The Wrong Side of Midnight

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The Wrong Side of Midnight Page 17

by Terri Marie

  "I think she's serious. I've known that woman for a long time, and she's never done anything that desperate for anyone. That was her way of letting you know she wasn't going to run."

  "What am I supposed to do?"

  "Chloe, search your heart. You're a very good person, and I've never known you to let someone stay out in the cold for no reason. Think about what I said, and try to get some sleep. You'll figure out what it all means."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Chloe got up early and cancelled the reservations for the church. After downing her third cup of coffee, she picked up the phone and called her mother.

  "Sylvia, I'm going out to look at dresses if you'd like to come along."

  "Let me throw my shoes on and I'll be right there!"

  "No, I'll come by and get you so this doesn't end up in the papers."

  "Sweetie, even if we get followed by the bloodthirsty reporters, at least the pictures would be the truth. Can I come and pick you up?"

  "No, I'll be there at eleven."

  Chloe wrote a note for Matthew in case he decided to come home for lunch. She didn't want to worry him. Then she got on her shoes and went out the door. When she reached the estate, her father was walking around the yard. He looked up at her and began to walk over. She hadn't thought about this happening. She stayed in her car and tapped on the horn. Sylvia came outside, kissed Earl on the cheek, and then climbed in the Jeep.

  "Hi, sweetie, would you like to go to that boutique?"

  "Sure." Her brow furrowed the moment her mom arrived.

  Chloe turned on the radio and drove to the bridal salon so there wouldn't be a bunch of dead silence. She knew Sylvia would try to chit-chat and that was the last thing she was interested in doing.

  When they reached the boutique, her mother was the one who talked to the saleslady.

  "Mrs. Burlington! It's so good to see you again! What can I do for you? We have a great line of new spring arrivals…"

  "I'm not here for me, I'd like you to bring my daughter some bridal gowns to try on."

  "Ooh, I didn't know you had a daughter."

  The silence cut deep.

  "I'll go get some dresses, Ms. Burlington, just have a seat right over there and I'll be right back."

  Sylvia's cheeks were still burning and her eyes were watery when she turned to her daughter. "Chloe, I'm so sorry. We can go if you'd like."

  "Baby steps, remember?"

  Chloe tried on so many gowns, and just when she was ready to give up, the lady brought her one more. This one came in this morning. I just didn't get to the deliveries yet. Look!"

  Chloe's mouth dropped. "Oh, that one's beautiful. May I?"

  "Come on in here and I'll help you try it on."

  Chloe stared at the most beautiful gown she's ever seen. The flowing Chiffon was layered and fell softly to the floor. The Diamente beading went over the thin straps on her shoulders and gently lined the gathering at the waist. The low back had lace cascading down to the ground into an elegant train. The veil matched the lace on the dress and the beading from the sleeves. It was perfect.

  "Chloe, you look breathtaking!" Sylvia was trying to keep her emotions under control, but she failed. The urge to throw her arms around her daughter was overwhelming, but she remembered…baby steps.

  "I'd like to buy this one, and I don't think it needs altered at all."

  "What kind of shoes will you be wearing?"

  "Ballerina type slippers would look cute I think." Chloe couldn't stop walking and twirling in the dress and veil. "What do you think, Beck—I mean, Sylvia?"

  The awkward moments kept recurring. But it wasn't something Chloe could help. She'd done everything with her best friend and nothing with her mother.

  "I love it, Chloe. You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. I got the veil I wore out of storage and had it cleaned up. It's at the house if want to try it on. It could be something old for you to wear. It's up to you though."

  "I think I'll wear this veil, it matches my dress."

  Chloe paid for her veil, gown, and shoes, and agreed to let her mother keep the dress at her house so Matthew wouldn't see it. She thanked Sylvia for coming with her, declined the lunch invitation, and then drove home.

  That evening, she sat talking with Matthew who was ecstatic that she found a wedding dress.

  "Do you want to set another date? I can call the church if you'd like."

  "No, I don't think things are settled enough to get married. I asked your father to give me away, and Becky will stand up with me. Did you ask John?"

  "Yeah, he about fell off the roof," laughed Matthew. "Would you like to have a reception?"

  "We can have a small get-together in the park if the weather's nice."

  "Whatever you want, sweetheart. I just can't wait to make you mine."

  "I already am…" Chloe kissed him passionately with her whole mouth. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. They hadn't made love in quite a while. First it was because she needed time to mend from the accident, but now it was because of the zillion things that occupied her mind all the time. The last thing he was going to do was hurry her. He lay her down on the bed and cradled her with his body.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  That Saturday, Chloe brought Becky over to Sylvia's house to show her the gown. When they walked in, they found her sitting on the sofa with the shades pulled. She was dressed in a pink suit, her hair softly brushed around her shoulders, and her purse was sitting on her lap.

  "I'm sorry, Sylvia, I didn't realize you were busy."

  "I wanted to wish you the best at your wedding. Would you mind if your father and I came to watch? We'll sit quietly in the back."

  "You were sitting there waiting for me to invite you to my wedding?"

  "We didn't want to be late in case you called and said we could go. Your wedding's in an hour so I'll step in the other room to give you privacy."

  "God, I feel horrible. I cancelled the wedding but I'll be rescheduling it. There was too much going on for me to enjoy the big day. When I set a date, I'll let you know, and of course you can both come."

  Chloe apologized again and then left with Becky.

  "I feel like an idiot."

  "First of all, you're not used to thinking about your parents with any events in your life, so don't blame yourself. I have to say, that was a very touching thing she did. I think Sylvia is really trying."

  "I've waited for her longer than that. Look, it's only been a few days, so let's wait and see how it goes. The last thing I want to do is hop back in her life just to have her throw me out of it again."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Chloe turned twenty-five at the end of April, and Becky, along with Matthew, through her a surprise party. They invited Sylvia and Earl but didn't hold their breaths. As Conner, Sherry, John, Matthew, and Becky were laughing hard while trying to cut the cake, they heard a knock at the door. Chloe answered it, and standing before her was Sylvia, holding the most lopsided and poorly decorated cake she'd ever seen. Earl stood behind his wife with a smile on his face.

  "Happy Birthday, Chloe," they both said in unison.

  "Sylvia, that cake…"

  "I know! I'm trying so hard to learn to cook, and this is the first cake I ever made. I can take it back to the car."

  "Don't be silly! Come on in. Hey everyone, we got another cake to cut. It's chocolate, my favorite!"

  Everyone treated Earl and Sylvia with kindness and included them in all the conversations and laughter. The smiles from everyone were genuine.

  When the night ended, Chloe hugged everyone goodbye and thanked them. Sylvia and Earl were the last ones to leave. Matthew shook their hands while they stood in front of their daughter and smiled.

  "Thank you very much. We had a lovely time. Happy Birthday, Chloe," and with a smile, they went out the door.

  Matthew shut the door and took her into his arms. "Honey, they're trying hard."

  "That was nice of her to bake me a cake,"
she said as she turned to wrap up the leftovers.

  Matthew didn't say any more about it, because this was something she had to figure out on her own. You can't force someone to forgive another person.

  Chloe stared down at the cake. The writing was crooked, but in many ways, it was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen.

  Chapter 17

  Chloe called the church, but because spring and summer were popular wedding months they were booked up. She was pretty frustrated while she flipped through the yellow pages when the phone rang.

  "I don't want to make you feel obligated or anything else, but our home is very beautiful, and I think the yard could be made up real nice for a wedding. You don't have to do it, but it'd be really wonderful to have something so happy take place here."

  "Thank you, Sylvia, that's really nice. I'll talk to Matthew and see what he thinks. How long will you guys be in town? I'd feel kind of awkward holding my wedding at your house with you gone."

  "Sweetheart, we aren't leaving. I know it's hard for you to believe that, but you made us both look at ourselves, and we hated what we saw. Chloe, I'm your mother, err your friend, and friends don't leave each other."

  "I have to pick a date, I don't have one. Matthew said it didn't matter to him, but I want it to be special." Then it hit her. We first laid eyes on each other in June. I was by the pool, and he was on the neighbor's guest house laying shingles. Chloe hung up with her mother and called Matthew. He was thrilled with getting married at a place that held so much meaning between the two of them. She dialed her mom again and told her the great news.

  "I love June." Sylvia smiled, and when she got off the phone, she started the plans in motion.

  Chloe walked down to Conner's apartment to check on him and let him know the June wedding date, and he'd have to go with Matthew to get fitted for a tuxedo. She knocked softly on the door, and then let herself in. Sitting at the table talking were Conner and her father.


  "Chloe! Come on in, I was just having a cup of coffee with your father."

  Earl stood up and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around his daughter and held her to him. Chloe kept her arms to her sides, not knowing what to do. Finally, when she realized Earl wasn't going to let go, she put her arms around him and hugged him, then quickly let her arms fall away. Earl continued to hold her.

  "You're marrying an amazing man, who has an amazing father. I'm proud of you."

  "Thank you. I love them both, dearly."

  "And I love you, Chloe. Maybe someday I can earn your forgiveness and be your father too. I'll let you guys visit; your mother wants me to help with the wedding arrangements."

  Conner didn't look very thrilled. "If I'm walking you down the aisle, does that mean I have to wear a tux, too?" Chloe laughed and nodded her head yes.

  Earl stared down at the ground and then quietly left.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Chloe spent her time being very busy and didn't even go home until wee hours on the day of the ceremony. The wedding was at one. Between helping Sylvia decorate, making sure the guys all had their tuxedos, and that the flowers would be ready, she was pulling her hair out. When she said her favorite flowers were orchids, Sylvia had them ordered in all different colors, and there would be tons of them. The wedding cake was chocolate, and the pool area would be made so beautiful, her mother had promised.

  On the morning of the wedding, Chloe woke up and missed Matthew terribly. She made him stay at his father's, not wanting to be seen by him until she walked down the aisle. At eight in the morning, she grabbed some of her things and hurried downstairs to drive to her parents. It was hard for her to obey the speed limit on the long drive. She couldn't wait to become Matthew's wife. Never in her entire life did she ever dream she'd find such love and happiness. When she turned on her street, she could see some of the flowers, but the pool was hidden from the road.

  "Congratulations, Ms. Burlington. Have a nice wedding."

  "Thank you," said Chloe to the guards as they opened the gates. They were given strict instructions to keep the press away and would be bringing in more security before the ceremony. She let herself in through the front door, and tears immediately flowed out of her eyes. Hanging on the wall was a picture of her at her birthday party, and one of her kissing Matthew. Where did they get these? There was another large photograph of her and Becky hugging…They took these at the party. There were other photographs from the same evening, but not one of them contained her parents. The sadness she felt over that made it hard for her to swallow. She looked at all the beautiful decorations, and when she walked to the kitchen, there stood her mother and Lois making the food for the reception. She stopped to listen.

  "She'll like it just fine, Mrs. Burlington."

  "Please, Lois, you're family. Call me Sylvia. I just want it to be perfect for her. Taste this." She held a spoon up to Lois' mouth.

  "I think you're getting yourself all worked up for nothing. Chloe's easy to please, and you want to be able to enjoy her wedding day. You're the mother of the bride after all."

  "I wish I could be, but I'm happy to at least be her friend. I hope she likes what I did to decorate by the pool. Earl and I got up at four this morning to finish it up. The flowers are in the cooler, so we'll put the rest of those out around noon. We got the runner down and the chairs set up. The photographer will be here around noon to get ready."

  "Sylvia, you invited the press?"

  "No, this is actually someone I picked out of the phonebook. I gave a fake name. Chloe wants a small private ceremony and I intend to make sure that's what she gets."

  Chloe walked upstairs to her bedroom and lay down on her back on the bed. She looked at all the stars Lois had stuck on her ceiling while she was growing up and afraid of the dark. The room was left exactly the way it was when she moved away from the estate. When she looked over on the dresser, she saw her mother's veil. It didn't match her dress as well as the other one, so she wouldn't be wearing it, but would keep it if it was given to her. She heard the door open and looked to see who it was.

  "Oh, Chloe, I saw your Jeep outside and figured you'd be up here. How're you doing?" asked Earl, as he stepped inside her room.

  "I'm okay. A little nervous I think."

  "You wouldn't be a bride if you weren't nervous. Your mother was a wreck the day we got married. She ran around crazy trying to figure the whole thing out. We ended up in front of a judge. She didn't know the first thing about wedding gowns and such."

  "Didn't she have friends to help her?"

  "Not really. She knew people but they weren't what you'd call friends."

  "She wore a wedding dress. There's her veil."

  "Yes, that's it," he said with a warm smile. The gown was on sale so she grabbed it. It wasn't ugly by no means, but she missed out on all the things a new bride gets involved in."

  "I want to ask you something. Was Sylvia always this way?"

  "When I met your mother, she was lost. Her past damaged her, but I tried my hardest to mend what was broken, but truth be told, I couldn't. She seemed to be missing such a big thing in life, and it wasn't until after your accident that I found out what it was."


  "She was missing a connection with someone. Someone she could love who wouldn't leave her. She loved me, but I left. When you were born, she fell in love with you, but couldn't admit her feelings and make herself be vulnerable enough to risk heartache, so she left. When her parents didn't want her, she felt it was because she was unlovable…not worthy. Even though you were just a baby, she convinced herself that you'd grow up, get to know her, and then you'd leave too. She spent her life running to avoid being not good enough. Your mother's done running, Chloe, and I'm here to stay as well. Today you're opening your arms to accept Matthew as your husband. Maybe if you have a little extra to give, you can accept Sylvia as your mother. I'm a stranger to you, and that's no one's fault but my own, and I'll never ask to be your dad. I would love
it if you'd let me, but I don't deserve that honor. If all I can be is your friend, I'll take it. But this is a happy day, so no sad eyes allowed. I can't wait to sit back in my chair and watch you, such a beautiful woman, walk down the aisle."

  Chloe smiled as Earl pulled the door closed.

  She fell asleep and didn't wake until Becky came running in the room.

  "Get up! You're getting married in an hour and a half and you're not even showered. Get a move on!"

  "Becky, you look gorgeous…"

  Becky was wearing a pale peach dress that was similar to Chloe's in style, but didn't go all the way to the ground. Her hair was so cute, and of course she was wearing mega bucks in jewelry.

  "I have something for you." Becky reached inside her bag and pulled out a box containing a tiny blue diamond necklace with matching earrings.

  "Oh my God, these are so beautiful!"

  "There's your something blue."

  "Aww thank you, Beck." Chloe held her tight and kissed her cheek.

  "Okay enough of this sappy stuff. Get your butt in the shower so I can get your hair and face done!"

  Chloe knew better than to be insubordinate around her friend, so she took a quick shower and then sat in a chair while Becky got to work.

  "Do you want your hair up or down?"

  "Matthew loves my hair down, so I think I'll stick to that. Oh and put very little makeup on my face."

  "Anything else?"


  "You'll shush then and let me work my magic?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  After Becky finished helping her best friend get ready, she went downstairs. Chloe opened up her door a crack and could hear violins playing and the sounds of Conner and Matthew laughing.


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