Disciplining The Thief - Complete Series (Historical Victorian Forbidden First Time Steamy Romance)

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Disciplining The Thief - Complete Series (Historical Victorian Forbidden First Time Steamy Romance) Page 12

by Georgia Fowler

  With his pistol aimed at Pinzer, Lord Brynwood watched as the man took a shaky step forward before collapsing completely. So focused and tuned in on Pinzer, Lord Brynwood hadn’t heard the muffled sounds of hooves behind him. The cavalry had arrived. He heard Lord Sutton’s voice directing the constables.

  Lord Brynwood let out a breath and looked down to reassure his little one that it was all over now. But instead of his sweet little one’s face, he saw blood.

  Blood was pouring out from a head wound, drenching her face and neck. Lord Brynwood’s heart stopped in terror then sped up and raced in panic. He immediately lowered the girl onto the floor. Ripping at his shirt, he made a makeshift bandage and began wrapping it around her head.

  But the color was draining fast from her face. She took on the same gray pallor that he had seen a hundred times before in the Navy and as a pirate. “No,” he whispered. “No, no, no.”

  Pressing her face into his chest, he gripped her. “Please, don’t, little one,” he begged. “Stay! Stay with me!” He held her tight, as if to infuse her with his own strength. But he could hear the slowing of her pulse. He could feel the life draining away.


  There was a pounding.

  Was it the door?

  Was it horses?

  Pinzer didn’t own horses. Abigail moaned as she turned her head. Where was all this pounding come from? It seemed to vibrate through her entire body.

  “Sweetheart? Darling? Are you awake?” a female voice floated above her. “Ellie! Go fetch Lord Brynwood! Tell him she’s waking!”

  With an effort that seemed nearly Herculean, Abigail opened her eyes. She blinked and as her vision focused, she realized she was in a very expensively furnished room. The window was curtained so only a dim light suffused the space but she could see the luxurious furnishings that surrounded her. Abigail had the faint sense of déjà vu.

  “Abigail?” the voice spoke again. Looking down, Abigail saw Colette, sitting at her bedside, her face completely shadowed in worry and concern. “Abigail, how do you feel? Do you need anything?”

  As she tried to shake her head, Abigail winced, realizing the pounding was coming from inside her own head. “My...my head hurts,” she rasped, her voice hoarse. How did she end up in this beautiful room? Where was Pinzer? Had Colette been kidnapped as well?

  Colette turned and poured a glass of water from a porcelain pitcher. Gently, she pressed the glass against Abigail’s lips, helping her drink and wet her dry lips. Once she was satisfied Abigail had had enough, Colette sat back down, holding Abigail’s small hand. “You’re head hurts because you were injured,” Colette explained gently.

  Abigail blinked, trying to breathe through the pounding headache. “Injured?” she whispered. “How?”

  “By saving my life, you stupidly brave girl,” Lord Brynwood said as he strode into the room.

  Before Abigail could hurt herself by shifting her head to see the earl, Lord Brynwood strode to the edge of the bed. He his face was worn and ragged with worry. He looked down at her and she saw the edges of relief lighting his eyes.

  Abigail gave him a faint smile. “Then...” she slowly breathed, “it was...worth it.”

  Colette immediately burst into tears, gripping Abigail’s hand, while Lord Brynwood stood with a torn expression of complete love and guilt.

  “Why did you run, little one? Can you tell me what happened?” Lord Brynwood asked.

  Abigail closed her eyes and sighed. Taking care not to shift her head too much, she explained what had happened nearly two months ago when Lord Brynwood had taken Abigail into town. She explained how she had fully believed Pinzer to follow through on his threat of ruining Lord Brynwood. After all, the earl had seen himself the kind of cruelty Pinzer was capable of.

  “But I hadn’t wanted to leave,” Abigail finished, tears gathering at her lashes. “It was...it was very hard to leave.”

  Colette squeezed her hand. “We worried for your every day you were gone. You were never out of our thoughts,” she said.

  Lord Brynwood gently ran a hand down Abigail’s face. It was then she realized for the first time her head was heavily bandaged. “Little one, you were lucky this time. The bullet just grazed your scalp.” Lord Brynwood hated to think what would have happened if he hadn’t jerked away when he did. “But next time, come to me. Tell me whatever trouble or pain you are in. Reputation and fortunes be damned, I would lose it all in a heartbeat than see you lying here like this again.” His eyes, warm and gentle, searched her healing face. “Do you understand?”

  Abigail’s eyes shone with the love and safety she felt. “Yes, sir,” she whispered.

  Lord Brynwood nodded. “Good,” he smiled.

  Together, they sat quietly, enjoying the relief of finally being reunited. Colette stroked the back of Abigail’s hand while Lord Brynwood stood at the foot her bed, his back against the wall, unable to take his eyes off his family.

  Finally breaking the silence, Abigail asked, “Where are we?”

  Lord Brynwood’s lips twitched. “Lord Sutton’s home, little one. But as soon as you are well enough, we will return to the manor.”

  Abigail sighed in relief. Relief in knowing where she now was and relief in knowing she would soon be returning home. Home. Yes, she truly now could accept that she had a home. And a family. Looking at the beautiful Colette and the handsome Lord Brynwood, she knew she couldn’t have asked for a better one.

  Abigail closed her eyes, nearly about to doze off, when she suddenly jerked awake as a thought stuck her. She cried out in pain at her sudden movement making Colette jump up in concern.

  “What’s wrong? What is it, darling?” Colette asked worriedly.

  “Pinzer!” Abigail cried, her eyes already watering from the pain. Taking in a deep breath and trying to regain control over her headache, she breathed, “What happened to Pinzer? Is he dead?”

  Lord Brynwood’s eyes hardened at the mention of the man. “Probably,” he said coldly and without feeling. “He was bleeding like a pig from a gutshot wound. If he didn’t die right there, he’s dying right now in jail.” Placing a large reassuring hand on her ankle, he looked into her eyes with an expression of complete assurance. “Don’t worry about that scum, little one. He is bound for hell and there is no doubt about it.”

  Abigail felt the grip on her heart relax. Was she really free? The idea was heady and intoxicating, making her feel dizzier than she already felt.

  Colette tucked the blankets in around her. “Just focus on getting better for now,” she said, rising. “Let us worry about everything else.” Leaning down, she placed a kiss on her forehead. Lord Brynwood followed suit.

  Abigail burrowed deeper into the downy silk covers and closed her eyes.

  She was safe.

  She was home.

  She was free.


  A guard walked by without a second glance at the occupied cell. Nobody seemed to be paying much attention to the bloodied and dying man. Pinzer wheezed as he felt the coldness of impending death wash through him. He knew he was near his time. Goddamn that Abigail, he knew.

  He had been brought to the jail once they had found a pulse on him at the factory. But it was merely a formality. Anyone with eyes could see that he had not long to live. And the time he did have was limited and pain-ridden.

  As he closed his eyes for what he assumed would be his last time, he heard the creaking sound of his jail cell door opening. Perhaps a guard checking to see if he was dead yet?

  But as Pinzer cracked open an eye, he saw the handsomely dressed figure of a tall dark man. Tan with a rakish mustache, the man clearly looked like a well-to-do gentleman.

  “Who...are...you?” Pinzer gasped, feeling more blood seeping through his wound.

  The man stood silently as he surveyed the bleeding form on the wooden bench. “You’re dying,” he said bluntly.

  Pinzer huffed a laugh, feeling the contraction of his stomach spurt more blood. “Quite,”
he said through gritted teeth. The business of dying was not pleasant and he’d sooner it be over than not.

  “I understand that you are familiar with Lord Jeremiah Brynwood,” the man said calmly. Pinzer squinted. Was this man a foreigner? His English was impeccable but he felt like he had heard a faint but distinct accent.

  Pinzer lifted his bloodied hand from his stomach, revealing the ragged edges of the gun wound. “Quite familiar,” he said, gasping on the last word.

  The man nodded, as if pleased with this response. “Then I will require all that you have learned about this man. Who is Colette Livingston? And who is this new young companion he has acquired recently?”

  Pinzer slowly shifted his head, his breathing slowing down considerably. “And who...asks?” he wheezed.

  The man gave a thin smile as he brushed his mustache. Making a very formal bow, he said, “I am Raul Cédon. I believe it was my ship you planned to use to escape to India.” He flicked his eyes over the gut wound. “I can see now that won’t be necessary. However I would appreciate it if you would do me the honor of providing me with all the information you have on Lord Brynwood and his companions.”

  Pinzer knew he only had mere moments. “Why?”

  The man’s smile grew colder. “Because,” he said evenly, “we have unfinished business.”

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  The Duke, Her Stepbrother

  Her Savage Duke

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