Justice for All

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Justice for All Page 10

by Olivia Hardin

  “Need another drink, Kay?” Thomas asked, snapping his fingers at a passing waiter.

  It did no good to protest. Kay nodded but chugged a glass of water so she could be sure she wouldn’t drink too much. By the way Thomas was beginning to talk louder and louder, she figured he had already had several.

  “Oooh,” he cried out, putting out his hands, palms up, and motioning all of his fingers to Kay. “Another smooth one. Your turn.”

  Tamara nodded. “Yeah, you two get out there next. I’m gonna nurse this glass of wine before I dance another.”

  And before she knew it she was in his arms. The dance started innocently enough, a good six inches of space between them as they moved. She didn’t want to tell him about her budding relationship with Van, which would have been the easiest way to halt any subtle pursuit he might still make. Keeping a friendly distance was for now the best option, but before long his hands began to wander to places she didn’t feel comfortable with. “Thomas… “

  He rolled his eyes and moved in closer to her ear. “Just being friendly, babe. You know me.”

  Snorting and shaking her head. “I know you and I know you’d better keep your hands in check. No touchy, feely.”

  “Damn, always a party pooper.” He motioned his chin towards Tamara. “Your friend’s cool. Glad you brought her along.”

  “Yeah, she is, isn’t she?” Kay jumped in, glad for the subject change. “She works at the office. I’m sure I’ve talked to you about her before. She’s going to school for accounting. You’d probably have a lot in common.”

  “Hey! Are you trying to set me up with your co-worker? When I only have eyes for you?” He laughed, shaking the arm holding her hand with playful affection.

  “Me? You think I would try to set you up?”

  When they made it back to their table, Kay noticed some of the hotel staff taking places close to the ropes for the balloon and confetti drop. She knew that meant midnight was approaching. Grabbing her clutch she headed towards the bathrooms again. Her phone showed just a few minutes before the New Year, so she found a quiet space and tapped out a message to Van.

  Happy New Year, Mr. Van Buren. Even if I have to wait a few days for it, yours will be the first lips I kiss this year.

  Then, smiling like the Cheshire Cat, she waited with her thumb over the send button. As soon as the balloons and glittered confetti began to fall, she pressed the key.

  Distracted by the warm thoughts of her lover, she didn’t realize someone had come up behind her. Before she could react, Thomas spun her around and grabbed her to him. His lips bruised hers and his body crushed her into a pillar. She could taste the whiskey on him as he tried to force her lips open with his tongue, ignoring her groans of protest.

  “Thom … Thomas…” She pushed against his chest, “What are you doing?”

  “C’mon, babe. We’ve played enough of these games. You know I love you. It’s a new year, so don’t keep holding out on me. You look so fucking hot tonight…”

  “No, Thomas!” She shoved hard with both hands, and when he didn’t release her, she squatted down to slip out of his arms. “What the hell are you doing, Thomas? Are you that drunk that you really thought this was okay?”

  His expression was stricken, eyes wide and mouth open. Then white-hot anger welled up in his eyes, and she watched his hands tighten into fists at his sides. Kay took two steps away from him, her eyes darting back and forth, looking for rescue.

  “You’re a real bitch, Kay. A real bitch for leading me on, and I’m not going to forget this. You’ll be sorry you did this to me.”

  Kay rubbed her temples and groaned, leaning back in her chair. She’d been conducting research for a case for at least a few hours, and her eyes were getting blurry. She closed the book on top and set it aside, then turned her attention back to her computer screen. With her chin in her hand, she bit her lip while scrolling through case law.

  “Need a break?”

  Her tired eyes lit up when she heard Van’s voice. She looked up to see him standing in the doorway with a cock-eyed smile.

  “Sure, why not? Might even save my eyesight to be able to look at something besides this screen for a bit.” Wagging her eyebrow at him while he approached her, she waited until he was within whispering distance and said softly, “And you’re certainly easier on these eyes.”

  Van’s half-grin turned into a full smile. “Careful, Miss Rawley. I’ll close the door and show you just how easy I can be.”

  Her cheeks blushed, but she laughed and sat up straight. “Glad you’re back. I left a few things in your chair. One of them is a new divorce, probably uncontested, but he wanted to speak to you as soon as possible. I’m not sure he trusts women altogether, and since I happen to be one, I think he wanted to be sure you would get things taken care of.”

  “Well,” Van said, a serious expression on his face as he sat down. “I can attest to the fact that you happen to be a woman.”

  Kay’s eyes widened in warning, and she quickly looked to the door to be sure no one was in ear-shot. “You know, for someone who made a big production of warning about the need to keep this relationship between us, you’re definitely pushing the envelope.”

  “I think it was the text about the New Year’s kiss that did it. I’ve been anticipating that for days.”

  She inhaled a deep breath, thoughts turning to the incident with Thomas. She hadn’t spoken to him since New Year’s Eve. She and Tamara had left immediately after the episode. They’d gone back to Kay’s apartment so she could pack some things and she’d spent the last few nights sleeping on her co-worker’s couch.

  “Something wrong?”

  Shaking her head, Kay forced a smile. She would tell him all about it later, but now wasn’t the time to dig up that unpleasantness. “No, nothing. I’m glad to see you. Wish I could show you how glad, but for now telling will have to do.”

  “On that subject, if you don’t have plans tonight…”

  “My only plans involved seeing you. Where are we going?”

  Their voices were both lower so that no prying ears might catch the conversation. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees and hands crossed in front. “My house. Does six sound okay?”

  “Your house?” she whispered loudly, glancing in the hallway again like a nervous teenager. In truth, the need for secrecy was a little bit exciting and sexy. “I thought you wanted to take me on a real date.”

  “I do, and I will. But I don’t think I can wait that long to have you again, so meeting somewhere with a bed handy seemed more appropriate.”

  “We did pretty well the first time without a bed, but I agree that throwing me on the table at a fine restaurant would be slightly inappropriate.”

  “Good, then my house at six.”

  Her desk phone beeped, and she jumped, heart thudding as if someone had caught them in the act.

  “Kay,” Tamara spoke via the intercom. “Are you in there?”

  “Yes.” She cleared her throat. “Yes, I’m here.”

  “Mrs. Faucett is on line four for you.”

  “She asked for me?”

  “Yes, she specifically asked to speak with you.”

  Van stood up but didn’t leave the room. Her eyes immediately went to him, searching. “Do you want me to put it on speaker?”

  His head moved back in forth. “Nope. I trust you. Try not to chase her off. Six o’clock.” And with that he left her office.

  Kay took a moment to recover her faculties, then grabbed a clean notebook and a pen and picked up the phone. “This is Kay Rawley.”

  “Miss Rawley, this is Charise Faucett. Do you have a moment?”

  “Of course, Charise.” It might have been presumptuous to use the woman’s given name, but on instinct Kay decided their client would welcome a more informal discussion.

  “I’ve been giving that last meeting I had in your office a lot of thought. And I’m … I’m not certain that my husband can change. That he can do the right thing
for us, but I have to try.” The woman’s voice sounded small, uncertainty evident in the slow pace of her words.

  “Charise, you don’t owe me anything. An apology or otherwise. I’m the one who needs to apologize to you. I had no right to speak to you that way. I had no right to say those things.”

  There was silence, and for a minute Kay doubted her choice of words. She repeated them in her head, wondering what she should have said and what she could do to turn the conversation. But then Mrs. Faucett took a deep shaky breath and another thought occurred to her. “Has something happened? Are you in danger, Charise?”

  “No, no, I don’t think so. Nothing’s happened. We’re safe, but I just have a feeling he can’t do it. And I’m not sure what to do, but I have to try.”

  “I see. Is there something you need for us to do?”

  “I’ve been thinking about what you said. And about how you talked about the boys. Junior likes you a lot. He felt comfortable talking to you. So, what I’m calling to ask is if you could be their attorney. I mean, I’m their mom, and I want to do the right thing, but maybe I can’t do that. Maybe they need someone else to intervene.”


  Kay considered that a few moments, at once honored by the woman’s assurance that she could advocate for her boys and also concerned by the suggestion that things might turn bad at the Faucett household again. “When a child or children need an attorney in this sort of situation, the Court will generally appoint an ad litem. It’s not something you can choose, or at least you can’t choose who’s appointed. It would need to be a third party unrelated to the case. Would you like to have someone appointed for the boys? We could request that in the divorce action.”

  Charise hesitated, and Kay heard movement as she fumbled around with her phone, probably switching it around to a more comfortable position. “I’m not sure. Do you think that’s what I should do?”

  What would Van say? Kay asked herself before answering. “Sometimes it’s easier for children to have someone else speak for them. They love both of you, Charise. I could see that clearly. If you think they would do better with a third party to help them voice their wants and wishes, then we’ll petition the court for one.”

  She inhaled and exhaled. “Yes, I think that’s best. That’s what I want.”

  A weight she hadn’t even realized she was carrying melted away from Kay, and she dropped her forehead into her hand in relief. “I’ll let Mr. Van Buren know your wishes. He’ll call you if he has any questions, and otherwise you know you can always contact us.”

  “Kay, thank you for understanding. I really wish you could be the boys’ ad whatever…”

  “Ad litem.”

  “… but I appreciate you listening after all that happened.”

  By the time she left the office, Kay was on cloud nine. All negative thoughts were pushed away. She replayed her conversation with Mrs. Faucett in her mind, and she felt vindicated by the woman’s words. And of course seeing Van was enough to make any hot-blooded woman happy. After gathering her things from Tamara’s place, she got in her car and prepared to head to his house.

  Need me to bring anything?

  She passed the time waiting for his reply scrolling through her music playlists.

  Maybe wine. I don’t have any white in the house.

  She grinned as she tapped out her response.

  Wine it is. Gentil is my favorite. If you have an objection, speak now. Or text now.

  When she arrived at Van’s home, Kay sat the wine in the driver’s seat while she reached for the button beside her seat to pop the trunk. Bottle under one arm, she opened the back and was just slinging her duffel bag over her shoulder when her phone dinged.

  A warm smile spread over her face. “Aha, too late to speak. Already got the wine.”

  But when she glanced at the phone and saw the message, her entire body went cold.

  I know what you’re doing you two-timing bitch. Gentil? That’s our wine, and you’re taking it to that lawyer-prick. I’m watching you, and you’re going to be sorry.

  A second message popped up.

  I’m going to make you pay, bitch.

  The screeching of tires sounded behind her, but she was slow to react. When she turned, a car with its bright lights on careened towards the driveway where she stood. At the last moment it veered away but it came so close that she stumbled back against her own vehicle. The wine bottle slipped from her grasp and she cried out when it exploded on impact with the pavement.

  “Come on in, Kay. It’s unlocked,” Van called out when he heard the doorbell. He was just in the process of cutting up some carrots for the salad. He heard her step inside and glanced over his shoulder quickly to smile at her. “Chiller’s right there on the counter. Tonight’s dinner is presented to you by Ginny Sue Van Buren. Her favorite baked garlic and parmesan chicken.”


  The cracking of her voice drew his immediate attention. He set the knife down and turned around quickly. She was standing in his foyer, her face ashen. When he looked down he saw that her stockings were wet and she looked to be bleeding.

  “Jesus, what the hell happened?” he demanded, rounding the bar and coming to her side immediately. He knelt to examine her ankle and saw several small nicks that weren’t serious.

  “I dropped the wine,” she murmured, and when his eyes met hers, tears welled in them.

  He stood and drew her close. She was trembling and all he could think to do was to rub arms. “I have some red. It’s okay. What’s really going on?”

  She handed him her phone, and when his fingers touched hers, he found they were freezing cold. He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the living area, forcing her onto the couch and then covering her with a blanket.

  “How did he find me? I would know if someone was watching me, right? I don’t know what I’m so scared of, but it’s just creepy.”

  As she mumbled, he turned on the phone and glanced at the messages from Thomas. Fury bubbled up from his gut, and he had the urge to throw the damned phone across the room. Instead he reached over to his coffee table and grabbed his cordless.

  “Yeah, this is Audrick Van Buren. Give me Detective Jamieson.”

  Kay gasped, grabbing his arm with her ice cold fingers. “The police? You’re calling the police?”

  “This isn’t funny, Kay,” he held the phone out to her, “This is more than just some punk guy being stupid. This is stalking.”

  “No, he…” She shook her head, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth as if she could deny the truth she clearly saw before her. Finally she drew back and clasped the edges of the blanket, pulling it around her so that she was ensconced.

  “Jamieson, I need someone, your best someone, at my house now. It’s a stalking charge. No, not me. My girlfriend.” Van cut his eyes at Kay to see what she might think of that moniker, but she just stared at him unflinching. “Okay, thanks.” He hung up the phone and looked to Kay. “He’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  “He came at me out of nowhere…”

  Van stopped her with his fingers on her lips. “Just wait. I want you to explain to all of us at the same time instead of having to repeat it. Okay?”

  She nodded, and he kissed her gently on the lips before standing. Then he went to the front door and check the bolts, glancing out the side window to be sure no one was outside. After that, he turned to the kitchen, switched the oven temperature to warm and placed the salad back in the refrigerator.

  “Do you want anything to drink? Water?”

  Kay shook her head, saying nothing. He really wanted to pop open one of the beers in the refrigerator door, but instead he closed it and made his way to his bedroom. He found his handgun safe in drawer beside his bed. Unlocking it, he checked the clip and then placed the gun back into the box and carried it into the living area.

  His hackles were up. Kay was upset, but probably not nearly as afraid as he was. There had always been something about Thomas that rubb
ed him wrong. An instinct that the guy had some serious issues. He should have told Kay how he really felt instead of being so subtle about it.

  The doorbell rang, and they both looked at the door simultaneously. Van rushed over to open it.

  “Hey, man,” Rick Jamieson said, putting out his hand to shake it.

  “I thought you were going to send one of your guys?”

  Rick leaned close. “And miss the chance to check out your girlfriend? Hell no.”

  Van rolled his eyes and smiled in spite of the situation. He hadn’t had a steady woman in his life for a while. It was a running joke with some of his friends, and he hadn’t said a word about Kay to them, so it wasn’t any wonder Rick was curious. Motioning with his hand, he directed the cop into the room.

  While he and Kay made their introductions, Van moved into the background so as not to distract her.

  “I knew he liked me. He made some serious passes at me in the beginning, but I told him I wasn’t interested, and he backed off. He flirts with me, but he flirts with all the women. I guess I knew he still thought of me differently but I blew it off.”

  Rick was taking notes on a little note pad, all business now. “So did things escalate when he found out you were dating Van?”

  Kay’s head swung around, and she glanced over at him, eyes wide. “He doesn’t know that. Well, I guess he does, but I didn’t tell him. I didn’t even tell him we kissed, Van. We spent a lot of time together after Christmas, after the thing happened with Mrs. Faucett, but I never said anything about us.”

  “What thing? With Mrs. Faucett?”

  Van came back into the living area, sitting down in a chair across from them. “Office issue. Kay and I weren’t really together at that time.” He flicked his gaze to her. “Tell him about the office party.”

  She closed her eyes and inhaled deep, then explained about Thomas crashing the firm Christmas party. He knew this must be hard for her. She’d been nursing along this friendship with the guy for a long time, and in her heart she didn’t want to think badly of him. Also, he knew more now about how tender Kay was about protecting people. He suspected a lot of her friendship with Thomas was based on sympathy.


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