of his Companion squawking in protest.

  After people had eaten and drank their fill, they started filing under the canopy of the Quickening. In ones, twos, and larger groups, his people found spots on the grass to relax. Some had planned ahead and had blankets with them. He walked over to Terrod and Isabel, who greeted him warmly. The captain had apparently made peace with their earlier disagreement. He returned their salutations and told Terrod to make sure the war party was ready to go after lunch on the morrow. Richter told the captain they would be trying for the shiverleaf frond again. Terrod also nodded when Richter told him to also arrange for a backup strike team to protect Bartle. After that, he left the loving couple and continued to make his rounds.

  His people talked and laughed together for hours. Richter spent time with many of them, but he also took a solitary moment to observe what he had created. Gnomes, humans, elves, sprites and dwarves broke bread together and shared a joyous camaraderie. The grey luminance of the mist lights reflected off of the silver undersides of the Quickening’s leaves, giving the feel that they were all standing in a castle’s great hall rather than in the middle of a forest. Moments like this reminded him of what his battles and sacrifices were all about. He was making something to be proud of, something that was worth fighting for and something that deserved his all.

  Richter did one other thing while he was walking around. He tried to keep it quiet, but soon there was a bit of an uproar when people caught on. After that, there was a lot of pushing and shoving, but it was all good-natured, and before long, everyone of his villagers had drunk a Potion of Clarity. The potential lost revenue was astronomical, between fifteen hundred and two thousand gold, but Richter decided it was worth it. With the birth of the pixies, he would fulfill at least two quests, both of which involved the Quickening. The last time he had finished a quest involving the celestial tree, everyone in the village had received five thousand experience points. That was enough to get most of them two levels!

  He knew that there was a possibility that he was just wasting an extremely valuable resource, but his people were worth it. There was also another benefit. More than once, he received a prompt that his relationship with a specific villager had increased because of his largess. The chaos seed smiled happily. No matter what happened, he could rest easy knowing his people were happy.

  More hours passed and some of the villagers fell asleep on the grass. Everyone woke, however, when a large creaking noise echoed through the meadow. Richter looked quickly towards the trunk of the Quickening and saw that some of the smaller trunks that comprised the octuple helix of the whole trunk were moving apart. It had always been possible to see through gaps in the helix and visualize the hollow interior of the tree, but now one of those hand-sized holes was stretching larger and larger. The gap widened, and the creaking noise grew louder as the tendrils of the silver tree drew further apart. It didn’t stop until the hole was several feet across. The noise stopped, and the air was pregnant with anticipation.

  Everyone watched the tree in breathless excitement. No one spoke, and the tree remained still. Then, almost gracefully, a slender branch bent down from the celestial tree’s canopy. The tip of the branch reached inside of the hollow trunk and then withdrew smoothly. Hanging from the end of the silver tendril was the cocoon that held every pixie in The Land.

  The cocoon shined silver in the mist lights, made of the same material as the Quickening’s trunk. Light seeped through the threads of Elora’s nest in many places. The cocoon rotated slightly at the end of the branch that had hooked it. Blue, yellow, black and gold lights shined in all directions, making it look a multicolored disco ball. Slowly, the rotation stopped. All was quiet again. Then came the sound.

  It sounded like a crystal bell the size of a mountain had been lightly struck seven times.


  With each pure note, an invisible and insubstantial distortion emanated from the cocoon and spread out in all directions. The sound was almost deafening, but the clarity and purity of the chimes made it impossible to be upset or even to consider that the tones heralded danger. Everyone present knew that what they were hearing and seeing was one of the purest expressions of good they might ever experience. They waited, breathless, as the lights coming from the cocoon faded away.

  The top of the cocoon began to unravel. Several inches of silver thread fell away, and a sphere was revealed. It was white as cream and reflected the light of the mist lights around it. The ball rose slightly in the air and moved free of the silky nest that had covered it. As it slowly floated free of the silver womb, different colors played across its surface. First the light blue of glacial ice, then the darkness of predawn followed by the gold of the setting sun. The last color Richter could see was the rich yellow of marigolds in spring.

  The cocoon continued to unravel, and more spheres floated free. These had only one color each, however, either black, gold, blue or yellow and were smaller than the first. The globes continued to float free of the cocoon one after the other until one hundred and one spheres floated in the air in front of the Quickening. The silver threads of the silky nest piled on the ground beneath the branch that had held it. The tendril withdrew back into the canopy, and the loud creaking began again as the helical trunk of the celestial tree moved back into its original position. Silence reigned once again.

  The first and largest sphere began to vibrate. Then with a barely audible pop, the top of the ball disappeared. All that was left was the bottom of the globe and the figure that knelt upon it. The pixie was clad in a silver dress that contoured to her small body. It was neither demure nor provocative. It was simply perfect.

  The pixie stood and faced the villagers, and Richter realized with shock that he was looking at Elora. He easily recogni
zed her face, but she had changed! When she had initially been released from the chrysalis, she had the softer features of a girl on the cusp of womanhood. She had also been six inches tall, and her skin was the color of ripe blueberries. That did not describe the creature that now stood before him.

  Elora now had the refined features of a woman. She stood a foot tall, and her skin was a smooth silver. Smooth white hair fell straight and full down her back until it reached her knees. It was not the white of age, but rather of freshly fallen snow. Her four wings extended behind her and all present could see that each wing was the color of one of the lights that had come from the cocoon. Her eyes opened, and the blue sclera he remembered were replaced by the creamy white of the Quickening’s leaves. The irises remained violet, but were now a purer purple than Richter could ever recall seeing before.

  Each villager instinctively knew what they were seeing. They had witnessed the rebirth of a queen. Richter continued to look at his Companion, unsure as to what would happen now. When they had first met, Elora had been a frightened girl, but this woman floating in the air above him was something else entirely. This was a ruler. A cynical part of him began to wonder if he had actually done the right thing by allowing her to bind to his celestial tree. Had he just given up ownership of his own Place of Power? Richter hated that his pragmatism and insecurity was marring such a wonderful and pure moment, but this was who he was. Doubt and suspicion started to worm their way even deeper into his heart, but then she locked eyes with him and smiled.

  Her smile was not that of a conqueror or a usurper. It was the smile of a friend who had missed his face. Richter chided himself silently for his weakness and fear. Her simple expression of affection halted his downward emotional spiral. Then she began to sing, and he knew in his heart that he would never doubt her again.

  Elora’s wings beat, and she rose into the air, leaving the remains of the sphere behind. It faded away, and she hovered in the air as her song enspelled everyone present. It began as a haunting melody. As before, her song had no words, but they were not needed. When she had first spoken to Richter after being released from her chrysalis, her voice was like the piping notes of a piccolo. Now, however, her singing was the smooth tones of a soulful flute. She sang of her mother, of forlorn loss and of a daughter’s love that stretched through the centuries. Her voice grew deeper, and it spoke of loneliness. She had awoken, alone in a world that had turned strange, bereft of family or comfort.

  There was another soft pop, and a second sphere opened. A pixie knelt on the remains of the sphere and unfurled her wings. Her skin was silver like Elora’s, but her wings and hair were pitch black. Unlike her queen, she was only six or seven inches tall. Her face and body were that of a young girl, and she was wearing a simple silver slip. Her eyes opened, and he saw that they were a pale lavender. The pixie’s wings beat, and she rose into the air, the remains of her sphere fading away, the same as Elora’s had. She flew to hover behind her queen, and her soprano voice rose to match her queen’s cool alto.

  The two pixies did not sing alone for long. More spheres faded away, and each gave birth to pixies who joined the song. All were silver-skinned and clothed in either silver slips or pants. They all looked like young teens, and as more were birthed it became clear that there were four basic groups. Some had raven hair like the first of Elora’s brood that had been born, but others had shining golden hair with wings like translucent gold foil. Another type had curly blue hair with white tips, giving the appearance of waves breaking on a shore and their wings were made of a thin, blue gel material. The last type were blondes, and their pale yellow wings softly diffused the light that passed through the delicate membranes. The males were one or two inches taller than the females, but of the hundred new pixies born, only twenty were men.

  Each pixie born raised their voice to sing with their queen. Beneath the silver-white boughs of the Quickening, the mist villagers watched and listened in awe as the pixies created a miracle of music. More emotionally charged than any music Richter had ever heard before, his emotions reflected the song. The leaves of the Quickening began to vibrate, adding a subtle hum to the pixies’ chorus. Elora led her people to sing of the history of her people, of endless miles of carefully tended forest and of a race selflessly devoted to life. Her voice rose in jubilation as she sang wordlessly of a people reborn and of a future bright with promise.

  Tears rolled down Richter’s face as his heart was filled with the beauty of hope. Though neither he nor any of the villagers were aware of it, the song changed them all. Everyone present relaxed and their faces smoothed as some of the worries of the years fell away. Richter smiled and shared joyous looks with his people as they watched the pixies sing of the past, present, and future. Everyone present made a silent vow to do whatever was necessary to safeguard this new and fragile race.

  The pixies’ voices crescendoed and one at a time they ceased their song. First Elora, then the rest grew silent one at a time. The harmony they created still hung in the air, though, the lingering peals of a church bell and the leaves of the Quickening continued to vibrate ever so slightly in counterpoint. Elora and the rest smiled down at the villagers. Prompts began to obscure Richter’s vision.

  HARK AND REJOICE! A new race has been born to The Land! The union of Elora the Royal Pixie Queen and the Quickening has created: Celestial Pixies! A celestial race has once again made its home on this plane. Enemies of Good will shake in fear this day while Avatars of Purity will rejoice!

  Congratulations! You have won +7,000 Fame points! Your actions have directly led to the creation of the Celestial Pixies!


  Congratulations! You have advanced to Reputation Level 4! “You are a man worthy of respect.” New quests and opportunities will now become available to you!

  Know This! Your presence at the birth of the first Celestial Pixies and hearing their Song of Joy and Remembrance has changed you, and all others who witnessed this blessed event! The Song will hang in the air for one month and will affect all who hear it in the following ways:

  -5% lifetime ability to deal damage for all present with a negative Alignment

  +5 to Charisma for all present with at least a 0 Alignment

  +5 to Luck for those present with at least +1 Alignment

  -5% mana cost for those present with at least a +2 Alignment

  +5 to Intelligence for those present with at least a +3 Alignment

  Quest Update: Tree of Power III. To increase the level of a celestial tree requires more than sun and rain. Goodness and virtue are also necessary to increase the vigor of the Quickening. Involving it in the birth of a new celestial race has greatly increased its progress towards Level 3! Continue to involve it in such births to reach its next iteration! Being in the presence of celestial beings will also increase this growth.

  Know This! Pixies are born of the union of pixie females and trees. The close bond of the Quickening with your Place of Power has told in its progeny. Each pixie born will be linked to at least one of the Basic Elements. The celestial nature of these pixies also increases the chance of birthing a new royal pixie.

  You have completed the Quest: Resurgence of Life III! Your diligence and hard work have resulted in the birth of a new race! You have protected Elora and her progeny while they have grown and they have been transformed into Celestial Pixies! Your generosity in allowing Elora to bind to the Quickening has paid dividends for The Land and also for you!

  Reward: All Celestial Pixies have a high regard for you. Baseline relationship: Trusted.

  Reward: Increased relationship with Elora, the Celestial Pixie Queen. Relationship has increased from Loyal to Ally.

  Reward: 12,500 (base 20,000 x 1.25 x 0.5) experience.

  Bonus Reward: Your people have once again been present at the emergence of a celestial event! All villagers present receive 2,000 experience!

  Bonus Reward: Your relationship with everyone present at the birth of the Celestial Pixies is improved by
one level!

  Know This! Your efforts have drastically aided the development of your people!

  Change in Morale is doubled in light of your generosity with the Potions of Clarity. Morale increased by +500 (base 250).


  The Morale of your village has increased from +174 (base 151 + 5% Health + 7% Richter Administrative skill) to 755. Morale rank increased from Neutral (0) to Happy (+250). Your guidance has made the general mood of your village increase! +10% to Population Growth. +10% to Productivity. +10% to Fighting Spirit.

  Change in Loyalty is doubled in light of your generosity with the Potions of Clarity. Loyalty increased by +500 (base +250).


  The Loyalty of your village has increased from +215 (base +192 + 5% Health + 7% Richter Administrative skill) to +801. Neutral (0) to Dependable (+250). You have shown yourself to be a capable leader and exemplify ideals they believe in. Your people are not just a collection of individuals anymore, they have a common goal. +20% to Productivity.

  Know This! The Song of Joy and Remembrance has caused many of your people to now be dedicated to the Celestial Pixies. Any betrayal or serious damage to their ranks could negatively impact the Loyalty of your people.

  Know This! More than 90% of your people had increased their Charisma by +5. +5% bonus to population growth.

  Richter was stunned by the massive amount of prompts. He shuffled through them quickly. Each was important, and he couldn’t wait to get to the next. A quick check of his status page showed that his Charisma had indeed increased by five points. Even more importantly though, there was a new race! He had hoped that the pixies might gain some sort of power from being linked to the Quickening, but he hadn’t expected that they would evolve!

  Richter used Analyze on one of the black pixies.


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