The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy Page 21

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘You gonna let me lead a group and not one yourself?’

  Joseph smiled. ‘James is the general and is leading all four groups.’


  The goblins were searching through the parchments, and the first task was finding the right worlds. The names of the worlds were encrypted, and they all had different encryptions. Once they had worked out what one world was, and if it was the wrong one it would go back in the chest. The divining stone could only work if asked the right question, and the question was also on the parchment. It was a long process and none of them knew there were so many worlds.

  Birkaz rubbed his eyes. ‘Why did they have to make it so complicated?’

  ‘In case they fell into the wrong hands,’ said Zakora.

  Korzak unrolled a parchment. ‘I would rather do this than what the devil will have to do.’

  Birkaz nodded. ‘You won’t get any arguments from me.’

  Korzak looked at his brother. ‘Will we be going to the dragon world with them?’

  ‘Of course, we have old friends there.’

  ‘You believe they’re still alive?’

  Birkaz shrugged. ‘I hope so.’

  Korzak watched Zakora pick up a pad and write something down. ‘Have you found something?’

  ‘No, not really. I’m writing down the locations to all the other worlds. We should document them, as it might come in handy one day.’


  Lorbronika waited patiently and with some interest as Drosca prepared his food. The victim’s screams was ear shattering which pleased the devil before it fed, the victim did not die as the devil was on its own world.

  Drosca glanced at the ghostly spectre. ‘Does it disgust you the way I feed?’

  Are you forgetting what I am? It is a shame it wasn’t the others you did that to.

  ‘So what do I need to know about the underworld?’

  Many of your victims will be there, and you will have a lot of enemies who will want you to fail. They will try trapping you down there.

  ‘How can they do that?’

  Many ways, if you cross over certain boundaries or go into a wrong room your spirit will be trapped there with them. They will be goading you and trying to trick you. Do not lose your temper once and always listen to me or you will die.


  After the children were put to bed Alex and Carrie sat on one of the sofas, both thinking what to say to the others. They were getting strange looks from some, but they sat there in silence.

  Adair watched them. ‘OK what’s going on?’

  Alex glanced over at him. ‘How do you mean, Uncle?’

  ‘You two have been up to something, I can tell.’

  Aileen glanced at Carrie who shook her head.

  ‘No, we haven’t,’ said Alex, ‘but the children know about the trip to the dragon world as they saw it in a dream too.’

  ‘They can do that?’

  ‘You were not here when Alex went back in time,’ said Blaze, ‘the girls screamed believing he had left them. They might be sensing something is wrong.’

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, it’s something else, and they could see three others who could come with us.’

  ‘That’s good news,’ said Adair, ‘did they say who?’

  ‘Yeah, and it’s not good news, two of them are Rho and Chi.’

  Rho looked up. I thought you would be pleased about that.

  ‘I’m very pleased, my friend. It’s the third person which doesn’t make me happy, and if I don’t tell, we can go without her,’ said Alex, and stood. ‘I’m going for a run?’

  ‘You can’t keep the name secret,’ said Adair, ‘the children will tell us.’

  Alex walked towards the party room, with a few others and the wolves.

  Carrie turned towards Adair. ‘He’s almost pleading with you not to ask, so please don’t push it or you will only have yourself to blame.’

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ The wizard asked.

  ‘He believes if the person doesn’t know, they don’t have to go. Let’s just leave it at that,’ said Carrie, and chased after them.


  Daralis got herself a drink, and stared at her brother. ‘What’s got into you lately?’

  Adair looked taken aback. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Your mood has been so bad it could turn all the milk sour.’

  ‘He’s my nephew, who saved me. I have to watch him go fight god knows what without being able to help. Of course I’m unhappy.’

  ‘I understand that, but he has to do it and could do with your support rather than your anger.’

  Adair sighed. ‘I’m not angry, I’m frightened for them.’

  ‘Maybe you should show that instead of letting him go off with memories of you always being moody.’

  ‘You’re right, and I know that,’ said the wizard, as he sagged back down on the sofa.

  ‘Who do you think the other person is?’ Blaze asked.

  ‘Well he said she,’ said Joseph, ‘but why would he be so worried he couldn’t tell us her name?’

  ‘It could be one of the children,’ said George.

  ‘No,’ said Blaze, ‘Alex would have said straight away, and we would all have stopped her trying to go.’

  ‘It could be you,’ said Briana.

  Blaze smiled. ‘I would gladly go with them, and I know what weapon I would take as I’ve been called a battle-axe on many occasions.’

  Adhara walked down the stairs. ‘I know who has to go with them, but papa doesn’t want me to tell you.’

  Adair stood and picked her up. ‘It’s OK, honey, we will not ask you.’

  ‘You’re not upset with papa anymore?’ Adhara asked.

  ‘I was never upset with your papa, just upset that I can’t help him.’

  ‘Papa is upset because of who has to go with them, and I have to tell you because he won’t.’


  I think you should slow down, said Rho, even we are starting to lose touch with you.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ said Alex, as he slowed and stopped.

  Claire caught up with them. ‘What are you running from?’

  ‘The mansion.’

  Paige bent to get her breath back. ‘Are you going to tell us who?’

  Alex shook his head. ‘Not at the moment,

  Claire wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. ‘If it was in a dream then it will happen, as you keep telling us.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘It wasn’t in my dream.’

  ‘That’s a rubbish excuse, and you know it.’

  ‘No, it’s not. I know my dream will come true because I’ll be going there, where the children will most definitely not be.’

  ‘But you believe Rho and Chi will?’

  ‘I’m hoping they will be meeting us in there.’

  ‘They’re not going in with you?’ said Paige.

  ‘No, and neither will the other person, I believe they have to make their own way,’ said Alex. ‘I would trust anyone to be safe with the wolves, but there might be too many for them to fight and protect her at the same time.’

  ‘If it was me would you say?’

  ‘Yes, because you’re a warrior, and would be able to keep up with the wolves. The woman the girls dreamed of is not a fighter as far as I know, and won’t be able to use her powers.’

  ‘I know who it is,’ said Carrie. ‘The only reason I haven’t told you is so you don’t feel like I do about it, but if you really want to know I’ll tell you.’

  Claire shook her head. ‘It’s OK, Cas, I don’t like the idea of them going myself now.’

  James leant on a wooden fence. ‘There might be more dreams to come before then anyway.’

  They ran back only to find Luella standing there with hands on hips. ‘Well, are you going to tell us?’

  Alex poured himself a drink. ‘I wasn’t planning on it.’

  ‘We already know,’ said Adair, ‘and I can understand why you didn’t tell us.’r />
  ‘It’s not going to happen,’ said Alex.

  ‘Yes, it is, and I’m going with you whether you like it or not,’ said Luella. ‘Do you think so little of me that you demand I stay behind?’

  ‘It’s because I think so much of you, and you’re magic won’t work.’

  ‘Some of it will, like my healing powers and my shield.’

  ‘I didn’t know you could make a shield.’

  Luella shrugged. ‘I’ve been practicing with Kristina and Millie. You’re my son and I will do anything to keep you safe.’

  Alex raised a brow. ‘That’s what worries me.’

  Luella laughed. ‘Isn’t that the reason you’re going . . . to protect those you love?’

  Alex smiled. ‘I know, but it doesn’t feel right to be worrying about you going on an adventure.’

  James sat next to Asima. ‘I thought magic didn’t work on the dragon world.’

  ‘Only in certain areas,’ said Adair. ‘From what I remember of the old world, dragons are protected against magic that could harm them. I believe this has something to do with Alex and Carrie being the only ones going that way, as Luella and the wolves have to take a different path.’

  ‘Alex could just fly there,’ said James, ‘and cut all the rest of it out.’

  Alex noticed a small shape hiding behind a sofa. ‘I wish, but I saw it in a dream.’

  Adair stroked his beard. ‘I believe it has to do with the forest they go through, it must be enchanted, and most likely where the dragons keep their eggs safe.’

  Claire scratched her head. ‘Can someone explain to me what’s going on? I don’t understand any of this.’

  ‘Well,’ said James, ‘apparently Alex had a dream where he managed to get Carrie alone for a while, but the children also had a dream so they could get Luella to chaperone them.’

  Adhara stood and glanced over the sofa. ‘It’s nothing like that.’

  Alex reached over the back of the sofa and picked her up. ‘So you’re the snitch.’

  Adhara lowered her head. ‘Sorry, Papa, but we had to tell them.’

  ‘It’s OK, honey,’ said Alex, ‘but how can you see it in your dream when you won’t be anywhere near that world?

  ‘It was your dream we saw, and you blocked nana out of it.’

  ‘You can see my dreams?’

  ‘That’s the only one we ever saw, and we were asleep so it’s not our fault.’

  Alex laughed. ‘I know . . . I’ve had many dreams I could do nothing about.’ He put her down so she could run up to her sisters in bed.

  Claire looked up. ‘It still hasn’t answered my question.’

  ‘Which part?’ said James. ‘None of us know why it’s just those five.’

  Joseph clasped his hands together. ‘I can think of one connection, but that doesn’t account for Carrie.’

  ‘And what’s that?’ Claire asked.

  ‘Siphon, as Luella and the wolves were with him for a long time, and many believe Alex is him.’

  Michelle grinned. ‘If Alex is Siphon, then it could be that Carrie has slept with him on many occasions.’

  Joseph nodded. ‘That could be true.’

  ‘There you go, Claire,’ said Alex, trying to keep a straight face, ‘it looks like there’s a way you can come with us.’

  ‘That’s not funny, as I would do it if I thought it would help.’ Claire glanced at James who had a big smile. ‘You’re better off taking him.’

  James coughed. ‘There’s no way I’m taking Carrie’s place in his bed.’

  Carrie shook her head. ‘There’s plenty of room for both of you.’

  Blaze turned to Alex. ‘Look what you’ve started.’

  ‘I know, but they are fighting to get in my bed.’

  ‘Hardly,’ said Claire, ‘I believe you’ll find we’re fighting to keep out of it.’

  ‘Don’t worry, if it could’ve worked you would have been in my dream.’

  Adair picked a glass up off the table. ‘Now, if you’ve stopped trying to embarrass each other can we discuss the other part of the children’s dream?’

  Alex sat. ‘That’s coming from the man who told Carrie to make me suffer when we were camping.’

  ‘It was quite amusing, and we were on holiday.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘The children say Mother, Rho and Chi enter the forest a different way than we do.’

  ‘From what I’ve worked out, they miss out half the forest, so why can’t you go that way too?’

  ‘I don’t know, and probably won’t find out until we get there.’


  Let the Battle Begin

  After breakfast the following morning, elves appeared. They had enchanted power stones which could detect portals, and as they were elves, they called them portal stones.

  Thalion held a stone up, which was two inches long and made from clear crystal. ‘It works on one of the portals we tried on our world, but we should try on those over here.’

  Alex rubbed his chin. ‘Have you tried looking for others on your world?’

  Thalion passed him the stone. ‘They are doing that now with another portal stone as this one’s yours.’

  ‘Thank you, what range does it have?’

  ‘About a mile,’ said Torgon.

  Adair raised a brow. ‘That’s a good distance.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Let’s give it a try at the Order.’

  James winked. ‘Maybe I should come with you.’

  George raised an eyebrow. ‘You’re not thinking of spying on them are you?’

  ‘I would never do anything like that,’ said James, as many more elves appeared.

  Alex pointed with his thumb. ‘Looks like you’re going to be busy.’

  Victor was waiting for them when they arrived. He had jeeps ready which pleased the elves as they had never been in one before. They drove to the mountain because Alex wanted to see how the stone worked as they approached it.

  ‘Just hold it in your hand,’ said Torgon, and when we’re in range it will start to glow.’

  Alex did and nearly dropped it when it vibrated. ‘I believe you forgot to tell me about that.’

  ‘Oh yes, when you’re in range it does that for a few seconds, and will do it again when you go out of range.’

  ‘How far away are we?’ Alex asked, as he couldn’t see the mountain through the trees either side of the road.

  ‘Two miles, my lord,’ said the driver.

  Alex glanced over at Torgon. ‘The range is further than you thought.’

  ‘Yes, it would appear so.’

  ‘It might be your power influencing it,’ said Adair.

  Alex studied the stone, which now had a white glow to it. ‘I know it sounds weird, but it’s almost as if it likes me.’

  Torgon nodded. ‘Power stones have been known to favour some more than others.’

  The portal stone turned brighter as they approached the observatory, and they climbed out of the jeeps. Inside was more of a barracks than an observatory. There were only four soldiers inside, and Victor told one to read out the spell which closed the portal. The stone in Alex’s hand shone even brighter when he approached. It vibrated gently and not only did the portal appear they could see on the other side.

  ‘This is a mighty gift,’ said Alex, as he saw the soldiers on the Goblin World.

  Thalion raised both eyebrows. ‘It really does like you . . . it never did that on the portal we tried.’

  ‘I have a new friend,’ said Alex, and thanked the stone.

  ‘Will some of your soldiers here be going with you,’ said Victor, ‘when you travel to this other world?’

  ‘I hope so, but I’ve a feeling guns won’t be allowed on those worlds.’

  ‘They are all skilled at hand-to-hand combat and can use most other weapons.’

  ‘Then some will come with us.’

  ‘Why no guns?’ said Adair. ‘They can take them on the Goblin World.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘Dunno, it’s
just a feeling. It’s something to do with my dream and the other world we have to travel through.’

  Adair rubbed his beard. ‘We will have to be careful on what size army we take, as it might look like an invasion.’

  ‘We’ll be taking at least two hundred, as some of the dwarves want to come with us.’

  ‘We don’t have many horses, said Victor, ‘if you’re going to take them.’

  ‘We have plenty,’ said Thalion, ‘as do the dwarves who don’t like riding them.’

  Alex put the stone in his shirt pocket. ‘Have they built any wagons to move their people around?’

  Torgon smiled. ‘Yes, and it’s something they’re good at.’

  ‘We’ll need a few of them, and at least one of your carriages.’


  James watched the elves practice against the women, and had to cover his eyes as their paintball suits were covered in yellow paint. They had got trounced, but most of them had never used the guns before. They were chosen because of their speed and agility, but trying to fire an alien weapon was slowing them down. The elves looked at him like a bunch of school children caught doing something wrong, and he sent them back in. He walked back to the mansion where two elves were sitting at a table outside.

  Roscoe looked up. ‘I don’t think it’s doing their confidence much good.’

  ‘Not at the moment, but in the end it will,’ said James. ‘There’s no chance of them beating the women, but they will get hits which is what they need.’

  ‘It is a strange strategy,’ said Marakus.

  James sat facing the woods. ‘To be the best you must compete against the best, that’s what I was always told. One victory against someone who is better at something than you are is very important, and it doesn’t matter how small that victory is.’

  ‘Don’t you think it would be better to take it easy on them and build their confidence that way?’

  ‘The Order will not be taking it easy on them, they’ll be merciless, and they’re all crack shots.’

  ‘And you believe we can pick it up fast enough to defeat them?’


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