Acceptable Risk

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Acceptable Risk Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  Bethany growled, “Fuck!” at the first, and then wailed, “Noooo!” at the second, but Jonathan’s cock jerked in her ass at her outburst and she knew her pain was turning him on.

  One glance at Ranger told her he, too, was getting off on her pain, and she lifted her head to look at Mac, only to see he was stroking himself a little faster while watching intently.

  The idea the three of them enjoyed her pain probably should’ve scared her, but instead it excited her. She didn’t realize she was fighting the rope until she stopped, and she let go of it and flexed her hands as she tried to relax. Holding the rope was only necessary when she pulled and fought, so she’d try to remember not to grab it again. Ranger had asked for her submission and she’d given it to them — fighting her bonds didn’t seem as if she was giving it, offering it.

  Jonathan moaned and pressed in again as he said, “So. Fucking. Perfect.”

  Ranger agreed, and leaned up to kiss her breasts around the clamps as Jonathan went a little faster, and she opened her eyes in shock as he pushed his way into her, forcing her muscles to accept him.

  When at last he was all the way in, he held firm, his eyes closed as he appeared to fight for control.

  Ranger sat up beside her and said, “I’m going to tighten the screws past the point of what you think you can take. It won’t injure you, but it will hurt. Feel free to scream and shout, or even beg us to take them off. Jonathan’s going to set a timer when I tighten the first one, and if you can last two minutes we’ll loosen them and then give you as many orgasms as you want. If you safeword then we’ll take them off, tease you for ten minutes, and put them back on to try again.”

  She heard Mac breathe in and then moan, and Ranger looked towards him to say, “Nothing quite like the scent of arousal spiced by fear, is there?”

  “God,” Mac growled, “I know you warned me, but shit, I’m so close to blowing just from the scent.”

  Ranger tightened the clamp on her right breast a whole turn, licked the top of her nipple poking out of the cruel metal, and then tightened it some more. He didn’t stop until Bethany’s eyes were watering as she fought the ropes, and she heard a beep as Jonathan leaned sideways and started a timer on his phone.

  Ranger tightened the other, and Bethany knew there was no way she could last two minutes. “Please, just a minute! Not two!” she pleaded, feeling every inch of Jonathan’s cock in her ass as she moved and squirmed and fought to get her hands free.

  Mac walked towards her and jacked himself faster, and Ranger stuck two fingers in her pussy as Jonathan massaged around her clit without touching it until she thought she’d go mad.

  “God, I need to come! And I need the clamps off! Please!”

  Ranger leaned around to kiss her, his fingers still inside of her, nothing touching her tits but the damned clamps and the chain hanging between them.

  She started bucking, as if trying to throw Jonathan off, her body ignoring the pain in her ass as she thrashed under him.

  When she couldn’t take it anymore she screamed, “Red!” and within seconds the clamps were off. “Just the clamps off, or do you want to stop the scene?” asked Ranger.

  “Just the clamps,” she managed to say between her deep gasps for air.

  Mac squeezed the base of his cock as he took a step back, saying, “So fucking hot,” but the other men ignored him as Ranger once again worked a few fingers into her pussy, and Jonathan pulled out and pushed back in, so slow she felt every damned millimeter. A full trip out had to take thirty seconds, and then that long again for him to go back in, and before long she was lost in the sensations as he leisurely made his way in and out of her bottom.

  When Ranger moved to put the clamps back on, she moaned, “No, you said I had ten minutes!”

  “It’s been ten minutes, Raggedy,” Jonathan said with a gentle smile. “Take it for us, take the pain, know how hot you are when you’re hurting for us.”

  Ranger put them on without hurting her as Jonathan continued fucking her ass in slow motion.

  “We’re going to do everything we can to help you deal with the pain,” Ranger told her. “But it’s a win-win for us, because if you can’t take it, we’ll do this again in twelve minutes, and if you can then we get to watch you writhe and squirm under us as we give you orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. How the rest of the night goes is entirely up to you.”

  Bethany screamed as he tightened the clamps, and then thrashed under Jonathan as her body frantically tried to escape the pain. She shouted again as Ranger’s lips sealed around her clit and his tongue licked and stroked and her world detonated into a million pieces, but still she didn’t find release.

  Her men kept her on edge, kept her frantic, and while it didn’t take the pain away, it added a layer of pleasure over the top.

  Mac kneeled beside her on the bed and worked his cock with his hand, fast then slow, then so fast it was a blur. She focused on his hand, on Jonathan’s cock in her ass, and Ranger’s tongue on her clit, and her hips fought to move as Jonathan pressed her legs into the mattress around her shoulders.

  Mac’s growl seemed to come from wolf vocal cords and not human ones, and as his cum hit her chest an orgasm blossomed inside of her, slow at first and then rapid. Bethany screamed as the climax took control of her body —her arms pulling at the ropes and her legs fighting to get away from Jonathan’s grasp, but she was hopelessly restrained and all she could do was flail and thrash beneath the men with her nipples on fire, and Ranger’s lips and tongue stubbornly refusing to budge away from her clit, and Jonathan’s cock still owning her ass.

  When her orgasm faded they all backed off, and Mac untied her wrists as Jonathan released one clamp and Ranger removed the other. Someone used baby wipes to clean her up while Mac rubbed her arms and wrists, and then Jonathan’s mouth sealed around her left nipple as Ranger’s worked her right one, and she screamed, “No! It’s too much! Give them a second, please!”

  “Let it be too much,” Mac’s voice soothed as he let go of one arm but kept rubbing the other. “Accept it, take it. They know what they’re doing, and we all know how overwhelmed you are. You told Ranger you’d submit to him, this is what he wants.”

  Bethany stilled her body, though her hips kept moving as if she were fucking someone invisible above her.

  “That’s it,” Mac crooned as he switched to her other arm. “Show us you want to belong to three men. Show us you’re strong enough to take us all on.”

  “A harem,” she managed to say between gasps, “implies I own the men, not the other way around!”

  Ranger pulled off her nipple with a pop that made her give a short scream, and his expression went dark as he said, “You want to pretend you own us when we aren’t having sex, we’ll humor you, but when we’re in bed, this body is ours to share amongst the three of us, however we want.”

  “Not just in bed,” Jonathan corrected. “In the kitchen, the forest, the shower… anywhere we’re having sex.”

  The men repositioned her so she was sitting in Jonathan’s lap, her back to his front, and then lifted her. Jonathan put his cock to her asshole, and Ranger pushed her back down. She gasped and moaned, but Ranger’s hands pressed down on her shoulders as Jonathan pulled her down by the hips, and neither man let up until she was sitting in his lap, his cock spreading her ass open once again.

  “Jonathan is a huge fan of breast torture,” Ranger said as he showed her a single tail whip, “and you have beautiful tits.”

  Bethany looked down and saw they were turning red, and told them, “They’re throbbing, and I feel them with every breath, but there’s so much going on!”

  “I want to give you two strokes on each breast with this,” Ranger told her as he uncoiled the whip. It was maybe three feet long, and a bolt of terror went through her.

  “God, no, please!”

  “Four strokes and we’ll untie your breasts and fuck you into oblivion,” Ranger promised.

  “Take it for us,” Jonathan said
with his lips at her ear. He moved his hips to remind her his cock was still in her ass, as if she could possibly forget. “I’ll hold you for him, help you through it, but Ranger wants to know you’ll carry his mark while they’re gone. Give this to us. Let us hurt you.”

  Her gaze met Ranger’s, and suddenly she wanted to give it to him, wanted to wear his mark while he was in Washington with Mac. Her chin went up and back down of its own accord, and Ranger gave her a gentle smile.

  “You’re perfect, Bethany. Thank you.”

  He delivered the four strikes one after the other – one on the outside of each breast, then on the inside, just on the outer line of her areola.

  Bethany gave a single, tortured scream throughout all four strikes, and was still screaming as Ranger released her bound breasts.

  Jonathan held her tight and kept her from thrashing around, but his mumbled string of cuss words let her know her reactions had translated to his cock buried in her ass and he was having a hard time remaining in control. He took a few deep breaths and finally scooted down the bed and positioned her so Ranger could get to her pussy, and then they fulfilled their promise and fucked her into oblivion. She lost track of how many orgasms she had, and when they both finally came, she rolled sideways off Jonathan and onto the bed, curled in a ball.

  Mac spooned behind her, kissing her neck just below her ear as he said, “Poor baby, they were so rough with you. Let me make it better.”

  She relaxed for him, and before long was on her back as he soothed and rubbed the rope marks still showing around the base of her breasts. He was careful to avoid the whip marks, already turning colors, so she was sure she would, indeed, wear Ranger’s marks for more than a few days.

  When Mac climbed between her legs and slid his cock into her pussy, she moaned and protested, but he said, “Ssshhh, watching them fuck you was so damned hot. Now it’s time for you to take what I give you, Cupcake. I know you’re sore, but you’re just gonna feel every inch of me that much more, right?”

  He sank into her with a groan, and Bethany wrapped her legs around his waist, accepting him into her. He kissed her neck and worked his way up to her mouth, his lips spreading hers as he pulled out and pressed back in.

  She moaned at the loss of his mouth as he lifted his head, but then she opened her eyes and was lost in his gaze.

  “Come for me, my beautiful little vixen. I can tell you’re close, I want to feel you squeezing my cock as you writhe under me.” He sped up and changed angles, and she was swept under by the orgasm.

  When she slid down from the summit, Bethany sighed in both relief and disappointment when Mac pulled out, but then her eyes shot wide open when he pressed into her ass.

  She mouthed, “No!” but he only smiled and pushed in as he said, “So fucking tight.”

  “Or maybe you’re just too fucking big,” she groused, but Mac only chuckled and picked up speed.

  Mac lifted his head and closed his eyes, pleasure clearly written across his face, and Bethany moved her legs to give him better access. He leaned forward, kissed her again, and said, “Sorry, my little vixen, I need to be rough with you.”

  Bethany reached for her clit, but Jonathan’s hand was suddenly there, working it for her as Mac pounded her ass, and thirty seconds later Bethany was lost in another screaming orgasm, followed shortly by Mac growling his way through one.

  When Mac sat up, Bethany knew right away something was wrong. Two seconds later, Mac’s voice snapped, “Get her out of here.”

  Bethany sat up, grabbed his shoulders from behind, and felt the bones inside shifting and moving.

  “Feel my hands, Mac. My hands on your human shoulders.” She dug her thumbs into a trigger point above his shoulder blades and pressed towards his spine in a straight line, changing direction a few inches from his backbone and moving towards his neck. “I couldn’t do this if you were a wolf. Do you want my thumbs to keep working on you? Because I can only do it if you stay in control.”

  The bones stopped moving, his skin stopped crawling, and Mac took a shuddering breath.

  “Well,” said Jonathan. “I’ll be damned. She’s the Mac whisperer.”

  They all gave a relieved laugh, and Bethany leaned in and kissed the side of Mac’s neck as she kept working his shoulders and upper back. He turned and took her into his arms, saying, “I’m good now, you can stop. We’re supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around.”

  “No apologies,” she ordered. “What happened?”

  He looked towards Ranger and back to her. “I got too caught up in the smells and it let the wolf get too big of a foothold.” He kissed her forehead. “The scents you give off when aroused are intoxicating, but when Ranger layered pain and fear over the top…” He shook his head. “I’ve smelled true fear and true pain, and both are a bitter, acrid smell. But yours tonight was sweet, beautiful, and they all worked together, merging and layering and…” He chuffed a breath out and shrugged. “It’s like explaining the difference between red and purple to a blind man. I couldn’t have understood it before I was turned.”

  The four found a way to lie in bed together, Bethany comfortably draped over them, and they talked for an hour. She could’ve easily fallen asleep, but didn’t want to lose this last hour with them before they left.

  The final goodbyes were more difficult than they should’ve been, and both she and Jonathan were quiet as he drove them back down the mountain.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Snowy was less than pleased to see Jonathan again, and when he bowed up and turned sideways with a hiss, Bethany scolded, “Oh, enough of that, you silly cat.”

  “Don’t fuss at him. He can smell what I am and I can smell his fear. It’ll take time for him to trust I won’t eat him.”

  He double-checked the locks, and then went through the house looking at windows and the other doors. Bethany watched him a few seconds, and then trudged off to her bedroom, exhausted. She put a cute pajama outfit on — shorts and a matching camisole — and climbed into bed, figuring she’d probably be asleep before Jonathan joined her.

  However, she was getting comfortable with her pillows when he stepped into the room and took his shirt off, and she quietly threatened her libido to shut the fuck up before he smelled her arousal and decided to fool around some more. Her pussy and ass were deliciously sore, but she couldn’t take any more tonight.

  “You asked if you could see my leopard,” he said, his voice a quiet offer.

  She sat up, her weariness forgotten. “Yeah?”

  “I won’t hurt you, and I can understand you, though I can’t talk back,” he told her, and she had a feeling it would hurt his feelings if he smelled her fear, so she determined not to be afraid.

  His torso moved deliciously as he undressed, and she tried to admire his beauty without remembering how he looked above her while taking her, his cock in her ass as his hips pumped and his ab muscles rippled. His smile told her he smelled her arousal, but when he was nude he stood still, took a breath… and morphed into the most beautiful leopard she’d ever seen.

  He paced out of the room and back in, his long whip-like tail alternately curling and swishing.

  “Can you jump up on the bed with me? I want to pet you.”

  He was at least ten feet away when she asked, but he turned and leapt into the air, gracefully landing on her bed and immediately lying down and rolling to his side.

  “You surprised me, you didn’t scare me, Jonathan,” she told him, aware she probably smelled afraid because of the shock of seeing a two hundred plus pound cat flying through the air towards her. He’d been nowhere near landing on her. She was never in danger.

  “Can you come closer, so I can pet you?”

  He rolled over and touched her foot with his paw, and she leaned forward to pet him.

  Bethany truly felt no fear as this huge leopard wallowed on her bed, in heaven as she rubbed his head and scratched behind his ears. He caught her off guard when he started purring, as at fi
rst it sounded more like the growl of a German Shepherd than a purr, but she soon realized what it was, and laughed with joy as she kissed him on top of the head.

  “Can I rub your chest?”

  He rolled to his back and rubbed the top of his head on the bed as she stroked and rubbed his huge chest, burrowing her fingers in his fur. He rolled to his side and she rubbed the outside of his leg, then up to his shoulder, up his neck and back to his head.

  “How about your tail?”

  He swished it in a figure eight, whipping the bed with it hard enough to make her jump a little, and she asked, “No? Really? Just a touch?”

  His beautiful golden eyes let her know he most certainly didn’t want her touching his tail, and she decided she could wait to talk him into it another day. “Okay, I get it. Leave your tail the fuck alone.”

  He nudged her hand as if to say, “Yeah, but you can pet my head some more,” and she laughed as she pet him.

  “You’re beyond beautiful, both as a human and a leopard,” she told him.

  He touched her arm with his paw, squeezing it between the pads while keeping his nails sheathed, and she turned the light out and stretched out in the bed, her arm over his shoulder, her fingers buried in his fur as she absently stroked him until she fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Jonathan awoke the next morning, still in his leopard form, snuggled against Bethany. He smelled Snowy and turned his head to see the white housecat sitting on the dresser, glaring.

  The fact he’d come into the room meant it might be easier to befriend him in cat form than in his human skin, so Jonathan rolled to his back and playfully batted his paws as he looked at Snowy upside down.

  Snowy looked away, more pissed than scared, and Jonathan knew he’d won the white bundle of attitude over — he’d been frightened before, but now he was jealous of Jonathan sleeping in the bed, and no longer terrified.

  The leopard wriggled and twisted, offering to play until the white cat looked back to him, but no way was he going to jump on the bed and play right now. Still, it was a good start.


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