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His Royal Hugeness: A Rags-to-Royal Romance (Short & Steamy)

Page 5

by Alice May Ball

  Well, she was here now.

  I bounded off the bottom of the grand stairs, an equerry in footman fancy dress jumped out at me. Usually all the attendants wore black frock coats and white starched shirts. The colors and braid and stockings must have been for the ball.

  “Your Royal Highness,” he bowed from the waist. But he was in front of me.

  “Out of the way,” I tried to move around him but he barred my way.

  “The King has asked for you, Your Royal Highness. May I take you to him?”

  “You may not. You may help me or you may get out of the fucking way.” My voice was tensing up. Bad Prince, I told myself. Whatever one’s going through, it’s never okay to take it out on the staff. Damnit.

  The lovely and ample Lady Sonia flitted down the hallway and overheard. In waves of chiffons and sheer silks, she displayed her luscious curves to stunning effect. The rise and fall of her full, creamy breasts rustled the fabric and released her perfectly chosen scents and perfume.

  She dashed up to me. “Hugo.” She made a small curtesy and fluttered he eyelashes. That show was all for the benefit of the equerry. Lady Sonia and I were never so formal.

  She told the equerry, “I was with His Majesty just now and he mentioned that he wanted an audience with the Crown Prince. I can see you have much to do. I’ll conduct Prince Hugo.” She took my arm and steered me away. I wondered what she was up to. I was getting impatient.

  The equerry was in a difficult position but Lady Sonia had given enough of a way out. Without too much more formality he made a small bow of the head and went about his business. Lady Sonia had me by the arm and she quickly hustled me straight into a study nearby.

  “Look,” She shut the door behind her. Her voice was a low purr and her eyes glowed like coals as she leaned back on the paneled door. “I hear you aren’t coming to the ball,” her leg stretched and her open toed sandal pointed toward me and waggled.

  She raised the hem of her dress. Her thigh shimmered in the black stocking. Her breasts swelled. The tip of her tongue slipped out between her lips as her head tipped back. Stretching her long neck, her eyelids drooped as she said, “I wanted to show you some of what you’ll be missing,” her lip curled and her voice was smoky, “If you don’t,” and she leaned forward to show the deep cleavage between her magnificent tits as she moaned the word, “Come.”

  I held up both hands and made for the door. She advanced on me, padding across the floor like a royal tigress. “You should come, Prince Hugo.” Her chiffon began to part. She stood in front of me and licked her lips.

  “Let me help you to come.” And she began to kneel. “You can come with me.”

  “You’re very beautiful, Lady Sonia, and your charms are a royal delight.” I pulled her up to look in her eyes. “And your skills are a legend.”

  I gripped her by the arm.

  Her eyelids fluttered and her breath quickened, “Not nearly as much of a legend as your own massive Royal assets, my prince.”

  Her lips parted slowly. Pushing her breasts forward, holding them together she peered down at the huge bulge in my pants. Then back up into my eyes.

  “Could it fit between these, your royal highness?” And her eyebrow lifted as she shook her shoulders.

  Lady Sonia could raise the dead. Batting her eyelids like that, I swear, she could make statues in the palace’s ornamental gardens come. Not to mention the insistent heat of her firm and voluptuous body, pressed tantalizingly close to mine. Yes, there were ridiculous stories about the size of my royal rod. I’ve no idea who started them but it’s true, I encouraged them and made use of them. And, I have to admit, are mostly they’re all true.

  And Lady Sonia’s breath on my chest was enough to make my enormous cock throb and stiffen. My cock strained and ached inside the taut fabric of my pants. It buzzed with the pressure and it hardened until it was almost ready to burst.

  It wanted her, I can’t deny it. But I didn’t. She was not my true love. I might never find my true love again. I had been doing all that I could to resign myself to the fact, but having seen her through the window, knowing that she was in the palace grounds, I had to find her and have her. Nobody else would do. Not for me. Not now, not ever.

  I did my best to smile at Lady Sonia as I pulled her to her feet. She was beautiful, and she was a delight. And nobody could have been more persuasive. But I was unmoved.

  “I know that my father sent you. You’re on an errand from the King.”

  “True,” she said, “but that doesn’t mean that I didn’t want to find you.” She blinked again. “I wanted to come with you, Crown Prince Hugo. I hoped you would come with me.” She pressed her lips together and then wet them with her tongue as she moved even closer. “Can’t I get you to come?” Her eyelids drooped as she groaned the last word out.

  I pulled her, firmly but as gently as I could, to the door.

  “You’re a marvel, Lady Sonia. A true force of nature.”

  As I reached for the door handle, she said, “I know that your heart is taken.” There was no way that could have leaked out. Not even to the inner circle of the courtiers. I hadn’t mentioned anything. Not to her, not to anyone.

  “Oh, don’t look so shocked, your royal highness,” she smiled. “I know. I can see it in your eyes. I can almost hear it on your breath. You can’t keep anything from me.”

  It was true. I was shaken.

  She smiled. “Maybe nobody else knows. I haven’t heard anything.” And she touched my chest, “And I promise you, your royal highness, all of your secrets are completely safe and secure with me.”

  I believed her. Lady Sonia was one of the most honest and sincere people in the whole court. She asked again if she couldn’t persuade me to come to the ball. I told her, “No.”

  And I told her. How I had found the love of my life and lost her. But how she was here. Now. In the palace.

  The look on her face was a mixture of shock and giggling delight.

  “Then all the more reason that you should come to the ball.”

  I was pulling open the door and about to eject her when she said, “I know. I was teasing. Will you forgive me, Crown Prince? You know I really do have the fondest feelings for you.” and she pouted, prettily. “You have to find her. Right away. I get it.” then she stepped through the door and pulled on my sleeve, “I’ll help.”

  Crown Prince Hugo

  ADY SONIA knew a lot about back stairways,. She led me to one that went down to the kitchens and servants’ areas for the ballroom and state rooms. Her eyes flashed as she told me, “Don’t ask me how I know it.”

  She led me down the stairs and said, “If she’s serving, she’ll be in one of the preparation rooms down that corridor. Or, if she’s in the kitchens, they’re the other way.”

  “She will be serving, I’m sure of it.” Lady Sonia pulled my sleeve as she rushed us toward the end of the corridor. Red faced she looked back at me. “Come along…” and then she stopped and looked behind me.

  “You’re wrong. She’s in the kitchens.”

  Annoyed I said, “What, are you psychic now?”

  “No, I saw her. She went that way.”

  Now I was angry, “How would you possibly recognize her?”

  “I wouldn’t. But she recognized you and she started running, you idiot.” she pointed down the hallway. “Get after her.”

  My boots pounded the stone floor of the hallway. She was here. Those hips, those spectacular curves. Just the thought of her thighs, sheathed as I remembered them in black nylon, topped with the short, tight skirt.

  Knowing she was in the building and nearby sent my blood pumping. My throat was dry as I ran through the hallway and burst open every door on the way.

  “No!” Lady Sonia shouted after me. “Go to the end and tun right!”

  As I turned the corner I saw at the far and of that hallway, her fleeting foot vanishing down another turning. Four hundred and fifty rooms, I remembered, and three and a half miles of corr
idors. I ran faster.

  As my feet hammered the floor, I heard the clip of her heels on the stone ahead. When I made the turn, the corridor was a dead end. I stopped.

  “Come out.” I shouted. “You can’t escape now.” I used my best voice of royal command. Nothing moved. I thought about it. What I said was a bluff. The doors could all have led to rooms that led to other rooms. She could be a long way away. And commanding her hadn’t worked.

  “Come out!” I shouted again. “There’s something I need to tell you.” Nothing. Maybe she really had vanished down a warren of rooms and out of earshot.

  Silence. All the noise of clattering silver and crockery had stopped. There was nobody around, but my shouts had obviously found an audience. With difficulty, I waited. Standing my ground.

  One more try. “At least come out and tell me to my face that you don’t love me!”

  After a few moments, a door cracked open.

  My heart banged when I saw her face. Her eyes were moist and her cheeks were red. “Leave me alone.” Her breasts heaved. “Don’t make me lose another job.” I strode to her. She stepped back. I followed. She took another step back. She was backing into the chefs’ kitchen library.

  She held up both her hands. Her palms faced me. “Don’t make me lose another job. I can’t afford it.” Her voice trembled and her eyes widened as she backed toward the mahogany reading table, covered in books and scales and glass bowls.

  “I searched everywhere for you.” I closed the door. She was still backing away.

  “Not anywhere I was.”

  “No. Everywhere else, I guess. But now I’ve found you.”

  She couldn’t back away any farther. Her gorgeous ass was against the table. She leaned back as I came nearer. “Don’t.” She barely said the word.

  “I should have carried you away that night in the club.”

  “Maybe. But you didn’t.”

  “I wasn’t sure that you wanted it.”

  “Now it’s too late.”

  “It can’t be.” I roared and sprang to her. Her hands were against my chest. The heat of her body was so close I could feel the contours of her swelling breasts. Her twitching hips.

  Her pelvis against mine, my cock lengthened and fattened. Her breath came harder.

  My voice lowered. “I am your prince.” Her lips parted. “I need you. I need you to be my princess.”

  “It’s too late. I’m engaged to be married.”

  “No!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I clasped at my hair. Tugged in it and shouted. “When?”


  I stepped back, reeling. “Do you love him?”

  “No. I despise him.”

  “Then don’t do it.”

  “But I’ve promised. But that’s not it. I have to marry him.”

  “Why? For fuck’s sake, why?” I seized her shoulders.

  “Because he can destroy my father. He holds debts against my father. Really huge debts. And he’ll do it if I back out.”

  “But you don’t love him?”

  Her face crumpled in pain. It tore me up inside as the rims of her eyes reddened. “I hate him.”

  “Who is he?”

  When she told me, I saw the start of a red mist come down. It happened in battle sometimes. It led to a raging fury that some men believed gave them super strength. I knew that it came with super-bad judgement and I’d taught myself to push back. It wasn’t easy when you had no time to think and you needed to act fast.

  Doing that in combat seemed hard, but when the thing that made me mad was causing pain to the woman I wanted for my princess, the woman I wanted for my queen, it was nearly an impossible effort of sheer will.

  Her eyelids fluttered. I gathered her in my arms and pulled her to me. Careful not to crush her with the emotion that welled and swirled inside me, I kissed her. She held me.

  Her body responded like she’d been in need forever. Like I’d found her in captivity. This couldn’t be wrong. I couldn’t lose her again. I had to have her. Even as she tried to pull back, her leg curled around mine. The scent of her made me wild.

  A light shone in her eyes like the pleading sparkle of a young deer hunted into a clearing.

  I whispered. “It’s going to be alright. You’re mine. You’re going to be my princess.”

  Her face was agonized. She turned, trying to go. I held her tight.

  Then, miraculously, she pressed back. I held her neck, kissed her throat. I squeezed her breasts. She jumped and squealed, thrilled when I reached into her shirt and cupped her breast. She moaned as I rolled the lengthening bud of her hot nipple and tweaked it with my thumb and finger.

  Her wonderful ass ground against me. I will remember her trill squeak as she felt the enormous length of my fat, hard weapon. She rubbed the heavenly cleavage of her soft ass up and down the shaft of my desperate, hungry cock.

  While I held and kneaded her breast in one hand, and I whispered, “You’re so fucking beautiful,” softly on a warm breath into her ear, I pulled the length of my urgent snake, unsheathed it from the bondage of my pants.

  I knew I would have to keep restraint. I had guessed her secret and I wouldn’t violate that. Not now. I was growing certain that my fate and hers would share that journey, that our lives would ride that road. But now was not the time.

  But I had to feel her. Show her. Answer that call from her flower. Answer it with my hot hammer.

  I pressed, riding at the tops of her milky thighs, against her mound, along her hot, wet pussy. My eager royal rod jumped when I felt how wet her panties were. How hot. I pushed up to feel the contours of her lips against the underside of my rod.

  I sawed my hips and ground against her, through her skirt, teasing against her swelling bean. She dripped as she moaned. I kissed her hard. Deep. Wildly. As I stroked her soft stomach she rocked her hips, rubbing along the length of my cock and gripping it hard against her.

  “I’m going to have you. You’re going to be mine,” I told her. “It’s all going to be alright. You’ll be with me. As my princess. My bride.”

  Her head shook and her whole body vibrated. Her breaths faltered and jumped. I stroked her mouth with my thumb and she bit it. If there were any doubt, I think that’s the moment when I knew that I was in love.

  Her hands grasped at my arms, dragging me closer, then pushed at my chest to keep me away. Then she gripped me ass and pulled me to her. I lifted her to the table. Hitched her skirt high.

  “You mustn’t.” she whispered. Almost a breath. When my teeth ripped her tights, the scent of her swirled my head like a drug. I tore her panties aside.

  Her voice was almost inaudible. She said, “You mustn’t.” But her fingers clasped in my hair. Her thighs clenched around my ears. Her hips rocked against my wide, flattened, tongue, pushing her petals into my mouth.

  I held her ass and pulled her to me, lavished long licks along the length of her lips. My mouth buried into her delta and I suckled on her mound and her hood. Her hips jumped as my lips teased and pulled on her clit.

  She held my head as she sat on the edge of the table. Her legs lifted over my shoulders. Hung down my back.


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