Black Book: Black Star Security

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Black Book: Black Star Security Page 5

by Cynthia Rayne

  She nearly choked on her coffee.

  “Are you okay?” Annie pounded her back.

  “Yeah, I'm fine. It just went down the wrong pipe.” She pushed the mug aside. “Harold and I aren't on speaking terms anymore.”

  Annie bit her lip. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

  Actually, she did. Mack was an extremely private person and she didn't want to discuss her past with anyone. However, she had to help Annie understand why she’d never approach Harold under any circumstances.

  “Sure, go ahead and ask.”

  “You worked in the hostage negotiation unit, right?”

  “Yes, I applied and was finally accepted after a couple of tries.” The unit was very prestigious, and it was an honor to be selected. However, she'd only worked there for a couple of years, before it all blew up.

  Because of Harold. And her own stupidity.

  “Why did you leave? When we first met, I thought there might be a story there. Was I right?”

  “Well, you're not wrong. I ran into some trouble with my boss’s boss.”


  “Yes.” Mack really didn’t want to say more.

  “There was a bit of an old boys’ club in the marshal service.” Annie said it tentatively, fishing for information. “It made things hard for me at first. Was it the same for you?”

  Mack wasn't surprised. Sexism was rampant in all male-dominated professions. She had to work twice as hard, to be considered half as good. Until Harold came along, she had the respect of her peers, but he’d destroyed her reputation.

  Mack nodded. “I had to work really hard to gain their respect.” And I lost it within the space a few hours.

  “Do you think he's dirty?”

  “I honestly don’t know. Quinn made one hell of an accusation. I know he's not the most moral person, but I'm not sure if he's capable of running a drug supply route.”

  “And what about the logistics? If that many people know about it, there's bound to be some talk.”

  “I thought about it too.” Although, if it came down to a thug’s word against an FBI agent, there wouldn’t be much of a contest. The G-Men would believe one of their own.

  “And what about the agents he supposedly bribed?”

  “There is a culture problem at the FBI, a chain of command, and a willingness to look the other way at times. Someone in such a senior position could destroy an agent’s career like that.” Mack snapped her fingers. She should know, it happened to her.

  “Is that what happened to your career?”

  Mack ignored the question. “If you think about it, agents are vulnerable, especially the new ones assigned to field offices. They can be fired easily.”

  Annie nodded. “I see your point. So, you believe him?”

  “I’ll take what he said at face value until I can prove otherwise.” Mack knew they didn't think she could be objective, but her teammates were wrong.

  “Okay. When are we leaving?”

  “In a couple of hours. I’ll book us both on the same flight. West will reimburse me, right?”

  “He’d better.”

  “And I should check on Quinn before we head out.” Mack stood and put her dishes in the sink. “Meet you down here in a couple of hours.”


  Mack was about to head upstairs when Annie grasped her arm.


  She turned. “What?”

  “I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but the night the prisoners escaped, Quinn saved me.”

  “He did?” Maybe her faith in Quinn wasn’t misplaced after all.

  “Richard was going to kill me, and Quinn stepped in.” Richard was the serial killer they’d been hunting. He’d murdered several women and Annie would’ve been a convenient target.

  “Maybe he’s not such a terrible guy after all.”

  “You really care about him, don't you?”

  Mack considered lying, but the truth was obvious. “Yes, I do.”

  “I just want you to be careful when it comes to him. Protect yourself.”

  “I will.”

  “Good and I’m always here if you need to talk.”

  “Thanks, Annie.”


  “Thanks for the food. You’re a good cook.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Quinn polished off the sandwich she’d made for him in record time. He must have been hungry. More than likely, he’d been too busy running to eat very much.

  “How did you sleep last night?” As far as small talk went, this was pretty awkward, but she didn't know what else to say.

  What’s the next topic? Are you going to ask him about the weather?

  “I’ve had worse beds.” Quinn patted the thin mattress. “Where are you goin’ today?”

  “I'm checking in with an old colleague of mine.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Do you trust him?”

  “I don’t think he’s on the take if that’s what you mean.”

  “Yeah, but people can surprise you in the worst way.”

  “Believe me, I know.”

  “Promise me somethin’?” he asked.

  “What?” Mack was wary.

  “At the risk of repeatin’ myself, watch your back. You aren’t goin’ alone, are you?”

  Quinn seemed really spooked. His concern might be all for show, but somehow Mack didn’t think so.

  “Nope, Annie’s coming with me.” Mack checked her cell phone. “I’ve got a flight to catch, so I’ve gotta take off soon.”

  Quinn puffed out his chest. “I could fly you there. I’m a pilot.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think so.” The last time Quinn had been at an airport, he’d taken a hostage and fled to Canada. “You’d take off to the Caribbean or something.”

  “I’d pick Cuba.”


  Quinn smirked. “They don’t have an extradition treaty with the United States.”

  Mack couldn’t help but chuckle. “Comments like those don’t help your case.”

  “Hey, I’m layin’ it all out for you. And I could have you there in record time.”

  “Nope, never gonna happen.”

  “Fine, but can I ask you for another favor?”

  She peered up at him. “Like what?”

  “I'd love a quick shower.”

  “I’m kinda pressed for time. Besides, I’m sure one of the guys will take you later on in the day.”

  “Yeah, I’d much rather have you take me in there. Come on,” he coaxed. “It won't take more than five minutes. I learned how to be quick in basic training.”

  And she just didn’t have the heart to refuse him.

  Or maybe you wanna be alone with him while he’s naked.

  Mack immediately banished the flood of sensual images in her head. She was simply looking out for Quinn’s welfare. After all, he was a prisoner in her care.

  Yeah, right.

  “Sure. Do you have anything to change into?”

  “No, I took off with the clothes on my back.”

  “I'll grab you something to wear from Storm's wardrobe. You two are about the same size.” I’m sure Storm will be thrilled with the idea.


  They both stood, and she was reminded again how large he was, how he towered over her. Mack backed away from him, all flustered.


  Mack squinted at him. “You aren't going to try anything, are you?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He winked. “Besides, you'll have me at a disadvantage.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I'll be naked and soapy. Hard to run away in your bare feet, and your ass swinging in the wind.”

  Fire licked the base of her spine.

  “Come on,” she croaked. “Let’s go.”

  After grabbing some clothes, along with a towel and a washcloth, Mack leaned against the wall, outside the shower stall while Quinn got ready. They had a group shower room just do
wn the hall from the gym. She would have let him have the bathroom by himself, but there was a window on the other wall. It would have been easy for him to jump out of it.

  Yeah, you’re in here because of the window. There’s no other reason.

  There was an awkward silence. They were in the same room, but neither one of them spoke. Mack vowed she wouldn't be the first one to say something.

  He slipped into the stall, and then he reached a hand out, feeling for the chair next to the shower. Quinn draped his jeans, and then his t-shirt over the back of the chair.

  Oh my God, he's stripping.

  She didn't see any underwear. Wait. Does that mean he goes commando? Why are you wondering what kind of skivvies he has on?

  Hot steam curled into the air. The shower door was made of milky glass, so she couldn’t really see anything, just blurry outlines of his taut body. It was more of a tease than anything else.

  Mack couldn’t help but imagine soaping his chest, with her bare hands of course. Maybe leaning down to…

  Wetness pooled between her thighs, and she pressed her legs together. Mack bit her lower lip to keep from crying out.

  Think of something else, damn it. Anything else!

  Like what? Nothing came to mind.

  Quinn hadn’t lied about the timing. All too soon, it was over.

  Dammit. I could’ve watched this show for an hour.

  Quinn grabbed a towel and emerged from the stall with it wrapped around his lean hips. Rivulets of water travel down his muscular chest, matting the hair which disappeared beneath the towel. His dark blond hair looked almost brown and it clung to his forehead.

  Mack stifled a moan. She had the wildest urge to touch him.

  “Damnation. The way you’re lookin’ at me makes me wanna…”

  She licked her lips. “What?”

  And that's when she noticed the towel was distended. Quinn had an erection, a massive one. Like an idiot, she stared.

  “Like anything you see?”

  “Uh…” With effort, Mack dragged her gaze back to his face. “No, of course not. I didn’t mean to ogle you, I was just—”

  Quinn snorted. “You're lyin’. You think about me every bit as much as I fantasize about you.”

  Mack wanted to deny it but couldn’t.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” His voice dipped to a husky timbre. Mack swore she could feel it, rubbing against her clit.


  “I've been in federal prison for the past few years.”

  “Which is common knowledge. I’m still waiting for the secret part.”

  “I’m gettin’ to it. You know there are no conjugal visits in the federal system, right?”

  Mack nodded.

  “Although it wouldn't matter anyway, I’m not married.”

  Oh, my God. She finally got what he was trying to tell her.

  Woah. “It’s really none of my business.”

  “Oh, yes, it is. I haven't had a woman in years.” As he spoke, Quinn got closer and closer. He made no effort to get dressed. Soon, she found herself backed against the wall.

  “You've been free for months.”

  “Yes, but I had a problem.”

  “What?” When had her voice gone all wispy? His body was giving off warmth. From the hot water? Or maybe he just radiated heat all on his own?

  “The woman I wanted, the one I couldn't get out of my mind, wasn't available.”

  “And you’ve been celibate this whole time?” He’d been in Canada for months with slutty Northern girls and their maple syrup. Yeah, that make didn’t make any sense. Somehow, she was just jealous.

  “Is it so hard to believe?” And then he pressed himself against her, letting Mack feel the weight of his erection against her lower stomach. “Stop me if you don’t want this.” He leaned down, slowly and very deliberately, giving her time to push him away if she wanted.

  Mack licked her lips and he moaned. It was a strangled, needy sound. Her nipples throbbed, tightening against the silky fabric of her bra.

  And then a knock sounded on the door.

  Startled, Mack jumped away from him, like a child caught with her proverbial hand in the cookie jar.

  Mack was horrified by what she’d almost done.

  “Mack, are you ready to go?” Annie asked.

  “Yeah, almost.” Her voice sounded all throaty and weird. “I’ll meet you downstairs.”

  “Is everything alright in there?” Evidently, Annie sensed Mack’s discomfort.

  “Yeah, just fine.”

  Quinn whispered, “Nothin’ like bein’ cockblocked by your friends.”

  “Shut up,” she hissed, turning around. “And get dressed.”

  “Fine, but we’ll finish this later.”

  “No, we won’t. It was a mistake.”

  “Nope, it was the beginnin’ of somethin’ amazing. Don’t even bother to deny it.”

  Mack had a terrible feeling he was right.


  Hours later…

  “Testing, 123.” Mack tapped her earpiece. “Can you hear me, Annie?”

  “Loud and clear. Be careful in there.”

  Mack walked into the Edgar J. Hoover building in DC, just outside of her old supervisor’s office. She had sworn she’d never set foot in an FBI office again, and yet here she was. This had once been her chosen career path. She had intended to work at the FBI until she retired thirty years from now, but fate had other plans for her.

  The whole thing was surreal.

  It was nearly eight o’clock at night and the building was nearly deserted. They had gotten a flight from Cincinnati to Washington DC. It had only taken a couple of hours. Driving would have been cheaper, but she didn’t have the luxury of making a sixteen hour round trip.

  “I will.”

  “Are you absolutely sure, you don’t want me to go with you?”

  “Nah, I’ve got it. Since I have a history with him, I’m more likely to get information out of Alan. He’ll be less formal.”

  “Gotcha, but I’m in the parking deck if you need me.” They’d gotten a rental car at the airport.

  “Our flight doesn’t leave until midnight. How do you feel about catching a late dinner when we’re done here?” Since the flights were last minute, they hadn’t been given many choices, so they were catching a red-eye late tonight.

  “Works for me. Got any place in mind?”

  “There’s a bistro I used to go to all the time, but it’s a bit of a hike from here.” Just then, Alan’s office door swung open. “I’ve gotta go, talk to you later.”

  “Mack, it’s great to see you.” Alan Reynolds shook Mack’s hand. “Sorry for the late meeting, but I couldn’t squeeze you in earlier.”

  “No problem, thanks for getting back to me on such short notice.”

  Alan had aged since she’d seen him last. He had to be in his late forties. Crow’s feet surrounded his dark brown eyes, and his hair had grayed around the temples.

  He’d once been her direct supervisor, and Mack had respected him. She’d always thought he was reasonable, impartial, and great at his job.

  Unfortunately, he’d saved his own ass at her expense.

  Mack didn’t entirely blame Alan. He had a family to support, while she didn’t have any dependents. And Mack had been stupid enough to sleep with Harold. Maybe he thought she deserved it.

  He wasn’t the ideal candidate to approach, but Mack had burned a lot of bridges at the agency, so she couldn’t afford to be choosy.

  Alan waved a hand at the chair in front of his desk. “Please, have a seat. Let’s talk. How long has it been?”

  “We haven’t spoken since you fired me.” Mack sat stiffly in the chair, gripping the handles. Dammit. It had just popped out. She’d meant to be cordial.

  He ducked his head. “Mack, I…the situation was difficult, and I was put in an awkward position.”

  “I know.” She flashed a smile. “Don’t worry about it. I shouldn’t have said anything.�

  Mack hadn’t wanted to appear flustered, as if being fired hadn’t bothered her at all. Unfortunately, she’d already shown her hand.

  “I know this doesn’t help, but it wasn’t my decision, it came down from above.”

  “I figured as much.” Harold had been a much more valuable employee than she was. Besides, in he said/ she said situations, the man was usually believed instead of the woman anyway. And no doubt Harold had painted her as gold-digging floozy looking to get ahead by any means necessary, including sleeping around.

  Alan cleared his throat. “You were vague on the phone. What brings you by?”

  He definitely wants me outta here quick and I couldn’t agree more.

  “I’ll get right to it. I wanna talk about Harold.”

  The color slowly drained from his face, making Alan appear even more pasty than usual.

  “Don’t dig up the past, Mack, no good will come of it.”

  “Unfortunately, it feels pretty freaking relevant right now.”

  And then she gave him a snapshot of the information Quinn had relayed to her. Of course, she was careful to protect his anonymity. If Quinn was right about this, and she thought he might be, his identity and location was very valuable information.

  “Who told you all of this?”

  Interesting. He didn’t appear surprised or confused, or even angry.

  “A source.”

  “A source? Are you a reporter now or somethin’?”

  The hair stood up on the back of her neck. His demeanor was decidedly off. Instinct told her, Alan knew more than he was letting on.

  “As you well know, I work for a security firm and I have to protect my client’s anonymity.” Calling Quinn, a client was a stretch, but it was a plausible excuse for her reluctance.

  “I understand, and I’d like to investigate your claims, but I need specifics.”

  Mack leaned forward. “You don’t seem shocked or even surprised, Alan.”

  “Of course, I am. It just takes a lot to shock me, Mack. Tell me, who gave you this information? What’s his name?”

  “How do you know it’s a he?” Mack countered.

  “Woah,” Annie said in her ear. “I can’t see his facial expression, but this is creeping me out. Something isn’t right here.”

  Yeah, tell me about it.


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