The Vampire's Bat

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The Vampire's Bat Page 5

by Tigertalez

“I promise you, Maysa, none of these men will hurt you. I wouldn’t allow them near you if I ever, even for a brief moment, doubted for your safety with any of them.”

  Maysa reached for his hand, which he gladly took. He squeezed it to reassure her. He could see her battle her fears and was starting to become worried she might give in and flee. “I promise,” he repeated.

  Fortunately, the door didn’t bang open as the large group entered. Seamus stood to greet his alpha and the others. He chanced putting an arm around Maysa as she stood up beside him. His stomach flipped when she didn’t pull away and he was allowed to feel her warmth and curves lightly press against his side.

  Alphy led the group, with his mate holding his hand, by his side. Seamus introduced them to her. “Maysa, this is our alpha, Ralph Kaska, but everyone calls him Alphy. Next to him is his mate, Gale. Alpha, this is Maysa.”

  Alphy gave them a thoughtful look before nodding his head. “I’m pleased to finally meet you, Maysa. My mate has also been earnest to meet you.”

  Gale’s face was nearly glowing with the blinding smile she offered before sticking her hand out. “Hi, Maysa. Gosh, I love your name.”

  Maysa shook the offered hand. Seamus spotted his brother approaching, eagerly sticking out his hand, and not waiting for any introduction. “Hi, Maysa. I’m Ryker, but you can call me Rye if you want. I’m Sea-salt’s twin.”

  Maysa gave him a true smile. She took his hand and shook it. “Hi, Ryker.”

  Everyone sat down in the chairs around the table as Seamus introduced them. “That’s our beta, Enzo, our lead enforcer, Slate, and our other two enforcers, Matteo and Dultyn. Next to them is Kace. He’s a tracker. Ryker and Nix are trackers, too. Behind them,” he indicated the men leaning against the wall and windowsill, “are our sentries, Henry, Peter, Marley, Gavin, Marek, and Neto. We have two others, but they’re the gargoyles I spoke about, so they’re roosting right now.”

  Maysa waved a timid hand in greeting.

  He waited until the last to introduce Tyler. Because Tyler was a councilman, he was more highly ranked than any pack-member could be. But he stayed with the pack often, due to his mate, Betty, so Seamus felt he could get away with the informality. “Maysa, this is Tyler Ghost. He’s a shifter councilman.” He felt her stiffen only slightly, but smelt surprise more than fear come from her so he continued. “He’s mated to Alphy’s aunt, who is a pack member. He’s a good man.”

  “Hello, Maysa. Thank you, Seamus, for your compliment.”

  After everyone was situated, with Gale sitting on the other side of Maysa, Alphy started the meeting. “I would first like to say, great job everyone, for such a successful pack run. Everyone I came across expressed how much they enjoyed themselves, and I’ve heard more than several times that they thought the hayride was a great addition. Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the next pack run, so really good job. Now, Ryker, you said you had an update?”

  Ryker wiggled happily in his seat. “Yes. We have five cameras now, working perfectly, around the house and garage, and Friday we received three more cameras, which I’ve put aside to place today. Tom said he’d help, if that’s good with you.”

  “That’s great news, Rye. I trust your judgment. Tom’s a good man, and I’m glad he can help. I have no problems with it,” Alphy answered.

  Ryker’s skin darkened with his delight at the praise. “Thank you. Also, the plans for the purchase and set-up for the communication and jamming stations have been completed and are ready for you to look over and approve,” Ryker added.

  “Good, bring it by when you get a chance. Speaking of Tom, most of you know that he’s our pack’s accountant. He reported to me just this morning that some stock that he invested in is doing excellently. I have given him an allotted amount from our pack account to use for investing. He’s not allowed more than that, but whatever he earns from it, he’s allowed to continue to use. He’s pretty good at investing, so I’ve allowed him to take half of what’s in my personal account to invest it. You might want to think about letting him invest some of yours as well.

  “Nix, how are the plans for the airstrip going? Is everything in place for the treehouse construction crews tomorrow?”

  “Yes, sir. Bronya’s doing final measurements and things with her parents today before they head back to Toronto.”

  “Good to hear. Now, the news said this morning that the storm set to hit us later tonight will be a big one. I want everyone to make sure everything is secure and emergency kits are fully stocked. Does anyone else have anything further to report?” With a look around the room, Sea could see everyone shaking their heads. “Well then. Sea, the floor is yours.”

  Seamus was sitting close to Maysa. He had one arm resting on the back of her chair. With the attention now turned on them, and knowing how difficult the story was for her to relive, he used his other hand to reach for hers, and all-around squeezed her reassuringly. “Okay, Maysa, go ahead and tell them what you told me last night.” He kept his presence supportive as she recounted to the group what had happened. Everyone responded appropriately to the various parts of her account.

  When she mentioned the name of the company involved, Neto sat up and asked, “Phenocorps? That’s what they called the company?”

  Maysa dipped her head in the affirmative. “I know on paper it’s a bigger name, but I really didn’t get a good look at the papers, but in conversation they called it Phenocorps. The only time I viewed the full name was when the researchers came to our lab right before the abductions.”

  “Do you know it, Neto?” Alphy asked.

  “Maybe. The company my father was mixed up in is called Phenopharmatherian. If you shorten it, you get…”

  “Phenocorps,” Seamus finished. “Oh shit. I know of them. When I was in the military, our hospital unit started getting experimental drugs to help our shifter troops. We weren’t supposed to officially know where it came from since the company was supposed to be secret. That isn’t suspicious for us because many paranormals have to hide in plain sight.”

  Gale piped up. “Like the investigative agency Alphy’s trying to put together?”

  Seamus nodded. “That’s right. Many paranormal companies have to look the same as the humans when they are side by side, and many of them do cater to humans as well as paranormals, but there are some companies that cater strictly to paranormals.” Everyone else in the room knew, but he didn’t mind answering her. He looked back around the room. “We were given instructions on what kind of patients to use it on and were supposed to record the effects. This was done with the shifter’s permission so it didn’t come across as anything suspicious.”

  Enzo looked to the bison shifter and asked, “Neto, you said the paperwork indicated it was an illegitimate company?”

  “Yes, but it’s been over two and a half decades since I last saw, so they could be legit now.”

  “Not likely, that is to say, if they are experimenting on shifters against their will. There’s no way—” Seamus stopped, his words sticking in his throat.

  “What is it, Sea?” Alphy asked. His face was etched with concern.

  Seamus found it difficult to just come right out and say it. “What were those papers you sent with Slate, the day he got attacked in Toronto?”

  Alphy groaned. “Fuck. That explains Councilman Daily’s involvement.”

  “What papers? I don’t get it.” Gale said.

  Councilman Tyler explained. “It isn’t our papers exactly that we sent that Seamus was pointing out, it was what they were for. Whenever anyone wants to start a company, you need a license or some kind of permit. Whenever a paranormal wants to start a company, they need the human licenses and approval from your specific council. All paranormals are governed by two councils, the shifter council, and the vampire council. No matter what they are, they are governed by one of those two. Since this is a mixed pack of paranormals, and is going to employ both kinds, he had to send in paperwork to both the shifter and the vampire councils
on top of human approval. What Seamus just brought attention to is Councilman Daily’s involvement. No council would approve of any company that experimented on paranormal without the paranormals’ approval. I will add that even with their approvals there are strict mandates.”

  “I can’t see Councilman Daily getting away with approving the company. It takes several signatures and inspections,” Gavin said.

  “Actually,” Tyler answered, “to get approval, you would need the signatures of two council members, and the signature of the head of council. I will have to confirm with our ally but…”

  “That means Councilman Daily has at least one other councilmember in his pocket in addition to the head councilman,” Alphy growled out.

  The room was silent with heavy tension. “So, then, just another day at the office for us, right?” Kace said. With his quip, the tension broke slightly.

  “Maysa, if I showed you a map, perhaps Google Maps, would you be able to, even roughly, show us where the building is?” Alphy asked.

  “I think so. I’ve been thinking really hard try to remember as many details as I can.”

  Seamus cut in. “Don’t forget about the hunter that they sent after her.”

  Alphy’s brows rose. “That’s right, we didn’t get that information yet. What can you tell us about him?”

  “His name is Scott Castro. He’s horrible. At first I thought I had a micro tracker or something in me, but there were a few times I think I really lost him for a little bit, but no longer than a couple of days. I heard him complain once that none of his marks had ever eluded him this long before. He sounded irate. He vowed that he wouldn’t be bringing me back alive. That was the last time I saw him. It was just outside of Toronto.”

  “Got it.” Ryker bounced in his seat as he stared at the screen of his laptop. “He’s got a huge record. He’s wanted by authorities in several states for several accounts of assault, aggravated assault, violating a restraining order, and loads of other things including poaching.” Ryker slowly scrolled his mouse down the page. “Yuck, he’s a sicko. He’s a pedophile, and the animals he poached he tortured before he killed. How on Earth did he get across the border into Canada?”

  “Doesn’t matter. It just means when I kill him, no one will miss him,” Seamus said through his clenched teeth. As soon as he said it, he immediately worried he’d scared his beloved. No, I can’t call her my beloved. I don’t know if she is. But when he looked at her, she actually looked more relaxed or relieved.

  “I’m totally right there with ya, Sea.” Kace said. He lifted his fist halfway into the air.

  “Me, too,” Nix added.

  “As he’s planning her demise, little does he know we are planning his. That’s karma for ya.” Ryker snickered. “It always comes back tenfold … or … uh, how many of us are there now?” Ryker looked around as if counting.

  “Don’t forget to count Stelios and Bogdan,” Kace added with a chuckle.

  “I think we shouldn’t underestimate him, though,” Alphy said grimly. “Make sure you are in groups of two until he can be found and eliminated.”

  Tyler gently asked, “Maysa, did you hear them talk about, or see any other kinds of paranormals? Do they know about vampires or fairies?”

  “Fairies? There’s fairies?” Gale blurted. Tyler gave her a gentle, but pointed look. “Oh! Right, sorry, I’ll shut up.”

  “No, I didn’t see or hear anything to indicate they knew anything beyond shifters,” Maysa answered with confidence.

  “That might be something at least,” Neto said. “It sounds like maybe the councilman is willing to sell out his own kind, but knows if he went after anything else that it would be a nasty battle.”

  “Question.” Henry raised his hand slightly into the air. “Where does the S.I.S. come in to this?”

  “Matteo?” Alphy turned to him.

  Matteo shook his head. “It’s tricky to investigate without compromising paranormals. I’m still looking into it, but it’s slow. I think I’m close to some answers though. I have friends in the CIA who are helping. We are starting to believe the S.I.S. might not officially know about us and that there is only one department that knows. But how far up the ladder it goes, is still uncertain and how much they know, is uncertain.”

  “Keep on it, Matteo. I want that to be your only focus,” Alphy ordered.

  Tyler leaned back into his chair. “I think I’m going to head into the council today, instead of tomorrow, to see what I can come up with. If I wait until tomorrow, I’ll be swamped with my day-to-day work. And since I’ve been away for so long, I’m sure my assistant will be merciless.”

  Alphy turned to Slate. “Slate, I want you and Ryker’s team to work with me on devising a break-in and out. Sorry, Tyler, but there’s no way I’m going to sit back and wait for all the bureaucratic tape to clear before getting those shifters out of there.”

  “Nor would I expect you to. I’m with you on that,” Tyler answered assertively.

  Alphy dismissed the men as the meeting came to an end. As the men started to head out, Gale patted Maysa on the leg. “Don’t worry, Maysa. We’ll get your family and those others out of there. And don’t feel guilty for leaving them. Everything worked itself out the way it was meant to be. If you need anything, or even if you just want to talk, you can come to me.”

  Alphy stood up. “I’ll be back in a little bit with those maps.” After having had said that, Gale stood and let her mate lead her out the door and down the stairs. Soon, the apartment was silent.

  Seamus felt his beloved start to shake. Damn it! I keep calling her that and I shouldn’t. He berated himself for letting his thoughts slip, but on impulse, he couldn’t stop leaning his head down to run the tip of his nose over part of the shell of her ear. A shudder quaked through her body, and Seamus smelt her desire. His dick started to fill. He nuzzled her hairline around her ear and let his lips graze across her ear.

  Maysa’s breathing sped up, and Seamus could sense her blood pumping fast through her veins, and knew it was filled with the sweet taste of desire. His mouth began to water, and his fangs ached, craving to sink into her vein so he could taste her. Without thinking what he was doing, he gently dropped soft kisses down her long neck until he reached the apex where her shoulder met. He pressed his tongue against the spot he intended to drink from, letting her salty feminine flavors fill his senses. Suddenly Maysa shot up and stumbled away from him.

  Alarmed and surprised, Seamus leaped up and looked around. His eyes turned red, and he felt his nails lengthen. Looking around, he didn’t see any threat, but when he looked back at Maysa, she was on the floor against the portable x-ray machine, crying into her hands.

  Seamus’s eyes quickly turned back to normal as did his nails. He hurried next to her and squatted down. “Shh, it’s okay, sweetheart. You’re safe. Remember? I’m not going to let anyone hurt you. Tell me what is wrong.” Watching her cry was ripping his heart from his chest. He hated seeing her so upset. Wanting to see her laugh, he said, “As Alphy says, ‘tell me what’s wrong so I can either fix it, or kick its ass.’”

  Maysa let out a snort that he recognized as amusement. Grabbing a tissue, he handed it to her. After cleaning her face, she looked ready to cry again. “I’m sorry. I felt so afraid you were going to bite me.”

  Seamus’s eyes got big. “Oh,” he said, stunned to realize who was to blame for her fear.

  “I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad.”

  “Sweetheart, I’m not mad. You don’t need to fear me. I understand you are terrified of needles right now. I admit I wanted to taste you very much, but I would not have done that without your permission. Only a rogue would ever do that. I have never bitten anyone without permission.”

  Maysa looked like she was thinking that over. He helped her to stand up and was pleasantly shocked when she wrapped her arms around him. He didn’t hesitate to encircle her within his arms. She felt so good there. It wasn’t a moment that got his dick to interfere, but a fee
ling that washed a relief of comfort and rightness all through his fatigued body.

  He kissed the crown of her head, noticing she only went up to his chin. Maysa’s body shook, and he heard a giggle escape. “What’s so funny?” He asked with amusement.

  “Guess the ass you gotta kick is your own.”

  Seamus chuckled. “You’re right. I blame Alphy for this.”

  Chapter Six

  Maysa hated being so afraid of Seamus’s bite. She knew it wasn’t him she was afraid of. She just somehow knew without a doubt that he would protect her from everyone and everything, including himself.

  Both sides of her wanted him to taste her. Her heart was in it, her mind wanted it, and most of her body wanted it. But when the moment was presented, her body rebelled and her mind shut down.

  With her body wrapped in his, she inhaled his scent. It was intoxicating and did all sorts of things to her, but she didn’t get any hallelujah chorus singing epiphanies that this was her mate. Her parents told her she would just know and that her bat would tell her. And her bat definitely wanted him, but it didn’t whisper “mate” to her like she had heard others had experienced. Breathing in his scent, she scrunched up her forehead with what she just noticed.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked. His words were refined, and his voice was low. She could feel it stir up the butterflies in her stomach.

  “I don’t scent that you are a vampire.” Worry and fear knotted in her stomach. Tears welled in her eyes. “Yesterday, when I saw the badger, I thought it was a shifter, but couldn’t scent it, but later I saw him shift so I knew he was a shifter.”

  She pulled away and sniffed around the room. “I only smell humans, but they are shifters.”

  “Whatever those scientists did to you probably altered your sense of smell.”

  Tears streamed down her face, and she was once again being warmed by Seamus’s embrace. “Is it permanent? What if I can’t ever smell right again? What if it prevents me from scenting my mate?” Seamus went rigid. Emotional hurt drifted to her nose. It was mixed with concern. “I can scent emotions, so why can’t I recognize other scents?”


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