The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy Page 23

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘If I fail, I die.’

  ‘Then let us make a deal.’

  Do not make any deals until you know what information it has, said Lorbronika.

  The dead devil growled. ‘I know what you seek, the dead whisper about it. I can tell you where the one portal is and the spell to the other.’

  ‘What good is that?’ Drosca asked.

  ‘It will be enough to get you into both worlds, as you don’t need the spell to get into the first world when you use Dagur’s magic.’

  ‘I cannot do that if the portal does not show.’

  ‘Just stand in front of where it should be and think of this image,’ the devil said and touched Drosca’s head as an image came into his mind of another world.

  ‘What about the dragon world?’

  ‘It is near the mountains, and all you have to do is say the first part of the spell when you’re close enough, and it will show, but you will have to finish the spell to enter. That’s the best information you will get down here, so take it or leave it.’

  ‘Then I accept,’ said Drosca.

  The dead devil’s hand plunged into Drosca’s chest and pulled something out. Drosca was doubled up in pain, and when he looked up his own spirit was floating there.

  ‘I will return it to you, when you bring me back.’

  You impatient fool, said Lorbronika.

  ‘What difference does it make? If I fail I will be coming here anyway, and I’m hungry,’ said Drosca, and got his information before leaving.


  Medieval World

  The goblins walked down the hall and Korzak waved some papers in the air. ‘We have it.’

  Alex glanced up from the game of pool he was playing against Victor. ‘Which part?’

  ‘Everything there was to find. The portals and spells to the first world, and the spell to the dragon world.’

  Zakora also held up some paper. ‘I have this for the Order.’

  ‘What is it?’ said Victor.

  ‘Locations to where all the portals are on this world.’

  Alex put his cue on the table. ‘Are there many of them?’

  ‘Yes indeed, most countries have one, and there’s even a couple in the sea.’

  ‘What about the location of the portal to the Dragon World?’

  ‘No,’ said Korzak. ‘You have to get that information from someone on the first world, and he probably knows the spell too.’

  ‘We better get ready,’ said James.

  ‘You might want to hear about these worlds first,’ said Birkaz.

  ‘Technology is forbidden, and will not pass through the portal,’ said Zakora. ‘Your powers will work on the first world, and some might on the Dragon World but not all of them.’

  Alex nodded. ‘We had an idea that might be the case, so what are the ones who live on the first world like?’

  ‘Hard to say,’ said Birkaz. ‘The humans who went there were peaceful, but that was two thousand years ago.’

  ‘They might have their own technology now,’ said James.

  ‘I wouldn’t expect to find any,’ said Birkaz, ‘as the world was not designed for it. Many humans from here went there because the Romans were conquering everyone.’

  ‘They are a peaceful race then?’ said Alex.

  ‘Races, as humans from the old world went there too.’

  James rubbed his chin. ‘Will the Order’s soldiers be able to wear their uniforms?’

  Victor shrugged. ‘We have clothes like yours already made.’

  Alex considered it. ‘It might be a good idea if Birkaz and I go and have a quick look.’

  Birkaz nodded. ‘Yes, that would be best.’

  ‘Where are the portals?’ Alex asked.

  ‘One in a country you call France,’ said Korzak, ‘and the other is on the Dwarf World.’

  ‘The Dwarf World it is, as it would look strange if we tried taking an army through in France.’

  Paige looked him up and down. ‘You might want to get changed before you go over there.’

  ‘I will do it after as House can hide us.’

  No, said the spirit.

  ‘No?’ said Alex.

  I believe Sammy would like to do it.

  Sammy jumped up off a sofa. ‘Yes, I would love to do it.’

  Alex smiled at her. ‘Come on then, let’s go visit a medieval world.’

  The three appeared on the Dwarf World near where the portal should be as the description wasn’t very accurate, and Alex took out his portal stone.

  ‘It can’t be that far away,’ said Birkaz, and after a few minutes the stone vibrated.

  ‘We’re close,’ said Alex, as the stone started to glow.

  Sammy glanced around at the empty fields. ‘Couldn’t we put armies outside both portals and just stop the devil that way?’

  ‘I did think about that, but as I’ve had the dream it’s probably already gone through,’ said Alex, as the stone turned brighter, and the portal appeared showing them what was on the other side. He saw a wooded area with a path big enough for the carts when the army arrived.

  ‘The stone can do that?’ said Birkaz, somewhat amazed.

  Alex nodded. ‘Yes, it likes me.’

  The goblin read out the spell, as Sammy made them invisible, and they stepped through the portal to the other world. House took them close to a village where they could see those who lived there wore old style clothes, and their modes of transport were horses.

  Alex watched a woman and child hurry down a cobbled street before going into a house. ‘Well that answers that, it’s very medieval looking, and they do look a peaceful lot.’

  Birkaz nudged his arm and pointed. ‘Maybe, but if it is, what’s that smoke in the distance?’

  It is coming from a building on fire, said House. There are two small armies fighting.

  Alex sighed. ‘That’s great . . . I wonder what the chances are the portal is over there somewhere.’

  ‘Don’t you want to help them?’ said Sammy.

  ‘It’s not that I don’t want to help, but we’re in a bit of a hurry. I have a feeling we’ll be going that way.’

  ‘You could always get House to take you straight past them,’ said Birkaz.

  ‘The horses wouldn’t like that, and we might miss whoever is supposed to tell us where the portal is.’

  Sammy pushed her hair away from her eyes. ‘He could be in the battle.’

  Birkaz nodded. ‘He may well be.’

  Alex scratched his head. ‘If it’s a he, how could the Elders know whoever it is would still be alive?’

  Birkaz shrugged. ‘Good question and I’ve no idea.’

  ‘We better return and get everyone organised.’ Alex glanced at Sammy. ‘How can we see each other if we’re invisible?’

  ‘It doesn’t work on us . . . if it did, we’d be bumping in to each other.’

  Alex didn’t need to organise anything, as it was already being done. The children were left in good hands as four of the white witches stayed behind. Blaze did go with them and rode a horse with an axe strapped to her back. George and Joseph also went as did the four elf lords and one hundred elves. The three dwarf kings took seventy of their kind. There were eighty from the Order including Victor, Henrik, Ron and Leif. Thirty gnomes completed the army. Just over two hours after Alex visited the new world, an army of over three hundred stood outside the portal.

  James climbed onto his horse. ‘You said there was a battle?’

  Alex smiled as he saw the three dwarf kings gingerly mount horses with the help of others. ‘We only saw smoke, House told us of the battle.’

  James glanced up. ‘House, how many were in the armies?’

  One side had about one hundred, and the other army was almost double that.

  ‘It will probably be all over now then.’

  Maybe, but the smaller army were all on horse. None are there anymore.

  I thought it was a peaceful place, said Rho. If they have battles often on a
world this size, there might not be many of them left.

  Alex glanced around to make sure everyone was ready and turned back to the wolves. ‘If you want to lead the way we can go through.’

  They rode eight abreast including gnomes and dwarves, most of which rode in carts. The carriage was not needed as the white witches rode horses. The two wolves led the way.

  ‘This is exciting,’ said Skye, as they trotted along.

  ‘What part of it?’ James asked.

  ‘It’s like going back to the medieval times.’

  ‘I thought we did that when we went to the Elf World,’ said James, which got him a few unfriendly looks off the elves.

  ‘No, they are very cultured and intelligent, and they knew all about our technology. Their world is also very safe.’

  ‘So you’re looking forward to the danger?’

  ‘No, just the unexpected.’

  We are not alone, said House.

  ‘No,’ said Torgon, ‘I can see people in the trees armed with bows.’

  There are about a hundred of them, said House. I will take care of the arrows if needed, and I have learned to speak their language.

  Alex looked up. ‘That was quick.’

  Yes, but then it is the same as the one we speak.

  They rode along for another twenty minutes when they heard a voice from above. ‘Well, now this is the strangest group I have ever seen.’

  Alex glanced up and saw a large branch which grew across the path, but high enough for horses and riders to pass under it. A man, in green clothes which looked like the ones Paige first made, sat on the branch. He had shoulder-length brown hair under his green hat. There was an open space here which gave the others behind a chance to get closer.

  ‘It’s Robin Hood,’ said Kristina.

  Millie grinned. ‘Do you think he’s going to try to rob us?’

  The man shook his head. ‘No, dear lady, we’re not thieves.’

  ‘Are you here to stop us?’ said Alex.

  The man smiled. ‘Well, we do have you surrounded.’

  Alex smiled back. ‘Hardly, we out number you three to one.’

  ‘That maybe,’ said the man on the branch, looking surprised he knew, ‘but their arrows are all pointed at you, and they are very fast.’

  ‘But they have no arrows,’ said Alex.

  ‘Yes, they do,’ said the man, with his smile dropping.

  ‘No, we don’t,’ said another male voice.

  ‘They took all my bloody arrows,’ said a female voice, sounding quite annoyed, and James nearly fell off his horse laughing.

  The man’s eyes grew big. ‘You can do that?’

  ‘Yes, and now you’re outnumbered without any weapons.’

  ‘It’s a good job you’re not here to harm us then.’

  Alex raised a brow. ‘I don’t remember agreeing to that.’

  Paige rode up to him. ‘You could try being a little friendlier.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘I do apologise.’

  ‘So, your life is ruled by women, too?’ said the man.

  ‘Yes, very much so. What’s your name, friend?’

  ‘I’m Kai Silverwolf, but my friends call me Dart.’

  ‘I’m Alex, and these are my friends.’

  ‘You call your soldiers, friends?’

  ‘Yes, every single one of them.’

  ‘Then you never meant us any harm . . . that’s if you’re their leader.’

  ‘He is,’ said Torgon, before anyone else could answer.

  Dart stared down. ‘My lord, I don’t want to sound rude, but are you an elf?’

  Torgon nodded. ‘I am.’

  ‘We thought you were just myths and ancient folklore.’

  ‘We get that a lot.’

  ‘So what’s your reason for following us?’ Alex asked.

  ‘We were just watching to make sure you were friend or foe as we didn’t know who you were, or where you entered the forest now I think of it,’ said Dart. ‘Then we saw you had dwarves and knew you to be friends.’

  ‘What?’ said Verdan. ‘What do you know of us?’

  Dart scratched his head. ‘You’re our friends and would never side with the enemy.’

  ‘You mean there are other dwarves here?’

  ‘Well, yes, I thought you would have known that.’

  ‘We’re not from here,’ said Alex.

  ‘How strange, and are those gnomes too?’

  ‘Yeah, they are our friends, as are the goblins,’ said Alex. ‘You mentioned an enemy, when I was told this was a peaceful world.’

  ‘It was for a very long time, but it changed about six months ago when King Fulton had a dispute with Duke Alderon.’

  ‘What was it about?’

  ‘The Princess Evanthe, as the Duke wanted her for his wife but the king refused, saying she was for someone else. Not long after, villages started getting raided. Dark things appeared and the duke’s army started to grow. Most of his soldiers might have been human once, but not anymore.’

  Adair pulled on his beard. ‘It sounds like he’s been using dark magic.’

  Alex nodded. ‘This is more serious than we thought.’

  ‘It’s very serious,’ said Dart, ‘and I don’t think the king will be able to hold them off from the rumours we’ve been getting.’

  ‘Why don’t you fight with them?’

  Dart looked sideways into the forest. ‘I would gladly do so, but he would have me executed on the spot.’

  ‘Nice,’ said James, ‘what did you do to deserve that?’

  ‘He accused me of stealing his daughter’s honour.’

  Alex raised an eyebrow. ‘And did you?’

  ‘Well, I guess so,’ said Dart, trying to look all innocent.

  ‘That’s not true,’ said a woman in similar clothes to Dart’s, as she walked along the branch. ‘It was given freely . . . unlike my arrows.’

  Dart smiled at her. ‘This beautiful lady is Thistle, but better known as Princess Evanthe.’

  James grinned. ‘You stole the daughter too.’

  ‘No, I came because I wanted to,’ said Thistle, now sitting and holding her quiver up. ‘I spent all morning on those arrows.’

  ‘It would be a shame to waste such a morning on nothing,’ said Alex, ‘If you miss them so much, you can have them back.’

  Thistle almost fell off the branch when the arrows returned to her quiver. ‘Erm, thank you for that.’

  You know, House,’ said Alex, ‘you’re almost thinking my thoughts before I say them.’

  It is something I have been working on, and it can be quite funny at times.

  ‘I have noticed.’

  ‘Please don’t think too badly of Dart,’ said Thistle. ‘We fell in love but my father decided to marry me off to an old earl. I was not having any of it, so we eloped. The saddest part is I used to think of the earl as my uncle.’

  Alex felt incensed by it. ‘I will be having words with your father.’

  ‘You have more pressing issues,’ said Adair.

  ‘Well if he doesn’t have words, we will,’ said Claire.

  ‘I agree with you both, but it can wait until we have sorted out our other problem as we will have to come back through here anyway.’

  ‘You’re right, Uncle,’ said Alex. ‘I put the Princess Evanthe and Kai Silverwolf under my care.’

  ‘What does that mean?’ Dart asked.

  ‘You’re both coming with us to save the king.’

  ‘No he will execute Kai,’ said Thistle.

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, Princess, he would have to kill me first.’

  ‘You forget we have soldiers with us,’ said Dart.

  ‘I didn’t forget, and I would like them to join our army to defeat your enemy.’

  Adair sighed, sounding somewhat frustrated. ‘So we’re not going to do this on the way back then?’

  ‘No,’ said Alex, ‘not if it means this world will be in flames when we do. I’m going to the other world whatever happen
s we know this. Anyway where are we meant to go, as we have to get the information first?’

  ‘I guess so, but could you give us some warning next time.’

  Alex smiled at him. ‘I just did,’

  Adair looked up. ‘Dart, how many soldiers does the king have?’

  ‘Over ten thousand, but will be more if the other armies get there in time.’

  James raised a brow. ‘Why would a peaceful world have so many soldiers?’

  ‘It’s mostly peaceful but there have been wars in the past,’ said Dart. ‘Most of them are not real soldiers but the people of Calberon who have gone to the king’s aid.’

  ‘That doesn’t sound good,’ said James. ‘I like their loyalty, but they could be in trouble if they come up against experienced soldiers.’

  ‘I agree,’ said Alex, ‘let’s get going.’

  ‘Not just yet,’ said Luella, who stared up at the branch. ‘House, could you bring the princess down for me please?’

  ‘What the . . . ?’ said Thistle, as she started floating down to the ground, and Dart jumped down after her.

  ‘You should not be jumping around trees in your condition.’

  ‘Oh dear,’ said Alex.

  ‘What is it?’ Dart asked, looking worried as some of his friends emerged from the trees.

  Luella smiled. ‘You’re going to be a father.’

  Thistle’s eyes grew big. ‘You can tell by just looking?’

  ‘Yes, dear, and now you will need a horse, unless you want to ride in one of the carts.’

  They were both congratulated by their friends before disappearing through the trees to get their own horses.

  When they finally did emerge from the forest they spread out into bigger lines, and were joined by a hundred riders.

  Dart rode up to the front. ‘You say you’re not from here, and by looking at your other friends, does that mean you’re from another world?’

  Alex nodded. ‘Yeah, do you know much about them?’

  ‘Only that we came from a dying world and had to come here, most don’t believe it. There’s a great one who knows the story, but I’ve never spoken to him about it.’

  Thistle looked around at the army of just over four hundred. ‘Do you usually invade other worlds with your army?’

  ‘We’re not invading,’ said Alex, ‘we’re chasing something evil which came here to get to another world.’


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