The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy Page 30

by P. A. Priddey

  Adair dismounted, as did the others from the keep. ‘He should be at the castle now.’

  ‘What was he like?’ said Luella.

  ‘I didn’t see him, but his apprentice thought it was me from behind, so House went looking for him.’

  Landon sat on the ground. ‘So, the ancient one is back?’

  ‘Yes, and I really need to have a word with him.’

  Torgon stared upwards. ‘There’s a bird up in the sky.’

  ‘Just the one?’ said James, dryly.

  ‘No, but this one is watching us,’ said Torgon, and they all looked up.

  Adair shielded his eyes. ‘What type of bird is it?’

  ‘A falcon I believe.’

  Adair smiled and held his staff out across the front of him. The falcon flew down and landed on it. ‘Hello, my friend, can we help you?’

  The king wants to know if he should fight in the field or from the castle. He has no protection from the demon fire, said the falcon, and all those with psychic power heard it.

  ‘In the field, we will take care of the fire,’ said Alex, and received a few strange looks.

  ‘What was that all about?’ said Landon.

  ‘It’s a wizard’s falcon,’ said Adair, ‘he’s been sent for information for the king.’

  ‘Tell him we will be there tomorrow and it should be fun.’

  Claire raised an eyebrow as the falcon flew off. ‘Shouldn’t you be taking this more serious?’

  Landon winked at her. ‘I was really worried before you all turned up, and now I’m enjoying myself.’

  ‘You really would have made a good father.’

  ‘He actually did,’ said Karris.

  Summer rubbed her chin. ‘I never thought you as the princess type.’

  Claire gave her a hard stare. ‘I didn’t say I wanted to be one.’

  Paige grinned. ‘You’re my princess.’

  ‘I’m sleeping on my own tonight,’ said Claire, and stormed off.

  ‘What did I say?’ Paige asked, all innocently.

  ‘I’m sure we’re about to go to war,’ said Alex, somewhat dourly.

  ‘Yes, dear, are you up for it,’ said Paige.

  ‘You people are strange,’ Landon said, quite gleefully.

  ‘They get bored when they are not killing demons,’ said Blaze.

  ‘Well, they will get to kill a few more soon.’

  Alex was about to say something when he heard voices, hundreds of them. A cold dread filled him, and sadness overwhelmed him. Something had happened, and he didn’t know what. It felt like a lightning bolt to his brain, and he collapsed to the ground.

  ‘Alex!’ Paige shouted as she leant over him.

  Carrie raced over and lifted his head. ‘Alex talk to us’ she said, but he was incoherent to them, and his body just shivered, as his chest rose and deflated very quickly.

  Landon gasped. ‘What’s wrong with him?’

  Luella cupped Alex’s face in her hands and concentrated. ‘Oh no, I can feel it,’ she said and tears rolled down her face.

  ‘What is it?’ said Carrie.

  ‘So much sadness. They’re all calling out to him as one, hundreds have already died, and they need help.’

  Adair knelt by them. ‘Who are they?’

  ‘Creatures from the north, they’re very large and innocent. Alderon’s demons have been killing them.’

  Bel cried. ‘No, not the Snowbears.’

  ‘Alex, listen to me you must wake up,’ said Luella.

  Daralis passed her a jar. ‘Try this.’

  Luella put it under his nose. ‘Alex, wake up, they need you . . . use your power.’

  Alex’s eyes snapped open. The golden energy covered him and everyone within twenty feet. He climbed to his feet. ‘House take me there.’

  I do not know where it is, or I would have seen it happening.

  Alex concentrated and saw a cave as two demons stepped outside. ‘Read my mind,’ he said and vanished.


  James shook his head. ‘I knew he was gonna go on his own.’

  ‘I wouldn’t worry too much,’ said Adair. ‘I believe he could crush all of Alderon’s army and demons on his own at the moment.’

  ‘You couldn’t have gone with him,’ said Bel Blueflower. ‘The snowbears made an oath not to harm any man or dwarf, but their hurts might make them lash out. Let Lord Alex save them first.’

  ‘What are they like?’ Carrie asked.

  ‘They are beautiful, the gentle giants of the north mountains and icy plains. We call them Snowbears, and their hearts are so pure.’


  Alex appeared outside the caves startling the two demons. They raised their arms, but Alex wasn’t startled, and they burned before they had any chance to move. It was colder here, like standing on the edge of winter. There was a force field blocking the cave entrance, and Alex pointed a hand and blasted it open with his energy. A demon attacked soon as he stepped inside, but Alex had turned golden again and the fire had no effect. He pointed at the demon and it burst into flames. The screams broke the concentration of another demon who was casting a spell over a snowbear lying on an altar. Blood trickled from its neck down a little channel into a pool which was bubbling. The demon like the others burst into flames.

  Alex put his hand on the snowbear’s neck, it was still alive. He let his golden energy pass into the creature and the bleeding slowed. He took off his coat and folded it up before pushing it on the wound. He looked around the huge cave, when his portal stone vibrated and saw what looked like a portal on the other side of the pool. At the back of the cave were hundreds of snowbears chained together along the wall. They tried to move when he entered but couldn’t stand up. He approached the nearest, which while sitting down was as tall as him. Alex touched the metal collar around its neck and the golden energy passed along the chain, which fell to the floor freeing the bears. The one nearest stood, it was at least twice the size of Alex and three times as wide. They were covered in white fur apart from their faces which were pink.

  ‘Thank you,’ said the bear, ‘but how did you know we were here?’

  ‘I heard you calling.’

  ‘We were praying, are you a god?’

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, but I heard you and felt your pain.’

  ‘Who are you?’

  ‘I am Alex, a friend.’

  ‘I am Whitefrost,’ said the bear, as a female came over carrying an unconscious infant the size of a six-year-old boy. She held it out in front of him as if pleading. He touched the infant and his energy made his breathing easier.

  It has been badly hurt, as it was nearly drained once, said House. We need help.

  The bears looked around frightened as to where the voice came from.

  ‘It’s a great spirit called House, and a friend,’ said Alex.

  ‘Can he help us?’

  I have just healed your fingers, said House.

  Whitefrost lifted his huge hand and moved his fingers about. ‘Thank you, they tortured some of us.’

  Alex pushed down the anger which had been growing inside. ‘I have healers and wizards with me . . . they need to be here to help.’

  ‘Please bring them, if they can heal those who are hurt.’

  ‘How did they manage to capture you?’

  ‘They cornered us with fire, and used evil magic to put us to sleep. When we came to, they had chained us up in here,’ said Whitefrost, as the others entered the cave.

  ‘Was it just the demons which hurt you?’

  ‘No, the duke and his guards took great pleasure in torturing many before he took his army away.’

  Alex turned to the others, and said through gritted teeth. ‘Korzak, will you close that portal before I try going through it.’

  Korzak nodded. ‘Of course.’

  ‘Alex, what did you do to the demons?’ said Adair, as he looked at the ashes on the ground. ‘You didn’t send them back did you?’

  ‘No, I destroyed them.

  ‘A suitable end,’ said Birkaz, looking at the altar and the pool. ‘This is one of the most evil things I have ever seen.’

  ‘It’s how they make their clones,’ said Whitefrost. ‘They bleed their victims and cast spells. A clone will appear out of the pool and walk through the portal.’

  Alex stared at the pool of blood. ‘I take it they got more than one clone per victim.’

  ‘Yes, they tried it with humans first and got thirty clones for each. It was too slow for the Duke, and the demons searched for something else and found us,’ said Whitefrost, which made Alex think about the pixies and the warlock. ‘They could get a hundred or more out of an adult snowbear.’

  Birkaz growled. ‘Do you mean they have been doing this with children too?’

  ‘Yes, and human children.’

  Luella took the baby snowbear from his mother. ‘How could the duke allow them to do this to his own people?’

  ‘Because he’s an evil man,’ said Whitefrost. ‘Those who wouldn’t fight for him were beaten and dragged here along with their families. They were forced to watch as their children were put on the altar, followed by the mothers, and he took great pleasure in it.’

  ‘Zakora, help me get rid of this stinking pool,’ Birkaz shouted.

  ‘Of course, Brother,’ said the goblin, and they both stood either side of the pool with their hands out and palms facing downwards. A light came from them and covered the pool. It turned very warm, and the pool started to shrink.

  ‘I have destroyed the portal, it is no more,’ said Korzak.

  ‘Thank you, my friend,’ said Alex. ‘I have to go now and see to my children.’

  Luella gasped. ‘Oh no, I forgot they would feel it.’

  ‘Your children?’ said Whitefrost.

  ‘Yes, they would have felt my sadness, but I couldn’t leave until the portal was closed.’ Alex turned to his mother. ‘Would you like me to ask the other ladies if they want to come and help?’

  ‘Yes, it would be quicker, and we do need more of our medicines,’ said Luella, and Alex vanished.

  ‘Papa,’ the children shouted and ran to him.

  Alex knelt in front of them, and could see they had been crying. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, as they crowded inside his arms.

  ‘We didn’t know what happened,’ said Adhara, ‘but knew you were very sad.’

  ‘I was sad for others.’

  ‘We know, as auntie Blaze told us,’ said Sarin, and Alex looked up where Blaze, Summer, Asima, and the other four white witches were sitting there, and he smiled.

  ‘Do they need our help?’ Briana asked.

  ‘Yes, and Mother said she needs more of your medicines.’

  ‘I will get them,’ said Orlaith, and went upstairs.

  ‘Are you going straight back, Papa?’ Alhena asked.

  ‘No sweetheart, I’m going to spend an hour with you.’

  ‘That sounds good to me,’ said Blaze, ‘and all we’re missing is a cup of tea.’

  Summer stood. ‘I will sort it.’

  ‘Thank you for coming over so quick,’ said Alex.

  Blaze smiled. ‘I had a feeling the children might need us.’


  Landon watched the wizards and healers disappear. ‘Do we wait here?’

  Carrie shrugged. ‘How long before it gets dark?’

  Landon glanced up at the sky. ‘Not for a few hours.’

  Carrie nodded. ‘We best carry on until it gets dark, House will know where we are.’

  ‘Look at you giving a king orders,’ said Michelle.

  ‘I call it advising,’ said Carrie.

  ‘And very good advice too,’ said Landon, trying to sound happy as they mounted their horses.

  Karris smiled. ‘Well, that was weird.’

  ‘Have some respect,’ said Landon.

  ‘I do, Father, but that golden glow or whatever it is, has made me feel strange.’

  Carrie glanced at him. ‘We don’t know what it is exactly, but it clears any sadness or doubt in your heart, and if you didn’t have any then I guess it will boost your other feelings.’

  Karris nodded. ‘I had worries and doubts before I met Alex, but they soon disappeared, and now all I want to do is feel sad for what has happened but I can’t.’

  ‘It will pass soon.’

  ‘Is it a weapon?’

  ‘It will help the innocent, and kill evil.’

  ‘How did he hear them?’

  They were calling out telepathically, said Rho.

  ‘How come we didn’t hear it?’ said Kristina.

  Alex’s psychic powers are much stronger than ours.

  ‘That did not sound like House,’ said Landon.

  Carrie indicated with her head. ‘No, it’s Rho, you can hear him?’

  ‘Yes, very clearly.’

  ‘It must be because of the golden energy Alex covered many in,’ said Joseph, who was riding with George and Earl Karlson.

  We will show you how to use it, said Rho, but do not tell anyone who cannot do it.

  ‘I was going to tell you before when I heard you talking,’ said Bel, ‘but I didn’t want to be rude.’

  ‘You could do it before?’ said Paige.

  ‘Yes, but only with the snowbears, not that they need to communicate like that.’

  ‘Why didn’t you say anything?’ said Braska.

  ‘What? Crazy little Ludicras telling people she can talk with her mind.’

  ‘No one will ever call you that again.’

  ‘They never did when you were around,’ said Bel. ‘I do hope the bears are OK.’

  ‘House, what’s happening?’ said Carrie.

  Alex killed four demons and freed the snowbears. The healers, elves and goblins are curing their ills that I could not. Alex has gone to the mansion to see the children.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Carrie sadly, as she desperately wanted to see if the children and Alex were OK.

  Landon smiled at her. ‘Dear lady, we’re going to be riding for the rest of the day, so it wouldn’t hurt if you disappeared for a short while.’

  ‘Is that an order, Your Majesty?’

  Landon nodded. ‘If it makes you happy, then yes.’

  ‘Thank you,’ said Carrie. ‘House is there a space on a sofa so I don’t have to dismount?’

  Yes, there is a nice one, said House, as Claire took the reins of Carrie’s horse before she vanished.

  ‘Bloody hell, did you have too?’ said Alex, almost jumping out of his seat as Carrie appeared next to him, and the children burst out laughing.

  Summer also laughed. ‘That’s what I call justice.’

  Carrie leant her head on Alex’s shoulder. ‘Did I make you jump?’

  ‘Yeah, but it’s OK, as the children enjoyed it,’ said Alex, ‘but I don’t recall relieving you of command.’

  ‘You did that when you joined us earlier, and Landon told me to come.’

  ‘So, you’re taking orders from a king now?’

  ‘Well he does outrank a hair stylist.’

  ‘I can’t argue with that,’ said Alex, and smiled at her.

  Carrie stroked his cheek. ‘You look a lot better than you did earlier.’

  ‘Yeah, but I do have lovely children and friends.’

  ‘Would you like a cup of tea, Cas?’ said Summer.

  ‘Yes please,’ said Carrie, going a little red, and Talitha climbed onto her lap, giggling.


  Alex returned to the cave with Carrie, Blaze, Summer and Asima who all wanted to see the snowbears. Bel Blueflower and Braska were also there. Marakus had been back to the Elf World to get food for the bears, as they had also been starved by the Duke. Another crime he would answer for.

  Alex was suddenly hugged by Bel who thanked him for saving the bears. Braska patted him on the shoulder, thanking him from not letting Bel see what he saw. As he turned around, the female snowbear who showed him the infant also hugged him, before lifting him six feet off the ground.
  I am sorry, said House.

  ‘What for, my friend?’ said Alex, as he went to his bedroom for a quick shower.

  I am not as strong as everyone thinks. You keep calling me the Great Spirit, but I do nothing.

  ‘You do many things, and have saved so many,’ said Alex. ‘This is because of the cave isn’t it?’

  Yes, and I could not see it happening.

  ‘Shit, sorry, House, I forgot you would have felt their sadness.’

  That does not matter, but I did not see it happening until you showed me the cave.

  ‘You cannot see through shields remember, just like the warlocks home,’ said Alex. ‘Look at Rockman, your shields, and the way you can heal people.’

  Do they help that much?

  ‘You protected my daughter when we were at the warlock’s home, you saved Skye and Flax’s life, and many more.’

  Thank you, said House. Why can people be so cruel? I know demons are, but the duke and his guards are human.

  ‘I don’t know what could make anyone do what they did, but they will pay for it tomorrow if you’re up for it.’

  Yes, I will be, but many of their soldiers do not want to fight.

  ‘I know and have a plan. Can you speak into anyone’s mind?’

  Yes, if I wanted to.

  ‘Could you make it like a whisper?’

  Yes, what do you have in mind?

  The army made camp for the night, and those covered in the golden energy were taken to one side and taught how to use it. Raven sat down near Ayan looking rather sheepish, as he accused Carrie of being a witch with red eyes and now he could do it. Many of them sat in front of a fire and lanterns were hung on posts around the camp. Alex sat and listened to the conversation.

  Karris picked up a twig and tossed it into the fire. ‘Do we have a plan for tomorrow?’

  Landon shrugged. ‘Hard to think of one until we see the size of the enemy.’

  Thalion put his arms over his knees. ‘We could kill off all the demons first.’

  ‘Not if they’re surrounded by soldiers you won’t,’ said James.

  ‘I can’t see them being left unprotected,’ said Torgon.

  Verdan pulled on his beard. ‘How many dwarf soldiers does King Grolt have?’


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