Never Ever

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Never Ever Page 3

by L. P. Maxa

  And I did. I danced on her embarrassingly hard. It was fun. It was out of control, but it was fun. When the song ended Taylor held his hand up to help me down. “I like to watch you with your friends. You look so care free. They make you happy don’t they?”

  He hadn’t let go of my hand. “They make me obscenely happy.” I shrugged, “I don’t know what I would do without them.” I squeezed his hand and then pulled mine away.

  Taylor put his hands in his pockets, “Then why don’t you tell them what’s going on?”

  I gave him a sad smile, “Because this whole weekend would turn into a pity party. They’d be worried about how I was feeling or how I was doing nonstop. And they’d watch me like a hawk all weekend.”

  Taylor cocked his head, wicked grin on his face. “Yeah…on second thought, don’t tell them yet. I would hate to have an audience for what I plan on doing to you.”

  I sighed, “Smooth. Tell me again how many sad divorcés have you’ve charmed into bed?”

  “None. Yet.”

  I snorted, “Liar.”

  “Why would I lie? I have never slept with a client. And you are the farthest thing from a sad divorcé I have ever seen. What are you like twenty- seven, twenty eight? You’re gorgeous and vibrant. I’m smitten.”

  My eyes got big, “You’re smitten?”

  Taylor looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, sorry, I have no idea where that came from.”

  “And I’m thirty. How old are you?”


  I let out a little laugh, “Wait you’re twenty-eight and just now graduating? Too much partying?”

  “No. I played baseball my first four years at school, I took cake classes just so I could keep my grades up. After I was done playing ball, I started taking classes for my major.”

  I shrugged, “Either way, I’m older and wiser. Trust me when I say you’re wasting your time trying to get me naked.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Oh Sugar, there is nothing about you that could ever be a waste of my time. And I’m not going to stop. You need me and I want you. We’re the perfect combination.”

  “I’m thirty Tay, not twenty. This isn’t spring break ’05. I’m not going to hop into bed with a guy just because he’s hot and he flirts with me.”

  “So you were easy in college?” He patted my shoulder, like he was comforting me. “It’s okay, I was too.”

  I shook my head, “Wait. Crap. That’s not what I meant.”

  He laughed again, I was starting to really love his laugh. It was so…uninhibited. “I’m kidding, Sugar. Look, I hear what you’re saying. But just try and have some fun with me, okay? When it stops being fun, just tell me and I’ll back off. Deal?”

  I studied him before I answered. His eyes were bright and full of mischief, yet again. His smile was sexy. The way his chest looked in his t-shirt was sinful. Yes I was an adult…But I wasn’t dead. “Deal.”

  Chapter Eight:


  I had won a small battle with Livi earlier tonight. And I rode the high from it all the way into my next fight. Everyone had decided to call it a night, Livi was inside the house in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I was in her bed, praying that she wouldn’t kick me out. I was under the covers, wearing only my boxers. Presumptuous? Maybe. But I made sure my chiseled tan chest was exposed, you know, to lure her in. I was wearing my reading glasses, thick black rims. I figured she’s a writer, she probably digs a guy in hipster glasses. I wasn’t a poser though, I really did need them to read. I heard the screen door squeak open and I braced myself for her reaction.

  She stopped short when he saw me, her eyes darting around the room. Almost like she was afraid someone was listening. “Taylor. What are you doing?”

  “Studying.” I looked down at the flash card in my hand, ignoring her and reading to prove my point.

  She took a few steps closer to me, “Why are you in my bed?”

  “I like to think of it as our bed, Sugar.” I glanced up and gave her my most charming smile. The same smile that helped me get not one, not two, but three Kappa Sig’s in the hot tub after home coming junior year. I told you, I was a fucking legend.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. Making her breasts look amazing in the relaxed gray tank top she was wearing. “Tay, this bed is the size of a postage stamp. There isn’t enough room for both of us in here.” Her words were saying no, but her bare legs were bringing her closer.

  “Still not hearing that you don’t want me in your bed, Sugar. Look, just come hang out with me for a little while and then I’ll leave.” I held the covers up for her.

  She stood there for a few moments. Chewing her lip and apparently over thinking her next move. In the end, she rolled her eyes, but climbed in. Ha Ha, another victory. She laid on her side facing me picking up the papers on my lap. My dick jumped at how close her hand was to it. “What are these?”

  I shifted in bed, trying to keep a tenting situation from arising. Get it? Arising? “Flash cards. It’s the only way I’ve ever been able to study.” I handed her a few, “Here, quiz me.”

  “Tay, its 2 am, I don’t wanna study.”

  I fanned her face with my cards, making her hair blow back slightly. “Please, it’ll really help me out.”

  “Fine.” She took the glasses off my face and put them on, holy hell she looked like every teacher fantasy I had ever had. The tenting was inevitable. “Which concept seeks a consensus of opinion, or group conformity, by taking a narrow view of the issue?”


  Livi turned the card over, “Very good.” She pulled another one from my pile. “Which group has the lowest intermarriage rates in the United States?”

  “African American and White.”

  “Right again.” She handed me back my glasses signaling she was done. Livi closed her eyes and snuggled against my side, her forehead touching the side of my stomach. Just her forehead touching was turning me on. She sighed, “You smell good.”

  I smiled as I looked down at her pretty face, “Thank you, Sugar.” I stroked a finger across her cheek as lightly as I could. “So…you wanna make out?”

  She grinned without opening her eyes, “Sure. But turn off the lamp and turn on the fan.”

  Holy shit. She said yes! I totally thought she was going to turn me down. I scrambled out of bed tripping over my discarded pants and did as I was told. When I climbed back in beside her I laid down on my side, putting my face right next to hers. “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  She opened her eyes, they were so green, so beautiful. “Well, okay.”

  I closed the inches of space between us and lightly touched my lips to hers. Her lips were so soft. I did it again, this time gently running my tongue along her bottom lip. I kept my kisses light and sweet, not knowing exactly what she wanted from me. Afraid to go for too much and risk scaring her away. When I pulled back, her eyes were open once again and she was sporting a very amused expression. “Taylor, I’m not breakable.”

  “Thank God.” I grabbed the back of her head and fused my mouth to hers. This time I didn’t ask for permission, I just stuck my tongue in her mouth. She moaned. She tasted like mint and perfection. She matched me stroke for stroke. I moved my hand from her head to her hip, pulling her pelvis towards mine. I was impossibly hard for her and I wanted her to know it. Her free hand fisted in my hair, pulling slightly. We stayed like this, making out like teenagers, grinding our bodies together, our hands roaming all over each other. She let me round first base, which was amazing. She had fake tits, but not like hard stone fake. Like awesome fake. But when I tried to loosen the draw string on her shorts she stopped me. “Taylor, I meant what I said earlier. I’m not going to have sex with someone I just met. It’s irresponsible and slutty. And I think once you hit thirty, slutty is just sad.”

  I let out a deep breath, blue balls it was then. “Can I stay? Can we just…spoon?”

  She wore a look of disbelief. Couldn
’t blame her, I was having a hard time believing the words coming out of my mouth at the moment too. “Just spoon, you aren’t going to like jump on me the second I fall asleep are you?”

  “Tempting, but no. Just spoon. Promise.”

  She stared at me for a long time before she answered, “Fine. But you have to be gone as soon as the sun comes up.”

  I wanted to clap my hands at my third victory, but instead I remained calm and just nodded, “I will be. Now roll over, I want to be the big spoon.” She did what I asked. Truth be told, I’d never been the big spoon before. I was always the one rolling away from whichever girl I was with. I’d let them spoon me until I was sure they were asleep and then I’d leave. I never brought girls to my house, too risky for them to know where I lived. But here I was, wrapped around Livi like she was a damn life preserver. She felt so good in my arms, her little body fit against me like a glove. I buried my nose in her hair and fell asleep.

  Chapter Nine:


  Thump, thump.



  My eyes flew open at the sound of the screen door opening.

  “Livi? Are you still asleep?”

  Allie was standing next to my bed, hands on her hips. I sat up and looked down next to me. No Taylor, thank God. “Uh, no. I’m awake. Just, uh, being lazy.” When had he left? Had she seen anything? My eyes widened when I spotted Taylor’s pants on the floor behind Allie. Holy shit. Please don’t turn around, please don’t turn around.

  “Baily made bloody marys, and Kate made breakfast tacos. Come eat.” I guess Allie was watching my eyes because she made a funny face and then started to turn around and follow my gaze.

  I yelled my words to get her attention, “Can I have a michelada instead?!” I reached out and grabbed her hand and clasped it in mine. Like a was begging her to make me a drink. “Please please please.”

  Allie looked at me like I’d lost my mind, “Why are you yelling?”

  “I, uh, I just really want a michelada. Please, Allie Cat?”

  She rolled her eyes, but smile. “Ugh. Fine. Spoiled brat.”

  I climbed out of bed, making sure to hold her gaze until we reached the door. “Love you.”

  “Yeah yeah, get dressed.” She paused with her hand on the door knob, “You never sleep the latest, you feeling okay?”

  No, I was up all night making out with a very hot boy whose pants you literally just stood on. “Never better.” I waited until I heard the screen door close before I collapsed back onto the bed and peered over the side next to the wall. Yep, there was Taylor. I giggled. “Quick thinking, kid. I thought you promised to be gone by the time the sun came up? Allie stepped allover your pants.”

  He put his hands behind his head, appearing relaxed, which was impressive considering the tiny space his body was shoved into. “I did. But you felt so damn good all cuddled up next to me. I couldn’t make myself leave.”

  “Such the smooth talker, even at 8 am.” I rested my cheek on the pillow he used, it still smelled like him. I had to fight the urge to take a deep breath.

  “Why were you screaming at her?”

  “She was about to turn around and see your pants. I needed to distract her.” I rolled over and got out of bed, tossing his pants behind me. “I’m going to go to the kitchen and distract, you get up and leave through the side door.” When I turned around to make sure he was being compliant, he was already gone.

  I threw my hair into a messy bum on top of my head and headed inside. Taylor walked in through the kitchen door at the same time I walked into the living room. He caught my eye from across the room and winked. I automatically smiled. Cole followed my smile back to Taylor and gave him the stink eye. “Tay man, where were you?”

  Taylor didn’t miss a beat, “I was just out looking at the lake. It’s like glass out there today, so calm. I haven’t used it since I was a kid, but one of these hiking trails will take us to this awesome beachy area on the other side of the lake.” He popped an olive in his mouth. “You girls game for some hiking?”

  Baily pulled a map out of a drawer in the kitchen and spread it open on the table. “I’m game, come show me which trail.”

  Taylor chuckled, “We don’t need a map, silly girl. I told you, I’ve been there before.”

  Kate gave him a weary look, “You said you hadn’t been since you were a kid. Do you honestly still remember how to get there?”

  “Of course I do.” He tapped the side of his head, “Steel trap.”

  Allie snorted, “Famous last words.” She leaned over the bar and handed me my drink. “Taylor, do you want a bloody mary?”

  He shook his head, “Is there stuff left for another michelada? I can make it myself.”

  I closed my eyes. Please don’t let Allie realize what he’d just let slip. Please. I cracked one eye to see Allie looking confused. “How did you know we had stuff for micheladas?”

  Taylor’s eyes got big, he pursed his lips. “I, uh, can clearly…see the ingredients for micheladas on the counter. You girls are just so silly in the morning.”

  Allie looked down at the tomato juice, lime and beer can in front of her, “Oh, okay.”

  Taylor got busy making himself a drink and I got busy drinking mine. I loved Allie, she was smart and successful and had the world’s best husband. But sometimes, she was naïve as hell. When we were in college she dated a drug dealer who was constantly getting into his own stash, for like three months. To this day she swears he was just independently wealthy and had ADHD.

  Chapter Ten:


  I was off my game. Way fucking off. I had spent the whole night wrapped around Liv like a damn pansy. I never did that. I had almost outted our little affair not once, but twice this morning. And then, 20 minutes into our hike I had been demoted to the back of the line. Apparently, my mind wasn’t a steel trap after all. Baily did not play around. The only positive thing going for me right now was that the back of the line gave me an amazing view of Livi’s ass in her teeny tiny cut off shorts. After what seemed like 100 miles, the thick woods gave way to the large open sandy lake entrance I remembered from my childhood. It was deserted, we were the only ones here, and the water looked so welcoming. Everyone started peeling off their sweaty clothes so they could get in the water and cool off. I watched Livi shimmy out of her shorts and pull off her tank top. Red bikini today. I walked up next to her, “Come swim with me.”

  She put her hand to her face to shield her eyes from the sun as she studied the lake. “Uh…no. I’ll wade out into the water with you, knee deep. But I don’t swim in lakes.”

  I made a face, “What? Why not?”

  She didn’t take her eyes off the water when she answered me. “Crocodiles, alligators, and/or piranhas.”

  I had to chuckle, “You’re joking right?”

  Kate laughed as she walked by us. “Oh, she’s serious. Liv watches way too many campy horror movies. I’m surprised she slept on the porch by herself last night. I was sure I’d feel her crawling into bed with Allie and me at some point. You know, murderers in hockey masks and all that.”

  Livi groaned, “Dammit Kate, Jason hadn’t even crossed my mind. Now it’s going to be all I can think about tonight.”

  Kate rolled her eyes as she walked away. I leaned down, placed my hand on Livi’s hip and put my mouth right next to her ear, “Don’t be silly Sugar, I’ll be all you can think about tonight. And I’ll keep you safe.” I picked her up, threw her over my shoulder, and headed into the water. I ignored her screams and threats. I didn’t put her down until I was waste deep, which meant she was about chest deep. The sandy bottom continued out to where we were standing.

  Livi punched me in the arm and switched positions with me so that she was closer to shore than I was. “Ass.”

  “There is nothing in this lake to be scared of. I’ve been coming here my whole life. And don’t even tell me that this cold water doesn’t feel amazing after that hike.” I circled around he
r, blocking her from shore.

  She switched positions with me again.

  I put my hands on my hips, “Why do you keep doing that? Are you going to try and make a break for the beach?”

  “No. I want you further out than I am. That way if something attacks, it’ll get you first.” She didn’t seem like she was joking.

  “Aren’t you just sweet as pie?” I sank down in the water up to my shoulders. “You want to know the very best thing about lake water?”

  “Flesh eating bacteria?”

  I gave her an annoyed look and reached for her legs. I wrapped her ankles around my hips. “No one can see what you are doing.” I watched her, carefully, looking for signs that she was uncomfortable or that I was taking it too far in front of her friends. But, because life had always been kind to me, she just smiled. She wrapped her legs tighter around me and then leaned back on the water. I was instantly hard. In my mind I pictured carrying her back to shore, spreading out a blanket and eating her for lunch. We stayed like that, connected, talking about nothing and everything until Cole came over and shoved my head under the water. “Come on Tay, let’s play some football.” Liv untangled her legs from mine, stole the ball cap off my head and headed back to shore. I jumped on Cole’s back, dunking him. I absentmindedly played ball with him and Baily, but my eyes kept searching out Livi. I couldn’t help myself. Maybe I really was smitten…Nah, I was just acting like a pussy because I hadn’t been in hers yet. Once this weekend was over, I’d be back to my normal awesome self. She had spread out a towel and was sitting next to Kate. They talked for a while but then she put my cap on and laid down. Seeing her laid out like that, her body glistening in the sun, it was like the beginning of the little fantasy I’d had earlier. I fought the urge to go lay next to her as long as I could…which was all of maybe 10 minutes. I made my way back to shore than then sat next to her, dripping water on her chest. “Are you sleeping?”


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