Salvage-5: The Next Mission (First Contact)

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Salvage-5: The Next Mission (First Contact) Page 16

by Brian K. Larson

  “She’s right, you know,” Tucker pointed over at Cass.

  “I mean you, mister!”

  “Oh, well...I see,” Tucker cleared his throat, “Now, Captain...keep her on course. You know, that text book approach?” he said, glancing over at Cass.

  He pulled away from Cass as she swatted his arm, “Ow, hey now...”

  “We’re coming up on the CSMO now, Commander.”

  “Okay, thanks,” Tucker snickered as Cass poked her fingers in his ribs.

  “Um...Commander?” Sam said, looking out the front window, “Tucker...I think you should see this...”

  “Wha, what was that, Captain?” Tucker asked, looking away from Cass.

  “No, don’t look at me! There!” she pointed.

  The crew looked at the landed CSMO, the lower quarter of the ship partially engulfed by a foreign substance.

  “Dear god!” Tucker cried, the color in his expression rapidly dissipating. “All STOP!”

  “Yes, Sir!” Sam said, pulling back on the controls, “You don’t have to ask me twice.”

  “Shine all our spot lights on that thing!”

  Cassie maneuvered the high powered spot lights on the CSMO and scanned it up and down.

  “Vhat is that?” Slavena exclaimed, her face wrought with panic.

  “That,” Tucker said, turning his head toward Slavena for a moment, then forward, “is the makings of an alien complex.”

  “A vhat?!”

  “You heard the man!” Cass shouted, “Geez, are ya deaf? A-l-i-e-n as in little green men aliens! Oh Tuck, we can’t do this again!”

  “You’re tellin’ me!”

  “Now I vish I had ztayed on Falcon...”

  “I’m getting a familiar landing beacon from the complex, but it’s not having the same effect on our ship,” Cass reported, “In fact, it isn’t having any effect on us at all.”

  “No lights, no power the CSMO still functional?”

  “I am reading CSMO weak power on the control deck, but nothing else.”

  “Buster, see if you can ‘hack’ into the CSMO and open these landing bay doors?”

  “I’m on it, Commander...”

  “Samuels, how about getting you and I set up, we’re going in...”

  “You’re not going in there alone, Tucker!” Cass again protested.

  “Don’t be silly, Cass...I’m taking Samuels with me.”

  “You don’t plan on leaving us alone here do you?”

  “You guys will be fine...Cass, Slavena? You think you two can handle the refueling while the Sarge and I go hunting?”

  “What about me, Commander? What do you want me to do?” Buster asked.

  “You just get those bay doors open for do not leave this ship! Do I make myself clear, mister?” Tucker said, shoving a finger in the young man’s face, then he turned to Sam, “See to it that the, wiz-kid here, doesn’t get any not go off the ship!”

  “I understand perfectly, Commander...the bay doors are open and ready for us,” Buster gulped.

  “Okay...Sam, take us down.”

  “I’m over the open landing bay now, shine one of your spotlights down there...thank you.”

  “Anytime, Captain,” Cassie smiled.

  “Z minus 10 meters at 10KPH, and in 3...2...1, skids down! mag-locks engaged.”

  “Keep the engines primed, Captain. Buster, roll the doors closed and flood the compartment with environmentals...Samuels, let’s secure the landing bay.”

  “Bay doors closed and pressurizing, Commander.”

  “Sam, open the cargo bay door.

  “Environmentals are equalizing,” Sam reported, just before pressing the command.

  The cargo bay deck on Salvage-5 lowered like a ramp. Samuels handed Tucker a gun belt, complete with three grenades, and a rail rifle.

  “Only three?”

  “What?” Samuels asked, “You think you need more? Help your damn self.”

  “Why certainly, my good man...and by the way...”

  “Yes, Commander?”

  “Where’s my little beauty?”

  “You’re breaking that out now?”

  “Go big or go home,” Tuck smiled.

  Samuels reached in a secure locker and handed Tucker one of the alien weapons they took from the last complex.

  Tucker swung it over his shoulder and smiled, “Thank, let’s move out.”

  Cass and Slavena followed Tucker down the ramp, “We’ll get this thing refueled while you’re gone,” Cass said.

  Tucker waved his hand in front of his face and scowled, “Man! This place still reeks as bad as it did before!”

  “No, trust me,” Samuels smiled, “It was way worse than it is now.”

  “No, I think you’re wrong about that,” Tucker managed to gag, “it’s pretty bad...maybe you’re just used to it, Sarge.”

  “Maybe you’re being super sensitive. We cleaned it up. Sure, it’s fallen behind since they took it back, but we did.”

  “Seal this airlock behind us,” Tuck ordered, “The wireless should work unless we go inside the complex.”

  “I’m not goin’ in there, Tuck...” Samuels said without hesitation, “Just lookin’ for Hargrove and survivors...that’s it...we bug outta here soon as we can...but we’re not going inside the”

  “Yeah, deal...”

  “I’m right behind ya, Commander. Lead on.”

  “You want me to go first?”

  “Isn’t the game called ‘follow the leader’?”

  “Very funny, Sarge,” Tucker chuckled.

  Cass closed and locked the bay doors, sealing them inside the landing bay of the CSMO.

  “Come on, Lieutenant. Let’s get her gassed up.”

  “Zo, vhat iz it about you two?”

  “Who, the Colonel and I?”

  “Vell, there izn’t anyone elze out here, Blondie.”

  “Hey! Watch it!”

  “No, you watch it! I hear about American women. Likely not natural color.”

  “You’ll never get the pleasure of finding that out.”

  “Ha! I knew it, you dye your hair!”

  “I do not!”

  “Maybe I do believe blond is true color,” Slavena shot back.

  Cass stopped, and planted her hand on Slavena’s chest, “I suggest we just get this ship fueled and not try and talk to each other,” then pushed her back a step.

  “Don’ push me, Major...”

  “Or what?” Cassie asked, coming into Slavena’s face.

  “Or elze I vill vet-wash thiz deck with you.”

  “You just go ahead and try!”

  “Hey!” Sam shouted down the cargo ramp, “You mind getting the tank leads hooked up? Sometime today would be nice!”

  Cass and Slavena relaxed their stance, looking at Sam, “Sure, Captain...You heard her, get the left side and I’ll get the right.”

  “Vhy should I got to left side? I’m already at right?”

  “’Cause I’m a Major, and you’re the Lieutenant.”

  “Ve are not in zame military!”

  “No, you’re not...just go do it!”

  “Fine! Vhatever!”

  Cass rolled her eyes and began hooking up the plasma conduit to the fill port.

  “Sam,” Cass instructed, “open the static port and I’ll start the transfer.”

  “Static port is open. Ready for fueling procedure.”

  “Slavena? You got that side hooked up yet?”

  The wireless returned static.

  “Slavena! Do you read me?”

  There was nothing for several uncomfortable moments, then Cass decided to run to the left side to check on Slavena when her ear piece came to life, “Da! Left port return is connected.”

  “It’s about time, Slavena!”

  “Zorry, virelezz drop out of ear.”

  “Okay, get back inside until the procedure is complete.”

  “Da...thiz place give me

  “And it don’t smell too good either.”

  “Da, ve can agree on that.”

  “Sorry about’s just.”

  “You love him?”

  “Yes...I guess I do.”

  “Then it iz my place to make apology.”

  “, it’s really all my misunderstanding.”

  “Don’ be ridiculouz, iz really all my fault!”

  “No, no! I insist on taking the blame.”

  “Will you two knock it off already!” an irritated Buster shouted down through the pilot house.

  “My, aren’t we feeling confident,” Sam smiled.

  “Well, it did the trick, didn’t more talk, talk, talk, from the mother hens.”

  “...and you’re taking more lessons from the Colonel I see.”

  “Well, you know...a man’s gotta do, what a man’s gotta do.”

  “You mean, wiz-kid.”

  “Yeah, whatever.”

  * * *

  Tucker took point as the two traversed the corridors to the CSMO’s command center.

  Samuels cautiously brought up their rear, looking back and side to side at each junction, “Man, been here five months on this tug and suddenly this place is giving me the creeps.”

  “Shhh,” Tucker motioned, slinking down the causeway. “But I do feel the creeps too...”

  Tucker held his hand up in a fist, indicating to hold, “Did you hear something?” he whispered.

  The two stood still, listening to their surroundings.

  “Nope...I don’t...”

  “Shhh!” Tucker demanded. “There it is again!” he continued to whisper.

  More silence as they patiently waited. Tucker pointed at his eyes and then toward the open entrance to the command center. He pressed his back on the side of the opening and peered slowly around the corner.

  Then held still again, observing any movement. When he was satisfied it was clear, he crept over the entrance’s threshold and rounded the corner, pointing his rail gun ahead of him.

  Standing in the open entrance, he motioned the all clear to Samuels, who then followed. He checked their rear once more, and quietly joined Tucker.

  “This place is a ghost town, Tuck,” Samuels whispered.

  “Check the NAV station,” Tucker ordered, “I’ll check out the pilot station.”

  Samuels made his way over and checked the navigation console and then turned to the communications panel, “All good here, Tuck. It’s like they just up and left.”

  “All the captain’s systems are online as well. The ship’s logs show a major hit when they landed.”

  “Guess that wasn’t Hargrove. He’s a pro,” Samuels nodded.

  “The logs also show the date and time that Kurtis took’s all right here.”

  “The only thing left for us to do is check out below.”

  “Um, you can go below...”


  “We tried down last time, remember? Didn’t work out so good for us that time, what makes you think it will this time?”

  “Tuck, I’m not saying we go down into the complex below the surface...but we have to look for Hargrove.”

  “No, we really don’t have to.”

  “Colonel, he’s just a kid.”

  “Buster’s a kid, Hargrove...well, he’s just...”

  “Hargrove,” the two said in unison.

  “Alright, I said we’d check out the CSMO, so I guess we’d better.”

  “Good, I’ll lead the way since I’m familiar with the ship’s layout.”

  “That’s a great idea, Sarge. Please, lead on,” Tucker motioned.

  The two slowly made their decent, checking every entrance and corridor they came to.

  “Cass, Tucker...come in,” Tucker whispered through the wireless.

  “Tucker, Cass...go ahead,” she whispered in return.

  “We’re about to check out the lower aft cargo hold...last place where any of the crew could be.”

  “Affirmative...Tuck...please be careful down there.”

  “Don’t you worry your pretty little ass off for me.”


  “You know what I mean, Tucker out.”

  “Cassie out.”

  Samuels reached for the wheel on the door and gave it a quick spin, when someone reached from behind Tucker and cupped a hand over his mouth, making shushing instructions.

  Tucker shot out of his skin, causing Samuels to jump. Turning, he aimed his weapon at an intensely, and wide-eyed looking Lieutenant Hargrove.

  “Hargrove! Are you insane? Don’t ever do that again!” Tucker yelled.

  * * *

  Chapter 16

  Salvage-5 - Docked w/CSMO


  Kuiper Belt - Asteroid 52 Europa

  Earth Date: 04/16/2065 11:20

  Completed Objectives:








  “Refueling complete!” Sam announced though her wireless. “Wrap it up and stow those hose connections. Don’t forget to seal the static ports.”

  Cass and Slavena headed back down the cargo bay ramp of the ship. Slavena turned to the port side, while Cass disconnected the right.

  “Slavena?” Cass asked over her headset.

  “Vhat is it?”

  “I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “Da! Zo am I. Ve zhould not fight. It appearz ve have bigger problemz to deal vith,” Slavena answered, as she unscrewed the hose connector.

  “This is true, we do have larger problems. What’s happened to this CSMO is similar to the last complex we blew at 15 Eunomia,” Cass explained, while closing the static port with a snap.

  “Vhat exactly happened at 15 Eunomia?” Slavena asked, joining up with Cass once more at the ramp.

  “It’s a really long story, Slavena. I can tell you that we need to get out of here as soon as possible,” Cass answered, walking up the ramp.

  “Cass, Tucker,” the team heard through their headsets.

  “Well, it’s about time, Commander. What the hell’s going on down there? Don’t you think you should be getting back already?”

  “We found Hargrove!”

  “That’s great, now come on already!”

  “We also found the crew from the Liberator.”

  “What about everyone else? Are they gone?”

  “I’m afraid so, Major. They were taken into the complex. There’re already being cloned.”

  “Come on, Tuck! Get back...”

  “You already fueled and restocked?”

  “Yes, we just wrapped it up.”

  “Sam, get your systems online and fire up your bird.”

  “Copy that, Commander,” Sam answered, I’ll have the engines all fired up and ready for you when you get onboard.”

  “We’ll be making our way back up to you now. Give us about 10 minutes...”

  “10 minutes, Commander. We’re here and ready to go,” Sam confirmed.

  “...unless we run into any clones, that is.”

  “Commander?” Cass asked, “Are you seeing any activity? Should we expect company?”

  “I’d expect anything now days.”

  “Just hurry it on up!” Sam urged.

  “Oh crap!”

  “Tucker?” Cass asked, “I didn’t like the sound of that. What’s going on?”

  “We’ve got company. Seven clones coming down the corridor. We’re engaging them...going to try and fight em off!”

  “Tucker!” Cass yelled, “Slavena, arm yourself and pass me one of those rail guns...Commander, we’re coming down to give you some help. Tell us where you are!”

  “No!” Tucker protested, “Stay put. Close the ship and take off.”

  “No, Tucker!
We won’t leave you!”

  “No time to argue!” Cass heard through the wireless. Then the rail guns began to sound as they opened fire on the approaching clones.

  “Buster!” Sam shouted, then pressed her commander sequence to role the cargo bay doors shut, “Depressurize the landing bay and get these doors open!”

  “What do you think you’re doing?!” Cass yelled up to Sam.

  “Taking off like the Commander ordered.”

  “Sam! We can’t leave Tucker down there.”

  “Cargo bay door closed and sealed,” Buster reported. “Rolling the doors open; 10 seconds until clear.”

  “Good boy, Buster...Cass, you have to know that Tucker has a plan.”

  “Tucker doesn’t have plans!”

  “Whattya mean? Sure he does.”

  “Nope, he flies by the seat of his pants...always has...that’s what I love about him. That’s why we can’t leave them behind. Sam, I beg you!”

  “Strap in, Major. I’m throttling up the engines for take-off.”

  Cass gasped at the sound of the turbines firing up, “Sam!” You gotta let me off first. I won’t leave him behind.”

  “Too late,” Sam reported, “Leaving the CSMO now.”

  Slavena secured her weapon and climbed up to the pilot house. Cass raced to the back of the cargo bay and grabbed two grenade belts and strapped them around her waist.

  The Salvage-5 lifted out of the CSMO, causing Cass to float up to the MECH housing. She slung the weapon Slavena gave her over her shoulder and climbed down into the MECH, closed the diamond reinforced bubble lid and pulled the ejection release. The MECH dropped down from the ship’s MECH bay as she fired up all its systems.

  Slipping her wireless into the MECH’s console, she heard a very upset Sam on the other end, “What’d you go do that for?”

  “Sorry, Captain. I’m not leaving Tucker down there. He’s saved my life more than once, and I’m not about to let this complex capture him.”

  “I’m not coming back for you, Cass.”

  “Don’t worry about us, you just stay your distance from this it?”

  “I’m holding position 500 meters above the CSMO. From here we can monitor what’s going on down there.”

  “Okay, I’ll stay in contact unless I have to go inside the complex.”

  “Report in every 15, Cassie...just don’t get yourself caught.”

  “Don’t worry, I don’t intend on being caught...Commander, Tuck...give me your position. Commander, do you read me?”


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