The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy Page 26

by P. A. Priddey

  ‘Yes,’ said Adair, ‘he is called House,’

  ‘That’s not a fight I would care to do again,’ said Nester, as he rode back, leaving the others to get rid of the remaining raiders and burn their bodies. ‘There was no honour fighting them, apart from the fact they shouldn’t exist.’

  ‘Oh I dunno,’ said Alex. ‘I would think it honourable to stop those which would harm an innocent. They were useless at fighting, and their weapons were not much better. I don’t think any were taught how to fight.

  Adair nodded. ‘I guess the duke’s in a hurry to reach Calberon and doesn’t have the time to teach them.’

  ‘Duke Alderon’s army will be different,’ said Nester. ‘He will have his own soldiers as well as clones.’

  ‘And whatever’s creating them,’ said Adair.

  Alex glanced across the field at the fires as soldiers piled up the dead clones. ‘How many Morodonian soldiers does he have?’

  ‘It was about seven thousand,’ said Landon, ‘but there’s a rumour he has been forcing his own people to join his army.’

  ‘Killing these clones is one thing,’ said Alex. ‘I would hate to see so many people die.’

  ‘As would we all, but our first responsibility is in saving this world and the rest of its people.’

  ‘If we could kill the main demon,’ said Torgon, ‘it might stop the others from fighting.’

  Adair stared at Alex. ‘Don’t even think about it.’

  ‘Don’t worry, Uncle, I won’t . . . well not until I know more.’

  Birkaz scratched his chin. ‘It would help if we knew what sort of demon, if it is one.’

  I have tried to look, but he manages to hide himself, said House, and I also detected a dark spirit up there.

  ‘All we know is that Alderon is always accompanied by a dark figure in a black cloak,’ said Landon. ‘The great wizard went to have a look, but no one has heard from him since.’

  ‘What’s the wizard’s name?’ Adair asked.

  ‘He is known as Bryn or Greyfox.’

  ‘Do we go back now?’ said Thalion.

  ‘I guess,’ said Alex, ‘but would hate to take the command off Carrie so soon.’

  There is trouble up north, said House, in a strange accent. About a thousand men are trapped in a forest.

  ‘Who could they be?’ Nester asked.

  ‘The men of the mountains have come down I would guess,’ said Landon.

  ‘They’re good people, strong, and know how to fight,’ said a man in his thirties, as he approached them.

  Landon smiled at him. ‘This is my son, Prince Karris.’

  ‘Your Highness,’ they all said, but the prince just put his hand on Alex’s shoulder.

  ‘That was some display you all did out there.’

  Alex nodded. ‘They’re very good I have to admit, and great to have around.’

  Landon rubbed his chin. ‘Does this mean we don’t have to worry about those hooded ones anymore.’

  ‘We will handle them,’ said Alex, ‘they’re just servants to another master.’

  ‘You don’t believe it’s Alderon then.’

  ‘No, he might think he’s their master, but the hooded one will have other plans.’

  ‘Is this true, that we were saved by goblins?’ said a chubby-middle aged man as he approached them.

  Landon rubbed his eyes. ‘Earl Karlson, always the diplomat.’

  Karlson gave a coy smile. ‘I didn’t mean to be insulting.’

  ‘We were also saved by elves,’ said Karris.

  ‘Yes, and we always thought they were good, but always taught goblins were bad.’

  ‘Not bad but mad,’ said Korzak.

  ‘It was an illness that spread through their race,’ said Alex, ‘and it took these great ones a long time to cure them.’

  ‘You cured madness?’ said Landon.

  ‘No, Your Majesty,’ said Korzak, ‘time did. All we did was watch over them.’

  ‘Whatever reason does not matter, as I would like to call them friends,’ said Karlson. ‘So which one of you has the big spear then?’


  Stupid Alex, what the hell was he thinking putting me in charge? Carrie thought. There are others here who should be doing this.

  ‘You’re quiet,’ said Blaze.

  ‘Just thinking,’ said Carrie. ‘Like why should I be here at the front of this army?’

  ‘Because Alex trusts you.’

  ‘I wish I did, but there are others here who know how to lead.’

  ‘Being born a king does not make you a great leader,’ said Verdan, as he pulled his horse up next to them. ‘It is something you have to learn.’

  ‘I never had those lessons.’

  ‘Neither did Alex,’ said Blaze, ‘but we all expect him to lead.’

  Verdan smiled. ‘You were first there with him earlier to save the healer, and everyone saw that. They saw your skill with the sword, then you give Raven the responsibility to watch over her. You will lead us just fine.’

  Carrie looked back at James who had been in deep conversation with Dart, Stormhook, Henrik, and Ron, he looked up and winked at her. She decided to stay alert, very alert, and watched everything, which is why she was the first to spot the creature in the sky. She knew what it was, and something was about to happen. ‘Stormhook, do those things hover all the time or only when raiders are about?’

  Stormhook looked up. ‘I never noticed it, my lady. We believe they’re here to report what has happened.’

  ‘House,’ said Carrie, ‘are there any raiders in the forest ahead?’

  I will look for you now, my lady, said House.

  Carrie groaned. ‘Don’t you start?’

  Yes, there are hundreds of them all hiding along the path, which is strange as they were not here earlier.

  ‘They must have some way of moving them unseen,’ said Stormhook. ‘We did wonder how they were getting this far south.’

  ‘Do they have any hooded ones with them?’ Carrie asked.

  They have one, said House. Would you like me to fetch one of the others to deal with it?

  ‘No, we will do that,’ said Carrie, a little injured. ‘What weapons do they have?’

  Just basic swords.

  ‘What are our orders?’ Stormhook asked.

  Carrie rubbed her chin as she considered it. ‘I want you to take the archers through the left of the forest and come behind them. King Verdan, will you take your dwarves and the gnomes down the right side?’

  ‘We will be honoured,’ said Verdan.

  What do you want us to do? Rho asked.

  ‘You and Chi can guide each group, and you don’t have to bite any if you don’t want to.’

  That is very kind of you, said Chi.

  Carrie turned to the three men still discussing tactics. ‘James, you do know we’re about to go into a battle?’

  ‘Yes, my lady,’ said James smiling, ‘and I agree with everything you just said.’

  ‘Are we going to fight?’ said Claire.

  Carrie shook her head. ‘Not with them, we’re going to protect the great ladies as we go through the forest.’

  Luella raised an eyebrow. ‘We’re not so powerless that we can’t protect ourselves.’

  ‘I know, but they’re after healers, and won’t be getting ours.’

  ‘You cannot argue with that reasoning,’ said Asima, as she rode to the side of the white witches, and Raven did the same on the other side.

  George and Joseph went to the rear of the group as if to protect them, and pulled their swords out although they had never used one. Kristina and Millie put shields up as they entered the forest.

  House described the fight as it happened. Rho came across the raiders lying in wait, and Stormhook waited for everyone to get into position and coughed. The raiders all turned around only to get hit with a barrage of arrows. The other side was not as quiet, as the dwarves and gnomes charged straight in.

  Carrie led what was left of the arm
y, which was mainly riderless horses, only to be confronted by a dozen raiders, and a hooded figure behind them. They were soon dealt with mainly due to Jodie’s crossbow and Asima’s throwing knives. The hooded figure removed its hood showing a very unhappy demon. It was jet black with leathery skin which looked like it had things moving below its surface. Its eyes were like slits, and had a small pointed nose.

  ‘They do not matter, but you will suffer anyway,’ it hissed from its wide mouth, and shot fire at them which bounced off the shields.

  ‘Summer,’ said Carrie, untroubled by the creature. ‘Will you take care of this thing please?’

  ‘Gladly,’ said Summer, and concentrated. The demon started to scream, but nothing else came out of its mouth apart from smoke, before it burst into flame.

  Who needs the men? Said House, as the creature in the sky fell to the ground.

  ‘Tell me about it,’ said Raven. ‘I will really have to think before I decide to protect ladies in the future.’

  Carrie shrugged. ‘Don’t feel too bad, as you did it for all the right reasons.’

  ‘I am happy for you to do so,’ said Ayan.

  ‘I’m not into this chivalry stuff,’ said Claire, ‘but I respect you for wanting to do the right thing.’

  ‘What the hell happened to you?’ said Michelle.

  ‘Nothing, apart from the fact I grew strong and want to help those who need it.’

  ‘Even men?’ said Michelle teasingly.

  ‘Well, yes, as there are lots of them in my life now.’

  ‘What men are you talking about?’ said Paige.

  Claire scratched her head. ‘Well, little Thomas of course, and I guess James. There’s George and Joseph and the gnomes, pucas and elves.’

  ‘And what about Alex?’

  ‘Yeah, maybe.’

  ‘That’s mean,’ said Amy.

  ‘Why is it? I’ll never have to protect him, and he could con me out of anything.’

  ‘I thought you were talking about who you cared for.’

  ‘No, just those who I feel I should try to protect.’

  Fergal ran in front of them. ‘Are you all OK?’

  Carrie nodded. ‘We’re fine.’

  ‘What’s that burning smell?’ Stormhook asked.

  ‘Summer over cooked a demon,’ said Claire.

  ‘Really, and I heard she was the greatest cook ever who never burnt anything.’

  ‘Only enemies,’ said Summer, ‘never food or friends.’

  ‘How was it for you, Cas?’ said Claire.

  ‘Horrible,’ said Carrie, ‘sending friends off to fight is not a nice feeling.’

  ‘No, it isn’t very pleasant, but it’s something as a leader you have to do,’ said Henrik. ‘As long as you make the right decisions you’re doing a good job, and keeping everyone safe as possible.’


  Alex watched as the captains organised the fourteen thousand soldiers into lines ready to move. Wagons containing food drove out of Westlake castle. He looked across at King Landon. ‘Are they all soldiers?’

  Landon shook his head. ‘No, only two thousand from each army, the others are volunteers.’

  ‘What about the mountain men?’ said Karris. ‘We have to go and free them?’

  There are humans on their way down to join the clones, said House.

  ‘How many are there?’ Alex asked.

  About five hundred.

  ‘I will take a few of our friends up there and the rest will have to march to King Fulton.’

  ‘We will come with you,’ said Nester.

  Alex nodded. ‘What are the people of Morodonia like?’

  Karris signalled to one of his men to get extra horses. ‘They’re good people, the problem is Alderon and his guards. He calls them his elite guard, and from what we’ve heard they’re quite sadistic.’

  ‘So there’s a good chance most of his soldiers won’t want this war.’

  ‘None but Alderon and his guard, as the rest of his people all hate him since he became the duke.’

  ‘How long ago was that?’

  ‘About ten months, just before the trouble started.’

  ‘His uncle died,’ said Hubert, with anger in his voice. ‘No one knows how. The rule should have gone to the late Duke’s daughter, but she died not long after.’

  ‘We only hear rumours from there now,’ said Karris, ‘as getting in and out of the land has become very hard.’

  Alex took the reins of a horse and climbed on. ‘Then we better get started.’

  ‘Do you need all of us?’ said Adair.

  ‘No, but I’ll need Birkaz,’ said Alex. ‘I would like some to go and help Carrie, as I imagine you’re going to look for the other wizard.’

  She didn’t need you earlier, said House, when the enemy set a trap for them, which included a hooded demon.

  ‘And you didn’t tell me?’

  You were trying to chop up a whole army on your own at the time.

  ‘How did she do?’

  Very well, good decisions, and Summer killed the demon.

  Alex smiled. ‘I knew they could do it, but didn’t want to risk Summer during battle.’

  She killed the water demon remember?

  ‘I know that, but I wasn’t sure how far away she had to be.’

  I will ask her.

  ‘Lord Alex,’ said Karris, ‘may I bring my army with you to save the men of the mountains?’

  ‘I would be honoured, Your Highness.’

  The army of around sixteen hundred set off north with Alex, Birkaz, Thalion, Prince Karris, Duke Nester, and Sir Hubert at the head of the column. Roscoe and Marakus rode with the king, while House took Torgon and Korzak back to Carrie’s army leaving Adair to search for the missing wizard.

  They marched until the light faded and made camp for the night. Alex told them many of the things they had done while they sat in front of a fire. He turned to Karris. ‘Tell me, Your Highness, what sort of reception would we have got if there was no war?’

  ‘A shocked one at first,’ said Karris, ‘then a celebration.’

  ‘The elves would fit in well here,’ said Birkaz.

  Thalion shrugged. ‘There’s nothing wrong with having a celebration now and then.’

  ‘Did you expect us to be at war?’ Karris asked.

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, we thought this world was peaceful.’

  ‘It usually is,’ said Nester, ‘but every now and then someone else believes he should be king. It never worked out well for them though.’

  Karris nodded. ‘We haven’t had trouble for a long time.’

  Birkaz stared at Alex. ‘I think you subconsciously believed there might be trouble here.’

  ‘What makes you say that?’ said Alex, as he took a bowl of food and nodded at the soldier who gave it to him.

  Birkaz had already eaten his stew. ‘You brought along three hundred and only five will be able to enter the enchanted forest on the dragon world.’

  ‘Only after our first trip, as House saw two armies fighting.’

  ‘You already had over two hundred.’

  ‘That’s true I guess, but then many more wanted to come.’

  Hubert sat down. ‘I would gladly go with you to the enchanted forest.’

  ‘As would I,’ said Prince Karris.

  Alex stirred the food around in his bowl. ‘I wish you both could come, and my other friends too, but only five of us will be able to enter the forest for some reason.’

  ‘Who are the other four?’ Hubert asked.

  ‘Lady Carrie, the two wolves, and my mother, Lady Luella.’

  ‘You have so many powerful friends and you take a healer?’

  ‘Not through choice, and I did try to stop her but it had little effect,’ said Alex. ‘You could try if you like.’

  Hubert shook his head. ‘I could never order the great lady to do anything.’

  Karris grinned. ‘Do you have a soft spot for the lady, Sir Knight?’

course, as I do for all the healers, but not in a romantic way.’

  ‘Why not when they’re all beautiful?’

  ‘Yes, and they will still look like that long after I have died of old age.’

  Nester glanced over at him. ‘You could do with the love of a good woman.’

  Hubert looked melancholy as he stared into the fire. ‘I found love once, but she died.’

  Nester raised an eyebrow. ‘I’m sorry, my friend, I never knew that.’

  ‘No, my lord, only the two of us knew.’

  ‘So, Lord Alex, how did you know we were at war?’ said Karris, changing the subject.

  ‘Dart told us what happened.’

  Karris raised a brow. ‘You have met Kai?’

  Alex nodded. ‘Yeah, he rides with our army.’

  ‘That should be fun when my uncle finds out.’

  ‘He is under Lord Alex’s protection,’ said Nester, ‘as well as the knights.’

  ‘Kai is very popular, and would have half the army if not all rallying to his cause.’

  ‘Well, he’s innocent of kidnapping,’ said Hubert.

  ‘I guessed that, and my cousin is a very strong-willed woman.’

  Alex thought about the princess and the arranged marriage, but something didn’t sit right with him. ‘So, there was no way she would have married the Earl.’

  Karris shook his head. ‘No, and that shocked everyone as there were better choices and younger.’

  ‘Do you have to marry other nobles?’

  Karris put his bowl down. ‘No, you’re free to marry who you like, but when it comes to Princess Evanthe, there would only be gains to be made from any suitor.’

  ‘And she could have chosen whom she wanted?’ said Thalion.

  ‘She would have done, but I think it had something to do with Alderon, who didn’t just lust after the princess, but the throne as well,’ said Karris. ‘Kai is perfect for her.’

  Alex scratched his head. ‘Why didn’t he just let them get married?’

  ‘I’ve no idea,’ said Karris, ‘but since his wife died a few years ago it’s as if he didn’t want her marrying anyone.’

  ‘Something must have changed,’ said Alex, ‘if he was going to marry her off to the earl.’

  Karris nodded. ‘True, and it surprised us too.’


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