The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy

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The Final Destiny: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Three - Fantasy Page 32

by P. A. Priddey

  Alex looked at the wizard’s face, which was now one of shock. ‘Why would you teach someone to be grumpy?’

  Daralis dismounted. ‘I think it’s due to the long lessons they become like that.’

  ‘His beard has turned grey,’ said Aileen.

  ‘He was forever pulling at it,’ said Morven.

  Bryn didn’t hold anything back, and he almost jumped on them. It shocked the crowd which had gathered around.

  ‘Is it really you, my friends?’ said Bryn, as he embraced the white witches.

  Aileen wrapped her arms around him. ‘Yes, it really is us.’

  ‘Who did he mean when he said his uncle?’ Bryn asked.

  ‘Well,’ said Luella, ‘he who is Alex is also my son, so you work it out.’

  The wizard raised his eyes at Alex. ‘It’s good to meet you, and we might have a chat about manners later.’

  ‘That would be nice,’ said Alex, with his eyes glowing, ‘and we will also be having a chat about threatening my friends.’

  ‘You never learnt any manners for over five hundred years,’ said Adair, as he approached them. ‘My nephew has taught me some which humble me.’

  Bryn’s eyes grew large. ‘Master, I did not know you were here.’

  ‘Never call me that, you stopped being my student a long time before you come here. We’re friends now, nothing else.’

  ‘Not even brothers?’

  Adair embraced him. ‘Yes, I would like that.’

  Alex sighed. ‘Oh great, another grumpy uncle.’

  ‘I’m not grumpy all the time,’ said Adair, and told Bryn about the goblins, and he greeted them with an apology.

  Stormhook walked over to Alex and pointed. ‘My lord, it’s time to do some of your plotting, King Fulton’s here.’

  Alex glanced at the gates as a man not to dissimilar to King Landon walked out with other men and soldiers. Karlson had been telling him everything he knew. He was greeted by many, and was happy until he looked around and saw Dart.

  ‘Guards, seize him,’ said the king, and four soldiers reluctantly stepped forward, only to be blocked by a dozen knights. ‘What is this?’ he demanded.

  Sir Hubert blocked their way with his horse. ‘Kai Silverwolf is under the protection of Lord Alex.’

  Fulton glared. ‘This is treason, and who is Lord Alex?’

  Alex folded his arms. ‘That would be me.’

  ‘What right do you have to put a wanted man under your protection?’

  ‘A moral one, as a great wrong was done to them.’

  Landon Hurried over to them. ‘Brother, please calm down, you know we have laws and can’t go round just executing people.’

  ‘Kidnapping a princess is such a law,’ said Fulton.

  Thistle removed her hood she had worn since arriving. ‘I was not kidnapped.’

  ‘Evanthe,’ said Fulton, his voice sounding softer.

  Thistle stood with hands on hips. ‘Yes, Father, I left because I wanted to, and the only reason I’m back is because of the war.’

  Fulton winced at that. ‘I want to speak to you in private.’

  Thistle looked at Alex, and he nodded. ‘Please do not pass her off to any earl or I will be most upset.’

  Carrie sighed. ‘Very diplomatic.’

  The look the king gave him was more of shame than anything else. ‘Then you better come with us if they’re under your protection.’

  ‘Dart, you’re so dead,’ said Claire, as Alex dismounted and followed them into a large tent.

  The king looked at his daughter with deep sadness, and she stared at him with disdain. ‘Do not hate me for what happened . . . I did what I had to.’

  Thistle folded her arms. ‘I don’t hate you, but when this war is over I’ll be leaving again and I won’t be coming back.’

  The king frowned and turned to Alex for hope.

  ‘Please listen to what your father has to say, Princess, I think he has suffered enough.’

  Thistle raised both eyebrows. ‘He has suffered? What about Kai and me? He wanted him executed for no reason, and tried marrying me off to someone I always loved as an uncle,’ said Thistle, shaking her head at the king. He looked old and haggard. ‘OK, I’m listening.’

  Fulton gave a weak smile. ‘Kai was never in danger from me, you should have known that.’

  ‘Maybe I would have if you hadn’t tried to marry me off like a piece of meat.’

  ‘You were never going to marry Lexworth, it was just a ruse. The poor earl has had a horrible time since.’

  Thistle looked dumfounded. ‘What do you mean just a ruse? Why didn’t you tell me?’

  ‘I was going to tell you the night you ran off.’

  Thistle turned to Alex. ‘Did you know anything about this?’

  ‘How could I? I had a feeling something was amiss when I met others from here, added to the fact your father is loved by all.’

  Fulton smiled at him. ‘Thank you. Earl Karlson might know about laws, but we found out about one that Alderon planned to use. It’s an old archaic law which has not been used in a very long time, if indeed it ever was.’

  Thistle scratched her head. ‘You’re the ruler of all the lands, so why not just change it.’

  ‘It’s not as easy as that. The law was passed over a thousand years ago, and signed by all the leaders of the lands. To change it we all have to agree.’

  ‘Alderon of course would never agree to it,’ said Alex.

  ‘No,’ said Fulton, ‘he was using it for his own purposes. It stated any ruler can ask for the daughter or son of any other ruler from another land to marry, unless they were betrothed to another from the nobility, even if the son or daughter did not want the marriage.’

  Alex shook his head. ‘Why would they pass a law like that?’

  ‘Back then nobility only married other nobility.’

  ‘Couldn’t you just have said no to him?’ said Thistle.

  ‘I would never have said yes, but it wouldn’t matter. The law states if a suitor is refused by the ruler of the land he has the right to challenge him in combat, and the victor becomes ruler of that land,’ said Fulton. ‘I did not fear for myself, but for you and my people. We had a spy in Morodonia after what happened to the old duke and his daughter, and he found out about Alderon’s plan.

  Thistle put a hand to her mouth. ‘What a horrible law, why didn’t you just let me marry Kai?’

  ‘Because he isn’t nobility, yet, so it wouldn’t have mattered if you were married.’

  Alex scratched his head. ‘Wouldn’t he have become a prince?’

  ‘No, he would have remained a captain until Evanthe became queen, then he would have been king alongside her.’

  Thistle raised an eyebrow. ‘What did you mean he isn’t nobility yet?’

  Fulton smiled at her. ‘Lexworth and I had it all planned. We were going to tell you both about it the night you disappeared, and I think you would have liked the idea too.’

  ‘Then tell me it,’ said Thistle, and Alex noticed they had got a lot closer to each other during the conversation.

  ‘The earl was giving you a whole wing of his palace during your stay, and he was going to adopt Kai so you could marry him. It might sound long-winded, but marriages and adoptions are not quick here. Alderon was already on his way, so we got word to him that the earl had proposed marriage, and you said yes.’

  Alex considered it. ‘I can see it has merits, but wouldn’t Alderon have become suspicious when she married Kai instead?’

  ‘It wouldn’t have mattered what he thought, as Evanthe would have been married to nobility, and he couldn’t use the law to challenge that.’

  ‘Oh, Father, I should have trusted you,’ said Thistle, and embraced him.

  ‘I should have told you sooner,’ said Fulton, a lot happier than he looked earlier.

  ‘Why were you unhappy with Kai when you saw him?’

  ‘Because I knew you would be here with him, where it’s unsafe, but I didn’t know you we
re under the protection of Lord Alex.’

  ‘Yes, and we’re a lot safer than you could imagine.’

  Fulton turned towards the tent flap. ‘Well, I believe we’re done here.’

  Alex shook his head. ‘Not quite, as there’s something the princess needs to tell you.’

  Thistle took a step backwards. ‘What?’

  ‘Your father has a right to know.’

  Thistle lowered her head. ‘I’m with child,’ she said and the king never said anything he just stared at her.

  ‘It will be horrible for you with the sound of tiny feet,’ said Alex. ‘I bet you hope it will be a grandson.’

  Fulton smiled. ‘I wouldn’t mind a granddaughter.’

  ‘It could be one of each.’

  ‘Or even triplets.’

  Thistle shook her head. ‘Do you mind? One will be enough.’

  Fulton turned to Alex. ‘Do you have any children?’

  ‘Yeah, nine daughters.’

  ‘You poor man,’ said Fulton, with his arm around his daughter. ‘Shall we go and end this war?’

  ‘Yeah, that might be a good idea,’ said Alex, as they left the tent.

  King Fulton scanned the army. ‘Kai Silverwolf, return to your post as Captain of the Guard, and take the men with you too. After this war, you will make an honest woman of my daughter.’

  Claire shook her head. ‘How the hell did that happen?’

  Alex smiled at her. It had nothing to do with him really, and he would tell her but not today.

  Dart and the other soldiers from the forest removed their cloaks to reveal light blue tunics of the Calberon guard. Thistle went around telling everyone what her father’s plan had been to the relief of Earl Lexworth whom she embraced affectionately.

  Fulton stood with his arms behind his back. ‘Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have a battle to fight.’

  Landon walked over to him. ‘Yes, Brother, and you’re in charge.’

  ‘Really? I thought one of you might have come up with a plan while you travelled here,’ said Fulton, somewhat hopefully.

  Claire grinned. ‘Lord Alex has a plan.’

  Fulton smiled at him. ‘Then if everyone agrees, Lord Alex is in charge.’

  ‘Good choice,’ said Landon.

  ‘He’s won every other battle since he came here,’ said Nester.

  Alex nearly choked. ‘What? You don’t even know what my plan is.’

  ‘It will be better than mine, as I don’t have one,’ said Fulton. ‘Have you been in many battles before you came here?’

  ‘I wouldn’t say many, but a few, and they usually involved demons.’

  ‘Splendid, so you have experience as well.’

  ‘What are your orders my lord?’ said James smiling, but not as much as Claire.

  ‘Mount up, we’re going to ride through the city,’ said Alex. ‘King Fulton, while you have all the leaders here you might want to change a couple of laws.’

  Fulton looked surprised. ‘They’re not all here, as one is to do war on us.’

  ‘He is not a duke, but a usurper.’ Alex glanced around. ‘My lady, could you come here please?’

  ‘Of course, my lord.’ A woman in a cloak walked over and pulled back her hood. ‘Your Majesty,’ she said, with her hands out forward.

  Fulton took the hands and held them. ‘Isabella, we were told you died. I am so pleased that rumour was wrong.’

  ‘As am I,’ she said, ‘the only reason I still live is because Alderon promised me to his captain.’

  ‘It is Duchess Isabella,’ said Alex, ‘so you see Alderon has no authority in Morodonia.’

  Fulton nodded. ‘Indeed, another crime he committed. You said a couple of laws.’

  ‘Yes, I want you to speed up marriages, as I expect to be invited to a couple after I’ve been to the Dragon World,’ said Alex, and was introduced to Baron Blackwood.

  Fulton mounted a horse. ‘Are you going to lead the army through the city?’

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, you and the other rulers will, and let your people see you and stop any worries they might have.’

  ‘That was a nice gesture,’ said Carrie.

  Alex climbed on Bronte. ‘I thought so too.’

  ‘We have our own plan,’ said Claire.

  ‘And you decided not to tell the king.’

  ‘No, it was much more fun seeing your face.’

  Alex sighed. ‘To think I invite you to all these days out.’

  ‘We’re very grateful,’ said Michelle. ‘No other boss would put us in danger as much as you.’

  ‘I’m not your boss, and I’m sending you in first.’

  ‘Sorry, but we have our own plan.’

  Alex smiled. ‘So how’s it possible they put me in charge?’

  ‘You’ve led since we got here,’ said James.

  ‘This world is really peaceful,’ said Henrik. ‘Most alive here wouldn’t have been in a battle before all this started.’

  James nodded. ‘Which means Alderon hasn’t either.’

  ‘Well neither have I on this scale,’ said Alex.

  ‘Trust in your commanders,’ said Henrik. ‘Let us get to the other side of the city, and we can review our options when we see their army.’

  They rode through the city, and some parts did look medieval but it mostly appeared old-fashioned. It looked a pleasant city as they made their way through the centre of it. The buildings here were smaller than the ones they could see towards the outer walls where Alex guessed the richer people lived. They passed by a market which was open even though a battle loomed. People lined the streets to watch them pass.

  King Fulton put up his arm to halt the army as they approached some larger gates. There were Gothic looking buildings built up either side along the wall, some were for the soldiers to get to the battlements, and many were homes.

  The king turned around. ‘Lord Alex, what do you suggest we do now?’

  Alex dismounted and looked through the gates. ‘I want a marquee tent put up behind the army already out there, so some of you can see without being spotted. The Morodonian soldiers will also go out and blend amongst the others.’

  ‘They are not soldiers,’ said Sir Hubert.

  ‘No, and they won’t be fighting, but need to be out there. Our army will remain here for now. I want the knights and the Calberon guard ready to charge.’

  Earl Karlson looked confused. ‘Wouldn’t it save lives if they saw the size of our whole army?’

  ‘No, I believe it will be the worst scenario,’ said Alex. ‘We want them to think we’re outnumbered.’

  ‘Most of their army will be clones,’ said Earl Lexworth. ‘They’re no match for any of our soldiers.’

  ‘Lord Alex has already set his plan in motion,’ said Karris. ‘If we decide on another plan it could be disastrous.’

  ‘They have a demon lord whose powers we’re yet to establish,’ said Bryn. ‘Until we know what they are we have to be careful.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Alex, ‘and I want you all to keep away and leave it to me.’

  Birkaz raised an ear. ‘Do you not have confidence in us?’

  ‘I have the utmost confidence in you, but I know I’ll be on the Dragon World after this.’ Alex pondered it as many dismounted. ‘From what I’ve learned about Alderon, he will want to appear as the bigger power, but only while he believes he has the bigger army. We have been getting rid of his watchers in the sky, so they couldn’t report back. When his scouts see there’s only a small army out there, he will come in force.’

  Soldiers erected a large tent and the leaders went inside unnoticed with the help of House.

  Alex walked to his own army where the gnomes sat chatting, but their mood indifferent. ‘My friends, are you OK?’

  Fergal looked up. ‘Yes, why wouldn’t we be?’

  ‘I don’t know, but you’ve been quiet of late.’

  ‘We have been enjoying the world,’ said Jarlath.

  ‘There’s a battle looming, and you
seem unbothered by it.’

  ‘Is there any challenge for us in this fight?’ Fergal asked.

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, I guess there isn’t really.’

  ‘Don’t worry about us . . . we will be there if needed.’

  ‘I know that, but there’s something else isn’t there?’

  ‘Yes,’ said Jarlath, ‘we’ve been feeling strange, but unsure why.’

  ‘Good or bad?’

  Fergal shrugged. ‘Not a good feeling. We cannot explain what it be, but it only started when we came to this world.’

  Jarlath nodded. ‘It has gotten stronger the further north we go.’

  ‘Well after this and the Dragon World troubles are over, it’ll be our next quest to find out what it is.’

  A Calberon guard walked over. ‘Lord Alex, an army has appeared from the north.’

  James and Henrik stood outside watching the defenders of the city, as well as the vast army coming towards them. Black uniforms filled the horizon. Dart and Stormhook ran around giving instructions, while telling the soldiers that they were not alone. The fifteen thousand watched the army of Alderon approach, and they would be in the range of arrows within the hour. Two thousand archers stood bunched together, as were four thousand cavalry. The remainder, including four thousand dwarves, were all in one big group waiting.

  ‘This is not good,’ said Henrik.

  James nodded. ‘We need to get this sorted and quickly too.’

  Alex stared at the soldiers. ‘Is there a problem?’

  James pointed at the defenders of the city. ‘It’s not an army but a mob.’

  ‘I see your point . . . can you sort them out in time?’

  ‘With the help of Dart and Stormhook,’ said James, and Alex motioned the two captains over to him.

  They hurried over. ‘Is there something wrong?’ said Dart.

  ‘We need to organise them into proper lines ready for battle.’

  ‘Most of them are the volunteers,’ said Stormhook. ‘They don’t know what to do.’

  Alex grimaced. ‘I forgot most are not soldiers. I don’t want any of them at the front, and if you get a chance replace them with soldiers from the city.’

  He watched as the groups of men, women, and dwarves become lines of soldiers. The cavalry were now organised either side of the army, and the archers were organised into lines behind the soldiers.


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