The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy Page 14

by P. A. Priddey

  Skye glanced at him. ‘Did you actually expect us to offer to work here?’

  ‘No. I only hoped and was very nervous,’ said Alex. ‘Then I thought Paige was going to ruin it all.’

  Luella raised a brow. ‘But she’s always been your closest friend.’

  ‘He left me, and lied to me in a letter,’ said Paige. ‘The next time I saw him he was a millionaire playboy, or so I thought.’

  ‘I was hardly that, rich yes, but nowhere near being a playboy,’ said Alex. ‘Could I become one now as I have so many children?’

  Claire put a couple of books into her holdall. ‘You’re not bringing any strange women here.’

  ‘You mean any more strange women,’ said Alex.

  ‘Well,’ said James, ‘the women at the Order were almost throwing themselves at you.’

  ‘That’s true, maybe I should move in there for a bit.’

  ‘Papa,’ said Sarin, ‘you will do no such thing.’

  Alex smiled at her. ‘I’m only joking, sweetheart. I did after all get these monsters to move in here just to keep you happy.’

  ‘You’re OK, as Carrie scared them off,’ said James, which got a few raised eyebrows off those who knew of the problem.

  ‘We did get her to do it,’ said Claire.

  ‘And was most welcome, too,’ said Alex.

  ‘Why?’ said Michelle. ‘There were some very attractive women there.’

  ‘After a few weeks she would be nagging me not to go out with other women every night.’

  ‘We don’t nag,’ said Skye, ‘we give you our opinions.’

  ‘You don’t,’ said Alex, ‘but it’s highly unlikely that I’d be in a relationship with any of you.’

  ‘That’s true,’ said Michelle, ‘but what does relationships have to do with it?’

  ‘I was friends with Paige for so long, but she never nagged me once until she moved here.’

  Paige frowned. ‘I haven’t nagged you.’

  ‘You had me changing clothes seventy-eight times in one day.’

  ‘Three times, you liar.’

  ‘What about Livvy?’ said James. ‘She had so much black make up on you would have thought she was from the Dark World.’

  ‘I thought she looked lovely,’ said Alex.

  ‘You know,’ said Adhara, ‘a campfire would be a much better place to talk about this.’

  Alex smiled. ‘I guess you’re right.’


  Carrie watched the bags vanish as house took them to the Elf World. She thought about the women of the Order, she wasn’t jealous as she knew he was only joking. Alex wasn’t like that, and it was one of the reasons she loved him so much. What did get to her was the night they moved in and when he said his feelings didn’t matter, had he saw the future then? She wondered if it was such a good idea to be going, but as there would be a lot of them, she felt safe. It would be easy to keep her distance from Alex. She also knew she would hate spending another week away from him and the children. She felt a hand on her arm, it was Paige.

  ‘Are you feeling any better?’

  Carrie shrugged. ‘So, so, just trying to get on with it.’

  ‘I reckon this trip will be good for you.’

  ‘I hope so, I could do with some fun.’


  It was late afternoon when Alex put each of the children onto a horse and Talitha hugged him with delight. The large group and many pack horses set off with nine wolves leading the way. The three ancient goblins also rode along with them. Zakora did not want to leave his kind but his brothers persuaded him. They travelled over rolling hills for three hours when Torgon called a halt. Alex saw a small wood and an oddly shaped crystal structure. It stood two feet high with crystals pointing out from it in all directions with some flat round circles on the top.

  Torgon dismounted. ‘This is where we camp for the night.’

  ‘What’s that?’ said James, pointing at the structure.

  ‘It’s a camp fire,’ said Torgon. ‘You need something to sit around at night.’

  ‘I did wonder where we were going to tell the children scary stories.’

  ‘You’ll do no such thing,’ said Blaze, as she dismounted.

  ‘Yes, we have to hear them,’ said Adhara, as Alex helped her off her horse.

  The packs were taken off the horses as well as the saddles, and they were left to graze untethered. The tents were all being erected, they were supposed to be two birth tents but looked more like four births. There were two larger tents for the children and great ladies. Morven would not be sleeping in there as she would share with Adair. Livvy and Donna had their own tent, but Blaze would be sharing with the other great ladies as they all thought she was one.

  Henrik pointed at a tent. ‘Yours, and Lady Carrie’s tent is ready.’

  Alex almost froze. ‘Thank you.’ Is all he could say, and saw panic in Carrie’s face.

  ‘Did you plan this?’ she asked

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, you have this one, I’ll get another.’

  Carrie grabbed his arm before he could walk off. ‘No, we’ll be fine.’

  ‘It’s OK, it wouldn’t be the best idea for us to share.’

  ‘I don’t care, most of them are expecting us to share. If you go and get another one for yourself, it might dampen the adventure.’

  Alex put his arm around her. ‘You’re probably right, and I promise to behave,’

  ‘You always have,’ said Carrie, sadly.


  Luella glanced across the camp at Alex and Carrie. ‘They just can’t help themselves.’

  Blaze put her bag down. ‘I think they would make a wonderful couple.’

  ‘We all do, but it can never happen.’

  Blaze scratched her head. ‘Why ever not?’

  ‘We will tell you everything soon as we can get into our tent.’


  ‘I’ll take first watch tonight,’ said Alex.

  Thalion picked up a basket. ‘There’s no need for that here.’

  ‘Oh, but there is, as this is the children’s adventure.’

  Thomas sat on the ground and took off his boot to get a stone out. ‘I’ll be taking first watch with him.’

  ‘And I’m next,’ said Adhara.

  Carrie stroked her hair. ‘Would you like to do that with me?’

  ‘Yes please.’

  ‘Well,’ said Thalion, ‘on any adventure you need to find food, so who’s coming with me to get some?’ He shook the basket, and the children followed him.

  Claire stepped out of her tent and glanced around. ‘Where do we get cleaned up?’

  ‘All the camp sites are prepared for such things,’ said Torgon, and pointed. ‘There’s a pool through that grove of trees.’

  ‘Can we swim in it?’ Carrie asked.

  ‘Yes, it is very calming.’

  Michelle winked. ‘Did you bring your bikini, Cas?’

  ‘I don’t think so, but will I need it?’

  ‘I hope you’re going to do you’re swimming after we’ve cleaned up,’ said Alex and went into their tent with his bag.

  ‘Lots of room in here,’ said Carrie, as she followed him inside.

  ‘I could get a curtain of some sort to act like a wall put up in here.’

  Carrie almost choked. ‘Don’t you want to look at me anymore?’

  ‘Of course I do, but I meant for changing.’

  Carrie sat with elbows on her knees. ‘It doesn’t bother me what you see, you’ve already seen me in my bikini and underwear.’

  ‘Yeah, but you’ll be changing out of them.’

  ‘I don’t care anymore.’

  ‘What’s wrong?’ said Alex, as he sat down next to her.

  Carrie leant into him. ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  ‘Is there no one for you?’ he asked.

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I heard Livvy and Donna saying they would find someone for you.’

  Carrie shivered, as she never ex
pected him to say that. ‘No, and I don’t want anyone,’ she lied.

  ‘You’re the most beautiful woman in the world, and there will be so many who would want to be with you.’

  ‘What?’ said Carrie. ‘I think you tease me, but no, I’m not bothered in finding anyone.’

  ‘I know what it feels like to be lonely,’ said Alex. ‘I’m a loner, and loneliness is my only friend.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Carrie asked.

  ‘Just something I used to tell myself.’

  Carrie could see his sadness and kissed his cheek. ‘Don’t worry about me, as I said I’m used to it.’

  ‘Well, I don’t know if they call it second best or something else, but you’ll always have me for company.’

  Carrie wondered if he really was an enchanter as he could always say the right thing. ‘Is there anyone for you?’

  ‘No, I thought there was, but it wasn’t to be.’

  ‘Then you’ll always have me,’ said Carrie, and her mood lifted.

  ‘So, are we ready to enjoy this adventure?’

  ‘Yes, I’m looking forward to it now, but shouldn’t we make it look more perilous though?’

  Alex winked. ‘I’ve already sorted that.’

  ‘You two were in there a long time,’ said James.

  ‘We were talking,’ said Alex, ‘or should I say I was begging.’

  ‘Begging for what or shouldn’t I ask?’

  ‘For a curtain to be put up, but Carrie would have none of it.’

  Adair shook his head. ‘Why would you want to do that?’

  ‘For when she gets changed.’

  ‘Ha-ha, this is going to be along adventure for you,’ said Adair, and put his arm around Carrie. ‘Make him suffer.’

  ‘Thanks a lot, Uncle, I might just put the curtain idea to Morven.’

  ‘Don’t you dare, or I might make all of Carrie’s nightwear disappear.’

  Carrie winked. ‘Who said I brought any.’


  Luella stood watching in disbelief, before going into her tent where Daralis had told Blaze everything.

  ‘Is there any chance it might be just a dream?’ Blaze asked.

  Luella shook her head. ‘I hoped that was the case until I spoke to Alex earlier, and he had the same dream only with Carrie dying.’

  ‘That might actually help,’ said Aileen.

  Morven raised a brow. ‘How can that help?’

  ‘Alex will not tell Carrie how he feels if there is any chance it would cause her death.’

  ‘So we didn’t have to hurt him like we did,’ said Livvy.

  ‘Yes,’ said Luella, as they looked out the tent. ‘Every barrier is important, not that you would notice by looking at them.’

  Orlaith shook her head. ‘They’re holding Hands.’

  ‘What are they playing at?’ Briana asked.

  ‘Making the best of a bad situation,’ said Luella.

  ‘We will just have to keep an eye on them.’

  Daralis gave a sarcastic laugh. ‘That might be a little hard as they are sharing a tent.’

  Aileen shrugged. ‘Well, they might make this trip interesting.’

  Daralis turned to her. ‘Are you not enjoying this?’

  ‘For the most part, yes. All the horse riding can get tiresome, and no pucas of course.’

  Blaze opened her bag. ‘I might be able to help there.’ She took the crystal ball out of her pack.

  ‘Wonderful,’ said Briana, ‘can we check on the pucas now?’

  Daralis sighed. ‘We only left a few hours ago.’

  ‘I know, but I need to know why they didn’t want to come.’

  ‘Don’t you need candles and stuff?’ Livvy asked.

  ‘No, I can do it anywhere now, as long as it’s not too bright,’ said Blaze, and put the pack in the middle of the tent with the ball on top of it. ‘Locate the nearest pucas.’

  The image on the ball was not of the elf kingdom, the cottages, or the mansion as they expected. The image was of a field with the pucas having fun riding horses.

  Briana’s eyes grew big. ‘What on earth are they doing?’

  ‘Enjoying themselves by the looks of it,’ said Luella. ‘It looks like James was correct.’

  Orlaith laughed. ‘I’ve never seen them do that before.’

  ‘It would have been hard for them to do that before they came here.’ Luella glanced up. ‘House, how far away are they?’

  About five miles, but they are not coming here.

  ‘Where are they going?’

  Around us so they can get ahead.

  ‘Why would they do that?’

  ‘Alex,’ said Aileen, ‘I saw him talking to them this morning.’

  ‘House, could you ask him to come here please?’ said Luella.

  It would be my pleasure.

  ‘It’s very funny to watch,’ said Aileen.

  ‘Yes, but it’s not like them,’ said Briana.

  ‘Knock, knock,’ said Alex, from outside the tent.

  ‘Come in,’ said Daralis.

  ‘You summoned me, Mother,’ said Alex.

  Luella pointed at the ball. ‘Could you explain this to us?’

  ‘Oh wow,’ said Alex, ‘look at them, and they make great horses, too.’

  ‘I never even noticed that,’ said Briana.

  ‘Flax is on Gort, and she’s having great fun.’

  Luella stared at him. ‘Is this your idea?’

  ‘Both really, we wanted to make this feel like a real adventure for the children.’

  ‘How are they going to help?’ Blaze asked.

  Alex smiled. ‘You’re going to start seeing monsters soon.’

  ‘You can’t frighten the children like that.’

  ‘It will be the pucas frightening, them not me. They won’t be able to come too close or the children will know.’

  ‘It could be fun,’ said Aileen.

  Alex nodded. ‘If they do get frightened, they will jump straight in your arms.’

  ‘You’re a bad man,’ said Blaze, ‘and I must be a bad woman for liking the idea.’


  The Children’s Great Adventure

  The elves cooked the food on the crystal structure. Those from the kitchen were not allowed as they were on holiday. They didn’t seem to mind, but it did not stop Summer from watching with great interest as pots were placed on the flat part of the structure, and the contents soon bubbled. The children were very pleased with the food they gathered.

  Torgon glanced at them. ‘I hope you got enough as Birkaz is with us.’

  The goblin raised his ears. ‘I don’t eat that much normally.’

  James grinned at him. ‘Are you sleeping in a tent tonight or in the pool?’

  ‘I’ve had enough of water for many lifetimes.’

  ‘You would like our lakes and pools,’ said Thalion, ‘the water is good for you.’

  Birkaz huffed. ‘I’ll take your word for it.’

  ‘It would be nice,’ said Korzak. ‘I have not been swimming since we moved to our world.’

  Henrik turned to him. ‘Why’s that?’

  ‘Because of the fish and water snakes in them. I saw one goblin fishing in a lake, he got a bite, and tried to pull the fish out. It, however, decided it didn’t want to come out, and pulled him in. The strangest thing is that he could have just let go of the rod. He looked like he was bouncing on the water, but it was just the amount of fish trying to get the poor fella which kept him afloat for a while.’

  Alex’s eyes grew big. ‘You could have saved that for one of the stories we’ll be telling around the camp fire.’

  ‘That’s horrible,’ said Birkaz. ‘It is one thing to make up a story, but you can’t tell the children of something that really happened.’

  ‘I didn’t think of you as someone who liked children,’ said Alex, ‘you scare mine.’

  ‘Birkaz might act like an ogre,’ said Zakora, ‘but when it comes to the young ones he
’s as soft as a puca.’

  Birkaz raised his ears again. ‘How do I frighten your children?’

  ‘You appear grumpy a lot.’

  ‘That’s because I’m trying to get used to not being a fish.’

  Alex laughed. ‘I’m sure it will change when they get to know you.’

  Birkaz huffed. ‘What, and call me Uncle Grumpy?’

  ‘They do that anyway,’ said James.

  ‘Stop being horrible,’ said Adair, ‘He guarded that chest for a long time.’

  Before the meal the women took the children to the pool, not just to wash but for a swim before it turned dark. When they returned Carrie was wearing a sarong and her bikini which she had brought after all.

  ‘That’s cheating,’ said Alex, as he went into the tent after her, and wished he hadn’t as she was bending over.

  ‘What’s cheating?’ Carrie asked.

  ‘I was too scared to go to the pool as I thought you had forgotten your bikini,’ said Alex, and Carrie just dropped to her bedding and burst out laughing.

  ‘I’ll get my revenge,’ said Alex, as he left the tent.

  After the meal it started to go dark and many of them had changed into night-clothes. Carrie put on black silk pyjamas and sat next to Alex. The crystal structure glowed and started to look like a fire. In the distance Alex could see a shape moving, it looked like a giant troll. It was not like one they had fought, but like one from a film he had seen. He had a look of horror on his face.

  ‘What is it, papa?’ Talitha asked.

  Alex pointed. ‘Look.’

  Talitha stared into the darkness and in the next instant she was on his lap trying to hide. The other children also looked, and were soon in the arms of the nearest adult.

  Torgon scratched his head. ‘A troll, I’ve never seen one so close.’

  ‘Strange how big they look,’ said Alex, as he wondered if pucas could do that, and turned to Adair who winked.

  ‘There’s more than one of them,’ said James.

  ‘They won’t come here will they?’ said Adhara, who was clinging to Blaze.

  ‘No,’ said Torgon, ‘they wouldn’t come near us, as there’s too much powerful magic here.’


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