The Source Field Investigations

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The Source Field Investigations Page 47

by Wilcock, David

  Dr. Steven Greer has worked tirelessly to gather together more than 560 witnesses who directly worked in classified programs where UFOs and ETs were dealt with directly. Disclosure is the term Greer and others use to describe a hypothetical moment in which the governments around the world openly reveal their secret archives of UFO knowledge—including any retrieved technology—or may even give us a direct introduction to ETs themselves. We are getting closer and closer to achieving real transparency, and governments have been increasingly sharing their formerly classified materials about these encounters. They kept them hidden for years because they apparently feared it would trigger a worldwide epidemic of terror—but with the coming of the Golden Age, I believe the public response will be one of awe and acceptance, not chaos and panic. All we need is a congressional subpoena; Dr. Greer’s witnesses are prepared to testify to exactly what they know in open, public hearings in Congress. I was fortunate enough to attend Greer’s “Closed Executive Summary Briefing” for members of Congress and VIPs that took place on May 10, 2001—and the mood in the room was electric. The witness who stood out the most was Sergeant Clifford Stone, who allegedly worked on crash-retrieval projects. He was so traumatized by the things he had witnessed in the line of duty that he burst into tears and almost could not finish his presentation. Among many other intriguing data points, Stone revealed that he had a field manual describing fifty-seven different varieties of extraterrestrial intelligent life now visiting the earth. Every one of these fifty-seven varieties was human in appearance, with only superficial differences from the way we look here on earth—if any.

  Other members of Dr. Greer’s entourage reported direct ET interventions that powered down nuclear missile installations, or actively disabled missiles that were in flight—rendering them completely nonradioactive once they crashed to the earth. These and additional witnesses came forward in a major public conference at the National Press Club on September 27, 2010,6 and were given generous coverage in the mainstream media.7 The military-industrial complex has been forced to see these power-downs as hostile acts, but another equally valid viewpoint is to see that we are being protected from a nuclear holocaust by our long-lost relatives. These visitors may well account for the many reports of angels and gods in a variety of ancient cultures—and we may now be on the threshold of a true Family Reunion.

  The Circlemakers

  On October 20, 2009, the U.K. Telegraph reported a story where a police officer saw three men, each with blond hair and over six feet tall, taking instrument readings near a crop circle. The officer heard a hissing sound similar to static electricity, and this crackling noise seemed to run through the entire field—while also causing the crop to gently move. He shouted at the three men but they did not seem to be able to hear his voice. However, when he entered the field, they all looked at him and began running.

  They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. I’m no slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone.8

  A similar case was disclosed on March 22, 2009, after the British government officially released many of its UFO files. On November 20, 1989, an anonymous woman called R.A.F. Wattisham in Suffolk to report a strange experience she had while walking her dog. She saw a man wearing a light brown one-piece garment, similar to a flying suit, who had a “Scandinavian-type accent.” He asked her if she had heard anything about large, flattened circles appearing in wheat fields. During the course of a ten-minute conversation, the man told her he was from another planet that was similar to the earth, and there were others like him who had traveled to earth and were making these formations. These visitors were here for a friendly purpose, but “they were told not to have contact with humans for fear that they would be considered a threat.”9 Apparently he never said who told them not to contact us. The woman was “completely terrified”—and as she ran home, she heard a “loud buzzing noise” behind her, and saw a large spherical object, glowing with orange-white light, rise straight up from behind some trees. The R.A.F. operator said the woman spoke for about an hour—and had no doubt that she was reporting a genuine experience.10

  The Crop Circle Connector Web site has an archive of every formation that has occurred in England since 1978, and many others around the world as well. For a nominal fee, you can explore this vast resource—and you will be stunned at the number of formations that reveal three-dimensional geometric patterns like the ones we’ve been discussing. Although some formations are undoubtedly hoaxes, I do feel the Circlemakers are giving us a variety of symbolic messages in these formations that can help us transition into a Golden Age. For me, perhaps the single most compelling crop formation appeared on July 15, 2008, at Avebury Manor in Wiltshire. This pattern appeared directly next to the northwest portion of an elaborate series of standing stones, not unlike Stonehenge, that are found in this same area. What we see is a clear, unambiguous illustration of our solar system—with a large, flattened circle in the middle for the sun, surrounded by a series of circular rings representing planetary orbits. In each of these rings, a smaller circle gives an exact position for each planet. Andreas Müller and Red Collie both independently analyzed this pattern, using astronomy software, and concluded that the alignment depicted a particular day in our future: December 21, 2012.11

  This crop circle appeared on July 15, 2008, next to the Avebury stone megaliths. It is an exact diagram of the alignment of the planets on December 21, 2012.

  Of course, there is no way to ever know for certain whether a particular formation is real or not. High-quality hoaxes are routinely being done. However, it is quite unlikely that the crop circles described by Agobard, some 1,200 years ago, were also done by hoaxers. Nor do I think hoaxers were responsible for the crop formations Robert Plot diligently recorded in the 1600s. I went to England in August 2010 to witness this phenomenon myself, and walked through four different formations. The part I found the most intriguing was that each of the formations was written into a hillside—and you could not see the entire formation from any one spot on the ground due to the shape of the land. The patterns were designed to be seen from the air—it appeared that the geometry on the ground had been slightly stretched to make it look right from the sky in some cases. On the ground it was very difficult to tell what any of these formations actually looked like—and the real ones appear overnight.

  This fractal Julia Set crop formation appeared next to Stonehenge on July 7, 1996, in broad daylight. Witnesses reveal it had to have formed in fifteen minutes or less.

  In July 1996, a complex Julia Set pattern appeared in broad daylight, between five thirty and six fifteen P.M., directly next to Stonehenge—and was made of 151 circles. Flies have been found stuck to the crops as if their wings had been melted. Radiation levels 76 percent above normal have been observed, only to mysteriously disappear soon afterward. The growth nodes on the crop stems often appear to be elongated, consistent with the effects of microwaving, and their cells reveal microscopic pitholes—suggesting they were flash-heated in a microsecond. Some plants also have a thin layer of carbon covering them. Ninety percent of crop circles are formed over aquifers, suggesting a technology may be pulling water out of the ground to keep the crops from burning. Electrical equipment often fails inside the formations and magnetic compasses pick up unusual readings. The rate of time has been observed to change slightly within a crop circle in two different sets of experiments.12

  I also highly recommend Crop Circles: A Beginner’s Guide by Hugh Manistre,13 and “Crop Circles and their Message” by David Pratt, which has a variety of great photographs in addition to many unique data points.14 In part one of Pratt’s article we discover that the soil under crop circles is much looser and dryer than usual, has an increase in crystallization, and features unusual microscopic spheres of pure iron. In young crops where the seeds are still forming, the seeds are stunted and do not germinate well, if at all—whereas “in mature plants with fully formed seeds, seeds often exhibit
a massive increase in vigour and a growth rate up to five times that of control seeds.”15 In part two, Pratt reveals that there are many reports of balls, discs or columns of light that have been seen over the areas where crop circles then appeared. Several dozen people have heard a high-pitched trilling noise before crop circles occurred. Approximately seventy people have witnessed crop circles forming right in front of their eyes. They report that the whole process is very rapid, taking between ten and twenty seconds—and in some, but not all cases, there appears to be a visible whirlwind in the atmosphere as it happens.

  One evening in July 1981, Ray Barnes witnessed a wave or line moving through the heads of a cereal crop in Wiltshire. After travelling across the field in an arc, the line dropped to the ground and radially described a 75-foot circle in a clockwise direction in a single sweep in about four seconds, accompanied by a hissing noise. The crop went down as neatly as if it had been cut by a giant flan cutter, and the plants showed absolutely no spring-back.16

  Getting back to our 2012 crop circle that appeared on July 15, 2008, the farmer at Avebury was not pleased—and tried to destroy it by driving three lines through it with his tractor. The Circlemakers then returned, and made a series of modifications—including a second circle that was as big as the solar system diagram had been, positioned directly next to the original. This second circle was completely hollow on the inside, but it was surrounded by a series of strange, small illustrations.

  On July 22, 2008, this formation was heavily enhanced after the farmer drove three lines through the original pattern. The size of the sun was dramatically increased.

  At a conference I spoke at in 2009, Dr. Beverly Rubik pointed out that these little symbols all looked like various types of cell organelles. The large circle could therefore represent a cell membrane—but now there was nothing inside of it. Although no one can be sure of its intended meaning, this symbolism may suggest that some sort of fundamental transformation of biological life might begin to occur after December 21, 2012—akin to the Tibetan legends of the Rainbow Body. What I found even more interesting was that the Circlemakers also widened the diameter of the Sun in the solar system glyph—all the way out to the orbit of Venus. This implies that December 21, 2012 may represent the tipping point for this profound energetic change that is already occurring in the solar system.

  In this image we clearly see the circular trench dug into the ground surrounding the Avebury megaliths—directly above our definitive 2012 crop formation.

  Crop circles may also be used as reference points for time travel within the Source Field. They often appear right near the ancient vortex points and monuments, which may serve as portals for travel through time-space to this very day. By keeping a comprehensive log of what formations were positioned, and when, you could quickly scan through a large databank of different points in time. Once you see the formation you are looking for, you can then enter into that point in time. This may dramatically simplify the process of identifying a particular window of time you wish to visit.

  Reverse-Engineering the Pineal Gland

  Project Looking Glass was a program that allegedly involved our ancient ancestors reverse-engineering the pineal gland and developing it into a working technology on a larger scale. The idea was to stand in front of this massive machine that acts as a psychic amplifier—projecting your thoughts into a giant yellowish bubble with a fish-eye-lens distortion around the edges. This would allow you to detect potential future events before they arrive—but there are always various probabilities and timelines of what may happen. I have spoken to a variety of insiders who claim to have worked in classified research projects, and Project Looking Glass is one of the most common things you hear them talk about. Robert Lucien Howe claimed to have gained access to classified documents in his government work for the U.K., and gave a description of this device, which you can read online. I do not agree with everything he says in his written posts, but some of his words do fit in very nicely with what others have told me. In order to understand what he is telling us, it is important to mention that the insiders apparently call our energetic duplicate the transient body, and our access to the Source Field is called transience. In other posts, Howe said the pineal gland was called a transiator within these programs.

  People all have a transiator sensor that tries to make our future better and looks for things that threaten us and warns us . . . it is what we use to protect ourselves from entropy so we can live much longer. A human with no transiator at all might only live 5 or 10 years. Sadly, most of this is in the past because human transiators can never have more than about 5–10 watts (and often only milliwatts) while some machines have achieved tens of kilowatts. We can still win here sometimes because 5 milliwatts can win against 5 kilowatts because of the complex rules that transience follows. . . .

  The machine is actually a time accelerator. It works by creating a change of momentum or energy of matter inside a Schrodinger box. The box is actually very simple to make. Its heart is a very strong EM shield. It is electrically shielded. Inside is a special box full of warm water at body temperature 35 degrees Celsius. It is non-conducting and non-metallic and should have a magnetic field of-or-near zero. Finally it should have little or no sound vibration, and the machine must generally not move in any way.

  Extraneous pulsations of any kind will tend to stop the machine working. The shape of the machine decides what it does in the same way that shape decides the function of ordinary machines. The heart of the machine, though, is that it must survive into the Future. If someone breaks it in the Future, it will stop working now. They also work better the older they are, though this was apparently omitted from the CIA’s version.17

  What Howe is calling a box has usually been described to me as a barrel, shaped like the pineal gland, that is filled with water. This barrel is apparently surrounded by three rings that rotate around the barrel and create the electromagnetic shielding effect.

  As various insiders described this to me in private conversations, and even produced illustrations of approximately what it looked like, I was quite surprised to realize that the movie Contact featured a very similar set of rotating rings. Carl Sagan may well have been tipped off about Looking Glass, but he never told Jim Hart there was any truth to the story. According to these various testimonies, once the shielding is fully activated, the water inside the barrel creates a direct gateway into time-space. One form of this technology is “Looking Glass,” as we’ve been describing it, where you only get to look at these locations from afar. Another version of this technology is code-named “the Ark”—and this forms an actual stargate you can physically travel through and use to teleport from one space and time to another. Again, the whole secret to this technology is the shielded, electrified barrel of water in the center. It is fascinating to consider that the pineal gland may be able to create a stargate that is powerful enough to teleport the human body through space and time—if it becomes large enough for the entire body to fit through.

  Multiple insider witnesses have revealed the existence of Project Looking Glass—a gigantic machine, built by the ancients, that reverse-engineered the pineal gland to create a means of peering through time and space.

  As Howe goes on explaining this, he discusses many physics concepts that sound very similar to what we’ve been talking about in this book. Apparently the light-speed frequency in an atom is called the Crescendo point. Ordinary matter is apparently referred to here as tardon matter, as it exists in a state where it is actively retarded from going over light speed. The insiders’ theory also states that matter is in a quantum superposition where it keeps popping over the light-speed boundary, or Crescendo point. Once it crosses that point, Howe refers to it as being in “the super-light part of its superposition.”

  Such machines can be very dangerous because they can emit enormous quantities of radiation and energy without warning. This is because the space inside the machine can reach 90 percent of crescendo. “Crescendo th
eory” says that all tardon matter is trying to spontaneously jump to lightspeed in a special kind of superposition. Matter is at “crescendo” when it has enough energy to reach lightspeed, [and] the super-light part of its superposition has lower or equal energy than its tardon state.

  There are 2 routes for matter to reach crescendo: zero energy or total energy. The zero energy state works by touching energy that is already moving at the speed of light. One of the most difficult parts of crescendo theory to grasp is that matter can be transient (at the speed of light) while not moving (this is not a contradiction) because crescendo matter can deform space completely on the atomic scale.

  The theory is part of a greater theory called “common atom” that gives space a finite strength against bending. On small scales, space is smaller and so has less energy. At atomic scales, it becomes deformed completely. Each atom is a tiny massed singularity with its own independent internal time space. An atom’s universe only lives for a few seconds. But this doesn’t matter because its time is static compared to ours, thanks to space-time curvature.


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