The Bride of Blackbeard

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by Brynn Chapman

  Praise for

  Brynn Chapman/R.R. Smythe

  Brynn Chapman will captivate the reader with intricate details, a mystery that ensnares the reader and characters that will touch their hearts. By the end of the first chapter, this reviewer was enthralled with Bride of Blackbeard. It’s a compelling tale of sorrow, pain, love, and hate. Each of the people Costanza encounters on her journey has an experience to share, drawing in the reader more. Ms. Chapman sketches a story that tugs at the heartstrings. I believe many will be touched in some way by this extraordinary book that leaves much thought.

  ~ Cherokee, Coffee Time Romance

  ~ * ~

  Bride of Blackbeard has it all. You'll instantly feel a part of the story as Constanza's character seems to come alive. You'll walk right beside her as she endured the sadness, pain and sorrow, of growing up, and you'll root for her, all through the healing process. Bride of Blackbeard was hard to put down. The secondary characters, some you'll love to hate, some will steal your heart, just as Constanza and her siblings do.

  Ms. Chapman definitely has a winner, and you'll want to have the tissues handy, it tears at your heartstrings, and you'll love every minute of it! The setting is spot-on and as if time had turned back. You won't want to pass this one by, it's a must read, and one that should be on everyone's keeper-shelf.

  ~ Kimberly Leslie, Romance Junkies

  ~ * ~

  Brynn Chapman has crafted a story that is a tapestry of lore, legend, and fact. Bride of Blackbeard will leave you asking questions until the last page.

  Chapman’s passion for research into the ailments, from the ordinary to the bizarre, drive this book forward and enhance already well-crafted characters. The heroine, Constanza, is exactly as the author shows: unique, unconventional and a champion for rejected and lonely. Hero Lucian is a refreshing mix of vulnerability and strength. And tiny Meg has a bit of us all in her. At some point we all feel as she has—alone, with our only recourse to lock ourselves away in a world all our own and hope someone will listen. Chapman’s medical background definitely adds to this book, and the author notes at the end were a definite plus.

  ~ Jennifer Linforth, Author, Historical Fiction and Romance

  ~ * ~

  This book pulls you into an emotional roller coaster. You will cry and you will laugh. The characters seem so real, and you feel like you have gone back to the 1700s right there along with them. Constanza is a strong and stubborn young woman who is more determined than most. Her own life is a complicated mess, and yet she worries so much about others. There is a love story woven through the book—one of true love with a humble caring man, and another that made me cringe with disgust with a pirate who will not take no for an answer.

  I definitely recommend this book to any reader. It is a must read!

  ~ JenLee, Amazon

  ~ * ~

  Honored in Book of the Week Placements – Long and Short Reviews!!!

  The Bride of Blackbeard by Brynn Chapman is what I refer to as a ‘beefy’ read. It’s a romance sandwiched between historical facts and a personal growth story.

  Constanza is a great heroine. She is strong willed with a purpose. But unlike so many historical romances that plop a 2008 woman into the past, Constanza’s ‘Stanzy’ is believable and very well defined. A childhood filled with unspeakable nightmares has forced her to be stronger and more self reliant than most women of her time.

  Where Constanza is a woman not molded in the traditional time setting, Lucian is. As a hero restricted by the mindset of the 1700s his character is often at odds with Stanzy. Lucian is a man of good heart and nature, something Constanza hasn’t been lucky enough to have in her life.

  The final barrier to their happiness is the same—Edward Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard.

  ~ Magnolia, Long and Short Review

  ~ * ~

  5 Star, Top Pick!!!

  Okay. Primarily this is a science fiction book with lots of romance and it's a page-turner thriller. I sat up until almost three in the morning reading this book because I couldn't put it down.

  Brynn Chapman has written a well-researched book that takes the fledgling science of cloning and genetics just a step further. Project Mendel will reach out grab you, suck you right into the story, and scare the pants off you. I loved it. You will root for the heroes and heroines, some of it will be difficult to read, and it will make you cry and a lot of it will make you think. I give this one a solid 5 and a recommended read.

  ~ PennyAsh, Night Owl Reviews

  ~ * ~

  Project Mendel—This is a true page turner! It is suspenseful, exciting and...well...strange (with all due respect for the author who must have an incredible imagination). I sat down with this book and finished it in a day. Call me a picky reader because if the first couple of chapters don't grab my attention, I move on to the next book. I couldn't put this one down. The only bad thing I can say is my household chores were totally neglected that day.

  It's got a little love story, science fiction, excitement and action. Best described as X-Men meets Will Smith's I am Legend. You have to read this one! Brynn Chapman is on my favorite authors list.

  ~ JenLee, Amazon

  ~ * ~

  Brynn Chapman makes you question how far science should take humanity. Project Mendel blurs the distinction between genetics and horror and merges them in a reality all too plausible. A gripping read.

  ~Jennifer Linforth, Author, Historical Fiction and Romance

  ~ * ~

  Into the Woods by R.R. Smythe - This Young Adult Fantasy will send chills down your spine. I, as the reader, followed Callum and witnessed everything he and his friends went through as they attempted to decipher the messages. Each time Callum deciphered one of the four messages, some villagers awakened. Through the eyes of Ellsbeth, I saw the other sleepers wander, make mistakes, and be released from the Netherwood, leaving Ellsbeth alone. Excellent reading for any age of fantasy fans!

  ~ Detra Fitch, Huntress Reviews

  ~ * ~

  Into the Woods has a rich tapestry quality that is found in old fairy tales. The words and rhythm give it the feel of a fable. The tale hints at what is to come, but never gives you a true look, rather like the inhabitants of the woods luring you into the woods before you’re aware you moved. Having the mother who is encased in roots have a voice is a nice touch. It allows us to see what is going on in her world and to understand what Callum will need to do to save her. The tale is a complicated one, but any eager reader should be able to unravel it.

  Into the Woods is an interesting and exciting tale for the intermediate reader. I would recommend it because it operates on many different levels, includes the richness of imagery and fully developed characters.

  ~ Morgan Wyatt, Novelspot

  ~ * ~

  Into the Woods—See. Stand. Choose. Remember. Only these four words glowing on closet doors throughout the village of Sureau lend any clue as to the mysterious sleep that plagues many of the village residents. Callum, Erlidih, Finlay, and Skye are friends and students at the Alexander School but they share a new bond now. Each has a parent trapped in a sort of stasis, surrounded by coffins formed by trees and vines. Will Callum decipher the clues in time to save his mother, Ellsbeth, or will the roots and vines overtake her and the other sleepers forever?

  What a delightfully eerie tale! R.R. Smythe creates very vivid images, both of the Netherwood and of the root sarcophaguses encasing the sleepers. One can’t help but give a little shiver of fear as Callum and his cohorts race to uncover the meaning of each clue. Seeing the Netherwood through Ellsbeth’s eyes is a stroke of genius by R.R. Smythe as it adds just the right touch to make this one a classic tale!

  Into the Woods evokes
an almost haunting atmosphere, as the reader is pulled into the storyline. While Into the Woods is billed as a tale for young adults, adult readers will enjoy the darker fairytale-like aspects of the storyline. R.R. Smythe’s explanation for each clue is quite clever and the deeper meanings will resonate with adult readers as well as young adults.

  ~ Debbie, CK2S Kwips and Kritiques

  ~ * ~

  Into the Woods packs a big message into a short book. R.R. Smythe had me intrigued from the very beginning. Just like the young men and women in the story, I wanted to learn the secret of the trees. They were obviously there for a reason, but what could it be? I flew through this book in just a couple of hours because I just had to know if Callum would figure it all out to save his mother. The scenes in the Netherwood are particularly interesting. You never know just what is going to happen, but you're sure there's going to be a message hidden somewhere.

  Callum and his friends were all wonderful. They were indeed the perfect people to pass on the message of the trees. I love the sweetness of young love surrounding them as well.

  Into the Woods really is a unique story with a lot of heart. It's great for all ages, so check it out and tell your friends.

  ~ Romance Junkies....4.5 stars

  ~ * ~

  Finally! A Young Adult title kids will love.

  Into the Woods—R.R. Smythe has a wonderful imagination and demonstrates it with this spine-chilling read. Her descriptive writing will put the reader alongside Callum and his friends.

  Callum McClure lives with his mother and grandfather in Sareau, Scotland. The family tends the lighthouse and lives a quiet life until his mother falls ill and then all sorts of strange and scary things begin to happen. Roots from trees and vines come alive ensnaring and trapping their victims while they reside in a deep sleep. His mother has fallen victim to this phenomenon and she is not alone, other villagers are also ensnared in their woody tombs. It's up to Callum and his school mates to divine how to break the strange spell. They are not without clues. Four words are given Stand, See, Remember, and Choose. But will they figure out what these words mean before it's too late?

  ~ Kristi Ahlers, author

  ~ * ~

  Into the Woods—R.R. Smythe writes an eerie morality tale. Set in turn-of-the-century Scotland four teens Callum, Erlidih, Finlay, and Skye must save their parents and the town from an unworldly attack. Strange, sentient trees creep from the closets to entwine sleepers in gnarled hardwood caskets. "Stand," "See," "Choose" and "Remember." Carved on the closet doors, those words are the only clues to the mystery. Will the four solve the riddle and wake the sleepers?

  R.R. Smythe intertwines ancient lore with classic values to craft her story. Though written for young adults, Into the Woods has as much appeal for adult audiences as it does teens. You'll want to read it.

  ~ Laurel Bradley, Author

  ~ * ~

  Wow! Into the Woods is a creepy, eerie tale that sucks you in. Part myth, part fairytale, part horror story. Good read for YA and adults. Valuable lessons woven into this mystery.

  ~ Isis R, Amazon

  ~ * ~

  R.R. Smythe obviously adores fantasy, such as Lord of the Rings, J.K. Rowling and M. Night Shyamalan, yet she brings her own special talent into her tales. These writers have brought her to love the beauty of the tale and to write outside of the box, yet where Shyamalan stories often leave the reader unfulfilled -- a lot of promise only to end with a big letdown—Smythe delivers.

  The story is original, mesmerising with Callum having to face believing in things outside of the ordinary to save his mother and others. It's a wonderful dark original tale, imaginative, with strong characters, a solid premise and enough atmosphere to please people who loved The Village and for Harry fan's looking for another author to glom onto.

  Into the Woods is a great book for the whole family, marking the launch of this writer's YA facet with a grand style.

  ~ Deborah MacGillivray, Author

  ~ * ~

  Into the Woods—R.R. Smythe delivers a superb web of fantasy and mystery in this horror-filled coming-of-age tale set in the nineteenth century that is sure to capture the imagination of today's young adults.

  ~ Ann Lethbridge/Michele Ann Young, Regency Author

  ~ * ~

  Into the Woods—Callum McClure is a young man in his teens living with his mother and grandfather, Pa John in a small town in Scotland during 1860. Callum's mother is under a spell where the roots are making a coffin over her body as she lays in a deep sleep. Slowly there are a lot of people going into a deep sleep, and with the help of his friends, Erlidih, Finley and Skye, Callum is bound and determined to find a way to bring his mom back.

  Callum is given a book about The Power of the trees. When the trees are unhappy with humankind because of their ways, the trees slowly devour humans. But why Callum's mom? She was a God-fearing lady who has done nothing but good. With four words as a clue, they only have a small amount of time to find the answer to this or Callum's mom and the rest of the human race could be at an end.

  What a beautifully inspiring story. This tale takes you back into time and to a place where curses and folklore were well known. From curses to centaurs, this story is full of excitement and adventures. This author touches on what humans are doing to themselves and shows our children what could happen if they do not abide by rules. A truly remarkable story.

  ~ Wateena, Coffee Time Romance

  ~ * ~

  Incredible story by a debut author!

  One look at the beautiful but eerie trees with eyes on the book cover tell you that you're in for quite a ride, and the author certainly doesn't disappoint! Callum McClure's mother is in a deep sleep, imprisoned on her bed by vines. She's dying and he doesn't know what to do to help, but he suspects some magic is in the air.

  Into the Woods is a fairytale, really, because it has a strong message wrapped in a riveting, wonderful story. If you like mystery, thrills, adventure, magic, and romance, you'll find it in this wonderful Young Adult novel. I highly recommend this book to readers of any age. You won't be sorry you bought it!

  ~ Jacquie Rogers, Author

  ~ * ~

  R.R.Smythe's young adult story, Into The Woods, reads like a fairy tale; familiar in so far as evil and good are portrayed, lessons are learned, yet new because the author has spun a wonderful new cautionary tale. The setting is Scotland, 1860. A known country, yet far enough back in time that one can easily imagine the events of the story taking place.

  Although events takes place in 1860, the challenges teens faced then, as in school bullies, adults that don't understand them, will resonate with readers today. There are valuable lessons to be learned, or relearned as the case may be. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and recommend it highly to adults as well as any young adults of your acquaintance.

  ~ Gerri Bowen, Author

  Published by Highland Press Publishing at Smashwords

  Bride of Blackbeard

  Bride of Blackbeard © 2008 Brynn Chapman

  Cover Design 2008 Deborah MacGillivray

  Highland Press Publishing

  Bride of Blackbeard

  Brynn Chapman

  “I received a letter.”

  “Yes, go on. Speak plainly.”

  “It was from Edward Teache. He asked for my hand in marriage.”

  Lucian stood so quickly it knocked her off balance. She was taken aback as he paced to and fro across the school room floor, muttering. “This will not do. No this will not do at all.”


  “How long have you known this?” His eyes went wild and pupils became a pinprick. His dark hair fell across his forehead and he swiped it out of his face in irritation.

  “A-about two weeks... I was going to tell you, but I did not want to intrude on our happiness.”

  “Stanzy, obviously you do not realize the gravity of this situation. Teache is very dangerous; I did not want you to kn
ow how dangerous as I did not want to alarm you—”

  “Alarm me? Someone who has been caring for herself and two siblings—one a mere baby—since she was sixteen years old? Who traveled across the Atlantic without male escort? I do not need your protection, I need your honesty!”

  “And I yours!” He stormed out of the school, throwing the door open so hard it hit the wooden frame with an earsplitting clatter.

  The Bride of Blackbeard

  Brynn Chapman


  Highland Press Publishing


  The Bride of Blackbeard

  Copyright ©2008 Brynn Chapman

  Cover copyright ©2008 Deborah MacGillivray

  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names, save actual historical figures. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

  Print ISBN: 978-0-9800356-3-6

  Highland Press Publishing



  To Ron, Sandy and Ryan Chapman, for all you have done.

  And in loving memory of Delvin Ellwood and Dorothy Chapman, your struggles and triumphs will never be forgotten.


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