The Source Field Investigations

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The Source Field Investigations Page 2

by Wilcock, David

  Graham Hancock

  Author, Fingerprints of the Gods




  A Future Beyond Our Wildest Dreams

  Since the dawn of self-awareness on earth, we have been inexorably driven to ask the “big questions”: Who am I? Where did I come from? How did I get here—and where am I going? Various teachers have come along who claimed to have the answers—and the differences of opinion on these overwhelmingly profound concepts have led to many of the greatest sorrows and atrocities in recorded history. Nonetheless, consistent themes emerge in almost all spiritual traditions—including the idea that the Universe is not made of “dead” and inert matter, but is rather a living, conscious Being. This superintelligence, we are told, has woven the strands of space, time, energy, matter, biology and consciousness together in Its own image. Despite the vastness of the Universe, we all apparently have a personal connection to this majestic Identity—and we will live on long past the death of our physical bodies.

  Most spiritual teachings also say we will eventually reunite with this “Oneness”—and even when we walk in complete ignorance of these greater realities, a hidden spiritual curriculum is influencing our lives—and will eventually guide us back Home. We also consistently hear that benevolent super-beings, such as Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and others, have directly intervened in earth’s history to help show us the way to this greater Truth. As Graham Hancock, Zecharia Sitchin and others have reported, many of the oldest cultures speak of “gods” who gave them practical assistance—written language, mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, animal husbandry, ethics, law and architecture—including massive stone edifices, built out of impossibly heavy multiton blocks, which apparently served some useful purpose. Despite the immense difficulty in duplicating these feats even with today’s technology, these “megalithic” structures appear all over the world.

  In our own “modern” era, the awe-inspiring origins of major world religions and spiritual traditions are usually written off as mythology and superstition. Due to the seemingly irresolvable differences between these various philosophical systems, and our ever-increasing desire for information that is provable, Science has replaced Religion as the ultimate arbiter of Truth in many people’s minds—and this formerly majestic, wonderful view of a Divine Cosmos has been dismissed. The Universe has become a giant collection of dead, empty “stuff.” Our minds, thoughts and emotions—not to mention all the richness and diversity of species on this planet—are now seen to be the result of sheer coincidence and happenstance in an otherwise unthinking, unfeeling, infinitely cold, and depressing void. We have nothing to live for, nothing to look forward to after we die—and even the need for ethics or morality at all becomes a subject of healthy philosophical debate. If we know we can’t escape death, and all we have is this one chance to exist, then why not devote our lives to the pursuit of as much pleasure as we can find? Why not throw ourselves fully and completely into a hedonistic lust for money, power and privilege, and hope we can then pass on these same benefits to our children, who are created from our own bodies?

  The more we think we know, the more lonely our lives seem to be. The magic has been stripped away. We have no special abilities or mystical powers. We have nothing to look forward to after we die. We have no one else in the Universe to meet. And before we ever even get the chance to travel out into space on any sustainable basis, we may all perish in a planetary catastrophe—either by our own weapons of mass destruction, or by natural causes we apparently have no ability to control or prevent. A seemingly endless lineup of big-budget disaster movies entertains audiences by threatening the earth with total annihilation. You may now be listening to the “profits of doom” a little more carefully—and might indeed be wondering if, in fact, all is well.

  If you have seen my YouTube documentary that was the genesis for this book entitled The 2012 Enigma,1 my Web site, Divine Cosmos,2 or some of my television appearances, you probably know I do not believe our future is depressing, terrifying or cataclysmic. Instead, I feel our destinies on earth are being carefully and meticulously guided by a hidden intelligence—a living energy field the entire Universe is built from. Many great researchers have independently discovered this unseen Universal force and given it their own names, without there ever being a single, unifying standard. Since this force may well be the source of all space, time, matter, energy, biology and consciousness in the Universe, the simplest all-inclusive term I use is the Source Field.

  This is not a book of philosophy, speculation or wishful thinking—it is a vast synthesis of investigations into the Source Field. I am standing on the shoulders of giants in writing this book, as the overwhelming majority of these findings was developed by Ph.D.s from accredited universities, who ended up discovering things that often put them at odds with their colleagues, employers and much of the mainstream world. There are also many examples in which a scientist or research institute made one specific breakthrough that was released into the mainstream press—but the media did not see or understand how well it tied in with so many other related discoveries. In Russia, however, there has been a consistent, focused effort to investigate the Source Field since at least the 1950s—but until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, the vast majority of all these revelations were classified for national security. Over ten thousand papers investigating the Source Field were published by 1996 alone,3 with more than half of them from Russia. The implications of what they found are so staggering that I suspect you will be stunned by how much we already know about this unseen force—which influences absolutely everything we see, hear, do and believe.

  It has taken me over thirty years of dedicated research to assemble this grand collection of data—and particularly since 1993, I have spent as many waking hours as possible in pursuit of this radical rethinking of science. After I became self-employed in the summer of 1998, I began working fourteen hours a day, seven days a week researching and investigating the Source Field phenomena. After Brian Tart, the president of Dutton Books, contacted me and offered to publish this research, it took me almost two years of focused, concentrated effort to develop this book. When I finally started combining the very best of everything I had found into one single vision, a seemingly endless parade of stunning new connections emerged. If these breakthroughs become common knowledge and are developed into working technologies—and/or if existing technologies that use these principles are declassified and released to the public—we could end up in a world that rivals or exceeds our finest visionary science fiction films and novels.

  As I bring you on a guided tour into the deeper mysteries of space, time, energy, matter, biology and consciousness, we will also explore subjects as fascinating as antigravity, dematerialization, teleportation, the parallel reality where time is three-dimensional, quantum geometry, natural “vortex points” on the earth where ships and planes disappear, real-world examples of time travel, the Maya calendar as a tool for calculating when these “portals” will open, and an analysis of how our galaxy is driving all the different cycles we experience—for our own physical, biological and spiritual evolution. The potential technological applications of this science are incredible. Furthermore, we may see a fundamental change in the nature of space and time itself as we fully cross over into this new zone of energy in the galaxy you will learn about.

  The Source Field is the key to unlock all of these mysteries, and ultimately understand the big questions: who are we, where did we come from, how did we get here, and where are we going. Our journey into the Source Field Investigations begins in the next chapter by exploring the work of Dr. Cleve Backster—a pioneer who helped us understand the true nature of Mind. We no longer need to remain ignorant about the structure, identity and purpose of Consciousness. It is not merely a biological phenomenon—it is written into the energy of the Universe itself.

  David Wilcock, January 2011


  The Backster Effect, Free Energy and the Consequences

  Could all space, time, energy, matter, biological life and consciousness in the Universe be the product of a Source Field? Is it possible that the ancient spiritual teachings and philosophies are correct when they say “As Above, So Below”? What if everything we see in the visible universe is ultimately a crystallization of a vast Mind—which has a singular identity and awareness? Might we be living in amnesia—going through experiences that will eventually guide us through a full awakening into the vastness of this infinite consciousness?

  The Source Field Investigations must begin with compelling evidence that consciousness is not strictly trapped within our own brain and nervous system. We would need to see tangible proof that our thoughts are constantly interacting with our environment—and having an effect upon our surroundings. If our concept of a Source Field is correct, then Mind would become an energetic phenomenon that is not confined to biological life-forms, but can pass between them—through allegedly “empty space.”

  A variety of scientists and scholars in the Western world have made discoveries that reveal the existence of the Source Field—including controversial figures like Wilhelm Reich, who was a protégé of Dr. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychology. Here, our Source Field Investigations will begin with Dr. Cleve Backster—who summarized his fascinating life’s work in his recent book Primary Perception.1

  The Stunning Power of Hypnosis

  While attending Rutgers University prep school, Backster was fascinated to hear his friend describe a hypnosis technique he’d just learned from his professor. Backster decided to try to hypnotize his roommate with this technique, who soon fell into a very deep trance. Backster then told him, “Now, I want you to open your eyes, but you’re not going to wake up. I want you to go down the hall and get permission for late lights.”2 In this prep school, the students could not have their lights on past ten P.M. without special permission. Under hypnosis, Backster’s roommate then opened his eyes, got up, walked down the hall and got permission for late lights from the professor on duty. He signed the log and returned to the room. When Backster brought his roommate back out of hypnosis, he didn’t even realize anything had happened to him: “See? It doesn’t work. This so-called hypnosis is a bunch of baloney.”3 When they walked down to the on-duty professor, he confirmed that Backster’s roommate had just come and asked permission a few minutes earlier—but the roommate couldn’t believe it was real. He was then shocked to discover his own signature in the late lights log.

  Backster began researching hypnosis—reading as many books as he could find on the subject, which were not that many in the late 1930s—and performed additional successful experiments. After the devastating attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, Backster joined the military ROTC program at Texas A & M University—and there he began making frequent demonstrations of hypnosis to larger audiences. Typically about a third of his audience went into some stage of trance—and he picked the deepest subjects for more intensive work. One man was told he would not be able to see Backster in the room for the next thirty minutes after he woke up. Indeed, once this subject was brought out of hypnosis, he could not see Backster at all. Just to test how far this would go, Backster picked up a cigarette and blew out some smoke, although he was not a smoker. This man saw the cigarette and the smoke levitating in the air, but he could not see anyone holding it—and he became very alarmed. He wanted to leave the room, but the audience compelled him to stay. After the thirty minutes, Backster again reappeared to him; he followed his posthypnotic commands perfectly, with no conscious memory of what he had been told to do.4

  My own introduction into the powers of hypnosis came after I had a dramatic out-of-body experience. When I was only five years old, I woke up one night and found myself floating about three feet over my own body. That little boy in the bed was breathing normally—but if he was “me,” then who the heck was I? This quickly started to scare me—and as soon as I panicked, I snapped back into my body. For the next two years, I wished I could have another chance to explore this bold, new frontier—but nothing happened. When I finally asked my mother how I could learn more about this, she took me down into the basement and suggested I read some books she had on ESP—extrasensory perception. The first one I read was Harold Sherman’s How to Make ESP Work for You.5 Sherman said that when you hypnotize someone, you can get them to have an out-of-body experience like I had—with apparently stunning results.

  The deeper the state of trance, the more activated become the Extra Sensory faculties of the subject. Under these conditions, he can be instructed to leave the body and to visit a certain person or place, and to report on what he sees and hears.

  Hypnotism and Astral Projection

  Dr. Thomas Garrett, a therapeutic hypnotist who pioneered in the treatment of shell-shocked soldiers in the First World War, told me of an outstanding experience he had had with one of his private patients. The young man, son of a famous Broadway playwright, came to Dr. Garrett emotionally upset over a broken romance. He submitted to hypnotism and told Dr. Garrett that he and his former fiancée, who was a student at Wellesley, had had a falling-out over some trivial matter and she had returned his ring.

  Dr. Garrett, on impulse, told the hypnotized young man he could visit the woman he loved and see if he could determine how she now felt about him. Dr. Garrett explained he had the power to leave his physical body, in his astral form, and travel direct to Wellesley, to the sorority house where the young lady was residing. There was a moment of silence. Then the entranced subject announced that he was standing in the hall outside the girl’s closed door.

  “Don’t let that stop you,” said Dr. Garrett. “You can pass right through the door. Go on in and tell me what she is doing.”

  After another moment, the young man said: “She is at her desk, writing a letter.”

  “That’s fine,” said Dr. Garrett. “Look over her shoulder and read to me what she is writing.”

  Almost instantly the face of the sleeping subject took on a surprised and delighted expression. “Why, she’s writing to me.”

  “What is she saying?” demanded Dr. Garrett, picking up a pencil.

  The young man then read to Dr. Garrett several word-for-word paragraphs, to the effect that his sweetheart was sorry for her part in the lovers’ quarrel, was asking forgiveness, and expressing the hope for a reconciliation. The young man became so excited that he tried to embrace the girl and the reaction on his physical body was such that Dr. Garrett quickly brought him back from his astral adventure and woke him up, with the suggestion that he would remember all that had transpired.

  Late the following day, this young man received a special delivery letter from his sweetheart—the very letter he had either astrally or telepathically perceived. Dr. Garrett has this letter in his files, together with the notations he had made, as reported by his entranced subject. There were only a few words of variation between the two.6

  An even more fantastic-sounding hypnosis story can be found in Michael Talbot’s epic work The Holographic Universe— one of the best collections of Source Field investigations ever committed to the printed page. Talbot witnessed his father’s friend Tom being hypnotized in the early 1970s by a professional. The hypnotist told Tom his daughter, Laura, would be invisible to him when he came out of trance. He then had Laura stand directly in front of her father. Tom apparently saw right through her body as he woke up and gazed around the room—and also could not hear her giggling. The hypnotist then pulled a watch out of his pocket and quickly pushed it into the small of Laura’s back, keeping it concealed in his hand so no one could have seen what it was—and asked Tom if he could see what he was holding.

  Tom leaned forward as if staring directly through Laura’s stomach and said it was a watch. The hypnotist nodded and asked if Tom could read the watch’s inscription. Tom squinted as if struggling to make out the writing and recited both the name of the watc
h’s owner (which happened to be a person unknown to any of us in the room) and the message. The hypnotist then revealed that the object was indeed a watch, and passed it around the room so that everyone could see that Tom had read its inscription correctly. When I talked to Tom afterward, he said his daughter had been absolutely invisible to him. All he had seen was the hypnotist standing and holding a watch cupped in the palm of his hand. Had the hypnotist let him leave without telling him what was going on, he never would have known he wasn’t perceiving normal consensus reality.7

  I read this back in 1995, and it made a huge impression upon me. Tom’s hypnotized mind could see right through his daughter as if she didn’t even exist—and he could read detailed written inscriptions from a pocket watch. If true, this challenges everything we think we know about solid matter—and suggests there is a part of our minds with vastly greater capabilities than most of us are ever aware of. What we think we see may be nothing more than the product of a collective decision we’re all making to see it that way—a form of mass hypnosis. Remember—we can walk, talk and interact with the world under hypnosis, travel out of body and make accurate observations, and may or may not have any conscious memory of what we did after we are brought out of trance. We can also be given posthypnotic suggestion to act, think or behave a certain way after we wake up. These suggestions are apparently powerful enough to make a human being utterly invisible to us while we’re in an otherwise normal state of consciousness. When we discover that ordinary people can be hypnotized like this, we typically write it off as the work of the “subconscious mind”—but we still don’t understand what, exactly, this is . . . or why it works. The subconscious seems to automatically obey hypnotic commands—generally without question—as if it were quite accustomed to hearing orders and acting upon them.


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