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Heartfire: A Second Chance Romance

Page 31

by Joanna Blake

  "Such a waste of a perfectly good boner."

  She was still laughing as she turned on the shower. I leaned up to watch her yank the shirt off and slip into the shower.

  "I promise to take good care of you tonight!"

  I moaned. Tonight was so far away. Maybe I could help her wash up...

  The water turned off. I cursed. Nadine was notoriously quick in the shower. I frowned, realizing that was probably because of the way she'd grown up... her house back in South Side... the crappy apartment... she'd never really had a safe place to relax and goof off in.

  Not until now.

  I was going to make her feel safe. I was going to take good care of her. I'd already started.

  I watched her get dressed. New jeans and a warm sweater. I'd taken her shopping last weekend. She'd resisted until I'd shown her all the free gift cards I got from the local mall. After that, she'd relented.

  Somewhat, anyway.

  She looked gorgeous in her new clothes. Not that she hadn't before. But this ramped it up.

  I followed her downstairs. There was no point in going back to bed. Besides, I wanted to be there when she saw her new present.

  "Where's my bag?"

  She was looking around nervously. Damn, I forgot how worried she got. I pointed to the table with a smirk.

  A brand new designer book bag was lying there. It was stuffed with all her stuff. And something else I'd gotten her.

  A new laptop.

  She just didn't know that part yet.


  "It's for you."


  I pulled her into my arms.

  "Just relax. Go to work study. Open it when you get to class."

  "Where's my stuff?"

  "It's all in there."

  She chewed her lip, looking uncertain.

  "It's just a new bag! Relax. Now, I think someone else wants to say goodbye."

  I glanced down meaningfully. Honeysuckle was winding between our legs. Nadine bent down and scooped up the cat, kissing its fuzzy little head.

  I had to admit it, I was a little bit jealous of the cat.

  Honeysuckle started purring immediately. It always did that when Nadine as around. It was even starting to trust me a bit too.

  The stupid cat was growing on me.

  Nadine put the cat down and I walked her to the door, indulging in one last, long kiss.

  She waved as she started out in the early morning light. I watched her, feeling a deep sense of contentment spread through me. Which was weird, considering the fact that my dick was still hard as a rock.

  I bent down to scratch the cat behind the ears.

  "Want some breakfast you little flea trap?"


  "Earth to Nadine, come in Nadine."

  I was leaning against the counter at BB Smiths. I was only working three nights a week now. James had insisted. But it was fine. Now that I'd moved in with him I didn't need the rent money.

  It made me nervous though. Being in his debt. I was dependent on him now. I didn't like it.

  What if he changed his mind?

  What if he wanted someone else instead?

  I'd be shit out of luck, along with Honeysuckle.

  The three of us were not a happy little family. We were two fuck buddies and a scrawny little cat. I kept reminding myself that. Still... the way he made me feel. I wanted to trust him.

  I wanted to just relax and be...

  I shook my head.

  I was falling in love with him. I knew it. I was trying to fight it but I was pretty sure it was already too late.

  It wasn't just his good looks or the incredible way he made my body feel. It wasn't just his talent and exceptional physical prowess. It was also his kindness. His sense of humor.

  His generosity.

  I was still reeling from what I'd found in my bag during my first class. I'd opened it, expecting to find my stack of notebooks. Instead, I'd found a shiny new Macbook Air.

  I'd used his a few times and liked it.

  So he'd bought me one.

  My heart had been thudding like crazy when I pulled it out and put it on the desk. Everyone else was listening to the professor speak. I was staring at my new toy.


  Maybe he did care about more than just... nailing me as much as possible.

  Though, to be fair, I wasn't exactly complaining about that. I was just afraid to get too comfortable. Because that's when you got hurt.

  I knew that from experience.

  "Oooo, that's pretty. New bag?"

  Lana was pointing at the dark green book bag James had gotten me. I nodded. Her eyes took me in.

  "New jeans too. Wow girl, you must be making bank at the Pussycat Lounge."

  "I quit actually."

  "That was fast."

  "Yeah, it's not for me."

  "So what's with the new stuff?"

  I shrugged.


  Her eyebrows shot straight up.

  "From a guy?"

  I nodded sheepishly.

  "From the guy?"

  Lana had told me how James had come in and pestered her into telling him where I was. But she hadn't caved. I knew I could trust her.

  "Yeah. James. He's... really nice."


  She laughed at me.

  "He's not nice. He's FINE. And he's going to be rich as fuck when he gets signed. Just you wait."

  I stared at her. I hadn't thought about that. He was a senior. I was just a freshman. That meant... Fuck. That meant I was really stupid.

  Really, really stupid.

  "Anyway, you got a table. They seem kind of rowdy but they asked for you."

  I glanced over to my section. There were a bunch of guys over there. I recognized them. They were local. A little older than the college crowd. They worked at the mill. They came in here a lot. They flirted pretty heavily but they tipped well. I did my best to ignore it.

  I grabbed my pad and walked over to them.

  "Hello sunshine."

  I smiled impersonally at Dewey. His buddies Cadence and Al were smirking at me. No, not me. My tits.

  I hid my distaste and took their orders. They always started with beer before moving on to food. Lots and lots of beer.

  When I bent over to put the pitcher down, Dewey's hand slid across my ass. I jumped back, glaring at him.

  "Don't do that!"

  He held his hands up.

  "Oh oh oh, sorry young lady! No harm, no foul."

  I stared at him, at his greasy smirk, feeling sick to my stomach. I shook it off, walking back to the bar to watch the rest of my tables. I heard Dewey say something about tenderloin.

  I knew he was talking about me, not the daily specials.

  "Hey, you okay?"

  "Yeah, those guys just got handsy with me."

  "You want me to take over?"

  "Would you? I can't deal with them today."

  Lana smiled and winked.

  "I don't mind a little handsy now and then. From the right guy of course."

  I laughed and leaned again the bar. I was tired. I couldn't wait to go home with James. I checked my tables. Nobody needed anything so I decided to get some fresh air.

  I walked out front and inhaled deeply. It was chilly out but the air felt fresh and clean. I had my eyes closed when I felt the hand close over my mouth.

  I struggled as I was dragged backwards towards the alley. I kicked out. I heard someone curse.

  It sounded like Al. Rage and fear filled me as I realized what was happening. My own customers were doing this to me.


  It was dark but I could see Dewey standing in front of me. My arms were held by his buddies. I stared in horror as he reached for his fly. He pulled out his cock and started rubbing it grotesquely.

  "What's the matter sunshine? We're not good enough for you? You can't even bring us beer?"

  He spit on his hand and started stroking himself.
  "I'm about to prove you wrong on that, you little cock tease. Get her pants down."

  The hands on my shoulders let go, grabbing my hips. I knew it was now or never. I brought my elbows down on their backs, hard. I heard them cry out in pain.

  They didn't let go though.

  "Oh you are going to pay for that little missy."

  I was shoved against the cold brick wall. My head slammed backward, making me see stars. I tried to fight them but one held my shoulders while the other worked on my pants. I felt the cool air on my skin as they pulled my jeans down.

  "No... please don't..."

  I hated the weakness in my voice. I was helpless. I started to cry in terror.

  Dewey stepped closer, reaching for me. Then his head jerked to the side, distracted by something coming towards us. Something large.

  A shadow fell over us.

  "What the?"

  And just like that, he was gone. I heard two thuds and the hands holding me let go.

  "You okay?"

  I nodded shakily.

  James. It was James.

  He'd saved me.

  He was pulling my pants up as I trembled in his arms. I saw a shadow move in the darkness behind him.

  "Behind you!"

  The guys jumped him from behind and James peeled them off of him one by one. He was throwing punches left and right. I watched it awe as he took on all three men. He was younger, and stronger, but I knew he could still get hurt.


  Al landed a punch to his belly. James didn't even flinch as he turned to drive his fist into Al's face. He went down and stayed down.

  Now it was just Dewey and Cadence against Fitz. I exhaled, knowing James had this covered. He twisted and turned, driving them back. I saw Dewey fall. He came back up with a piece of wood. He lifted it like a bat.

  "James, look out!"

  He turned, ducking just in time. My blood went cold. Dewey could have killed him.

  James went insane then, grabbing Dewey by the shirt and driving his fist into his face again and again. Dewey slumped, losing consciousness. But James kept hitting him.

  Al was on his back, trying to drag him off.

  "Stop! You're killing him!"

  He shrugged Al off. Al stood back, clearly not willing to continue the fight. Then he turned tail and ran, leaving his friends lying unconscious on the ground.

  James pulled me into his arms, his bloody hand cradling my face.

  "Are you okay?"

  I nodded shakily. He slung his arm over my shoulder and we walked slowly out of the alley. In the light of the street I could see that he was in bad shape. He slumped against the bench that was outside for smokers.

  "James... Oh God. You're hurt!"

  Lana ran outside.

  "Holy shit!"

  "Lana, we need an ambulance!"

  She nodded and ran back inside. James tried to stand up.

  "I'm fine. Let's just go home Deanie. You promised..."

  I shook my head, pushing him back down. His hands looked like bloody messes. His cheek was swollen and his lip split.

  "Oh James..."

  Lana was back in a minute with my backpack.

  "They're on their way. What happened?"

  "Those guys jumped me."

  Her eyes were as wide as saucers.

  "Where are they?"

  I jerked my head.

  "In the alley. One of them got away. That guy Al, I think."

  She nodded.

  "Let me know what happens, 'kay? Hope the big guy's alright."

  "I will."

  She stood up straight and winked at me.

  "I'm going to go tell Casey and the guys to take out the trash."

  I would have laughed. But I was too scared. James was hurt bad.

  And it was my fault.

  I heard the sirens approaching and leaned down to kiss his forehead. He grinned at me, his lips red with blood. James tried to grab me, to pull me in for a kiss and I laughed. He was incorrigible.

  I laughed. But inside, I was crying.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I stared at Nadine across the ambulance as the EMT's gave me the once over. They were afraid that my hand might be broken. My ribs too.

  I didn't care though. I was still furious.

  Someone had tried to touch my woman.

  To hurt her.

  She looked so small. I knew she was strong even being as tiny as she was. But I didn't want her to have to be.

  I wanted to be strong for her.

  What kind of fucked up world was it where men would just try to hurt someone like her? To take what wasn't theirs? To hurt something so beautiful and pure?

  I clenched my fist, wanting to go back and hit those guys again.

  Nadine had her arms wrapped around her. Her pretty face was puffy from crying. Her new jeans were torn from being pulled off of her.

  I growled, trying to sit up.

  Immediately, the EMT's held me down, strapping me to the gurney.

  "Easy, easy."


  They stepped back and signaled her over. She sat on the edge of the gurney, staring down at me. Her hand brushed my hair away from my face.

  "Oh James... I wish you hadn't done that."

  "You're my woman. I will always protect you, Deanie."

  She closed her eyes, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  "You know that, right?"

  She nodded.

  "Come here."

  She leaned down and brushed her lips across mine. I tried to grab her but I couldn't. She pulled back too fast.

  "You remember your promise from this morning, don't you?"

  She laughed through her tears.

  "I don't think that's happening tonight, James."

  I let my head fall back.

  "Maybe not. But I am taking an IOU."

  She nodded and smiled.

  The ambulance stopped then. The siren stopped. The doors opened. The gurney tilted and was lowered to the ground. Then they were rolling me away. I could see Nadine standing in the parking lot filling out a clipboard.

  She wasn't leaving.

  She wouldn't do that.

  I knew it.

  But for some reason, a terrible feeling came over me.

  I needed her dammit.

  The rushed me into the ER and started poking and prodding me. It hurt like hell. Then one of the nurses recognized me.

  "Holy shit, it's Fitz!"

  I made a thumbs up and grimaced. Even that hurt. Maybe I had overdid it with those scumbags in the alley...


  "Do you have his paperwork?"


  "You the girlfriend?"

  "Yes, I am."

  I heard Deanie's voice in the background but I couldn't see her. She must be behind the sheets.

  "Any allergies? Underlying physical conditions?"

  "Not that I know of."

  "We're going to give him something for the pain and get some x-rays. Do you know what happened?"

  "Three guys... they jumped him. He was protecting me."

  "Okay. You can wait in the waiting area. Is there someone you should call?"

  "The school I guess. His coach."

  A nurse bent over me, injecting something into my arm. A warm feeling filled my body. My eyes fluttered shut. I wanted to see her. To tell her not to worry, that I was tough.

  But instead, I just sunk deeper and deeper into the bed.

  Lights out.


  I paced back and forth, hugging my backpack against me like a teddy bear.

  Not that I'd ever had a teddy bear. Not that I could remember anyway.

  It seemed like I'd never held anything until James and Honeysuckle. But right now, I felt like I'd lost both of them. Everything that mattered. Call it intuition. But it felt like my dreams had been stolen in that alley way.

  Dreams I hadn't even known I had.

  Dreams I
hadn't even dared to indulge in.

  A future. With James.

  A life together.

  I shook my head, trying to push those thoughts away. All that mattered right now was that he was okay. Nothing else. Not me or my silly schoolgirl obsession with him.

  Or whatever it was now...

  "Miss? He's asking for you."

  A nurse stood in front of me.

  It had been hours since we'd gotten here. I hadn't sat down once. They wouldn't tell me anything specific about his condition since I wasn't related to him. But they couldn't stop me from seeing him.

  I followed him upstairs to another waiting room. They must have moved James. The nurse led me to a private room. James was laying there with his eyes closed and his hands wrapped. He looked awful but at least the blood was gone.

  "Is he awake?"

  "He's in and out of consciousness. But he keeps asking for you. Just stay with him until his family gets here."

  "Oh, I should have called his mother..."

  "That's been taken care of."

  "How bad is he?"

  "I think he'll be alright. I can't really discuss it with you."

  I nodded and pulled a chair over to the side of the bed. The nurse had been kind enough to throw me a crumb of reassurance. That would have to be enough.

  I sat down and reached for his hand, sliding mine underneath it. No cast. Hopefully it wasn't broken. I knew how important his hands were for football.

  I stared out the window and prayed. I felt sick at the thought of him ruining his career for me. I wasn't worth it.

  I felt him squeeze my hand and looked up.

  James was smiling at me goofily. He looked ridiculous. Like he was in love with me.

  I tried to keep a straight face.

  "God, you're beautiful Deanie."

  I leaned up, brushing his hair back.

  "I told you a hundred times, call me Nadine."

  He reached up, trying to drag me into bed. Then he grimaced in pain.

  "Be careful James! You're injured!"

  "I don't care. Kiss me woman!"

  I gave him a quick peck and then scooted the chair back, folding my arms over my chest. He frowned at me.

  "Come back here."


  He scowled, looking like a little kid who wanted some candy. Or a toy. I guess in his drugged mind, I was both.

  "How do you feel?"


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