Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Ace: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 14

by J. J. Marstead

  Just then pain hits me, my head whips back and I fall on the bed. I look up and Viper is standing in front of me breathing heavy. That motherfucker just punched me.

  I rise to my feet and give Viper a shove. “What the fuck was that for,” I growl out as I tighten my fist, ready to lay one on him.

  “That, you son of a bitch, was for breaking Alison’s heart. She came here to see you and here you are in bed with Porsche. What the fuck is wrong with you?” he shouts in my face.

  My face pales as the words leave his mouth, I feel like I’m going to be sick. I don’t remember Porsche being in my room. All I remember is coming in here and passing out.

  My gut turns and I run to the bathroom puking everything in my stomach as my head begins to pound. Groaning. I clean myself up and walk into my room where Viper is still standing there with a disappointed look on his face. He shakes his head.

  I get dressed as fast as I can. He stops me just as I’m about to run out to see if I can catch up with Alison.

  “What the fuck happened, Ace? I thought you loved that girl?” he asks as he grips my arm.

  “I don’t know what happened. All I remember is coming in here earlier to get some sleep. I was drinking, but I sure as hell did not sleep with Porsche,” I growl out as he raises a brow.

  “I didn’t fuck Porsche, nor do I plan too,” I hiss as I grab my keys from my dresser. I make my way to the door, grabbing the handle and opening the door.

  “Alison left with Blaze a few minutes ago. She was in pretty bad shape when she left, Ace. She probably won’t want to see you right now, even if you didn’t fuck around on her with Porsche. She saw you in bed with the bitch, man,” he mentions as he walks away from me.

  “Fuck,” I scream out as I punch the wall.

  My father comes walking down the hall to see what the hell is going on. Viper stops in front of him and tells him what happened. My father looks up and I see the disappointment in his eyes.

  “I DIDN’T FUCK PORSCHE,” I yell as I make my way pass them. My father grabs my arm, and he looks at me for a moment.

  “I believe you son, but I’m not so sure it will go over well with Alison. What she saw will haunt her. The man she loves in bed with another woman. It will take time.” he exclaims as he gives my arm a light squeeze.

  I check my phone and look at Alison’s messages and see that she texted over an hour ago, and I replied: “Come over, there’s something I need to show you.” What the fuck?

  Just as I’m about to get out the front door, Porsche comes running up to me. I never wanted to hit a woman before as much as I want to right now.

  “Baby, where are you going?” she purrs. Just hearing her voice gives me the chills and the blood in my veins go ice cold. She did this on purpose. I grab her by the arms and push her up against the wall, my anger taking over as I look at her face.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, you stupid bitch? You texted Alison and told her to come here,” I hiss out as my face reddens from holding back from killing this bitch.

  Her eyes widen as she shakes in fear. My father and Viper pull me off of her. Viper stands in front of her and tells her in a deadly voice, “Get the fuck out and don’t bother coming back. You’re no longer welcome here and you no longer have a job at the club,” he hisses out inches from her face.

  She’s standing there shaking with tears running down her face, and it does nothing but fuel my anger.

  “GET THE FUCK OUT,” I shout as my father tightens his hold my arms.

  “Son, calm the fuck down,” He says.

  Viper grabs Porsche and tells her to get her things together and get the fuck out. She hurries away from us. Everyone in the club is looking at us.

  “What the hell are you looking at? Go back to whatever the fuck you were all doing,” my father shouts out as he releases me.

  Just as I open the door to chase after Alison, my cell rings. Not bothering to look to see who it is, praying to god its Alison, but when Blaze’s voice comes out my stomach sinks.

  “Ace, there was an accident. Alison and Tammy were taking to the hospital.” The worried tone of his voice makes me break, the phone drops from my hand, landing on the floor.

  I drop to my knees as tears fill my eyes. Oh God no, not Alison!

  As I make my way into the hospital, I run into the waiting room to see Blaze pacing with his hands on his head.

  “What the fuck happened?” I ask as I stand in front of him. I’m worried about Alison and I haven’t heard anything from Blaze because my phone slipped out of my hand as I heard the words come out of his mouth about Alison being in the hospital, and it broke on impact.

  “I was following them, and we were at the intersection. It was our go and a truck came out from around the corner, slamming into Tammy’s side, sending their car sideways and it flipped three times before landing on the roof. As soon as it all happened, I rushed over to check on them. Tammy was unconscious. Alison was conscious for a few seconds before she passed out,” he says. He sighs as he sits down on; he leans back on the chair.

  “Alison had a chunk of glass sticking out of her chest,” he whispers.

  My heart stops as I take in his words, ‘Alison had a chunk of glass sticking out of her chest,’ repeating over and over in my head.

  “Have the doctors come out yet to give an update?” I ask trying to keep my tone calm even though inside, I’m freaking the fuck out.

  A sorrowful look appears as he shakes his head. “No.”

  I can’t sit down. My nerves are shot. Where in the fuck are the doctors? They should have been out here by now to let us know something.

  Forty-five minutes later, finally the doors open to the emergency and a doctor in blue scrubs comes out. He looks to be around my age. He better know what the fuck he’s doing when it comes to Alison.

  I'm surprised Viper isn’t here yet. I know he had to get Porsche out of the clubhouse because if she’s there, I will kill the bitch for what she has caused. If it wasn’t for her, Alison and Tammy wouldn’t be in the hospital right now. He should be here soon, even though things haven’t worked out with him and Tammy, I know he loves her.

  The doctor looks down at his clipboard.

  “Any relatives of Alison Murphy and Tammy Murphy present?” he asks looking around the waiting room. I jump up and say the first thing that comes to mind.

  “Yes, I’m Alison’s fiancée.” He looks me over from head to toe, and raises a brow. I stand at full height daring him with my eyes to say otherwise.

  The doctor clears his throat. “Well, Alison lost quite a bit of blood due to her injury on her chest. She was impaled with a shard of glass from the window. It was in quite deep, but we were able to remove it and sew it up. She is in recovery right now and she will be here for a few days so we can monitor her and the baby,” he says as he flips to the next chart in his hands.

  The word baby shoots around in my head. Did I hear him right? He said ‘baby.' Blaze jumps up off his seat and stands beside me. I try to speak, but every time I open my mouth the words get caught in my throat.

  “Did I just hear you say baby?” I ask, as Blaze looks from me to the doctor and then back to me again.

  Doctor nods. “Yes, she’s pregnant. I just assumed you knew.”

  I back up till my legs hit the chair and bend my legs to sit. I’m overwhelmed finding out I’m going to be a dad. Alison is going to be okay. Thank God.

  “Would you like to know the status of your sister in law?” the doctor asks. I nod my head because I can’t even begin to form sentences as my mind keeps running over one word ‘Baby’.

  “Tammy has lost a lot of blood. Her head hit the window pretty hard when the accident occurred. The impact of the hit has left some swelling on the brain. She’s is in an induced coma right now to help with her healing. At this moment, we are not sure when she will wake up, the seriousness of a head injury and the possibility that there will be some memory lost.”

  The doctor le
aves through the doors he came out of just as Viper walks up. I replay every word the doctor said about Alison and the baby and as soon as the word baby leaves my mouth, Viper has a shit eating grin on his face. But at the same time I can see he’s worried about Tammy, so I tell him about her head injury and that she’s in an induced coma.

  He takes a seat beside Blaze, leans forward and puts his face in his hands, his shoulders slightly rising and falling. He’s never been one to show his emotions, but at this moment, my best friend is crying for the girl he loves and one that might not remember who he is.

  Chapter 15

  It’s like it’s a dream repeating over and over in my head, I can’t believe this happened, I should have known better.

  I push the door open, nothing could prepare me for what I’m about to see. Ace lying in bed with Porsche wrapped around him sleeping.

  What the fuck? My eyes start to burn; my hand goes right to my stomach, I feel sick, knowing everything he has told me was a lie, what pisses me off is that Mark was right about him, he would get bored of me, and it seems like he already has.

  I hear talking and a beeping noise around me. My eyelids are so heavy, I try to open them but they don’t budge. What the hell happened to me, I feel like I got hit by a cement wall?

  I try to move my arm and legs, but my body doesn’t seem to want to move. My chest hurts. I try to open my eyes once more, I force with all my strength to open them; it takes a couple tries but I blink slowly, the bright lights, blinding me.

  It looks to be as if I’m in a hospital, but I don’t remember coming here or being brought here. I try to think back, I groan as my head starts to pound.

  My hand goes to my stomach, I feel as I’m going to be sick, trying to speak; my voice comes out low and scratchy. Where are the voices from earlier, they were just in the room a second ago.

  Just as I try to move to sit up, the door opens. Ace walks in, what is he doing here? We have nothing to do with each other anymore, he cheated on me. I’m not sure what to say to him, there’s nothing left to say. I caught him in bed with her. I feel the emotions come bubbling up as flashbacks of seeing him in bed with Porsche hit me.

  He comes up beside the bed; he reaches for my hand. I move it just before he gets the chance to touch me, I don’t need his pity. I don’t need anything from him. If I’m here, my hand goes right to my stomach as my face falls, my baby. Please let my baby still be there.

  As if he can read my mind, “Don’t worry, the baby is fine!” He says as he sits on the edge of the bed. What the hell did he just say, how does he know I’m pregnant?

  “Ummm…How do you know I’m pregnant?” I ask my voice void of emotion as I lift my head high. I look at him closely; I can see the darkness around his eyes.

  “The doctor wouldn’t let us know anything unless we were family, so I told them I’m your fiancée.” He mentions as he sighs running his hands over his face.

  “You really scared me Peaches. When I got the call from Blaze saying there was an accident and you and Tammy were brought to the hospital. My whole life flashed before my eyes,” he says softly as he tries to reign in his emotions.

  I close my eyes trying to remember the accident but nothing comes to me, I don’t remember what happened. Knowing that my baby is okay puts me at ease. I don’t know what I would do if I lost this little precious miracle inside of me, this is the only part of Ace I will ever have now. I might not be ready to be a mother but who is really ever ready?

  “Alison, I want to explain what happened when you showed up at the clubhouse the other day,” he says as he looks at me, checking to see my reaction but you know what I won’t give him the satisfaction. I keep my emotions at bay, my face goes blank, and I don’t say anything.

  “Alison, please say something,” he whispers softly as his eyes glaze over. I truly love Ace, but what he has done to me is unforgivable, my heart is broken in two, and he thinks he can just explain that it was a mistake, and he didn’t mean it. It’s like Mark all over again.

  The hurt and betrayal is worse with Ace then it was with Mark; I thought I truly loved Mark, but I didn’t. Ace is the man who stolen my whole heart and he is the one to shattered it to pieces.

  I sigh as he continues to speak but I sit there looking down at my hands, not trusting myself not to cave if I look into his eyes.

  “That afternoon, I was at the clubhouse…I had a few drinks, then I went back to my room for a nap. Next thing I’m butt naked, which I don’t understand because I was too buzzed to even walk straight. I remember hitting the bed and passing right out.” He takes a moment, swallowing roughly.

  “Next thing I know is that Porsche is in my room, and Viper is shouting at me. I never slept with Porsche, Alison. I swear it on Pop’s life, I didn’t even touch her,” he mutters out as he grabs my hand rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

  I’m torn, even if he hasn’t slept with her. I could have lost the baby. Porsche will always be there no matter what. I don’t know if I can live with the fact that I have to worry every time I’m not with him. That’s not a relationship.

  Ace leans forward and kisses my forehead, and I break, “Ace, please leave,” I stutter out as I try to stop myself from crying. He backs away and looks at me bewildered. I can’t deal with this right now, he needs to leave.

  “What do you mean you want me to leave?” he asks as he reaches for me, I move away from his touch, I wince as my body is stiff from lying in this bed God knows how long. .He sighs as he gets up from the edge of the bed.

  “Alison, I’m not sure what to do here. I’ve told you already what happened, which is nothing.” He paces in front of the bed shaking his head as he goes.

  “Ace, I’m sorry…I really am, but I can’t do this right now. This is all too much,” I coax out hoping he will do as I say and leave for now before I have a full-out breakdown in front of him.

  My monitor starts beeping wildly, Ace’s head snaps up to looking at my monitor to see what’s happening.

  Then a nurse comes rushing in, and she looks between us both before walking over to the monitor.

  “Alison, your heart rate is a little high, you need to calm down and relax,” she says as she checks my IV’s.

  “Please ask him to leave,” I whisper out, hoping she can help me but as I look over at Ace, anguish written all over his face.

  “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” she tells him.

  I close my eyes as I reopen them, looking at the same place where Ace was standing just seconds before, he’s gone. I’m not sure how to feel right now; did I want him to fight harder to stay? Of course, but I can’t beat this dread feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  The nurse attending to me gives a sympatric smile as she leaves the room. As soon as she shuts the door, I burst into tears. I can’t hold them back any longer.

  Being alone in this room, I think about everything that has happened in the last few days and I’m terrified, wondering what will happen next. I’m not sure where to go from here.

  I don’t know how long I cry for, but I’m snapped out of my crying fit when there’s a knock on the door. I wipe the tears from my eyes with my palms.

  “Come in,” I say as I take a deep breath trying to sit up a little more. I place my hand back to push myself up; the pillow slides from underneath my hands, and I slip a little cursing at my sore body. Blaze sees I’m in distress and comes right to my side.

  “Are you okay?” he asks as he grabs some tissues off the table that’s beside the bed.

  “You want to tell me why you’re crying?” he stands in front of me, grabbing my hand giving me reassurance that everything will be okay.

  “Ummm…” My voice cracks.

  “Ace stopped by and tried to tell me what happened between Porsche and him…But I couldn’t listen, with everything that has happened I can’t…I just can’t!” I exclaim as my voice gets lower, barely noticeable.

  Blaze sighs as he carefully sits on the edge of the
bed, “I understand Alison, and don’t worry. I’m sure Ace understands perfectly,” he mentions. I’m not sure what else to say, so I nod my head.

  I ask Blaze what happened. He replays everything to me about the accident, I shiver when he tells me about the piece of glass in my chest… Tammy’s head smashed the window on the driver’s side. We were upside down for a few minutes before the ambulance showed up.

  Blaze was there the entire time, hearing him re-play the events of the accident; a soft whimper leaves my throat.

  Blaze brings me against him for a friendly hug, whispering softly into my ear telling me everything will be okay. Just as I calm down, Blaze leans away from me a bit.

  “Ace has been here since he found out about the accident; he really loves you, Alison,” he mentions, and my heart tightens.

  Knowing that Ace has been here, and I couldn’t even bare to talk to him, I should of tried to talk to him.

  “You should give Ace a chance Alison. I know what you walked in on hurt you, but from my understanding nothing happened and that bitch Porsche has been thrown out of the club because of it,” he says as he stares at me, gauging my reaction.

  “Porsche has been thrown out of the clubhouse?” I ask, I’m praying I heard him right. He nods his head. I’m torn as to what I should do, should I forget the whole thing and take him back no questions asked? I sigh leaning my head back on the pillow.

  “I will think about it,” I utter out.

  “How is Viper holding up? I know they aren’t together anymore, but I just want to know…Has he been here to see her,” I ask as I look up at Blaze.

  He clears his throat, rubbing his hands on his pants “Well Viper has taken a pretty hard hit with all this,” he mentions.

  “He hasn’t left Tammy’s side unless it was to go to the washroom which is only a few feet away,” he adds giving a small laugh shaking his head.

  “He must really love her,” I say as I groan from moving as I try to sit up a little higher.


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