Whispering Spirits

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Whispering Spirits Page 11

by Rita Karnopp

  “I had my back to your brother when Joshua arrived. Maybe he killed Derek…because he killed Jordan…and made it look like I did it. No one questioned it but me.”

  “I’m not stupid enough to believe Josh would kill Derek. We’re all like brothers.”

  “But Derek killed Jordan. Don’t you see, Joshua got even by killing your brother? He was alive after I hit him. He was groggy, but alive.”

  Chapter Seven

  Running Crane fought to wake. The loss of blood had taken a toll. It was an effort to just open his eyes. Silence filled his senses…he snapped awake.

  “Summer? Summer?” he called out in a whisper. Early morning light filtered through the huckleberry brush in front of the rocky indenture. He pressed his palm onto the cold ground and rose slow and easy.

  She was gone. Getting to his feet, he moved off the ledge and hurried up over the next hill. He scanned the area ahead. On the far hillside he spotted her. The tracker limped steadily behind her.

  Running Crane reached for the backpack and tore into a granola bar. He took several swigs of water and instantly felt better. Could he have the edge? Summer wouldn’t have revealed his whereabouts. She would be expecting him to come rescue her.

  They might be a good hour ahead of him. Lifting his pant leg, he removed the bandages Summer had carefully put in place. Gritting his teeth, he grabbed the stick and pulled it out of his leg. The gripping pain nearly caused him to pass out. He reached into the pack and took out the first aid kit, squeezed antibiotic ointment against both open wounds and covered them with the remaining Band-Aids. He tightly wrapped the area with gauze and tied it off.

  Slipping the pack on, he grabbed the bow and headed out after Summer. Studying the ground, he noticed the tracker dragged his right foot. So, did Summer’s remake spear drop work or his bow trap? It would certainly make it easier to follow them.

  Running Crane wondered how injured the man was. Could Summer overtake him or was she tied and at his mercy? Running Crane couldn’t let anything happen to her. His leg felt incredibly better without the stick. She’d been right about removing it. He favored the leg, but pushed himself forward at a grueling pace.

  * * *

  “What happened to your leg?”

  “You need to ask, bitch?” He pushed her ahead of him.

  Summer exaggerated his shove and fell forward, crying out when she hit the ground. She rolled over and sat. “You keep being this rough and we’ll never make it to StoneHouse. I wish you’d get smart and realize you’ve been wrong about me. Tell me, Stuart, what job did you guys and Ali do that made you turn on each other?”

  “We didn’t turn on each other…it…Ali had a way of creating drama. I didn’t mean to hurt her, it just pissed me off she wasn’t being honest with Jordan. She willingly fucked me. I wouldn’t have tried raping her. She said she was done with the Perkins brothers. Her cut from this deal was going to get her out of Missoula. She wasn’t ever coming back.”

  “Her cut of what deal, Stuart?”


  “Gold? Where would you all get gold?” Summer stretched her legs out in front of her.

  “We won’t get the gold exactly. We were getting paid to set up the gold deal. You see there’s a guy that—”

  “What guy?”

  “Kevin Wild Horse from Browning. He was drinking and…got to talking about some core drills he helped hide in some logs a fella was hauling. “ Stuart sat on a rock and rested his leg.

  “Terry Running Crane?”

  “How would you know that? I knew you were involved.”

  “I’m not involved. But I’m starting to get the picture and…you know about my grandmother, don’t you? I just knew this was all connected somehow and she’s right in the middle of it.” Thunder rolled in the distance. It wouldn’t be long before the storm moved their way.

  “For an old lady, she’s one pain in the ass. She could make the deal work, but we couldn’t get to her. Then we found out about you…the precious granddaughter living right in Missoula. Jordan thought we should just grab you. We could manipulate your grandmother by threatening to kill you if she didn’t go along with endorsing the sale of that northeast corner of the reservation.”

  “She doesn’t have the authority to sell reservation land. The Tribal Council must make all those decisions. I’m still confused…how does this involve Jordan and the rest of you?” Summer found the whole ordeal confusing. How could she have been so blind?

  “Germaine Worthington’s daughter, Domonique, and Kevin Wild Horse’s son, Bradley, met in college and want to get married. The Landscape Mining Company dynasty king doesn’t think the young man is good enough for his only precious daughter. But then Bradley shared they found gold on the reservation. Come on, let’s get moving.” He motioned for her to start walking.

  Several water droplets hit her face. Another roll of thunder announced the coming storm. “You really mean oil, don’t you?” Summer wanted to keep Stuart talking and not walking. She could only hope Running Crane had awakened and followed. She got to her feet and followed the game trail.

  “I mean shiny gold. When they sent those oil cores to be tested they got the surprise of their lives. The ground had some oil, but it was loaded with the richest vein of gold they’d ever seen. They wanted the mining rights.”

  “But that wasn’t good enough for Worthington, was it? He wanted to own the land.” Summer started getting the picture. “But my grandmother somehow discovered the truth. There was only one way that could happen…Terry Running Crane wasn’t as oblivious to what was going on as everyone thought. He went to my grandmother.”

  “Morning Star Timber Wolf carries more power than the President of the United States. She doesn’t hide behind politicians or threats. Worthington knew he had one chance only—”

  “To control her…she wouldn’t do anything that would hurt me. She arranged for us to be out here to protect me…and you kidnapped her instead. Why? What exactly do you think I have?” Summer stared at the man behind her. This man was much more than she ever expected.

  “We’re gonna get wet. Keep walking,” he shouted. “Think about it, Summer.”

  “You manipulated Jordan because of his ties to Lawrence Borden, who I would guess is the connection to Worthington.”

  “What would make you think that?”

  Summer smiled, glancing at the man she thought was nothing but a petty thief. “Deep pockets, Stuart. You figured Joshua would get involved with me…and that is how you planned on controlling my grandmother. But I wasn’t interested in Joshua, I fell for Jordan. That put a crimp in your plans. I would guess the biggest problem was Ali…she also wanted Jordan. Now they’re both dead and that puts you in a rather exposed position, doesn’t it? I’m still confused…what are these documents you’re looking for?”

  “Jordan found a document where Kevin Wild Horse signed a land sale agreement between the Blackfeet Nation and the Landscape Mining Company…so he says. He hid the document and used it to bargain a finders-fee payment.”

  “He wanted to get paid for his participation. Let me guess, he was supposed to split it with Joshua, your brother, and you?” Summer wondered where Running Crane was. She fought the nausea that gripped her.Was that a twig that snapped? Stuart didn’t seem to hear it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Thunder cracked and lightning flashed across the sky. “You wouldn’t happen to have anything to eat, would you?” She waited for Stuart to produce an energy bar and toss it to her. “Thanks. I’d appreciate some water, too.” A light drizzle came down.

  “Where would Jordan have hidden those documents?” Stuart tossed her a water bottle.

  Summer stared at him. Where? That was a good question? She devoured the bar and followed it with several swallows of water. She thought about the many possible places he could have hidden the documents…nothing made sense. Up ahead she spotted the StoneHouse. She’d hoped Running Crane would have overtaken Stuart before they’d go
tten this far. At least they weren’t soaked yet.

  “Where do you have Nah’ah? Maybe she knows about these documents and where they might be. I was so stupid…and—”

  “Well…well…well…and who do we have here?”

  Summer glanced up into the icy, blue eyes. The stocky, rugged-looking man boldly pointed a gun in her direction. She had no idea what kind it was—gun knowledge wasn’t in her wheelhouse.

  “Back down, Kettleman. Worthington here?”

  “Yep, he’s mighty pissed. Where’s the Indian?”

  “Dead. Now get out of my way.” Stuart pushed Summer and moved past the thug.

  She clenched her teeth and remained silent. Was Running Crane dead? Summer wished she knew for certain. As they entered StoneHouse, she glanced right and left. It seemed every exit was guarded by a stout man gripping a gun.

  “Stuart Wallace, I knew I could count on you. This young lady must be Summer Timber Wolf. It’s about time we meet.”

  Summer glared at a big man of six-four and weighing a good two hundred pounds. His massive shoulders filled the shirt he wore. There was an inherent strength in his face. The shadow of a beard gave him an even more rugged aura.

  “Where’s my grandmother you piece of crap? If you’ve hurt her in any way, you’ll have hell to pay.”

  He threw his head back and roared with laughter. “Gotta love your spirit, girl. She’s upstairs and unharmed. Before we take you to her, we need to have a serious conversation.”

  Summer leaned against the door jam and glared at Germaine Worthington. “That’s where you’re wrong. I see Nah’ah first, then I’ll decide if I want to talk to you.”

  “I can see you get your grit from her. Fuckin’ feisty woman for her age. Casey, take Summer here to see her grandmother. Give them twenty minutes together, then bring her back. She gives you any trouble, shoot the old lady in the leg.”

  Summer glared at Worthington. “You’re every bit the bastard I thought you’d be.”

  “Father! What are you doing at this God-forsaken place in the wilderness? Can you believe I saw a bear and cubs walking freely just a few miles from this…primitive cabin?”

  Summer didn’t have to guess Domonique Worthington had just arrived. Tall, thin, and shapely, she moved across the room like a dancer. Her lips full and rounded over even, white teeth revealed a seductive smile. Her thick, dark hair hung in long graceful curves over her shoulders. Every man in the room appeared spell bound by her beauty.

  “I thought I told you to go to Switzerland with your friends for the weekend. What are you doing here?”

  “You lied to me. You promised nothing was going to happen to Bradley Wild Horse. You promised. Buck told me you ordered Bradley taken back to Texas. Why?”

  “Business you needn’t worry yourself about. He won’t be hurt…we just have some things to discuss when I’m done here.”

  Summer noticed Domonique’s eyes turned dark and insolent. She unbuttoned her white fox coat and tossed it in a log-hued chair. “He was going to Switzerland with me. You had no right to have him pulled from my bed, roughed-up, then dragged off like some low-life criminal. I want you to order him taken to the hospital and released to me right after.”

  “Darling, leave these business matters to me. I’ve warned Bradley time and again and it seems he never listens…leave this to me. I’ll straighten it out and your honey bunny will be returned to you in no time.” He turned facing her, challenging her.

  Domonique swallowed hard, lifted her chin, and boldly met his gaze. “I love him, father. You hurt him in any way and I’m done with the business. I told you that old woman would bring everything we’ve built down. She’s a witch and you need to get rid of her.”

  “Nah’ah? You want him to kill my grandmother? What kind of person are you?” Summer stomped across the room and stopped absolutely motionless in front of Domonique.

  “Like I should be afraid of you? All sweet and innocent, you didn’t even know your boyfriend worked for us. Naïve and stupid. Get her out of my face.” Her clenched jaw and glaring eyes spoke volumes.

  Although Domonique’s tone was low, Summer realized there was something deadly in the way she spoke.

  “Summer, go sit down on that couch,” Germaine ordered.

  She glared back at him. “I want to know why you’re all bent on hurting my grandmother. She’s done nothing to any of you.” Summer glanced back and forth between father and daughter. “You really think she has the power to sign over a parcel of Blackfeet Reservation land? Well she doesn’t. The Tribal Council must make all decisions affecting the people.”

  “Yes, and it’s your sweet, little grandmother that pretty much tells the council what they should and should not do,” Domonique tossed a handful of hair over her right shoulder. “Bradley explained exactly how that works. Why don’t you tell us where Jordan hid those documents and we’ll let both you and grandma go.”

  “Like I believe that,” Summer answered in a rush of words.

  “Don’t push me, Summer Timber Wolf. You think butting heads with my father is difficult? Well…butting heads with me is impossible. I never lose. Where are those documents?”

  With both hands on her hips, Summer drew in a slow, deep breath. “In case you or your dense father over there weren’t listening, I knew nothing about what was going on. I know nothing about oil, gold, or even land documents.”

  “Really…you are stupid…aren’t you? You just revealed you know just about everything.” Domonique laughed to cover her annoyance.

  “No, I revealed your idiot buddy, Stuart Wallace, told me you found a little oil, lots of gold, and you’re searching for an already signed land agreement that gives you ownership of all the land the gold vein runs through. I didn’t have a clue any of this was going on. Now you’ve drawn a lot of attention to Nah’ah and me…oh and others like Ali Murdown, and Jordan and Joshua Perkins. You really think you’re going to keep all this hush-hush much longer?”

  Domonique gripped Summer’s upper arm and squeezed it hard. “You’d be wise to get on my good side. I can have you shot at any time. You want to live don’t you?”

  Summer forced her lips to part in a curved, stiff smile. “I’ve said this before…and I’ll say it here for everyone to hear again. I don’t have a clue where those documents are. I’m not even sure Jordan had them. Think about it…would Kevin Wild Horse draw up these papers and hand them over to Jordan? I could see him giving them to Bradley Wild Horse to give to you…but that’s just an observation from a stupid and naïve girl.”

  “What are you suggesting?” Domonique tossed her hair across her shoulder in a gesture of defiance.

  “Did you ever consider your beloved Bradley might be working for the law? Maybe he’s been playing you all along. You might be more naive than you think.”

  Domonique slapped Summer hard across the cheek. She reeled back; the sting lingered. “What, the truth hurts?”

  “Bring that old lady down here! We’ll see who hurts—”

  Summer dived across at Domonique, landing her hard on her back, then scrambled back to her feet. Summer jerked her head aside and took Domonique’s kick on her shoulder.

  “Move back boys,” Domonique shouted. “This one’s mine.”

  Summer smiled and side-stepped another kick. “Really? Isn’t this a bit dramatic…even for you? I could mess that perfect makeup job.” She leaned in and landed a knuckle on the side of Domonique’s nose. Blood streamed down her face and she stepped back, shock registered in her expression. She grit her teeth and muscles flicked angrily at her jaw.

  Domonique wasted no time in landing a jolting right upper cut that sent Summer staggering into the coffee table. She grabbed a heavy, crystal decanter and hurled it across the room at Domonique. It caught her upper arm. The sound of breaking bone caused everyone to freeze in place.

  “Enough!” Germaine shouted. “Domonique, you hurt?”

  Tears welled and she gripped her arm, nestling it against
her chest. “Shoot her! I said, shoot her!” Domonique screamed! If you won’t…I’ll do it myself!”

  “Simmer down, girl. You wanted to fight…now man-up and take the consequences.”

  “Really, father? You’re going to let her get away with breaking my arm?” She dropped to the floor in a defeated heap.

  “Charlie, fire up the chopper and take Domonique to the hospital to get that arm fixed. By the looks of it, her nose just might be broken too.”

  “What do you mean…by the looks of it?”

  Summer basked in the knowledge of her power. She watched Domonique’s defeat with smug delight. “Doesn’t look like all those karate lessons paid off, does it?”

  “I want you to mess her up good when you’re done with her. Why don’t you keep her on ice and when I get back I’ll help get the information we need from her.”

  “You just don’t get it, do you Domonique? I don’t have any information. Why don’t you help your thugs get information from your boyfriend? Grandmother and I aren’t the direction you should be looking.” Summer rubbed her jaw. A warning voice whispered in her head.

  “Willie, go with Charlie and come back with Bradley. I think we need to have a little chat with that boy.” Germaine Worthington stormed across the room and faced the wall of windows. He whirled around and glared at his daughter. “If that little bastard is our leak, I’ll skin him inch-by-inch myself.”

  “No, father,” tears trailed down her cheeks. “I love him. Don’t hurt him, please,” she pleaded in a small frightened voice.

  “You don’t know the first thing about love. I’ll not keep a traitor among us because you like his performance in your bed. I can’t see why you’re attracted to that wimp of a man.”

  “You kill him and I won’t ever forgive you.”

  The tension between them increased with frightening intensity. Summer almost felt sorry for Domonique. It would be impossible to please such a man.


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