Claiming Slice

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Claiming Slice Page 12

by Eden Rose

  She’s still shaking but she’s now looking at me. Her eyes are wild and frustrated with her need.

  I feel like I’m ten feet tall when she looks at me like this.

  “Fuck me, Noah.”

  Should I fuck her in the shower? Nah. I want something different for her. I turn in the spray and wipe her juices off my face and take the shower head off the handle. I flick over the nozzle to make it the full stream. Once it’s switched, I slip it between her legs that are still bowed out from accommodating me.

  “No!” She begs and tries to jump out of the shower.

  Chuckling, I lean in to whisper in her ear. “What’s wrong, baby? Too sensitive?”

  She mewls at me to show me her frustration. “Yeah, I’m too fucking sensitive. Some mad man barged into my apartment and made me come two times in a row in the shower!”

  I shut the water off, turning so I’m now facing her. Cupping her face, I bring my mouth to her ear. “Get your sexy ass out of the shower and crawl for me to the bed.”

  Jen shakes her stubborn head but I’m not backing down. “Do what you’re told, baby.”

  She shakes her damn head again. “No fucking way am I crawling for you!” She hisses out.

  My jaw ticks and I pull back the curtain to walk out. I quickly begin to gather my clothes that were strewn in the hallway and throw them on. I hear a frustrated and horny woman growling in the bathroom.

  “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” She demands, standing in front of my completely naked. Her skin is this glowing red color that makes her wet blue hair, look even bluer.

  “Leaving. It’s obvious that you don’t want to play how I want to play and I’ve got shit to do,” I bluff. I’ve got nothing to do besides fuck this girl six ways to Sunday but I’m not letting her know that.

  She places her hands on her hips. “Well, I don’t see why I need to crawl for you like I’m your slave.”

  Hearing her say slave makes my eyes flare. “I don’t know what to tell you, Jen. At least you got off.” I shove my feet into my shoes, leaning over to pull my jeans up and over my ass.

  Jen must realize that I’m not going to back down because she furrows her brows and looks torn. “Give me you, Jen. Give me you to show you that I know what your body wants. What your body is capable of doing. If you can’t do that, then we have no business doin’ this.”

  I mean everything that I’m saying. If she can’t trust me to give herself over to me, then how the fuck can we continue? We can’t. Any relationship needs trust.

  “I, uh, damn it,” Jen stutters out.

  We are at an impasse, standing off in the middle of her living room.

  “Last chance,” I bluff. Jen has numerous chances but I’m trying to get her to realize that she can trust me. That she can be with me and I won’t hurt her.

  “Don’t hurt me,” she murmurs full of vulnerability.

  I take the few steps until I’m in front of her, grab her cheeks to pull her into my mouth. “Baby, I would never do that,” I murmur against her plump lips.

  She nods and drops to her knees to begin crawling. I shuck my clothes off in a hurry to follow behind her beautiful heart shaped ass. We are in the middle of the hallway when I couldn’t take it anymore. “Brace yourself,” I warn.

  Leaning over until I’m close enough to touch her, I grab her hips to pull her up. The second her ass is in the air, I drop to my knees and push her knees out to situate myself. I don’t give her a warning before I slide in.

  “Jesus, fuck!” I yell out.

  I’m gripping her hips to push and pull her to me so I can get deeper. Her pussy muscles are squeezing me so tightly that I almost can’t breathe. She tightens her muscles more and I hiss out.

  “Oh, fuuuuuckkkk!” Jen screams.

  “I know, baby. I know it’s intense,” I croon to her while I take one of my hands and drop it off of her hips. My fingers know which direction to go and they immediately find her slit. I break through the barrier of her pussy lips to find her clit. Each time my finger swipes over the sensitive ball of nerves, she tightens around me.

  “It’s never enough, I’m never close enough to you,” I admit while I pound into her from behind. She flings her head back to look at me over her shoulder. She winks at me.

  My fingers are working her clit and my other hand is controlling the rhythm and speed of my thrusts. “God damn it!” I cry out.

  My orgasm powers through me and I seize up. I can’t move due to how sensitive the tip of my dick is. I lazily fuck her until all of my release has been let go.

  We collapse in a heap on the ground wrapped up in each other. My hand slips away from her pussy but I drag the remaining juices over towards her waist. I roll over and bring her with me so we are curled around each other in the hallway.

  “I meant what I said,” I whisper to her.

  She mumbles something inaudible.

  “What was that?” I question.

  “I know.”

  “What are you doing this weekend?” I ask her. I pull her closer to me and my dick starts to get harder with the movement of Jen.

  She shrugs her shoulders to show me she doesn’t know. “I’m not sure. Why?”

  “I want you to go to bike fest with me.”

  I’ve never brought a chick with me to bike week because I’ve never had someone worth going with me. Bringing a girl to bike week is huge. It’s like claiming the chick in front of everyone. No one can mess with her or try to hook up with her for fear of getting fucked up.

  When Jen doesn’t answer me, I hear her lightly sigh. Her pussy muscles clamp around my dick that is hardening on its own accord. I thrust my hips up and slowly slide in and out of her.

  She rolls her hips to meet mine in the middle while we fuck each other lazily. It’s fucking amazing. “Noah, oh… god…” She moans.

  “I know, baby. I know. It’s never enough with you,” I admit to her. “Go to bike fest with me.” I slide out of her until I’m completely out of her pussy when she doesn’t answer me.

  “No! Get back in.”

  “Not until you tell me yes.” I’m playing dirty, but I want what I want. “You want to come?” I taunt her. With one hand sliding up her body to the back of her head to grab her hair, I take the other one to flick her clit.


  “You can do better than that, my little greedy girl.”

  “Fine! I’ll go with you to bike fest!” She screams out with frustration that is met with me slamming into her.

  My balls bounce off her clit over and over. I use my left leg as leverage to fuck her harder and with longer strokes. But the right one, that’s the one I’m getting the momentum from. “Yeah, that’s right, baby. You want to come because you want to know what it’s like to be with me. Don’t you?”

  My hand is still gripping her hair, pulling it taunt against her head. “God help me, but I do.”

  I lose my load in her right after her pussy muscles clamp against my dick. This woman has a magic pussy.

  Carefully, I slide out of her causing both of us to groan. I roll over to my back in the middle of the snug hallway and drag her over to me. She flips to her other side and gets comfortable with her head on my chest and her leg tossed over mine. I couldn’t resist not saying anything to show her how much she’s beginning to mean to me. I tried, honestly.

  “You know I dig you, right?” I confide in her.

  She nods her head against my chest. “Yeah, I like you, too.”


  I’m about ninety-nine percent sure that if you look up “poser” in the dictionary, you will see my face. Not only did I just spend a week’s worth of pay at the Harley Davidson store to look the part of a biker’s chick, I also rescheduled all of my customers’ appointments for this upcoming week to go with Noah.

  Why am I doing so much to go to some bike fest with a guy that fucks me silly? I don’t know why, I’ll have to get back to you on that.

  Chantal and I are wai
ting for the guys to come pick us up from her little cottage that she’s about to put on the market. She’s been staying with Joe more than staying here so there’s no point to keep three places, including the room in the clubhouse.

  “I found some information on Jimmy and your dad.”

  My back goes rail straight. “What did you find?” I ask desperately.

  She nods her beautiful head. “Uh, this isn’t fucking easy to say but they’ve relocated here. In town.”

  “Fuck me!” I holler out.

  “With the GPS tracking that I have in their computers and phones, I’ve got a general idea as to where they are. About three miles from you.”

  “What are they doing for work?” I blurt. If Jimmy is out of prison, my and his dad are both going to require that he pays them back for the legal fees. Plus, I know that my dad is going to make Jimmy bring me back home.

  Chantal shrugs. “From what I can see, there hasn’t been any murders that have taken place but the drug trade has gone up.”

  Of course it has.

  Feeling like I need to change the subject, I quickly do. “What do you think is going to happen?” I question her.

  My best friend looks fucking gorgeous with her pink hair in a tight knot on the top of her head. Plus, she’s dressed in her leather jacket that claims her as Joe’s. It’s supposedly a big deal to receive one of these. I don’t know shit, but I’m going to pretend that I do.

  See what I mean? I’m a poser.

  “Maybe like a frat party? You know? People walking around naked and acting like fucking idiots. That type of thing.”

  I adjust my jeans that I’m wearing to fit into my knee high boots. Without knowing what to wear, I just kind of picked what I thought would look cute. Plus, I packed a couple mini skirts, shorts, jeans… And sexy underwear for Noah when he’s been a good boy.

  The rumble of motorcycles could be heard in the next town, that’s how loud they are. The vibrations from the motor, kick start my heart making me anxious and excited all at the same time.

  “How many bikes is that?” I inquire over the vibrations of the pipes.

  She shrugs, squinting to see further down the road. “Maybe a hundred? I have no idea!”

  The motorcycles are coming into view with their people on them dressed in yellow. Since I have no idea the process of leadership, I’m assuming that Joe’s riding up front because he’s the president.

  Next to me, Chantal jumps up and down clapping her hands like a moron when Joe comes into view. He’s got his face covered with what looks like a bandana with a bear on it. “Isn’t he so fucking hot?” She squeals like a teenager.

  “Yeah, he’s pretty hot,” I reply and look through the mass of bikes trying to find Noah.

  “You’ve got it so bad,” Chantal calls me out while tapping my elbow with hers.

  I brush her off and continue to look through the faces as they come up into view. The minute Joe stops his bike, my best friend is running over to him like she hasn’t seen him in years.

  Just as Joe pulls Chantal over his lap to kiss her silly, I see who I’ve been waiting for. He’s third in line with a bandana covering his face. Noah’s blond hair is wild and loose but so sexy.

  I stand awkwardly at the stoop waiting for some type of sign about what I’m supposed to be doing. Do I go running to him? Do I wait for him to make the first move? To hell if I know!

  Over the roar of the motorcycles, I hear Noah calling for me. “Baby, get your fine ass over here!”

  What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ll tell you what’s wrong with me. Noah is too good in bed and is making me into some type of idiot every time I see him. I walk over to him with hesitation. That was until he hops off his bike and strolls to me with a pimp walk.

  Noah’s in front of me with a cocky smile on his face and I can’t help but return it. There’s something about him that makes me stupid. Stupid with lust, greediness and want.

  “Excuse me, do you have pet insurance?” He asks me loud enough for everyone to hear him.

  I shake my head and tilt it to the side. “Uh, no…” I hedge.

  “Because your pussy is getting smashed tonight!” He howls with laughter.

  Trying to bite back my own amusement, I think of something to say. “Did you know that I grew up on a chicken farm? I sure know how to raise a cock!”

  Noah’s laugh gets louder and less controlled. He grabs my shoulders, pulling me closer to him and then kissing the fuck out of me in front of everyone. Even though the bikes are louder than fuck, I can’t hear them over my heart beating so loud in my ears.

  “All right! Break it up! We gotta hit the fuckin’ road!” Joe calls from his bike.

  My lips tingle in the best way causing me to smile through the embarrassment of kissing like a couple of teenagers. Being around Noah, I can’t help it but act like a bitch in heat.

  I follow behind Noah towards his bike that is two behind Joe and Chantal. I’m about to climb on when Noah pulls something out of his bag on the side of the bike before stuffing my bag in there. When he shakes it out, I see that it’s a leather jacket similar to the one that Chantal’s wearing and my breath catches in my throat.

  He hands it to me and I take it between my hands smelling the thick aroma of fresh leather. Every one of the brothers are clapping including Chantal while I’m trying to figure out what this means. I hold the coat out in front of me and read the back: Property of Slice and then on the bottom says: Lucifer’s Lair.

  “Does this mean what I think it means?” I ask him.

  Noah shrugs and takes it from my hands before slipping it over my shoulders. “It means whatever you want it to mean. We don’t have to make a big fuckin’ deal out of it if you don’t want to.”

  I smirk and slip the leather on. The leather is cool on my over heated skin, instantly cooling me down.


  I turn my head and see everyone clapping hysterically and whooping out of one of the biggest turning points of my life.

  “Hey!” Someone yells over the roar and thunder of the bikes.

  We all turn our heads around to see Chantal’s neighbor on her porch with a pissed off look on her face. “If you don’t get your fucking asses moving, I’m calling the god damned cops!”

  “You heard the woman, brothers. We have a bike fest to get to!” Joe yells out.

  Chantal spins in her seat and winks at me while I climb on behind Noah on his bike. I wind my arms around his waist and hold on as he kicks the motor on to start the machine. “Lean with my body, baby. You got this,” he coaches me.


  Bike fest is a weekend that is dedicated to all things biker. Leather workers, bike workers, iron workers, tattoo booths… everything you can think of lines the streets of a city that is chosen. And of course, we can’t forget about all the whores that are looking for some fun.

  Jen’s hands flinch and grip me tighter when she sees a group of whores ripping off their bikini tops and throwing it into the crowd. “Does this shit happen all the fucking time?” She hisses at me.

  We arrived at the check in for bike fest about an hour ago. After check in, we ride the three miles down the track until we get to our section. It’s nothing special; just a party tent that is big enough to hold all of us and whatever else we want. Since we aren’t the only club here, we like to be towards the back to keep our eyes on everyone.

  You never know when there’s going to be a snake circling.

  “Baby, that’s nothing. You’re gonna see bitches fucking and trying to get a guy to claim them. It’s nothing new,” I try to tell her. I’ve got both of our bags in my hand but my other hand is resting on her back to lead her towards our spot.

  She sighs out of frustration. “I’m not here for them. Baby, I’m here with you. Don’t let them bother you.”

  “All right. What do we do now?” She asks me.

  “Now,” I point with my hand that has our bags in it, “we find our spot and drop our shit to get
ready for the show.”

  “What show?” she questions.

  I smirk. “Just wait, Jen. You’re going to be pretty surprised!”

  Pinky and The Bear are already in the tent next to their spot in the middle. I’m not surprised that he’s taking this time to dry hump her in front of everyone like he doesn’t care. Well, he doesn’t care.

  “Get a room!” Rabies calls out.

  The Bear breaks his kiss with his woman and growls at him. “I can kiss my woman whenever I fuckin’ want to. You got a problem with it? You can kick rocks, mother fucker!”

  Rabies throws his hands out in the air in a defensive way. “Yo. No disrespect, man.”

  “Welcome!” A loud booming voice calls out through the speakers.

  Jen comes out of her skin and screams when she hears the voice. Her hand is covering her rising chest and she has her eyes closed. “What the fuck is that?”

  Every one of us bust out laughing. I’ve got tears running down my face from laughing so hard. “Baby, it’s the announcer. She’s announcing that bike fest has begun.”

  She punches me in the side. “I don’t find the fact that she almost gave me a heart attack funny!’

  Knowing that her pride is probably hurt, I wrap my arm around her shoulder to bring her into my chest. “You’re so cute,” I croon, hoping to make it up to her.

  Jen tries to push me away but she’s not doing a good job with it. “You’re lucky that I like you a little bit or I would kick your ass in front of all your brothers!”

  She shouts the last bit which gets Flip’s attention from flirting with Britney. “I would like to see that! You’ve got my money, Blue!”

  “What is she doing here?” I hear from the outside of the tent. Val’s standing at the very edge of the tent with Kate. Both are looking pissed off but they know why they’re here.

  The Bear steps away from Pinky to walk over to the girls that are looking pissed off. “My girl and Slice’s girl are here because we asked them to be here. If you have a problem with them bein’ here, you can find your own way back. You get me?”

  “Bye, bitches!” Someone shouts from the other side of the tent making us all laugh.


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