A Perfect Cowboy Daddy (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 7)

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A Perfect Cowboy Daddy (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 7) Page 5

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “To a remote cabin in the woods.”

  “Sounds quite romantic.”

  He laughed. “You wouldn’t say that if you knew the lack of action the place has seen. Actually, you’re the first woman I’ve invited to my place since I bought it.” He turned the wheel and they continued on a narrow, gravel lane lit only by the headlights. “Why didn’t you want to go back to Nirvana?”

  “Probably for the same reason you invited me back to your cabin.”

  His gaze met hers for a solid three seconds. “You were in my vehicle.”

  “But you could have easily taken me to the diner, or a long walk. Or just told me to wear big girl panties and go back home.”

  “You’re right…about bringing you back here. There’s nothing worse than walking into a dark, silent house. That’s why I spend most of my time working.”

  Up ahead she could see a small portion of the cabin illuminated by the porch light. “So, this is it?”

  “Home sweet home.” He parked, shut off the engine and grabbed his hat. “Welcome to the Parker abode.”

  They both slid out of the SUV and met around the front. The motion light switched on, lighting the entire front of the property. She started to follow him up the walkway, but stopped in her tracks. “What. The. Hell?”

  He turned, his gaze narrowed. “Excuse me?”

  She stepped off the cracked cement and into the dew covered grass, staring at the poor, pathetic flowers that lined the front of the cabin. The flowers were droopy and brown, crying for a sip of water. “I understand you work all of the time, but when was the last time you watered your flowers?”

  He remained quiet.

  “Water hose?”

  He pointed to the side of the house. “You can’t be out here now. Haven’t you heard of bears? Wildlife? We are in the middle of nowhere.”

  She stomped around the side of the house, unwound the hose and dragged it to the front. “I’m carrying.” She lifted the nozzle and waved it, smiling. “Don’t be afraid. I’ll protect you.”

  He laughed. “Good one. I was thinking more of your safety. What sort of host would I be bringing you out here to my place and allowing you to get eaten by a bear? But, by all means, lets water these babies.”

  She squeezed the nozzle and watered the bed until the dirt was moist. She lifted her chin and noticed that he was bent over looking at something. Impulse took hold. She aimed the nozzle his direction, squirting his backside. He heaved in a breath, stood and swiveled on his boot heel. She couldn’t quite make out his expression in the shadows, but when he spoke, she caught the tension. “What was that for? Did you mistake me for a marigold?”

  “I’ve elected myself judge and jury and that was your punishment for not taking care of your flowers.” She gave the tap another squirt and splashed him in the chest. He drew in a deep breath at the onslaught of the ice cold water.

  “Oh, so you like to play, huh?” He took a short step toward her.

  And of course she took a step back. “Okay, it was a joke. I’ll put my gun away.”

  “It’s a little too late for that, sweetheart.” Before she could move, he was upon her, grabbing her around the waist and taking control of the hose.

  She slipped out of his wet grip and raced across the yard, holding up her hands in a defense mode. “Come on, doc. I don’t have any extra clothes with me. I’d hate to get that purdy leather seat ruined.”

  “In that case…” He pulled the trigger and water soaked her from roots to boots. When he was done, her hair was plastered to her head, her clothes were like a second skin and drops of water dripped from the tip of her nose. Her bottom lip quivered.

  Several seconds passed, and what he didn’t expect was that she hadn’t given up. She lunged after him, grabbing for the hose. “Let me have it!”

  “Not on your life.”

  He had the advantage because she wore heels that sunk in the grass. His boots slipped on the wet lawn and both of them fell to the ground. Moon toppled down on him, nose to nose, pressed together tightly. The water hose was forgotten as their soaked bodies melted into each other. Their gazes connected and his tongue came out to dabble at the corner of his lips, erupting a ton of images of the things he could do with that perfectly shaped tongue.

  “I’m drenched,” she whispered.

  “Interesting.” His chest rose and fell with each breath, brushing her tight, tingling nipples. “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to kiss a woman more in my life.” His voice had dropped in octave.

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  In one swift motion, he turned her and had her on her back, pushed against the cushion of the grass. He was hovering over her as he slipped his knee between her legs, spread them slightly as he settled very nicely there. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her aching breasts against his stone-hard chest.

  “Since the second I saw you I wanted you. How is that possible?”

  She gulped. A fiery thrill raced down her spine and nestled in her bottom. If her cheeks were as warm as they felt, he would have to know what he was doing to her. His tongue came out to stroke her bottom lip, an innocent action, but dangerous to her insides.

  “Have you ever wondered what this would be like?” he asked. A heat wave traveled through her body. His features were tight and his eyes warm. “Aw, you’ve thought about me too, huh? Wondered what my caress would feel like on your silken skin. My lips on yours.” The bulge behind his zipper pressed into her lower belly. The certainty in his voice did wonders to her core.

  “I…” She swallowed hard. “You’re going to think I come on to all of the cowboys. I don’t. You…this…the first since my ex.”

  He chuckled, but it quickly fizzled. “Again, I think this is me coming onto you. I think you’ve done a pretty damn good job of ignoring me since I started at Nirvana.”

  “I-I wasn’t ignoring you. I was keeping you at arm’s distance,” she admitted. Her tongue moved so freely around him.

  “We usually do that to the people who move us most.”

  She continued to stare at him, admiring how beautiful of a man he was in the soft lighting. “Are we done talking?”

  Without another word, he dipped his mouth to hers.

  Until the sky opened up and let loose. Rain splattered their skin, drenching them more.

  Cam lifted his chin. “Mother Nature was a bit late on watering the flowers.” He stood and held out his hand. “I have a better plan.”

  She laid her hand in his and he helped her up. They ran for the porch, and before they hit that last step they were in each other’s arms again, kissing, groping, bodies undulating with need. He slowly backed her up and her knees hit something solid. She looked down at the roomy lounger and smiled. “Wow. This looks comfortable.”

  “I’m so glad I decided to keep it.”

  He gave her a tiny push and they toppled into the plush cushions, sending several pillows onto the floor.


  Cam hoped beyond hope that Moon didn’t feel the tremor in his hands. The feel of her body against his was just as he imagined. Wonderful. Intriguing. It had been so long since he’d held a woman, felt soft curves against his, he was a little nervous. Maybe it wasn’t the manliest thing to be panicky when holding a beautiful woman, but this was all new. Every sensation spiraling through him was different.

  He dipped his tongue between her lush lips, tasting her, loving the warmth he found there. Her tongue met his and he swirled the tip, flicking his tongue along the roof of her mouth. Her scent swirled his senses. Her coconut shampoo that he’d gotten a whiff of on the dance floor lingered. The barely-there perfume…jasmine maybe, intoxicated him. He breathed her in, deeply, savoring this moment like it could be ripped from him any second. Anticipation jolted through him like the sharp blade of a dagger. She brought her hips up and wiggled against his zipper, his cock coming alive like a jackhammer. Everything about her was enticing, sweet and deliriously sexy.

; Her fingers threaded into his hair, knocking his hat to the ground, forgotten. A little whimpering moan drifted from deep within her throat, vibrating his chest, making him want her even more.

  The kiss, that he’d planned on being soft and supple, quickly became something more—a runaway train that headed down the tracks without anyone in control. And when she dropped her hand to his ass and squeezed, he almost lost his mind.

  She sighed delicately and their kiss deepened. He slipped one hand to her breast, molding the firm shape to his palm, tweaking the beaded nipple through the wet shirt. She was absolutely amazing—dazzling. He couldn’t get enough fast enough. He wanted to touch all of her at once but only had two hands, one mouth.

  He roved his hand over her slender ribs, to the dip of her waist, to the flare of her hip. And slipped his fingers to the center of her thighs. All of the blood rushed from his head to his cock and he had to remind himself to breathe or this would all end too quickly if he passed out. His blood pulsated through his veins, matching the heavy beat of his heart, pounding so hard he wondered if she could feel it.

  Rubbing his thumb over her warm seam, the contrast of hot with the cool water soaking her jeans made this even more erotic. She arched her back, another throaty murmur floating from her, teasing him. He longed to suck her clit and taste her juices—longed to hear her call his name. She slipped her hand between them, settled her fingers at his belt buckle and tugged at the metal and leather. She paused and groaned in frustration. “Is this a chastity belt?”

  He chuckled but it came out more as a croaked gurgle. Their heavy breathing mingled and their fingers tangled as he joined her in loosening the belt and zipper. They became an interlacing of limbs as they kicked off their shoes, tugged at each other’s clothing, pulling and ripping the jeans away until they were partially clothed. He found her moist slit and filled her with two fingers. She lifted her hips, meeting his knuckles.

  Starving for more, he lowered his mouth to her neck, licking and kissing, then nuzzling her earlobe until her moans clawed the air. Her slick, coiled muscles clenched his fingers.

  Her body trembled under him. Her pants grew heavier and her breasts lifted and fell. He loved how he created her responses, bringing her body awake and alive under his touch. Loved that she thrashed against him, her fingernails digging into his hair. He had no doubt that she was a wild, passionate lover needing a strong man to unleash her. He fumbled with her blouse and when he heard seams break, he sighed. Remembering that he was raised as gentleman, he drew back, looking down at her fluttering lashes. “I’m sorry. I hope this wasn’t your favorite shirt.”

  “What shirt?” she murmured, followed by a smile that would have knocked his boots off if he hadn’t already taken them off.

  “Are you okay? Here? Like this?” he whispered. “Is it chilly?”

  “Don’t stop. Whatever you do, keep going.”

  He went back to her neck, suckling the skin, kissing the base where her pulse beat against his lips. She squirmed and arched her back deeper as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out of her, her juices wetting his palm. She wrapped her fingers around his cock, rubbing her hand along the stiff length of him, giving him mind blowing, bittersweet pleasure.

  His cock demanded that he slam into her now.

  But this wasn’t a fuck. This was Moon.

  He sucked in a deep breath and slowly eased his fingers from her. He was out of control and he’d never felt better. Right now his inner soldier wanted to soldier on. He wanted to take her, make her his—temporarily.

  And when her fingers tightened around the base of his cock, he drew in a ragged breath and demanded that what was left of his control didn’t explode. He was a knight searching for a castle to invade. A rock to drive his sword in. God, he missed feeling like a warrior.


  “What?” She lifted her head, her gaze narrowed.

  “I’ve got to grab a condom from my wallet.”

  “Yes. Yes, you do.” She dropped her head, her mouth twisting, her hand pausing on his girth. “Okay. Here’s the thing. Just so you know,” her voice was heavy with emotion, “I’m clean. I’ve been tested.”

  “I’m clean. There’s been no one since Corinne.”

  He slipped from her, grabbed the small packet in record-breaking time and rejoined her. He ripped the package with his teeth, but she took the condom from him. “Let me,” she murmured.

  “Have at it, sweetheart.”

  All logic left the building as he pressed the head of his sheathed cock against her moist slit, he didn’t care that his ass was wet and they were dirty. Somehow that made this more insanely stimulating. He had one focus and that was to put out the flames that burned between them in a raging fervor.

  He slammed inside of her, pushing her to the very top edge of the lounger. Her knees came up high on his back and she lifted her hips, meeting him thrust for thrust. Together they were a blur of limbs, hands and needy moans. Nothing existed beyond the two of them. And when her body tightened around him and her juices thickened, he knew she’d reached release. It drove him over the edge. In one swift thrust, he spilled himself inside of her.


  “In the way of a drunken night, that wasn’t so bad.” Moon stood at the doorway into the kitchen, taking in Cam and how good he looked. He was standing at the stove, wearing only his checkered boxers and stirring something in a skillet. Whatever it was made her stomach roll in hunger. Food wasn’t the only thing she wanted…

  “I was thinking the same thing. I thought you might be hungry so I’m making eggs.” His hair was finger-combed, he had a shadowed jaw, and he looked good enough to throw down onto a plate with the eggs.

  “Thank you for washing my dirty clothes. The shirt survived. I can only imagine the looks I’d get going back to Nirvana wearing a man’s clothes.” She chuckled. Not that she cared what anyone thought, but she wouldn’t be blasting from the rooftop that she’d had sex. She also wouldn’t feel any guilt because she’d made a mature decision to entertain herself in adult activity. Now she hoped that niggling feeling between her thighs took a hike so she could concentrate on the next phase of her life as a single mother. But first she had to get inseminated.

  “I couldn’t send you back with dirty clothes.”

  “You disappeared last night.” After they’d made love, they’d come inside and he’d kindly directed her toward the shower. She’d sort of hoped he’d join her, but maybe that was pushing things a bit, because he didn’t.

  When she’d come out of the bathroom, she’d found a shirt and sweats neatly folded in front of the door, and no sight of Cam. She’d looked over the railing to the bottom floor and spotted him stretched out on the couch, asleep. She’d gone to the bedroom—his bedroom—confused and lonesome, then tossed and turned almost the entire night. Sleeping in his bed, surrounded by his scent was pure torture.

  He placed the spatula on the counter and gave her his undivided attention. “I wasn’t sure what the expectations were after we—” He shot a glance in the direction of the front door. “Well, I didn’t want to push myself, because as sure as the nose on the center of my face, I wouldn’t have been able to be near you without touching you again.”

  A picnic of emotions flittered through her. She wanted to tell him she would have welcomed him ‘touching’ her again, but instead she nodded. It was probably best they had a hot quickie, once, and now it was time to eat the obligatory breakfast and be on her way. “I don’t know if I can eat much.” There was a sudden throbbing at her temples.

  “Best thing for a hangover.”

  She didn’t have a hangover. Logic told her body that she couldn’t have the Cam-experience again and it was sending her every cell into a temper tantrum of sorts. Although what they shared had been quick and frantic, it had been good—better than good. Deliciously erotic. But instead of satiating her, it had sparked something different in her. A heightened desire to have him. Admittedly, she’d hoped they woul
d have slept together, because she was certain if they’d had sex once more, or two, three, four more times, she would have gotten her fill.

  She roamed her gaze over his broad, bare back. His tight ass. His long legs covered in crisp, dark hair. Who was she kidding. As long as she was near him, she’d want him.

  “Have a seat,” he said.

  Taking a seat at the small, round table, she watched him spoon eggs onto a plate and he handed it to her. Thankfully, they were moist and fluffy and went down easily. She buttered a triangle of toast and nibbled.

  “I made coffee. Care for a cup?” he asked.

  “I’d love one. I can grab it.” She started to stand up, but he motioned for her to sit.

  “You’re my guest. I like doing this.”

  She wasn’t used to having someone wait on her. Art had never made her breakfast—or lunch or dinner. Stop meandering into the past, and definitely stop comparing Cam to Art. She might as well compare unicorns to turtles.

  This was a one-night stand. That’s all it could be.

  Once he placed the colorful mug in front of her, she poured a good amount of creamer in and sipped the hot brew. The man could even make a delicious cup of coffee. Did he have any flaws? Sure he did, but she couldn’t get passed the rose colored glasses at the moment.

  She wasn’t a professional at adult sleepovers, but what she knew, one-night stands should end when the sun came up—and sometimes before. The ‘guest’ should slither from the bed, or lounger, drag on wrinkled clothes and run away, but she couldn’t have run if her life depended on it. Sitting here, in his kitchen with him half-dressed, was the most natural of things. In fact, the only awkwardness between them was the nagging feeling that she wanted to tear off his boxers with her teeth and have him in her mouth.

  He sat down in the chair next to her and dug into his own eggs. There was something very sweet, almost sensual, having breakfast with him. She missed the companionship. When he lifted his gaze and smiled, her heart jerked. Her panties moistened. Her invisible tail wagged.

  Stop right there!


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