The Vampire's Bat

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The Vampire's Bat Page 14

by Tigertalez

  Maysa’s shoulders slumped, and her heart hurt. Tears began to well in her eyes, and she wiped them away as they fell. Her father sat beside her on the bed and wrapped her in a hug. He kissed the top of her head. “We are all so very proud of you, my little mayflower. You helped to save us and all those other shifters at the lab, and you saved that little girl yesterday.”

  After a round of hugs and kisses, her parents left. Maysa was about to feel herself get lost in her dismay when her mate wrapped his arms around her. His closeness and the calming balm of his scent soothed her, and she felt happy once again.

  “Mayflower, I like the sound of that. Can I call you that, too?” Seamus asked.

  “Sometimes.” She looked sideways at him.

  “Sometimes? When can I use it?”

  “When you’re good.”

  Maysa laughed out loud as Seamus growled and pounced on her, pinning her to the bed. He ran his hot tongue across her mating mark. “I’m always good,” he said just before he bit down, piercing her artery.

  Maysa’s eyes rolled back and her body tried to bow, but Seamus’s body pinned her down as her body rolled through an orgasm. Her mate above her ground his cock, still covered behind his slacks, between her legs and stiffened as he groaned out his own pleasure.

  After he licked her mark shut, which sent a shudder of delight down her body, she hummed and relaxed.

  Nix’s voice sounded embarrassed as he spoke to them through the room divider. “Uh, guys? Can you at least open a window or something?”

  Seamus’s displeasure rumbled through his chest. “Be thankful we didn’t do anything more.”

  “Aww, come on, Sea.” Nix was whining now. “I want my mate just as much as you want yours.”

  Seamus huffed, blowing a puff of air over her mark, which sent the pinpricks of goosebumps down her back and over her arms. “Fine,” he grumbled.

  It wasn’t long before Alphy came to talk to Seamus and Nix. Maysa was still stuck in bed, so she couldn’t do anything but listen in on it.

  “Hey, Sea. How’s Nix doing?” Alphy asked.

  “His healing is slow. His ridiculous attempt to escape yesterday didn’t help.” Maysa could tell Seamus was teasing.

  “Yes, Bronya told me about his idiot move.” Alphy’s voice sounded a bit strict, but from the chuckles, and Nix’s protests, she could tell they were teasing him.

  “I’m right here, guys.” Nix sounded like he was mock pouting. Maysa had to cover her mouth to smother her snickers.

  Alphy continued. “Gale insists the officers’ mates should be allowed to attend the officers’ meetings if they so choose. She claims the best way to support us is to know what we are planning on doing. She has a point, and I don’t think I have it in me to argue with her about it. I wanted you to join us in our meeting, and since Nix is up here, I thought about having Betty and Connie make a continental breakfast up here for everyone. Is that okay with you?”

  Seamus touched her mind. “What do you think, Maysa?”

  “I’m okay with it,” she responded. She smiled wide at Seamus’s consideration to her thoughts.

  “Sounds fine, Alphy. If he’s not too busy, can you send Reese up here? I can send him to task on rearranging some things around.”

  “Will do. Thanks, Sea.” Alphy’s steps grew distant as he left the room and headed back downstairs.

  Maysa reached out and touched Seamus’s mind. It was an ability she was learning to use, and she truly loved it. She liked being able to have a private conversation in such an intimate way, anywhere, without anyone else listening in. “Do you go to a lot of the officers’ meetings?”

  “I am an officer in an unofficial way. Until Alphy declares otherwise, I am the healer of this pack, and therefore I am an officer. Did you not have one where you are from?”

  “No. Medical aid for anyone was hard to come by, let alone for shifters. That’s why I chose to go into the medical field, so I could help others where help isn’t normally available. Some help I am now.” She frowned.

  “Do not feel so sad, sweetheart. What I am trying to offer to others is help, where help isn’t available, and Alphy supports that. We are going to build the first paranormal hospital that will be available to all paranormals. Tyler had even mentioned he was looking into setting up partnerships and alliances with the councils in other countries so they could have access.”

  Maysa stayed quiet, thinking over what Seamus said as he went around doing check-ups on all the other patients. He was right. They were going to help more than just one country—they were going to help many. And the more she thought about it, she realized she wasn’t just going to help day-to-day paranormals. They were in a war with a company who was torturing shifters, and her new pack and her new mate were in the forefront, fighting them. They would need her, and she was happy knowing she was helping to fight back at the company who had done so much harm to her, and who still had two of her siblings, somewhere.


  Seamus kissed down his beloved’s back in an effort to wake her in a good mood. He had felt how hard it was for her when her parents had left. Even though he had distracted her, she still had it and other things on her mind that she was attempting to process. But this was going to be an early morning with a lot of people to arrive soon, so he needed to push her, but gently.

  Maysa moaned and wiggled. Another moan sounded, and Seamus realized the second one wasn’t from his mate. It was coming from the other side of the divider. His beloved silently shook in a quiet chuckle. “Sounds like Bronya had the same idea for her mate as you did,” she whispered in his mind.

  “We really need a place of our own.” Now it was his turn to feel depressed. He hadn’t been able to enjoy his beloved’s body since he bonded with her. He felt like his balls were going to fall off. He was hard, all the time. Either they had no privacy, or she was injured.

  Seamus rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Within the next fifteen minutes, the upstairs apartment began to fill with the officers, and six mates, which was including Maysa, Bronya, and as Tyler was attending, Betty. The girls set up several metal serving containers filled with breakfast burritos, croissant sandwiches, muffins, and finger fruits like grapes, strawberries, and bananas, already peeled oranges, and cut apples. Also, carafes of coffee and pitchers of orange juice were placed.

  Maysa, Nix, Henry, and Peter sat in comfortable chairs, all with their feet propped up to help them relax. They were given plates of food, and everyone else started filling the seats around them.

  Finally, with everyone sitting as comfortably as possible and eating from plates in their laps, Alphy began the meeting.

  “Thank you for coming, everyone, and I especially welcome you, ladies. I was given some news yesterday that Ryker wished for me to share with you today. Ryker has found his beloved in the rhino we have rescued.”

  Seamus hadn’t told anyone, as it was his brother’s choice who and when to tell. He also knew that after talking with Alphy, he’d chosen to keep it hush-hush until today’s meeting. Why, Seamus could only guess. And as the room erupted in happy congratulations, Seamus began to wonder if it was because of Enzo, who looked extremely shocked. The smile on his face also looked forced, and his body seemed tense.

  After a few moments, Alphy quieted everyone down and continued. “The rhino, as well as others, are unable to shift. We have determined it isn’t by choice, but Seamus is working on the issue. He’s been keeping me up to date with all of the refugees’ health, and we are both very grateful to all of you and the others who have sacrificed the time and effort to caring for the ones who need help.

  “Also, Seamus and Maysa, you may be happy to hear that we were able to pull some strings, and the manufactured home is being shipped out today. Kace has a good crew, and they are working hard to prepare the site. Kace, when do you think it will be ready for moving in?”

  “Tyler was able to pull the strings needed for permits. Everything else is construction. We should be
finished with everything by the end of next week.”

  “Wow, that’s incredible,” Seamus said, shocked.

  “It is,” Kace responded seriously. “Permits take forever, and all that other stuff we did for the park model homes, and are still doing, and still plan to do, it is all crazy fast. Some of the refugees have volunteered to help, and it was mentioned that it could be a good therapy for them, so I’ve separated them into groups, led by my guys. They each have their own project they’re working on.”

  Seamus nodded. “It is good for them, so long as they aren’t overworked. But I have been keeping my eyes on them, and they are doing well. I believe being able to have control over something, helps them. And all of them are thankful to us for all we have done, and are continuing to do for them, so this will help them feel like they are contributing to us, which they are in a big way.”

  “That’s good to hear. Thank you, Kace,” Alphy said and then looked around the room at the others as he continued. “Though a few of the refugees have left to start new lives, the others have expressed to me that they are invested in staying here with us. Also, families who have been approved to join us have started to arrive. One family arrived last night, and three more will arrive sometime over this weekend. This will give us the manpower we need to build and to fill positions in our pack business in investigations and security, which our approval has finally come through for.”

  Alphy paused a moment as everyone clapped and cheered. After a few moments, Alphy signaled everyone to quiet down and he continued. “After this weekend, we will have ninety-six members and seventeen dependents.”

  “With so many arriving, how many are going to be living on pack lands?” Neto asked.

  “I’m setting most aside for officers or ranked. Those closest here, need to be the most trusted. There is still plenty of land set aside for other members, but I’m being reserved since we have so many nonresidential buildings planned. I don’t want to allow a build only to force them to move later on. And there are still plenty who would rather live in town, or closer to it at least.”

  “Nix and Bronya, a number of our pack joined in the build of your treehouse yesterday and will do so again today. They will continue to do so until it’s done, which is estimated to be by the middle of this coming week. Funny thing, we actually had two others approach and express their wishes for a treehouse. The builder is meeting with each of them today to make the plans. That was a pretty great idea you two had.

  “And Nix, you’ll be happy to hear this. I was able to get in touch with Staff Sergeant Finn North. Though he has a pack, and he is still enlisted, he is excited about what we are doing here and would like to join us. He believes his expertise can aid us in our pack business, and is also delighted we are willing to have extra canine protection. He seems to have been ridiculed by everyone including most of his family, for taking on the career he did in being a dog handler.”

  “Why would his family ridicule him, or anyone else for that matter?” Gale asked with a puzzled look on her face.

  Slate answered her. “Most paranormals take it as an insult to require any help from an inferior species, to aid in protection and detection. It makes them look weak for not being able to do it themselves. The reason I suggested it was because it would free up our guys from the distraction and burden of smaller mundane things so they could better handle the bigger and more important things.”

  “There are a lot of jobs the dogs can do that can make our jobs so much easier,” Nix added. “Think of it as washing dishes. Sure, anyone can do it by themselves, but add another pair of hands and it goes faster and is easier. There are also times the dogs can be put on duty by themselves, like when the kids are on the playground. For example, when Reese needed to take Danny in to the bathroom, if we had had a trained canine, he could have prevented Abby from going anywhere, or even protected her, without anyone there until Reese returned.”

  Gale’s eyes were high up on her forehead. “That sounds great.” Then she brought them down and frowned. “So why would the other alphas think it is a sign of weakness? It sounds like a big power boost to me.”

  “It can cause others to doubt the alpha’s protection abilities,” Alphy explained. “No one wants an alpha who can’t protect or provide for the pack. It could consequently cause the alpha to be challenged by any alpha who wanted the territory and/or the pack accounts.”

  Gale looked sick. “You mean you would be challenged?”

  Alphy chuckled. “Maybe, but only by the stupid ones who will undoubtedly lose.”

  “Wait,” Katie, who had been silent until now, interrupted. “Okay, you said for territory, which I get, and/or pack accounts. Does that mean you could be challenged by an alpha, and if you were defeated, they could wipe out our pack’s account? Then what? Leave?”

  Slate turned to his mate. “It has happened, Baby-Kate, but it isn’t common. Mostly, they want territories. But if you remember, Alphy took over the herd, but he didn’t want a territory. However, he did take over the pack accounts.”

  “Oh. I guess my dad and the others are lucky Alphy divided the account up among the herd,” she almost mumbled, but everyone heard her.

  “That’s because Alphy is fair and honorable,” Gale said lovingly as she looked up at her mate. Alphy returned her affectionate look.

  Slate fake coughed out Alphy’s name. Alphy cleared his throat. “Thank you, Honey-bear. Okay, uh, where was I? Oh yes, right, so Finn still has to finish his tour and he would be out right before the American Thanksgiving. He would like to spend the holidays with his family, so he won’t be joining us until after the New Year.

  “Moving on. Teams scoured the forests yesterday and found only three more traps. Though I have more set to go out today to further search, we are hopeful we have found and destroyed them all. In spite of so many traps, we don’t think he was here long. Most of the traps were simple enough to be made relatively quickly. Still, whenever anyone goes into the forest, I want everyone to be wary.”

  “Uhha! Right on time,” Ryker interrupted. He was looking down at the monitor on his laptop. Everyone around the room laughed, except Enzo. He sported a nearly angry look as everyone who could, followed him down the stairs and stood in front of the garage as a flower delivery van arrived.

  The van must have seen the group gathering in front of the garage, because he pulled right up to it. Seamus hid his amusement as the same driver, Dylan, hopped out. He smiled and waved as he ran around and opened the side door.

  “I’ve got another delivery for you, Mister Boyce. This time your admirer brought in some of their own flowers to add to the arrangement.” He pulled out a rather large bouquet with big, bright sunflowers and adorned with purple flowers. Everyone watched as Dylan handed the arrangement over to Enzo while explaining them. “The sunflowers mean adoration, and these purples ones are bellflowers. They have three meanings, unchanging love, honesty, and obedience. Those are the ones your admirer brought in.”

  Enzo’s angry face suddenly took on a curious, concerned look as he sniffed at the flowers.

  “Thank you, Dylan.” Seamus watched Alphy smile and dig in his pocket, handing the young man a twenty dollar bill. The kid smiled and waved, turned and climbed back into his van.

  Kace rocked on his feet and teased the beta. “It’s okay, Enzo, they’re flowers. They usually grow in dirt and produce a smell to attract bees.”

  Everyone chuckled but stopped when they felt the tension radiating off Enzo. “What is it, Enzo?” Alphy asked.

  Enzo sniffed at the flowers a little bit more and then looked at Alphy. “Whoever handled these flowers is my mate.”

  Everyone hooted and cheered for Enzo, but he didn’t respond in kind. Enzo ignored everyone and marched to the house, disappearing through the front door.

  “I don’t get it. Shouldn’t he be happy?” Gale asked.

  “Maybe he wanted to play the field a bit longer and now he can’t.” Kace looked like he was joking, but Seamus
could sense that he, too, was concerned with their beta’s reaction.

  “Well now, everyone, let’s clean up the kitchen upstairs and start our day,” Alphy ordered, causing everyone to disperse in different directions.

  Seamus was part of the group that headed back upstairs. He was eager to get back to his beloved, who chose not to follow the group. Enzo may have a problem with finding his mate, but Seamus couldn’t be happier, and he wanted that happiness for his brother. To do that, he had a lot of work to do.


  A week after the rescue, Max held his beloved in his arms as he climbed the stairs to the infirmary. He looked around as he stepped through the door. Doctor Seamus was holding up a vial and studying its liquid content in the light. Sitting beside him, bent over a microscope, was his beloved. Standing next to the room divider, their nurse, Katie, was talking to a strange Latino looking man who was standing beside her, buttoning up a shirt.

  “Max, I’m glad you came,” Doctor Rossi greeted him with a welcoming smile.

  Max smiled and accepted the hand Seamus offered. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, well, more specifically, your beloved. That man over there is the black jaguar we rescued.”

  Max paused and let his sluggish brain process. He was thirsty for his beloved, but she was stuck in her animal form. Spending the time with her that he had, had sped up his mate cravings. So it took a moment for him to comprehend what the doctor was saying. When he realized what it meant, his eyes got big, and he turned a hopeful look towards the doctor.


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