Daddy Dilemma: A DILF Mania Collaboration

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Daddy Dilemma: A DILF Mania Collaboration Page 4

by GM Scherbert

  I hate waiting.

  This morning, when I was finally able to sleep in after this hellish week, my phone started ringing around six-thirty. My dad’s ring is something that I would know anywhere, the bad boys theme and although he has never found it funny, I get a laugh out of it every time. Well, every time until this morning that is. This is the first time that he has reached out since his poor behavior this week. He left the courthouse before I even made my way inside because he was mad at the way Logan spoke to him. I sure as hell don’t want to deal with him this early on my day off, especially knowing daddy and knowing that he won’t be any too kind. I don't want to deal with anything this early on my day off. I just want to sleep in before errands, laundry, and all that normal weekend stuff.

  Sending it to voicemail, I turn over, burying my head back into the pillow trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep. When the pounding starts on my front door a short while later, I almost don’t get up, but something tells me I should. Not even bothering with a robe or cover up, thinking that my father has had about enough time to make the drive over from Mankato, I guess he didn’t enjoy being sent to voicemail, I head towards the door with a scowl plastered on my face.

  Pulling the door wide, my father is not the officer that greets me. Mr. Miller, ugh Logan however is. Staring at him, I don’t speak for what seems like long minutes as his gaze searches over every inch of my body. It’s cold for October and the tank top and shorts I’m wearing leave little to the imagination which I am now regretting answering the door in.

  “Jesus, Daniella, I sure as hell hope you don’t answer the door like that to anyone that finds themselves knocking on it this early in the day, shit anytime of the day. I kinda hope you save that sort of shit for me if I gotta say it, but I didn’t even hear you pause as you stormed up to the door, so I damn well know you didn’t even attempt to look out the peephole. Come to think of it, I didn’t hear a deadbolt or lock of any kind. Please tell me that you don’t sleep with your doors unlocked, Daniella. Do you know how unsafe that can be?” Pausing for only a moment his next words are hurtful as he speaks, “Are you always so careless when it comes to answering the door or were you expecting someone so early?”

  The fog slowly starts lifting itself from my brain. “Logan? What’s going on? What are you doing here?” Just then a thought shoots through my mind and my mood shifts from the excitement at seeing him again, to thoughts of tragedy. “Is my father alright?”

  “Yes Daniella. Shit sorry, I didn’t think. Of course, your father’s fine, I’m… I didn’t think how this would look. I just wanted to see you and I wasn’t sure if you’d be up or what seeing that you work so early in the morning. I was just heading home after my shift and thought I’d take a chance that you might be up.” Without stopping for a breath he quickly keeps on, “I just wanted to ask you out to dinner, and I know that you might be busy or something but, I have been thinking about it since I saw you again on Wednesday and I guess that I just got up enough courage to come over here, now.” Running a hand through his hair, he finally takes a breath and when his eyes meet mine again, I see the longing, the desire, the hopefulness, and fear in them.

  “Shit, sorry Daniella that’s not how I wanted to do that.” Taking a slow breath, he shoves the drink container in his other hand towards me, before his hands twist together in front of him and I can feel the nerves radiating off him. “It’s just that I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you and I want to take you out to dinner tonight if you’re free that is?”

  “OH?” My mind races as his words sink in. He wants to take me out, he is feeling the same sort of way about me that I am feeling about him. Well, I think he is at least, I guess he could just be after a piece of tail. “Wait, what’s in the coffee cup?”

  “I brought you one of those caramel macchiato things that you ordered at the little cart outside the courthouse. I may not know a lot, but I knew if I was gonna come here this early in the morning, coffee would be a must.”

  “Yes, well, thank you for that.” Placing it down onto a table by the door I draw the cup out, taking a small sip from it before placing it back onto the table. I find myself enjoying the hot flavors as they swirl on my tongue before swallowing. The groan that comes from Logan, has a blush coming to my cheeks and as I catch his eyes, I see nothing but desire in them.

  “Why are you asking me out though Logan? By the sounds of it the other day, you and my dad don’t seem to get along too well, are you just asking me out to piss him off or something?”

  “Daniella, no, I mean your dad and I have never really gotten along, not since he trained me when I first started on the force. No offense, but he really is sort of a piece of shit. Him being an asshole to you that day at the courthouse wasn’t a resounding vote for father of the year either. He was an asshole while I was training under him, and I mean the whole department knew how it was and that he was stepping out on your mom and left her and you alone to shack up with that girl when he got the job over in Mankato. Come on, isn’t she like almost your age for fucks sake?”

  Shocked at his bluntness, my face drops as he speaks about my daddy in a way that I thought not everyone in town knew about. “Yes, I know those things, I guess I just didn’t know that everyone else in town did as well,” comes out on a shaky breath.

  Not even a moment later, I feel his arms wrap around me and the smell that takes me over puts me at ease. Sandalwood, I had gotten hints of it not only at the courthouse but when he was in my classroom as well. I feel peace almost instantly even when talking about this stuff that I dislike so much, it’s like nothing I have felt since my mom was still alive.

  I’m sure he thinks I have completely lost it when I snuggle in closer to his chest, and inhale deeply. Yeah, I'm sniffing him, but it has been a long while since I have felt this comfortable, this at peace, this safe. And with that realization, I know that this man is something that my mother warned me about, something that will surely change every piece of me.

  Pulling my head outta his chest, I try stepping back but his arms don't release me. “Logan, I don't know if this is the best idea. I mean not only the stuff between my dad and you. I know it's against school policy to date parents.”

  My protests quickly fade away when his lips meet mine. The chemistry that burns as our lips clash together is something I've never felt and I know in that instant I want more. My mind forgets the protests I was just rambling about and my mind does a complete flip flop.

  Pulling back slightly I begin speaking again, “If you wanna go out tonight we could give it a shot. I just don't know what you’re thinking, and I haven't really ever,” before I am cut off by his lips again. The kiss seems to go on and on until the ringing in my ears gets louder and I realize my phone is ringing my daddy's theme.

  Chapter 8

  Officer Miller

  My cock is rock hard from all those little moans she was making drinking the coffee thing that I brought her. I found myself envying the cup when she brought it to her lips, wishing that I could be the one to drive those noises from her. My mouth, my hands, even my cock would be so much sweeter than that fucking coffee inside her. Jesus, what’s wrong with me?

  As I let her go, she turns and walks towards the back of her house where the bad boy’s song is coming from. My feet only stop moving towards her as I glance over my shoulder to check the front door. Seeing it wide open I move back to it, pulling it tight. I secure the lock before heading back in the direction she went, I can't seem to stop myself. Noticing a wooden sign hanging close to the door which says Flowers, Wine, or Chocolate will get you everywhere, I make note of it for later.

  I know I shouldn't be, I should give her some privacy to answer her phone, but I can't stop myself from following her. Those kisses were not nearly enough to tide me over until later tonight, when I’m finally able to take her out and show her a good time. If that happens to end with my hands, my mouth, and my cock buried inside her, hey who would I be to complain? I need
more and I won't wait, I hate waiting.

  Seeing the frustration on her face and hearing the anger in her voice as she answers whoever is on the phone does something to me. And I can't stop myself from moving to her wrapping my arms around her again, not being able to stop myself from comforting her when she looks so pained.

  As I catch on to her side of the conversation, I hear what must be her father laying into her and my anger rises at his harsh tone. He's hollering about her disrespect for him and all that he has given to her. When I'm about ready to snatch the phone from her, this girl does something unexpected. Something that I find myself feeling pride for.

  She stands up for herself and puts this man right in his place. Something that I have a hard time believing, but find that I am proud of her for it. I barely know this woman and yet I feel a strange bond with her.

  “Daddy, I don't wanna hear this phooey any more. I told you what happened and I couldn't give two rips if you believe me or not. That's what happened and that’s all I’m gonna say to you about it.” There is only a brief pause on her side as her dad speaks before her anger rises even more and with her words my anger explodes at the implications her words talk of.

  “No daddy, I didn't put out to get out of that ticket! I can't believe you would even say that about me. You know that is not who momma raised me to be. You know that I have barely dated, and fiddlesticks daddy, I haven’t ever even,” is out before I pull back catching a tear starting its slow decent down her cheek. What the fuck is wrong with her father? No one should be making her cry, especially not her own father.

  With the sight of her tears, I've had enough and the feeling to protect and defend Daniella is strong, I can’t stop my next movements. Snatching the phone from her I can't stop the words that flow freely. “You know what dick? Why don't you just leave Daniella alone? If you can't even give her enough respect to know what she is really capable of, then maybe you don't know her at all. I’ve known her all of a month and I know that she would never do that shit." Running my hand over her disheveled locks I keep on, “She's one hell of a woman and if you’re only thinking the worst of her why don't you just fucking stop, I’m here now, and I'll make sure that she is taken care of, since it seems like it's too much of a burden for you. If you ever change your mind and start treating your daughter like the queen she was meant to be, then give a call back, but until then, just fucking stop reaching out.”

  With that I hit the button and the line disconnects I squeeze her tighter into me. Tossing the phone onto her bed, I pull away slightly and look for more tears before wrapping her up tight again. Why would that man make her cry? I don't know what he was saying to her, but I sure as fuck know I don't want to see anymore tears from her, ever. I know at that moment that I would do anything in my power to keep this sadness from her.

  Running a hand over her back I just wait for her tears to stop. For the small sobs I hear coming from her to subside. I think about the strong bond that I feel for her and wonder when the hell it snuck up on me. This woman who has a father who upsets her more than any father should. My thoughts run quickly to how I can take this away for her, make it so that she isn't crying anymore.

  As her sobs slow and finally come to a halt, she pulls back slightly before her eyes meet mine. The puffy eyes that are gazing into my very soul have me wanting something, more than I ever thought possible. I try to speak but her lips are quick to quiet my words. As our mouths connect our tongues fight for dominance, a fight I will not lose.

  Not for her!

  Pulling back, I find myself having to place a hand on Daniella’s chest to stop her onslaught. “Daniella, I don't know what the fuck is happening between you and your father, just know that I am here for whatever you need.”

  “Logan,” the way her voice breaks as she speaks I can't stop myself from pressing my lips to hers shushing her pleas, giving our tongues time to play together.

  “Daniella, I had you so wrong that first day. When I pulled you over I thought you were nothing more than a spoiled princess. I mean I knew what an asshole he was to me, but I know now I wasn't the only one who suffered. When I heard him talk to you at the courthouse, I lost my shit.” Running a hand over her long locks of hair, I pause only briefly before leaning in even closer. “When I saw you with Luke I knew I had been wrong, that you were just the kind of woman that I could see myself with, the kind of woman that I could build a life with.”

  Her large eyes meet mine and I have to hold myself back from leaning in and taking her mouth again. At her words I'm glad I didn't. “Logan we barely know each other how can you say those things? For all you know I might have a man friend and not be available to these advances you seem to be so intent on.”

  The laughter that comes out has me coughing. This sweet thing thinks that I don't know enough about women, about her, to know when she’s lying, when she’s trying desperately to get off the subject that I had brought up. Something that I know will not be happening, no matter how much she tries.

  “Daniella, you are much too sweet, too innocent, too good to be the kind that would not let that be known upfront. Those flowers on your side table there are almost dead, and I’d hate to think that any man wouldn’t be keeping your vases stocked fresh. My lips on yours tells me the exact same thing, that no man has been trying to spend time with you, or you haven't allowed them to. You and me babe, we are going to give this chemistry between us a go and see where it leads. I heard what you told your father so I know you don’t have much experience, so I’ll try to go slow with you.” Moving a hand down over her back, I stop when it reaches the curve of her ass, pulling up the flimsy shorts that barely cover her lush globes. Squeezing the plump flesh I find there only serves to make my cock harder as she lets out a moan. “You and me are gonna try lots of new things out together, starting right now, momma.”

  Chapter 9

  Ms. Ford

  As his hands move underneath the hem of my shorts, the sounds coming from my mouth surprise me. I have never had a man do the things that Logan is doing to me. The way he takes control, the way he does what he wants, without asking, the way his lips fell on mine, and his hands, sweet Jesus his hands. The hands that are moving slowly under my shorts, towards my woohaa. The giggle that spills at the thought has him drawing back slightly.

  The look in his eyes tells me that might not have been the best thing to slip out. “Daniella, if there is one thing you probably shouldn’t do, its laugh while a man is getting ready to take that sweet pussy of yours.” As a heat blooms in my face at his brash words, he cocks his head to the side speaking again, but the sound of his words are so deep, so raspy, so needy I feel myself growing slicker.

  “Just how inexperienced are you Daniella, hmm?” Reaching a hand down, he slowly runs his fingers on top of the shorts just where the seam meets. “How many men have had their cocks buried inside this sweet pussy? I know it can’t be many because you are so shy, and blush so beautifully when I’m talking dirty to you.” Pulling his fingers away from my woohaa, he reaches up running a finger over my face, he tugs sharply on an errant hair before continuing on. “Or maybe you just haven’t been with a man that puts your needs above their own. Is that it sweet girl? Have the men you have been with never gotten you off? Never had you come on their fingers, their mouths, with their cocks buried deep in that sweet ass of yours? I know that I can’t wait to have your sweet tang on my fingers and my mouth, how another man won’t feel the same fucking floors me.”

  I have to bury my head in his shoulder at his words, how they make not only my mind, but the whole of my body tingle, hoping that his words are not just that, but hoping that he will do exactly what he is promising. Even when I tell him that I am not that experienced, fudge sticks, that I haven’t ever had a man put his fingers in me, his mouth on my woohaa, his cock near my woohaa, let alone my butt.

  Without even pulling my head back I speak quietly. “None, no man has ever done those things that you’re speaking of.”

nbsp; Pulling back from me the look of shock on his face sends embarrassment through me, having me turn on my heels towards the door. He is however on me quicker than a dog on a bone wrapping his arms around me, before quickly spinning me back towards him.

  “Oh no, momma you don’t get to run away from me after dropping that bomb on me.” Raising my chin with only a finger under it, the lust I see in his eyes is consuming. The smirk that creeps to his face has my knees weak, and I pray that whatever is about to happen continues as long as can be.

  Meeting my eyes, his voice is husky as he speaks, “So, momma, you are untouched?”

  Nodding my head, I drop my eyes from him as I do, but the pressure of his finger is unforgiving on my chin. I just want to run away and Logan is having absolutely none of it. “No, Daniella, this shit is gonna get talked about, and then we will continue on with this thing between us.”

  Wrapping his arms around me again, he keeps only a breath of distance between us. Before he speaks, I feel his dick pressing against my belly and can’t help but rub myself against it, drawing a low groan from Logan. “momma, you can’t be doing that.” The frown that spreads across my face at his words, has a chuckle coming from him. “I mean right at this moment, Daniella. You can and will sure as fuck do it and so much more soon, but we gotta have a little talk about this thing before that.” Letting out a breath, his smile is infectious, “Jesus, you are too much!”

  Running his hands down my back, his lips softly press against my hair before he speaks again. “Come on, let’s sit down for this little talk.” Glancing towards the bed, the grin on his face only grows, “The bed seems to be a good place, then after the talking we can get on with the dirty stuff.” Pulling me towards my bed, I’m unsure of what’s happening between us, but find myself longing to find out.


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