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Imposter Page 12

by Karen Fenech

  The sound had come from beyond the bedroom window at the back of the cabin. Eve motioned with the gun that she would go right. Burke nodded and headed in the opposite direction.

  Now that she was outside, her short nightshirt was a poor covering. Light reflected off the soft yellow cotton and off of her exposed thighs, making her all too visible. Her shoes sank in the soft ground. She treaded carefully, keeping her weight off the heels.

  No help for her clothing now. She put the thought out of her mind and kept her back against the cabin to assure no one could come up behind her.

  There was no sign of anyone other than herself. Burke was doing the same from the opposite direction. Since he hadn’t called out, she knew he hadn’t spotted anyone either. The woods would provide great cover for someone looking to hide in them. If whoever snapped that branch had decided to escape into the trees, they wouldn’t find him. Particularly at night.

  Burke’s suggestion that someone may have lured them out in the open replayed in her mind. Eve felt an itch above her heart at the thought of someone shooting her from within the trees.

  She reached the end of the cabin’s exterior wall and, gun arm extended, whirled around the corner. Burke was already there.

  He glanced at her. “I think we found our intruder.”

  He pointed to a trail of garbage. Eve fell into step beside him as he followed the trail of chicken bones and scraps that had been their dinner that evening. A short distance away, in the trees, they came upon a raccoon foraging in the bag Burke had discarded their garbage in. The animal had dragged the bag to that point.

  The creature raised its eyes, shiny as marbles to them, then ran.

  “A raccoon.” Burke shook his head and laughed. “I forgot not to leave garbage outside. It has been too long since I’ve been up here.”

  Eve laughed too. She hadn’t told Burke that the last time she’d spent a night outside of a city had been that camping trip with her father and brothers. She hadn’t considered their intruder could be a woodland animal.

  They made their way back inside the cabin for another bag. Eve returned Burke’s spare gun to him then they headed back outside to clean up the mess and secure the trash in the trunk of the Porsche.

  Eve’s shoes no longer clung. She looked at her feet. Her sassy sling backs were now stretched from water seepage and caked with mud. The shoes were ruined. At least if they’d caught her would-be assassin, the loss would have been worth it.

  “Intriguing attire for an apprehension,” Burke said.

  She certainly must look a sight in the short nightie and high heels. Burke was smiling again, a small sexy smile that had her heart picking up its pace. Eve shook off that unwelcome thought. “Yeah, well, I didn’t think I should take time to get another pair from my suitcase.”

  She gave the shoes a slow remorseful shake of her head then stepped out of them

  and preceded him into the cabin. She turned to say good night. He stood backlit by the moon, his lean, hard body outlined. She couldn’t see his face now, but she felt the weight of his gaze.

  He raised his arm. She watched it in silhouette slowly reach out to her. She could have stepped back, out of his reach. This was Burke. Burke. He was all wrong. This was all wrong. But she remained in place, breath held, anticipating his touch.

  Gently, he sifted his fingers through her hair, and when he cupped the back of her head, Eve rose on tiptoe and met his kiss. He brushed his lips across hers softly. Eve’s eyelids lowered at his caress.

  “Burke,” she whispered.

  “John. Say it, Eve. Say my name.”

  “John,” she said. “John.”

  His hold on her tightened and he covered her mouth with his. His kiss was hot and hungry. Eve wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and holding him to her.

  He sucked in his breath then his arms banded around her. He lifted her off her feet and held her tight against himself. His heart was pounding now, a hard thump thump or maybe that was her own.

  He broke the kiss and their gasping breaths became the dominant sound in the room. He walked with her in his arms to the burlap couch and set her down gently on the soft cushions. He stretched out beside her, then his mouth was on hers again, kissing, tasting. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her which was exactly how she was feeling.

  He tugged the hem of her nightie. She raised her arms. He took his mouth from hers only long enough to lift the garment over her head and toss it somewhere into the darkness. His tongue slid over hers, then went deep. Her need for him surged. She scrambled to undo the buttons on his shirt, wanting so badly to touch him.

  As soon as his shirt was open, he hastily removed it. His chest and arms were all muscle. Rock-hard, she discovered as she eagerly ran her hands over him.

  His hands did not remain idle. They slid down her sides, her hips and her legs, taking her panties down with them. They, too, ended up somewhere in the darkness then he resumed his exploration, igniting fires where he touched. She’d removed her bra for sleep and he brushed her bare breasts with his thumbs. Pleasure streaked through her. His mouth left hers and went to her breasts, licking and sucking, alternating between them and taking her to a new level of need.

  His breath was coming shorter and more shallow. As his hands and mouth moved over her, with ever increasing urgency, there were instants when Eve couldn’t breathe at all.

  He shifted position so they were no longer touching. An instant later, when his lower body brushed hers again she felt only skin. His jeans and shorts were now gone.

  His eyes on her were hot enough to burn. He lowered his head. Their mouths were so close she felt his lips move as he murmured her name. His body rose above hers. She’d never been more aware of the vast difference in their sizes, of how much larger he was, and it thrilled her. His erection pressed against her. Despite his obvious urgency, he prodded her gently, testing her readiness. She shivered in anticipation and arched against him to show him just how ready she was.

  Her slight movement seemed to push him to the edge of his control. He swallowed audibly and his every muscle tensed.

  Slowly, so slowly, he filled her. Her body stretched to accommodate him and she sucked in her breath at the wealth of sensation. He pulled back then went deep. She dug her nails into his shoulders and when he picked up the pace, moving hard and fast, her vision grayed.

  She moved with him, matching him stroke for stroke. She felt his body still, then her own tightened. Her body shuddered as Burke’s did, and they found their release.

  * * *

  They’d made love on the scratchy burlap couch. Something was currently digging into Eve’s hip. She didn’t have the strength to move. Since John was still a dead weight on her, she figured he was in the same condition. She smiled. If she hadn’t needed to breathe, she would have gladly kept him there for a day or two or forever.


  The blissful haze that was the aftermath of their lovemaking receded. The reality of their situation returned to her. Eve closed her eyes tight. What had she done?

  She opened her eyes and gave his shoulder a nudge that was more forceful than necessary, and certainly wouldn’t undo the last moments. “Burke?”

  A few moments earlier he’d been “John” to her. It struck her as ridiculous to return to the impersonal address now, but she was suddenly desperate to reestablish distance between them.

  That she had reverted to his last name wasn’t lost on Burke either, Eve noted. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, then he obligingly shifted, taking his weight off her. All the way off. He got to his feet.

  Without the warmth of his body, she became aware of the chill in the air. Her teeth chattered. Burke must have heard it because he glanced around briefly then bent and retrieved his shirt from the rug. He held it out to her.

  Her own nightshirt was not in sight. Eve looked about for it, then gave it up when she shivered. She took the garment from Burke with a less than graciously mumbled “than

  Though Burke seemed unconcerned about his own nakedness, as soon as she had his shirt in her grasp, he turned away from her, averting his gaze so she could put it on in some modicum of privacy.

  Clearly, he no longer felt the intimacy of a lover.

  Distance successfully reestablished.

  He’d received her message, or been struck by the error they’d made, as she had, and come to his senses. Or, maybe he’d been in the mood for sex and had found a willing partner in her and that was the end of it for him.

  Whatever. Good. Good.

  But it didn’t feel good.

  Hands shaking, Eve donned the shirt. It was no longer warm from his body, but his scent clung faintly to the cotton. Each time she took a breath, she’d be reminded of making love with him. She didn’t want to be reminded of him. As soon as she was back in her room, she would certainly change into something of her own to sleep in.

  “We’d better get some sleep,” Burke said.

  His tone was firm. There was no mistaking “John” the tender lover with Central Intelligence Agent Burke.

  That was for the best. As it had to be . . .

  Chapter Ten

  What the hell had he done?

  Burke stared at the closed bedroom door, the intensity of his gaze drilling holes in the scarred wood. Eve had disappeared behind that door a moment ago.

  He’d had sex with his prisoner.

  He was an officer of the law. Officers of the law did not have sex with the women in their custody. But that’s what he’d done. Compromised the investigation, as a result, and given Eve a weapon to use in court to have the charges against her dismissed.

  He made a scoffing sound of self disgust. How could he have been so irresponsible?

  How could he have allowed his personal feelings for her - he shook his head - not his feelings - his lust for her - to override his duty?

  Against his will, he recalled being with Eve. Sex with her had not disappointed. Rather, it went right off the charts. Mind-blowing. The best he’d ever had.

  He turned away from the door and went to the window. The wooden sill jutted out from the wall. Burke braced his hands on it.

  Clouds blocked the moonlight. The darkness was thick and his own face reflected back at him in the black glass.

  How he could have allowed himself to sleep with Eve no longer mattered. The question now was, what was he going to do about it?

  He should remove himself from her presence and transport her to Washington immediately. Then he could get back to his original assignment, his true assignment - hunting the buyer. He was itching to rejoin Lanski and his team in the search.

  Eve’s assassin was still out there, however. Burke’s jaw tightened. They’d made no progress identifying that bastard. Until they did ID Eve’s assassin, taking her from the cabin wasn’t an option.

  He could call Lanski. Get another agent out here to stay with her. That would accomplish the same thing - taking himself away from her.

  He dismissed the idea. His cabin was safe because it was unknown. Wasn’t that why he’d brought her here in the first place? Once he disclosed her location, it would be compromised. Her safety would not be assured. No, calling in another agent was not an option. Burke gripped the windowsill with a strength that stretched the skin tight across his knuckles. He would not risk her safety.

  So what would he do?


  He would remain at the cabin. And Eve would remain at the cabin. And for whatever time they had left here together, they would stay out of each other’s way.

  He heard movement in the bedroom. A drawer opened then closed.

  She was still awake.

  He listened to her footfalls, thudding softly against the plank flooring. Her footsteps stopped. Next came a creak. The bed frame. She was now on the mattress. If her pattern held true to what he’d observed the night they’d spent at the hospital, she’d soon be asleep. And snoring softly.

  He stopped a smile.

  And cut off that tender thought.

  * * *

  He cooked breakfast before the sun was up after a restless night on the couch. Unwanted images of making love with Eve there replayed in his mind and kept sleep at bay.

  He ate his meal, left the bacon and scrambled eggs he’d cooked for her on the stove for her to warm when she awoke. Next he showered and left the cabin. He needed to call Lanski and after, would find some activities outdoors to fill his time.

  The sun crested the horizon. He looked up at it. Too early to call his second in command on a matter that wasn’t urgent.

  Burke looked around for things that needed doing about the place. He’d bought shelving for the storage shed that he’d never put up. Well, it seemed the perfect time to attend to that was at hand.

  After the shelving, he worked slowly through a list of repairs he’d wanted to get done for years. At mid-morning, he called Lanski.

  “Any development in finding the man after Dr. Collins?” Burke asked.

  “Negative. Nothing on finding the buyer either.”

  “Okay. Anyone putting out the word about the formula?”

  “Negative again. Our Intel has been quiet as a tomb.”

  Burke exhaled a frustrated breath. “Keep me apprised,” he said unnecessarily then disconnected.

  The day was turning out to be a scorcher. He rubbed the back of his neck where the sun baked him. He needed water.

  Inside the cabin, Eve was awake and again, hunched over his laptop, though, she’d moved to the kitchen table to work. She didn’t look up at his entrance.

  On the way to the fridge for the water, he glimpsed the page open on the screen, and recognized it as one of the profiles on the chemist’s at the conference. Yesterday, they’d downloaded the information from the agency’s database onto his laptop for easy access.

  His investigators had been over all of the information and dismissed its usefulness. He and Eve had gone over it all as well with the same result. Nothing would be gained by going over it again.

  He thought of telling her that; false hope wouldn’t help her. But then, what was the alternative - no hope? No, he would not strip her of hope. He kept his thoughts about the profiles to himself.

  What he wouldn’t keep silent about were the heaping plates of food that remained untouched where he’d left them.

  “Why haven’t you eaten?” he asked, his tone sharp.

  Eve tapped a few keystrokes. Without looking up from the keyboard, she said. “Not hungry.”

  “You need to eat.”

  She looked up then. “Are you presuming to tell me how to treat my condition?”

  Burke’s anger flared. “Apparently, you need someone to do that. If you’re on insulin, you need to eat regularly. Taking an injection and then going for a long period without food can cause a dangerous reduction in blood sugar levels.”

  “Oh, really. What makes you an authority on the subject?”

  “I read about it.”

  “You read about it? When?”

  What did it matter? Burke ran a hand down his face. “The night you were in the hospital. I asked the nurse for information on diabetes.”

  Eve blinked.

  “You need to eat.” His jaw tensed. “The last thing I want is for you to collapse again.”

  Eve straightened her spine. “Don’t worry about it, Burke.” She left the table, got a bottle of water for herself which she gripped in a tight fist. “Should I take ill again, this time, I’ll make sure you aren’t inconvenienced.”

  “Inconvenienced? You think I don’t want to be inconvenienced?” Burke closed the distance between them. He clutched her shoulders. “You think I’m telling you to eat so you won’t collapse and inconvenience me?” He reached up, framed her face gently between his palms. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. The thought of anything happening to you . . .” He lowered his mouth to hers.

  * * *

  She should end this . . . stop him . . . all the
reasons why she should not let this go on reasserted themselves. Instead, when Burke’s mouth came down on hers, Eve slid her arms around his waist. Clutching his shirt in her fists, she kissed him back.

  Her head was spinning as he lifted her off the floor and into his arms. Without breaking the kiss, he carried her to the bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed then braced on an elbow above her and undid the buttons on her blouse. He moved one knee between her legs and gently stroked her. The contact made her gasp, then moan.


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