Black Book: Black Star Security

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Black Book: Black Star Security Page 14

by Cynthia Rayne

  “Mack, you sound insane. Are you even listening to yourself? These paranoid conspiracy theories are—”

  “You got that right out of Harold’s playbook, huh?” Mack cut him off. “You used to be a field agent, right on the Arizona border, before you started rising up through the ranks.”

  “Yes. So, what?”

  “And Harold was your supervisor for a few months.” She chuckled. “Yeah, I’ve been looking through your service records.”

  “It doesn’t prove anything.”

  “It’s enough to raise a few eyebrows, especially when the FBI starts investigating itself for corruption. And since Harold’s dead, I bet you moved up a rung or two in the cartel organization. I’m sure you’ll be questioned.”

  Alan cleared his throat. “What do you want?”

  Ha. Gotcha. “You’re gonna consult with your bosses and then cut Quinn loose.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are. Ask me why.”

  “Why?” he asked, through gritted teeth.

  “Because we wire-tapped Lupita and Harold, for days. I’ve got all kinds of things on the recording.” Mack waited, hoping her bluff would pay off.

  “I see, and you’re gonna blackmail me.”

  “I prefer to think of it as an exchange of favors. Drop the new charges against Quinn and give him parole for the robbery.”

  He snorted. “Are you fucking kidding me? There’s no way they’re gonna go for it. He’s a convicted felon, who broke out of prison, and he killed a man in front of law enforcement officers.”

  “Actually, they were on the other side of the door. They heard a gunshot but didn’t see him pull the trigger.”

  “Oh, you wanna debate semantics with me?”

  “No, I want you to save Quinn and your career at the same time. See? It’s a win-win scenario.”

  “And if I don’t go along with this insanity, what are you gonna do about it?”

  “Did you forget about the gun in your ribs?”

  “You’re not a killer, Mack.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure.”

  Because she wasn’t.

  At this moment, she was capable of just about anything. Mack literally had nothing left to lose. She lost Quinn, her job, and her friends. It was a dangerous frame of mind.

  “I am. You forget I know you. Are you thinkin’ about goin’ to the press?”

  “Of course not.”

  His shoulders slumped in relief.

  Mack let him savor the tension release for a moment, so she could snatch it away again.

  “Have you ever heard of a useful idiot?”

  Alan blinked. “What?”

  “A useful idiot.”

  “No,” he snapped. “I don’t have a clue what you’re talkin’ about.”

  “Listen up. It’s a political term for someone being manipulated or used by another, for their own selfish gain. And I’ve got a couple of fools in mind. I already made appointments with both senators from the great state of Kentucky. See, if I approach a reporter and come at the FBI with my tarnished work record, people will dismiss me.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “But I am. Now, pay attention, this is a very clever plan.”


  “You see, I’ve got very juicy background information I can give these eager senators, who will be only too happy to tell the press for me. Maybe they’ll convene some very high-profile hearings, and drag your superiors through the mud, in order to score some votes. I wonder how fast they’ll pink slip your ass.” Mack snapped her fingers. “And poof. There goes your pension. Next, you’ll probably be charged with—”

  “You wouldn’t dare. Your affair with Harold would be all over the newspaper.”

  Mack knew she’d be putting herself in a very vulnerable position. She’d be the latest version of Monica Lewinsky, without the stupid beret. When Mack had gone to work for Black Star, she’d left the humiliation behind her

  There wouldn’t be a safe haven anymore. The story would blow up so big, her face would be on television all around the world.

  But she didn’t give a damn—freeing Quinn was worth it.

  “Yes, but I’m used to being slut-shamed and ridiculed. Besides, I’d take some satisfaction out of seeing you get knocked off your pedestal, too. You sat back and watched while Harold smeared my name and drummed me out of the agency. You knew what a sleazy prick he was, and still you did nothing.”

  “You can’t do this.”

  “Actually, I can, and I will.” Mack was prepared to make good on her threat, if necessary.

  “You’re wrong.” He closed his eyes. “I did what I had to do for my family. We have three kids and my wife got sick—”

  Mack’s finger twitched on the trigger. “So, you helped drug dealers smuggle their poison into the country. Well, if you did it for your family, then it’s heroic.”

  “Don’t you dare judge me.” Alan had a white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel

  She sighed. “That’s what people do. They judge others, so they can feel better about themselves and I think it’s time I spread some of the shame around. Unless we have a deal?”

  Alan said nothing.

  “As soon as I walk out of this car, this offer expires.”

  He still didn’t speak.

  Mack opened the car door and it made a metallic scraping noise.

  “Wait! Give me the digital files and sign a non-disclosure agreement, and then I’ll free Quinn.”

  Mack put the gun away. “Like I’m gonna trust you. I’ll hand over the audio files when I pick Quinn up from prison. You won’t be transferring him to federal jail either. He’s gonna stay right where he is, so Huck can watch over him. And if anything happens to him, I’m gonna hold you personally responsible.”


  “I’m thinking an eye for an eye sort of thing.”

  A long silence ensued.

  “Fine. You’ve got yourself a deal.” He turned in the seat and he offered her his hand. Mack shook it. “I’ll take care of it tomorrow morning.”

  “Start the paperwork tonight. It’s gonna take some time.” Mack hopped out of the car. “Pleasure doing business with you, Alan.”


  When Mack arrived back at HQ, West was standing near in the foyer.

  She was intending to scoop up her gear and be out the door before they had a chance to talk to her.

  “Hi,” she said. It was lame, but Mack was at a loss for words.

  “Are you alright?”

  Strangely enough, yes.

  Sure, she’d threatened an officer of the law, albeit a crooked one, but she was strangely upbeat. Knowing Quinn would be fine, made everything okay somehow.

  “Mack?” West prompted.

  “What?” She blinked. “Right. Yes, I’m cool.” Mack nodded to the staircase. “I just came for my stuff, and then I’ll get out of your way.”

  West shook his head. “No, ma’am. You’re not gettin’ out of here without talkin’ to the crew. Come on, they’re in the meetin’ room.” West didn’t wait for her response. Instead, he walked down the length of the hall, and she followed him.

  It would be rude not to say goodbye. Right?

  When she strolled into the room, everyone was seated at the table. Her gaze touched on each of them. And her heart throbbed like an invisible hand had reached through her ribcage and grasped it, squeezing.

  The whole gang was there.

  West and Annie, Lucy and Storm, King and Sassy, Ellie and Zane, and Nox and Maeve, too. All of them had gotten their happily ever afters.

  Once again, she was left standing alone.

  Although Mack was pleased they’d found joy. All of them deserved a partner, who loved and cared for them, although Mack couldn’t help but envy their good fortune.

  “Hey.” She waved. “I just wanted to say goodbye before I left.”

  A heavy almost funereal silence hung over the room.

; West cleared his throat. “We heard about Quinn.”

  “How?” Mack had just negotiated with Alan last night.

  “Huck called early this morning.” West shifted uncomfortably in his seat. It was clear he didn’t approve, even though he didn’t say so. “Apparently, somebody pretty high up at the FBI called him and asked him to keep the prisoner for the next couple of weeks. Your name didn’t come up, but I added 2 and 2 and figured it out. Apparently, they won’t be takin’ him to federal prison.”

  “How about that?” Mack refused to elaborate about her role in Quinn’s release.

  Storm spoke up. “So, everything’s copacetic, right? You’re not in trouble? And your boyfriend’s free to go?”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” Mack bit the inside of her cheek. Quinn wasn’t going to jail, but it didn’t mean they’d be together. Quinn seemed to think he didn’t deserve her.

  Or maybe he just didn’t want her.

  “Oh yeah?” Nox crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell him that.”

  “But you’re not in trouble?” Storm probed.

  Mack appreciated his concern. He’d always looked out for her, even if she didn’t agree with his methods.

  “No, I’m not in trouble. More than likely, Quinn’s going to get probation. My guess is it will be pretty intense, maybe with electronic monitoring and regular check-ins. I’m sure the FBI is going to impose all kinds of conditions.”

  “And what about you?” Ellie asked. “Where will you go?”

  Mack shrugged. “I don’t know yet.” She hadn’t made any other plans, other than freeing Quinn.

  At the moment, she’d lost her housing and job.

  Correction, you gave it up because you were pissed off.

  Everyone eyed West who was busy studying the table.

  She backed toward the exit. “And I should probably get moving.”

  “We’ll miss you, Mack,” Annie said. There were tears shining in her eyes and she blinked them back.

  “I’m gonna miss you, too.” A hard, thick lump formed in Mack’s throat.

  Nox made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat. “This is some bullshit. Mack, you can’t leave. We need you.”

  “But I quit, and I know you guys don’t approve of Quinn. Lately, my actions have been questionable, too.”

  “Let’s get somethin’ straight,” Nox said, interrupting. “I don’t give a damn who you fuck. It’s none of my damn business.”

  As usual, Nox was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. At least you didn’t have to guess what he thought about any given situation.

  “We’re not together anymore. I’m sure Quinn’s gonna move on and do his own thing.”

  “I doubt it. Let’s get to the important question. Does he make you happy?” King asked.

  “Yes, but it’s not…we’re not a couple.” Were they even listening to her? “We never were.”

  Zane snorted. “That guy’s been stuck on you for weeks. He ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

  Mack deliberately squashed the hopeful impulse. It was best not to have any expectations.

  “I know you guys don’t like Quinn and you have every right to be suspicious of him.”

  “Yeah, we pretty much hate him,” King said. “Dislike is way too generous a term. We—”

  “Buuuuttt,” Storm interrupted quickly. “We love you, enough to put up with him.”

  Annie elbowed West. “Are you gonna fix this or what?”

  West spoke up. “I should’ve trusted you more, Mack, and I’m sorry.”

  Mack bit her lower lip. “For what it’s worth, West, I’m sorry, too. I was angry and upset. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”

  “Yeah, I think we did.” Mack wasn’t stupid enough to let pride keep her from the people she loved.

  “So, you’re gonna stay.” Nox didn’t ask a question. It was a statement.

  Mack sucked in a breath. “West...?”

  West grinned. “I don’t see any reason to break up the team.”

  She beamed. “Then I’m not going anywhere.”

  It wasn’t quite the happy ending she’d been longing for, but at least Mack had her family back.

  Chapter 13

  “Are you ready for a celebratory fuck?”

  Mackenzie rolled her eyes at Quinn’s question, but he could see the small, pleased smile she smothered with a hand. They were in the elevator, headed up to a room he’d bought for the evening.

  Quinn was thrumming with excitement. He still couldn’t believe this wasn’t some delusional dream.

  There was nothing hanging over his head anymore—no threat of jail and he didn’t have to look over his shoulder. For the first time in a decade, everything was right in his world.

  And he had Mackenzie to thank for it.

  The FBI was getting its house in order by firing corrupt agents. The cartel wouldn’t be as powerful with the agency’s help. Harold had paid the ultimate price for his sins. Lupita was being held by the authorities for questioning. Quinn was on probation for the next five years with electronic monitoring, but after that, he’d be a free man.

  “We could have stayed at HQ, you know. You didn’t have to go to this expense. After all, you’re unemployed.”

  “Yeah, I did. I’m sick of your friends spyin’ on us.”

  “Well, they’re not so keen on being around you either.”

  “Finally, we agree on somethin’. I wanna see less of them.”

  Mackenzie gazed up at him. “So, what’s next for you?”

  The question was like a wet blanket, cold and clammy, sucking the joy from the situation. Frankly, he didn’t want to think about it now. Not yet. Quinn wanted to savor what little time he had left with her, and make it count.

  “I don’t know. Let’s worry about it later.”


  “All I need is you right now.”

  Her eyes turned to smoke.

  Once they got to the room, they took their time, exploring one another at a leisurely pace. He wanted to make this night last as long as possible.

  Quinn kissed and licked every inch of skin he revealed. He traveled her body with his fingertips, his tongue. When he left here, he wanted a memory of her burned into his brain, which would last a lifetime.

  He massaged her breasts, sucked the nipples. Whenever Quinn paused to admire the view, she placed his hands back on her skin, as though she couldn’t stand the loss of contact.

  She leaned into him, arching, rejoicing in his touch. And when he would’ve explored her sweet little pussy once more, she stopped him.

  “Sit down on the bed.” Her voice sounded thick, almost strangled.

  And then she knelt on the carpet, right between his legs. Mackenzie cupped his cock through the fabric, tracing the length of his erection.

  With a moan, he fell back on his elbows, staring down at her, as she undid his belt buckle and eased his jeans and underwear down.

  Mackenzie left a hot, wet trail from his navel to the very tip of his cock. She took her time, kissing, licking, exploring him. And then she closed her lips around him, taking his dick deep into the heated vacuum of her talented mouth.


  Quinn hadn’t had a blow job in years. He might just die on the spot. Quinn held back as long as he could, but at this rate, he’d spill himself too soon.

  “Mackenzie!” He gritted his teeth, trying to keep from thrusting. She always managed to rob Quinn of his control.

  Mackenzie seemed to sense he was on the edge, on the verge of exploding, because she let the shaft go, to lick his balls instead, nuzzling them, before sucking gently.

  It wasn’t fair. Why couldn’t he have this every day? Every night?

  All he wanted to do was stay with her, but he couldn’t be selfish. Quinn was a terrible person, and she deserved a much better man.

  Mackenzie swallowed his cock once more and he saw stars, burning behind his eyelids.

  “God, I can’t....” Before she could prote
st, he seized her by the shoulders. Quinn dragged her on top of his body, and then flipped them, so Mackenzie was pinned beneath him once more.

  Quinn pushed into her and Mackenzie locked her legs around his hips and held him close. He plunged into her again and again. All he could feel was her walls surrounding him, holding him close.

  Somehow, even though Quinn was inside her, occupying the very same space, it didn’t appease the need he had for her. He couldn’t get close enough.

  She whimpered, her body tensing around him, and he knew she was close to coming. Quinn was eager to make her cry out.

  Mackenzie was even more beautiful to behold when she came for him. Her gaze became unfocused, teeth clenching on her lower lip. She arched her white throat, head falling back. An animalistic part of him, buried deep inside, wanted to kiss her there, and then bite down, but he fought the urge.

  Soon, he spilled himself into her again and again.

  Later, they laid on the bed, clinging to each other.

  “Where are you going?” Mackenzie had fit herself under the crook of his arm. He was lying on his back and she was on her side, pressed against him.

  “I probably shouldn’t tell you.”

  She nodded solemnly. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  The truth was, he didn’t know.

  Quinn had never thought he’d get out of this situation alive. He hadn’t made any plans for himself.

  An unbearable silence stretched between them.

  Instead of talking, he rubbed her back, stroking her skin. But soon his body stirred, brought back to life by her nearness.

  “Please Mackenzie. I need to be inside you again.”

  Moaning, she reached for him.

  They made love again slowly, achingly tender.He sat on the bed, legs stretched out and she straddled him. Quinn wrapped his arms around her, buried his head against her breasts as she rode his cock. She seemed to have the same sense of urgency and dread Quinn did because Mackenzie held him close.

  Quinn drank in the sights and sounds. All too soon, it was over, and Quinn knew it was time to go.

  “What will you do when I go?” he asked.


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