Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2

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Burned: Devil's Blaze MC Book 2 Page 5

by Marie, Jordan

  “What’s that?” I ask, trying to keep my mind on his words and not on the hand pushing my dress up.

  The chill of the night air hits my ass and I swallow as I look around to see if anyone can see us. The way he has his mouth against my neck though, I can’t turn. I’m about to complain when the sound of ripping fabric reverberates through the air. Then he pulls my underwear from my body. The wind blows against my exposed pussy and my panic kicks up a notch. I try to look around again but he doesn’t let me.

  “I don’t like to be disobeyed.”


  “And I don’t like to be argued with. You’re going to have to be punished, Holly,” he growls. His words should scare the hell out of me. Instead, I feel moisture pool on the inside of my thighs.

  His hand palms my ass and he gives it a squeeze. I should hate it because he’s definitely not concerned with who is around when he manhandles me. He’s not being gentle either, and he’s threatening to punish me. I don’t hate it. In fact, when he pulls me back, half-dragging me about ten spaces, I feel completely at his mercy. My body must love that because I am wetter than I have ever been in my life. He turns us around and I’m standing in front of a bike. I don’t get time to ask him what he’s doing before he pushes me over the seat of it so my stomach is against the cushioned area. I pull against his hold, trying to get away from him, not sure of what he’s doing. Blood rushes through my system and now it is a mixture of excitement and fear because he has me pinned to the seat of the bike—refusing to let me move. His other hand pulls my skirt up around my hips, exposing me completely.


  “Don’t speak unless I tell you to,” he growls. It’s then that I know I’m not prepared for all that is Torch. He seemed so easygoing, so laidback when he was flirting with his cheesy pick-up lines. He’s anything but, now.

  “But…” I start again, the panic rising inside of me.

  His hand leaves my ass. I think he’s finally going to let me go. I plan to jump in my jeep and get the fuck out of here. I try to pull myself up, but he pushes down harder on my back.

  “Hunter,” I growl, getting pissed off now. Bethie and I have taken self-defense classes. It’s one of the first things we did when we escaped France, but I’ve already let myself get in this position and my brain is foggy from the mixture of booze and sexual awareness that I can’t for the life of me remember what the instructor told us to do in this situation. You know, besides not getting yourself into this situation. That was probably mentioned. I’m an idiot.

  Then, I feel his hand connect with my ass with a loud noise. Crack! The sound erupts as skin connects to skin and it feels like fire hits me.

  “Hunter!” I shout, but again he spanks me. He spanks me. I’ve never been spanked in my life. My father never bothered when we were younger, and when I got older, his punishment was more about punching than spanking. “Stop! What are you doing??” I ask inanely, my ass feeling as if it is on fire.

  “The more you talk, the harder I’m spanking this ass, Holly. So keep it up, sweetness, because I like it. Your ass is all pink now, but I’m still going, and it’s going to be blood red. I’m okay with that. More than okay, because when I’m done, I’ll fuck you so hard that every time I thrust against you, it will hurt, and you won’t forget me for a fucking long time.”

  That shuts me up. It stops me for many reasons. The largest being: I went from contemplating a one-night stand with a man who is dangerous to me and my sister, to having my ass out in the night waving at anyone who wants to see and being reprimanded like a little girl. The thing is, it doesn’t feel like that. No. With each connection of his hand, my body’s reaction changes. Somewhere along the way, it’s no longer a punishment. The pain mingles with other feelings, even as tears sting my eyes. When his big hand caresses my tender flesh, I can’t stop the moan that tumbles out of my lips.

  “Please,” I whimper.

  Torch bends down and kisses the top of my ass, and I can’t help but push up into the touch. Then, he stretches out over top of me. The rough material of his jeans rubs against the burning skin of my ass, and the scrapes cause more pain, but somehow even that feels good. He grabs my hair and pulls so I have to raise my head, then bites the shell of my ear. His hand goes down between my legs and he drags his fingers through the creamy wetness that has gathered. I can’t even manage to feel shame over that; my body loves what he’s doing to it.

  “Please what, Holly? Please fuck you?” he growls, and that hurt rises again at being called another woman’s name. I want to hear him say Katie. I want to hear my name in that rough voice he has right now.

  “Not here,” I tell him. “Not like this.”

  I expect him to ignore me. It shocks me when he doesn’t. Instead, he pulls my skirt back down over my ass and lets me up. He helps me to sit on his bike. I want to argue that I need my car, but can’t seem to find the words, so I just go where he leads me. He gets on the bike in front of me and my hands wrap around him, holding on tight, my legs clenching his body.

  “Hold on,” he orders, then takes off. I lay my head on his shoulder and do just what he tells me to.

  Jesus Christ on a bed of nails, this woman may be the death of me. I was so pissed at her for trying to skip out that I just intended to tell her what I thought of cock teases, then go find a willing woman. End of story. Done. Kaput. Then, I touched her and pulled her body back against mine. Her little moan drove me crazy. Just a simple thing really, but coupled with the way her body felt against me and the way she filled my hands… I reacted without thought. I bared her ass right there and marked her with my hand over and over, and with each outline of my hand on her creamy ass, I knew… I knew I was playing with fire.

  She’s special. She makes me react in ways I haven’t with another woman, which is crazy bad, because this is just a one night fuck fest. But, by God, I’m going to make sure she remembers me for a fucking long time once we’re done. I’ll mark her so that any man she touches after tonight can’t live up to the night we shared.

  That stupid pain in my chest hits me again and I’m fucking tired of that. Whatever it is, that’s her fault too, and I’ll punish her for that along with the rest. I take her back to the motel that the boys and I have been staying in. It’s a cheap dump, but we stay there because it limits the attention we receive. These kinds of places usually operate on cash only and they don’t give a fuck who stays here as long as they get paid. I thought about finding some place nicer to bring her to, then got pissed off again. This is a quick fuck—a bang it and forget it. I’ll be damned if I treat her any different than I would any of the other pussy I’ve had.

  I pull around to the back, parking outside the window of my room. Thankfully, I’m not sharing with one of the other guys. I try not to, though sometimes we do just for safety’s sake. Latch and Sabre are sharing this time around, but I suspect it’s for other reasons. I don’t think my brothers get off with each other, though if they did, whatever, good for them. I’m suspecting little Miss Annie puts on a show for them nightly. She might be claimed by Sabre, but it hasn’t escaped anyone’s attention that the three of them have their own thing going.

  I help Holly off my bike and walk her to the door with one arm around her. I do this partly because now I don’t trust her not to flee again, and partly because I just fucking love the feel of her in my arms. We barely make it inside before I slam the door and spin her around so she’s pushed up against it. My lips find hers, my tongue thrusting into her mouth, desperate for another taste of her. She’s pure sweet nectar, her flavor bursting in my mouth and making me groan as our tongues fight with each other for dominance. Her hands push at my cut, pulling it from my shoulders. I help by letting one arm go outwards and pulling it free, then copying the action with my other arm. I can’t use both at once; I have to touch her, keep contact with her.

  My hands immediately go back to her body, holding onto her hips and pulling her against my cock because even covere
d up, the fucker wants her close. Her sharp little claws bite into my sides when her hands sneak under to pull my shirt up.

  “Your shirt… take your shirt off,” she mumbles against my lips when we break away to drag oxygen into our lungs.

  I growl because I don’t want to stop touching her. I do, but grudgingly. I throw my shirt to the floor. My reward is when her sharp little teeth bite into my stomach. She sucks the abused skin in her mouth, letting her tongue pet it, all while her nails dig into my back. Jesus. Fuck. She’s so hungry for it, she’s on fire. She kisses up to my shoulders, then bites me, my dick jerking in reaction. Her hands go down to the button on my jeans. They give, and then her hand slides inside to wrap around my cock.

  That’s my cue to remind her who’s in charge.

  I pull her arms up, capturing both wrists in one of my hands, then pin them above her head. My other hand wraps around her neck and I force her head back against the door. I don’t squeeze, but I exert enough pressure that she opens those emerald green eyes and stares at me. Her sweet, pink tongue that I’ve been playing with comes out to lick her lips. Her breathing is hard and ragged when I give my order.

  “You don’t touch my cock until I give you permission.”

  In response, she tries to pull her body away from the door, pushing against me. I tighten my hold on her neck to stop her.

  “Quit teasing me!” she huffs, and that’s just further proof that this little girl has no idea who she’s dealing with tonight.

  “You want it all, baby? You can have it. Just remember, you asked for it.” That’s the only warning she’s getting. Too bad it’s too late for her to do anything about it.

  Do I want all of it? Is that really a question? I want to tell him to quit talking and show me more action. I don’t get the chance because he grabs the bottom edge of my shirt and pulls it over my head. Cool air meets my heated flesh and chills of excitement break out over my body.

  “Take off the skirt, Holly. Leave your boots on,” he orders, his voice dark. At the mention of the fake name, my excitement cools, but I do my best to block it out. I push my nerves—and my skirt—down. I can’t exactly shimmy out of it. My leg doesn’t allow for that, and I don’t want Torch to see my injury—my weakness. My father and grandfather spent way too much time finding my weaknesses and using them against me. No man, no person, will ever do that to me again.

  Torch has his zipper undone and his cock out, stroking it as he watches me. The sight makes heat run through me and it feels like every female part of me might spontaneously combust. I may not be as pure as my sister, but I’ve not exactly been with a huge number of men, either. Six, in total. Seven if you count Torch, and he should most definitely count. His dick is a work of art. It’s large, though not huge. Still big enough that it will take effort to work him inside of me. And he’s wide. He’s so fucking thick and wide that being with him may destroy me. He’s more beautiful than any work of art. As he moves his hand back and forth stroking himself, I pull my eyes up to take in his face. The obvious pleasure he gets from it and the lust in his eyes make my knees weak. Praise Jesus, I want to get down on my knees and worship at the altar of Torch. No wonder he’s a cocky asshole; women probably throw themselves at him for just a small taste once they see him. Who could blame them?

  “You’re fading away from me, Holly. Eyes and mind, on me. Get rid of the bra,” he orders, and it may be my imagination but his voice seems darker and huskier than before. I don’t think to question him. My hands go immediately to my bra to do as he orders. “Stop. Turn around. I want to see your ass.”

  I look up at him questioningly. I mean, that’s fine, it’s even kind of hot, but is there a problem with the rest of me? I ignore the voices in my head that tap into my own insecurities and turn from him. Then I take off my bra. I hold it away from my body, looking over my shoulder at him as I drop it to the floor.

  “Like this?”

  He still stands there firmly stroking his cock. He’s kicked his boots off, but his pants are still up. I guess I should just thank God he goes commando because at least there’s nothing in the way of that beautiful cock and the show he’s putting on.

  “Your ass is red. Does it still burn, sweetness?”

  There’s no mistaking the need in his voice. It makes my pussy spasm.

  “It feels… hot…”

  “It looks fucking hotter,” he says. I bite my lip, wanting to moan as he keeps stroking himself. I can see pre-cum leaking over the head of his cock and flowing down on his hand as he works himself. “Get on the bed. Stomach down.” Nerves float through me. I lean down to unhook my boots and he growls. “Leave the fucking boots on, Holly, and the next time you bend over like that, you best be prepared to have my cock buried in your ass. Now get on the bed.”

  Oh, wow. Okay. I mean, I like my boots. They hide the fact that one leg isn’t exactly right and they do it in style, but I never imagined wearing them while being fucked. I’m not sure what it is about Torch that makes that seem like the hottest thing ever.

  I walk carefully over to the bed, hating that I’m terrified of stumbling and having him discover there’s something off with me. I take a deep breath and get on the bed, face down. I hear him padding heavily over to me even without his boots. I twist to get a better look at him, but he stops me.

  “Chin to the bed. Look straight ahead, Holly. Don’t turn around.” His orders are short and commanding and I obey, then wince at how easily I’m falling under his spell.

  “Yes, master,” I grumble under my breath, upset with myself more than him. Truthfully, everything he does is hot. I just never thought I’d be that woman—the one to follow commands so easily. I stop thinking when his hand comes down hard on my ass. The skin is already battered and reddened from his earlier attention, and as his hand connects with the tender flesh, tears immediately spring to my eyes and I cry out.

  “Don’t smart off to me, Holly. I can promise you, I’ll make you regret it.”

  “You’d hurt me?” I ask. I hate the fear in my voice. I know more about hurt than most people. The fact that Torch might be a man who would hurt another person twists inside of me.

  He spanks me, harder this time, and then again. “I’d only stretch your limits and the things I do to you will always end in pleasure. But if you ask me such a horrible question again, sweet Holly, I’ll torture your body until you’re begging constantly to come, and I won’t let you. I won’t let your body have a release for hours and hours,” he says, delivering another blow.

  “Hunter!” I cry out, and he does it again… and again. Each time, I know he’s taking care with me. His hand connects and then soothes the skin, and he spaces each spanking out. I register that, and it does something to the inside of me. At the same time, it hurts and the pain makes my body quake. He reaches around me. I see a quick blur of white and the next thing I know he’s lifting my ass up and pushing a pillow under my stomach. He angles my body by using the pillows from the bed and his hands. He gets me exactly where he wants me: head down and ass up in the air. Then, he pulls my legs apart and puts himself between them. I know because the rough material of his jeans brushes against my thighs. His hand moves over my ass, the skin cool and feeling good against my heated body. I moan when his lips touch the same places. His tongue follows the path and I grow louder in my appreciation.

  “You like that, sweetness?” he whispers.

  “Yes.” I can’t even deny it—not that it would help. I know he can tell by the way my body thrusts towards him, wanting more attention. When his tongue glides over my ass cheek to slide in the valley between, my body stiffens. “Hunter…”

  “Shh,” he whispers, his hands pulling on my cheeks and widening the gap, and I know why because I feel his hot breath and his tongue slipping further towards the small round entrance to my ass. My body trembles. This is uncharted territory for me and I’m not sure what to expect. When his tongue darts around the opening and then plays just on the side, I instinctively tighten
my muscles there to ward off his entrance. Surely he doesn’t mean to… I mean not… there. Then, when I feel his mouth attack me, I forget to question anything. He pulls my ass into him as he uses his lips and his tongue to torture my hole. Pushing his tongue inside a little deeper and licking all around the rim of the opening, he drags his teeth over the area and bites the flesh when he can. So much is hitting me at once. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before and I’m pretty sure I never will again.

  I don’t think I was prepared for Torch.

  I hear myself, but I can’t stop it. It’s a one night stand for Christ’s sake. Still, I find myself fantasizing about keeping her longer. About fucking her longer. About teaching her how to please me… longer. It’s all in my head and it’s fucking with me. None of it is her fault, but motherfucker, I’m going to take my frustrations out on her body.

  I work my tongue around the ring of her ass, coating it. I want to fuck her ass, but I can tell from her reaction that’s she’s never had a cock there before. My dick is wide and there’s no way I can fuck a virgin ass without preparing it. If I had more time…

  I growl and bite into the check of her ass while pushing my fingers further down, finding her pussy. God, she’s so wet, it feels like she already came. I let my fingers play in her cream, petting her poor swollen clit. The fucker is pulsating it needs to come so bad. Next go around, I’m going to torture it with my mouth. Jesus, I bet I could almost drown from her orgasm when I’m eating out this juicy cunt.

  I bring my fingers back to her ass, pulling my face away so I can watch as I paint that perfect little hole with the sweet liquid from her pussy. Fucking beautiful, and only more so when I take my index finger and thrust it into the small hole. The opening stretches, making way for it and tightening at the same time.

  “Oh, God… What are you doing?” she moans.


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