Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 1

by J. J. Marstead

  Copyright 2016

  Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC

  Copyright @ J.J. Marstead

  Edited by J.J. Marstead and J.J’s Beta’s

  Cover design by Inked Imprints

  Formatted by Formatting Done Wright

  Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC is a work of fiction.

  All characters, Organizations and events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination. No part of this story can be used for the person(s) personal use. No reproduction of this story is allowed.

  Author’s Note

  This is book one of the series

  Stealing an author’s story is wrong, the amount of time an author puts into the story, so please retain from taking any author’s story. It’s a crime!


  I would like to give a huge shout out to my hubby and my daughter who have put up with me writing; they are amazing supporters of mine. I love you both so very much. Thank you XOX

  To my family and friends who have been there for me while I have been writing, thank you all so much. I’m blessed having you all on my side cheering me on.

  I would like to thank my beta team for everything they have done. You guys rock! You guys truly are amazing. Thank you. Brenda Wright, Heather Reed, Anastasia Rose Steele.

  I would like to say a special thank you to Amber DiGangi, you rock woman, thank you for believing in Ace and Alison.

  A special thank you to Anastasia Rose Steele my PA for helping me right up till the end, between you and a mix of coffee got me through it.

  Brenda Wright, my Beta, my formatter. You rock for helping me as much as you did, thank you!

  Darlene Tallman helping me with editing, thank you. It means the world to me that you helped. Also Becky Jeffrey thank you!

  Thank you to all the authors that have helped out with information that I’ve need and what not.

  Geri Glenn thanks babe for everything you did to help me, you rock lady. For helping me with editing, LIFE SAVER! Thank you so much.

  Mallory Dauphin thank you chicka for helping me out as well, you are truly awesome.

  Marie James, you gave me the inspiration to write, your books are AMAZING! You are my idol, also for giving me great advice. If it wasn’t for you helping me through the whole bit, I would be totally lost, thank you so much!

  And to my readers, thank you for buying the book and reading it. I know it’s hard to take a chance on a new author, and it means the world to me that you did, so thank you again.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  “Alison, you better wake your ass up if you don’t want to be late for work,” Tammy shouts from outside of my door. Man, I love my sister but sometimes I just want to slap the shit out of her.

  Ugh, I look toward my alarm clock. I see it’s almost seven AM. Shit, I have to be at work by seven thirty. I jump out of bed and run out of my room down the hall, to the bathroom for a quick shower. That should wake me up some.

  I look in the mirror while getting undressed makes me question my body. I have always hated my body. My breasts are small. Well, I have a B cup, but they’re small compared to Tammy’s DDs, which, by the way, are amazing. And, no I have not seen them. Get your mind out of the gutter. I’ve seen her in a bikini.

  When I was growing up, I prayed that my body would fill out more like Tammy’s but my prayers weren’t answered. My ass is a fair size; my hair is long and a dull brown. My eyes are green, which is probably the only thing I love on my body. My eyes remind me of my mother. No my mother is not dead, she is very much alive. When I look in the mirror I’m reminded of how much I look like her.

  I shower quickly. I wrap the towel around me. I run to my room, getting dressed as fast as I can. I put my hair up in a messy bun.

  I head to the kitchen where Tammy is probably sitting at our small kitchen table drinking her huge cup of coffee. I have no idea how she can drink that much coffee in the morning.

  Tammy’s sitting at the table as I thought, and she looks so cheery, it’s creepy. No one should be that happy in the morning. She has always been a morning person. I of the other hand… Well I’m not a morning person, if I could wake up around ten AM, I would be golden. But with work and everything, I can’t. It sucks but hey, its life I guess.

  “Hey Tammy, thanks for waking me up,” I grab a cup from the cupboard. I pour the yummy goodness into the mug. I take a sip, humming as it hits the back of my throat.

  “Oh no problem, you better start setting that alarm clock of yours, if you don’t you are going to be out of a job missy.” Tammy gives me a pointed look.

  “Alright I get it, but I did set my alarm clock. The damn thing probably isn’t working anymore. The time works on it, but the alarm clock seems not to be working now. I will pick up a new one after work.” I check the time on the clock hanging above the kitchen table it reads seven forty-five.

  “Shit, I got to get to work, talk to you later,” I grab my keys off the counter and I make my way to the front door. Today is going to be a long day.

  I finally get to work late; I hope Joe isn’t out of his office to notice. Joe is the owner of the diner; it’s kind of weird because he’s only a few years older than me. He’s twenty-seven. He’s handsome, but I’m not even going to go there. I work for him, not a great idea, that’s for sure. Joe has always been nice; his dad retired and gave the diner to Joe after he finished up his business degree.

  Joe’s dad is a real hoot. He was always bugging me about Joe and me how we should be together and blah blah, you get the story. But I’m not going to go down that road; Joe is my boss and dear friend. That’s a line you don’t cross!

  I walk into the diner, I see Maureen attending to customers in her section. Joe is standing behind the counter talking to George, the cook.

  I look around the diner, there’s a few couples having their breakfast together, the same couples I’ve seen for the past two months. It feels like I’ve been working here a lot longer than that.

  As I walk towards the back to get my apron. Joe sees me. “Hey, Alison,” He gives me a cute little smile. That smile, I’m sure would knock any girl on her ass, but I’m used to his charm. He’s like the big brother I never had; we’ve been tight from the moment I started working here.

  “Hey Joey, how are you doing this morning?” I ask with a smirk knowing he hates, the nickname I gave him the first day I started.

  “God, you are such a brat, you know that, Ali Bear?” Hearing the nickname he gave me puts a smile on my face, it doesn’t bother me. I find it cute and brotherly of him to call me that.

  “Oh you know you love it, Joey. Now will you excuse me, I have to get ready for work. I heard the boss is a real hard ass,” I say with a smirk, trying really hard to hold in my laughter but I fail horribly.

  I don’t wait for Joe to answer, I run to the back and get my apron; I hurry to clean some tables before more customers come in.

  As soon as I’m done cleaning the tables of the customers that just finished their meal, I hear the rumble of a motorcycle, but I don’t
hear just one, I hear a couple of bikes.

  Just hearing the sound of the rumble gets me excited. I love motorcycles. My father had one when I was younger. I remember the Sunday rides we used to take, nothing but us on the open road. It was beautiful.

  I look out the window and see that there are four bikes heading toward the diner. Oh God, are they stopping here, please tell me they are not stopping here?

  I notice they are wearing a cut as soon as they get close enough to the diner. Seeing them outside the diner is really scary, they are huge! ‘The Brimstone Kings’ in big lettering on the back.

  I’ve never heard of them before. But then again, I didn’t know we had an MC in the town either, shows how much I pay attention.

  Chapter 2

  There are four bikers that enter the diner. I’m on pins and needles. I’m not sure how to act around tough, scary bikers. My ex-boyfriend is in a motorcycle club. I wasn’t with him when he joined we were broken up for a while before. So I haven’t been around bikers before.

  I’m short; I may not be a toothpick of a size, but I’m small enough compared to these big boys. I’m desperately hoping they sit on Maureen’s side. So I don’t have to wait on them.

  I look towards the men and see that they sat on my side of the diner. Oh great, just my luck!!! One of the men sitting at the table catches my attention; he’s a much older man. I would say he’s in his fifties. The others are younger. There’s one that looks my age, but I can’t be certain.

  Suck it up, buttercup; you can do this. I mentally prepare myself to head over and take their orders.

  I head towards the booth where they are all sitting, praying I don’t fall right on my face. That would make an impression. I start to laugh out loud to myself. I look up, I see all the men looking at me with a curious expression. Shit, now they’re all staring at me.

  I eye the men around the table. There’s a gray-haired man that has a President patch. The others have normal patches saying they are members of the club.

  I give my best smile. “Hey fellas, what can I get you?”

  The President gives me a grin. “Why look at you. Aren’t you a cute little thing.”

  My face feels like it's on fire, I’m pretty sure it’s beet red at the moment. All I hear are the snickers from the others. I fidget on my feet, not sure what to do.

  “Would you like to order some drinks to start off with?” I ask, whispering softly as I try to avoid eye contact.

  “Thanks, darling, that would be great.” He gives me a wide smile. “By the way, I’m Pit, and these sorry sons of bitches are, Hammer, Tracer, and Blaze.” He points to each member as he names them.

  “Our VP is supposed to be joining us soon, so how about we start off with a cup of coffee.”

  I head towards to counter; I grab four cups from the stack under the counter. I start pouring the coffee when I hear the door charm ring.

  I glance up and see the sexiest man ever. I have seen my fair share of men and let me just say this, he is sex on a fucking stick. I want to just rub myself all over him like a cat in heat. Whoa, where did that come from? Shit, I need to get laid. How long has it been? Four months? Too long!

  I watch him strutting toward the men, and I can’t help but admire the way his ass looks in his jeans, yummy. I grab the cups of coffee and place them on a tray, I head to the booth, and smile at the men and place their orders in front of them.

  I look at the newcomer and give him a shy smile. “Can I get you anything to drink?”

  He turns to face me and gives me a lazy grin. “Sure, sweetheart. I would love a cup of coffee, black.” I nod as I head back to the counter and fetch another cup, filling it up.

  Carrying the cup of coffee, I set it down in front of him. “Thanks, sweetheart.” I feel giddy; I’m not sure what to say, so I nod at the man like an idiot. Get a grip, Alison!!!

  At that moment Pit decides to speak, “Darling, this here is my son and our VP, Ace.”

  I beam over at Ace. “Hello, Ace.” He gives me a grin and nods. “So, are you guys ready to order something to eat or are you just having coffee?”

  After they all give me their orders, I turn to leave, but Ace speaks up stopping me in my tracks, “Sweetheart, how old are you?” Blushing as he puts me on the spot.

  I look over at him. “I’m going to be nineteen next month.” I turn around and head to the kitchen to give George the orders.

  Sitting at the counter, beside the cash register I wait for George to yell, “Order up.” I can’t help but stare at Ace. He’s so fucking sexy that it literally hurts my heart knowing he can’t be single. I try to make myself look busy, looking at a magazine on the counter, but I can’t stop myself from glancing his way.

  It’s like he knows when I’m looking; he snaps his head up and eyes me. Just feeling the heat from his eyes, I rub my thighs together; the pressure of the rubbing makes me want to moan. I bite my lip, trying not to make a sound.

  Ace’s face lights up with a huge smile as he licks his lips. Oh Lord, what I wouldn’t do to be the one to lick his lips. He gives me a wicked smirk and winks. I think I just died a little right there. I’m so fucking hot right now.

  George snaps me out of my hormones. “Order up.” I pick up the orders and place them on a huge tray. I slowly walk towards them; hoping I don’t trip and the food go all over them. Shit, what an impression that would make, ha.

  “Here are your orders. I hope you enjoy. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to holler.” Giving a huge smile, I return to the counter. I watch as Ace takes his first bite of bacon, having no idea why I’m watching a man eat, but holy shit.

  Watching Ace chew on that piece of bacon is making me feel feverous hot. I get lost in watching this sexy man chew. When I hear the older man, I think he said his name was Pit, hollers for the check.

  I’m disappointed. This means that they’re leaving. Crushed with the idea of Ace leaving, I try to hide the pout I’m sure I’m sporting on my face.

  I give a weak smile as I bring them the check. Ace is already hanging around the door. I look up and see Blaze smiling at me.

  “Are you paying for everyone?” I ask as I pull my bottom lip between my teeth.

  “Yes, I am. How much will it be, honey?” I blush, trying to hide my face.

  “It will be thirty-two fifty,” I say as he reaches into his jean pocket, pulling out a fifty-dollar fifty dollar bill and handing it to me.

  “Keep the change,” he says with an adorable grin.

  He begins to walk out but stops half way, then turns back walking right up until he’s only inches away from me.

  “You should come hang out with us later. We’re having a huge party at the club, and I would love for you to come with me.”

  I stand there with my mouth open in shock. Is he really asking me to go to a party with him? Don’t get me wrong, Blaze is smoking hot, but I’m just me; nothing special. So I’m not sure why he would invite me out of all the other girls I’m sure are throwing themselves at him.

  “Ummm... sure.”

  He gives me a cooked grin.

  “Great. I’ll pick you up after you finish work.”

  “I get off at eight.”

  “See you then, gorgeous.”

  I giggle at the fact he just called me gorgeous. “See you then, Blaze.”

  I look over at the door and see that all the bikers, except for Ace, have gone outside. Ace is staring at us with a pissed off look, his jaw clenched. What’s his problem? Ace gives a small nod and leaves. I wonder what his problem is. Oh well, I’m not going to dwell on it.

  I can’t believe Blaze actually came up to me and asked me out. What am I supposed to say? No, I can’t go with you? I want to fuck the shit out of your VP? No, I don’t think so. I don’t know Ace, and for all I know he could have a girlfriend.

  I can’t wait till tonight. It’s going to be fun to let my hair down for once. And Blaze isn’t hard on the eyes that much is for sure.

  Chapter 3<
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  I wake up groaning as I feel a pair of lips sucking on my cock. Nice way to wake up. I pry my eyes open, looking down to see Porsche licking and sucking the tip of my dick. Porsche looks up and smiles. “Good morning, Ace.”

  I give her a lazy grin and moan. “This is nice, waking up having my dick sucked; every man’s dream.”

  Porsche hums around my cock; I feel the tingle down my spine straight to my balls. I grab her head and give a couple of slow strokes, going as far as I can go. She gags but takes me in like a pro.

  That is what I like about Porsche; she takes whatever I give her with no arguments. I look down at her bobbing up and down on my cock. She looks up at me, with that look letting me know she wants, my cum down her throat.

  “I’m going to cum, Porsche. Are you ready?” She sucks harder, and I moan letting go, giving her all I’ve got.

  Porsche swallows every drop. I look at the clock beside the bed, and see it's eight twenty-five. Shit, I’m supposed to meet the guys at the diner. She makes her way up my body to give me a kiss, but I get up before she can deliver. “Sorry, babe, but I got to go. The guys are waiting for me.”

  She gives me a little pout, “Baby, are you sure you want to go? I am sure you can have breakfast here.” She spreads her legs showing me her shaven pussy like it’s a buffet.

  “I Can’t, babe. I got to go.”

  She gives me a grin, “When are you going to make us official?” Shaking my head, I turn toward her.

  “Babe, you know I’m not looking for an old lady. I told you this before we started fucking.”

  She has a hopeful expression on her face. “I was hoping that would change, when you saw how good we are together.”

  I get dressed as fast as I can, I head toward the door. Grabbing the handle, I turn my head to look at Porsche lying naked on the bed. “Sorry babe. I told you all I want is fucking, and that is all you’ll get.” And with that, I turn and leave.


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