Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1)

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Forgiving Reed (Southern Boys #1) Page 11

by C. A. Harms

  Over the next ten minutes we kissed, touching each other, enjoying the feel of each other, so close, so intimate.

  We slowly began removing our clothes, piece by piece. Leaving nothing untouched, nothing not treasured.

  “You are so beautiful, baby. I want you so much, I want it all with you,” he declared. His eyes filled with such gravity, he wanted me to know he needed me.

  “Me too, Reed. I’m ready for this with you, all of it. I need you, we need you.” A tear fell from the corner of my eye. What I was feeling was so intense, so final. I felt no reservations with what we were about to share.

  His eyes never left mine as he slowly began to sink into me. A small gasp escaped my lips when he was seated deep. He bit down on his lower lip and groaned in pleasure. “Home, right here. This is where I belong,” he whispered in a deep husky voice, slowly moving inside me.

  Our mouths harmonized in a dance of love, desire, and complete bliss. Our lovemaking was overwhelming; we fit perfectly. There was nothing rough or rushed. Reed made love to me, slowly.

  His forehead rested against mine, he slowly, leisurely slid in and out. Kissing me, he rolled his tongue with mine, mocking the movement of his hips. I was building toward release, and his eyebrows scrunched as he fought his own.

  “I’m close, Kori, you almost there, baby?” I nodded, arching my back as the warmness erupted deep in my core. “That’s it, so good…so damn sweet.” His movements sped up as he thrust his hips. Only seconds passed when his body began to shake from his own orgasm.

  The slick layer of sweat coating our bodies mixed when his body rested against mine. Reed’s hips still continued to thrust gently as he groaned and released every last drop. We both held one another tightly, coming back from the high we had just shared. Every moment was so beautiful and meaningful.

  When he had calmed, he lifted his head just enough to look into my eyes. “I’ll be right back.” He whispered before placing a gentle kiss on my lips. Withdrawing from me, I watched his naked ass walk toward the restroom. After he removed the condom, he walked back to the bed and crawled in next to me.

  Reed skimmed my shoulder with his fingertips while watching my eyes. Neither of us spoke, only memorized one another in silence. His fingertips continued to graze my skin along my neck and chest. It was as if he were telling me with his fingers what he was feeling. I was so overwhelmed with love that my throat burned and my chest ached.

  Reed settled in behind me and pulled me against him. He kissed my forehead and then my nose. “I love you so much, Kori. Having you here, right here in my arms, feels so right. Don’t fight us anymore, just know that I want both of you completely. Don’t question that, just accept it. Please.”

  His lips hovering over mine as he continued. “It’s not about replacing your past, it’s only me wanting to be your future. Let me take care of you, let me love you and Rhett.”

  Kissing me gently as the tears rolled from my eyes, I accepted that this man loved me. I gave it all to him through that kiss. I hoped he understood how much his love meant to me, how much he had saved me. His love made me feel like my future was no longer a dark place. I could lean on a man who knew how much I loved Blake, he understood that he would always be in my heart. He loved me anyway.

  “I love you too. Thank you for being such a great man, thank you for loving us.”

  “Always,” he grinned, holding me against him as we both faded off into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  When I woke up I was alone in bed. Disappointed, I looked over at the clock. It was almost nine in the morning, and I suddenly felt a panic overtake me. Rhett never slept this late. He had to be running around getting into things.

  I grabbed a shirt from the floor, quickly slipping it on, followed by my panties. I practically ran from the room and stopped in the doorway of the spare bedroom. It was empty. My heart raced faster, until I heard a giggle and a deep chuckle from the kitchen. I walked in that direction, taking gentle steps so I would not alert them of my presence.

  The scene before me was one I had to stop and appreciate. Reed was standing at the stove with his back to me. His pajama pants hung low on his hips, and his feet were bare. He looked edible. One arm worked furiously at the stove as he cooked breakfast, while the other arm was wrapped securely around Rhett, holding him against his side.

  I stood in the shadows of the hallway watching them interact. Rhett watched Reed’s every move with such curiosity. Every so often they would share a bite of bacon or toast. “More,” Rhett would holler out every time he was finished chewing.

  I could stand here all day and take in their actions toward each other. The way they loved one another was so obvious.

  Walking up behind them, I wrapped my arms around the two, kissing Reed’s shoulder. “Good morning, boys,” I said just before raising up to place a kiss on Rhett’s cheek. “Something smells really good.”

  Reed turned and gripped my waist with his free arm. “We thought we’d make you breakfast. Rhett’s been stealing the bacon.” He smiled over at Rhett as he beamed.

  “Real nice, blame the toddler. I’m pretty sure I saw you eating it too.” He chuckled and placed a quick kiss against my nose. I stepped back and took Rhett so he could finish up easier.

  I noticed his eyes raking over me as a big grin spread out over his lips. “You look damn good in my shirt.” My cheeks heated as he licked his lower lip.

  I placed Rhett down on the floor when Diesel entered the kitchen. He immediately sat down on the floor, Diesel lying down right next to him. I looked up to see Reed smiling down at the two. It was pretty sweet that they had taken up with one another so easily.

  Stepping up to his side, I bumped him with my shoulder. “Anything I can help you with?” He only nodded. “Okay, what?” I laughed, and he grinned. He tapped his finger against his lips indicating he wanted a kiss. I could definitely do that.

  When I attempted to pull back from the kiss, he gripped the back of my head, holding me closer. He bit at my lower lip, before skimming his tongue over the same spot. My legs trembled and my sex clenched. It was honestly unfair that he had this effect on me. He was in a playful mood.


  “How was your night with your cowboy hunk?” Maria’s voice filled the house as she barged in through the front door.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her ridiculous getup. She was all decked out in a full snowsuit. “Oh, holy hell, Maria. What in the hell are you wearing?” She looked down at herself, holding her hands out as if to ask what I meant. “You look like Randy from the movie Christmas Story. How the hell are you moving in that thing?” I looked out the front door and laughed, holding my stomach from the ache it caused. “How did you drive here? I can’t believe you fit behind the steering wheel.” The only difference between her and Randy from that movie was her suit was pink and white, with little fuzzy trim.

  “You can laugh all you want, hooker, it is cold as hell out there.” She began unveiling, and all I could do was laugh more when I spotted her long underwear underneath the snowsuit. “I just passed your man in town. They were putting down salt, ‘cause of the ice. You know people around here start freaking when we get ice or snow. You would think we live in the Midwest with the panic going on. Yeah the roads are a bit slick, but if you go slowly, it’s fine.”

  Yep, that felt weird, my man. It was strange still to hear Reed referred to as mine. He dropped me off at home after breakfast this morning. He got a call about helping to clear the roads in town, just another one of his good deeds to the town’s people.

  “So you planning on telling me if you finally did the nasty, or are you gonna keep ignoring me?” Maria had finally removed herself from the twelve layers she wore. “Spill it, I can already tell you got laid. Give me the details, because I could use some heated conversation. I haven’t had sex in six months. Share so I can live vicariously through you.”

  I shook my head and continued to empty the dishwasher. “Okay, ye
s, it finally happened, and it was perfect.”

  Silence filled the room, and I looked up, meeting her sour expression. “Seriously, that is all I get? Perfect…what the hell, Kori. I said details. Reed is damn sexy, he is so cut, and those thighs.” She paused and closed her eyes tightly. “Those thighs of his are built for some thrusting…please do tell.”

  I picked up the roll of paper towels off the countertop and threw them at her. “Really, Maria? Built for thrusting. I can’t believe your mind.”

  “What? You know I’m right.” She stood up and walked to the kitchen, setting the paper towels back down. “Don’t get all shy and conservative. You had the same thought about those thighs before. Now you know the facts. Fill me in and tell me if we were right.”

  I bit my lip to fight the laughter from escaping. My cheeks heated up, and all I could do was nod in answer.

  “I knew it,” she screeched loudly.

  “Shh,” I hushed her. “Rhett is napping, and if you wake him up, you get to deal with the bear.” My boy loved his naps, and when he was interrupted he was gonna make sure you felt his wrath.

  “Oh please, that boy loves his Auntie Mar.” She shrugged like it was no big deal. “What’s next for the two of you?”

  “He says he’s in it for the all.” I shrugged. “So I guess we just keep moving forward.”

  Maria came around the counter and hugged me tightly. “I’m happy for you—for both of you. You deserve some good.”

  She released me and stepped back. “One more thing. Where did the new laptop come from?” She pointed to the coffee table at the unopened box containing the MacBook Pro.

  “From Blake’s dad.” I shrugged. “He sent it and said it was for me so we could Skype. He wants to stay in touch with Rhett, even if it is virtually.” I turned and pointed toward the corner on the other side of the room. “That is for Rhett.”

  She followed the direction of my finger as she took in the huge work bench with all the tools it contained. “Wow, Rhett hit the jackpot this Christmas. With what they got him and then everyone else, he was spoiled.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, he was. Reed’s dad even went a little overboard.” Her eyebrows shot up. “Yep, it surprised us too. But it really was the sweetest thing. I kind of had a little breakdown with all the love that was being handed out. It was so overwhelming, not a bad thing, just unexpected.”


  Maria decided to hang out for the day, the snow had really picked up, and then the freezing rain began. It was a mess out. I still hadn’t heard from Reed, but I knew he was busy.

  Maria and I worked on dinner while Rhett played with all his new toys. He had toy overload and had no idea what to play with first.

  My phone chirping had me dropping everything and running across the living room. “Geesh, slow down, girl, before you break something.” She was smiling, and I knew she was just attempting to tease me about my excitement.

  Roads are horrible, don’t go anywhere. Please. R

  “What’s it say?” Maria asked.

  “He just said the roads are bad, you should probably just stay tonight. No reason you should try to drive and end up in a ditch,” I told her as I typed out my response to his message.

  Not leaving the house. Maria is here, we are making dinner. If you have time to stop by to eat. K

  Gonna be a long night, baby. Not sure when I’ll get done. I’ll try. R

  “Is he coming over?”

  I shook my head as I set my phone on the counter. “Not sure, he’s real busy.”

  The conversation led on to a new topic, but in the back of my mind he was there. I wanted to see him; last night had been so perfect. Today I was really missing him. It sure would have been nice to fall asleep in his arms again.

  Nightfall came fast. Reed never made it, and I hadn’t gotten any more messages. Maria and I settled in for a movie night, and Rhett curled up against me. He felt warm to the touch.

  “Mar, can you grab me the thermometer? Rhett feels like he may have a fever.”

  She quickly grabbed it, and after about two minutes my thoughts were confirmed. “102.8, great.” Standing from the couch with him still in my arms, I walked toward the kitchen. “I’m just gonna give him some Tylenol. He isn’t showing any other signs, so maybe it’s just a little bug.”

  Once the Tylenol was in him, I went back to the couch and curled up with him on my chest. I rubbed his back gently and soothed him. He fell asleep quickly. I could feel my eyelids growing heavy and knew I was not far behind.

  Waking with a startle as Rhett cried out, I jolted forward. Maria shot up from the recliner next to me and rushed over. He screamed out in pain as he pulled his legs tightly against him. His face was bright red, and he continued to cry. A terrified feeling filled my stomach.

  Checking over him repeatedly, there were no signs of what could be causing him pain. Just then he cried out and heaved forward.

  It came before I had time to prepare, and vomit covered my entire neck and chest. It took everything I had in me not to hurl from the stench. It continued over and over, and it was pointless to move. Maria grabbed the garbage, and we did our best to hold it under his mouth. Trying to convince a toddler in pain to vomit in the garbage can was not an easy task.

  When he slowed down, I looked up at a horrified Maria and sighed.

  “I think I need to take him to the ER,” I told Maria as I grabbed for my phone. I had a feeling I was in for a long night.

  Rhett rarely got sick. Of all the nights it could have happened, it had to be when the roads were terrible, and I lived out in the middle of nowhere.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  I had been trying for the last ten minutes to call Reed, but all the calls went unanswered. Maria and I didn’t have a car that could be trusted on the road. With the road near my house, we needed someone with a big truck.

  Rhett’s fever had now spiked and was sitting at 103.9. I had given him Motrin, but it still had not taken effect. His painful screams were now making me feel as if I were only making him suffer. I fought against the tears and called my parents’ phone.

  After the second ring my momma picked up. “Kori? Is everything okay?” It was after midnight, and I never called this late.

  “I need Daddy to come get us. Rhett is running a fever and throwing up. He is screaming in pain, and I need to take him to the ER.”

  “Your daddy is out helping with the ice. They had wrecks piling up on the highway, and they needed some help clearing the roads. I’ll have Gavin grab his truck and come get ya.” I agreed and hung up the phone. I didn’t care right now who showed up, I just needed a truck and an experienced driver.

  I changed quickly, and Maria held Rhett. Now we all stood in the doorway waiting for Gavin to arrive. When we saw the headlights of his King Ranch, lifted Ford F250, we gathered up and met him at the end of the sidewalk.

  I crawled in and held Rhett, bundled in a big blanket to shield the frigid air. Maria following close behind. “I’d hurry if I were you. It’s been a while since he last chucked, but he is like the exorcist when he goes off. This pretty truck may not be so pretty anymore after he hoses it down,” Maria announced as Gavin climbed into the driver’s seat. He looked a little frightened, and all I could offer was a smile.

  “Well, let’s get moving then.”

  He got us there in ten minutes without having to witness what Maria had warned him of. The nurse placed us in a room and began stripping Rhett of his clothing. His temperature was still up, and the clothes weren’t helping with the heat.

  Maria and Gavin stood just outside of the room, talking quietly. All I could do was hold my crying boy and feel completely helpless. I wanted to know what was hurting so I could make it better. Watching him suffer was torture.

  The doctor came in the room to check him over, and that just pissed him off more. He screamed so hard he threw up and then started shaking. Which in turn caused me to cry as well. My heart couldn’t take seeing him like this. Rhett was a
happy boy, this was not easy to witness.

  They gave him an IV because he was dehydrated, and watching them poke and prod broke my heart all over again. Once the fluids began and his fever slowly started to break, he was able to calm down. He finally curled against me and fell asleep.

  “What in the hell is she doing here?” I heard Maria yell. “You’re freaking kidding me, you show up here…with her.”

  My stomach hit the floor. There could only be one person she was talking about. In this town there were very few people it would bother me to have here.

  The moment Reed pushed through the partially opened door, my heart raced. Seeing Kimberly stand behind him was like a slap to the face. “Is he okay?” he questioned. All I could do at that moment was stare past his shoulders. The bitch had the nerve to look worried, which only infuriated me more.

  “Leave,” I stated firmly.

  Reed stood frozen next to the bed, looking from Rhett to me. “What?” He took another step toward me. “Wait, baby, let me explain.”

  “Don’t. Just leave. I don’t have the time or the energy for this right now. Just leave, please.” I was sitting in the hospital, covered in puke. I was exhausted and emotional. Right now I just needed him to turn around and leave this room. I refused to have this conversation, especially in front of her.

  I looked down at Rhett and avoided eye contact with him. After a few minutes he spoke. “I’ll leave this room, but I’m not leaving this hospital. It isn’t what you think, and I’m not leaving until I know he’s okay. Then you will let me explain this.” He didn’t wait for me to answer. He left the room, and then my tears fell.

  The doctor entering the room startled me, and I wiped at the tears on my cheeks.

  “Rhett has rotavirus. His fever has been brought down for now, but we need to admit him. He is going to need to continue with the fluids or he will get dehydrated. This virus will have to run its course, and the first few days are the worst.” I nodded, and he continued. “We have already notified Pediatrics, and they will be sending someone down to take you upstairs soon.”


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