Coming For You

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Coming For You Page 2

by Alyson Reynolds

  Such an odd idea.

  The pounding base was almost deafening and being surrounded by all these people was suddenly suffocating. I had to get out.

  “I’m heading home.”

  She nodded, looking disappointed, but not surprised. Maybe I needed to work on that too.

  Chapter 2


  My hand rested on the doorknob to my office as I looked over the chart of the patient I’d just left. I glanced up at my nurse. She was standing next to my door, her arms crossed over her chest. Normally she’d have another chart for me, but there wasn’t anything in her hands. She looked at me expectantly.

  “You forgot didn’t you?” she asked, putting her hand on her hip. “You have an interview with the reporter.”

  I stared at her blankly.

  “You told us to set it up for today because you wanted to go play golf with Dr. Smith later and it would keep you out of the OR.”

  Still nothing.

  She pursed her lips. “Seriously, Zane? I can’t be your keeper.”

  I grinned. “Sarah, that’s why I pay you so well—to keep my ass in line when I need it.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Do you remember now?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Are you just saying that?”

  I gave her my best charming grin and she shook her head at me. “You’ll never know, now will you?”

  I opened the door and standing in front of me was the gorgeous woman from the night before. Her tits looked amazing in some gauzy top that was low cut enough to show off her lacy white bra and the tight black skirt that hugged her ass perfectly was going to be my downfall. All of that sexy goodness was before I looked at her heart shaped face and big, bright green eyes. What in the hell was she doing in my office right now? This couldn’t be the reality of my life. I’d tried so hard to stay out of trouble lately.

  “Dillon,” I said in surprise. “What are you doing here? I’m supposed to be meeting a Dillon Hart,” I said slowly. God, I was such an idiot.

  “I’m Dillon Hart. You thought I was a man,” she said laughing. “You aren’t—Oh God—you’re Dr. Turner, aren’t you?”

  I pointed at the nameplate on my desk. “Zane Turner. That’s me.”

  “Holy hell,” she muttered under her breath. “This is awkward. Well at least I know your name now. You look different in a suit than you do in a Henley and a leather jacket.”

  I cocked my head at her. She shook her head slightly and there was a shift in her demeanor. If I hadn’t been paying strict attention to her body language, I might not have even noticed.

  “Well Dr. Turner,” she said, sticking her hand out to shake mine. “My name is Dillon Hart. I’m your lunch date for this afternoon. Maybe if you’re lucky I’ll buy you a drink tonight.”

  She winked and I smirked back at her. This girl was feisty; I liked her more than I should after just a few minutes of being around her.

  “What makes you think I’d let you buy me a drink tonight?” I smirked. “I would be the one buying drinks if we went out.”

  She put her hand on my arm and leaned in, giving me a spectacular view of her cleavage. I’d give it to her; she had some grade A tits. Her emerald green eyes were hazed over with more than a little interest and a ton of lust. Apparently this thing went both ways.

  “If you come with me now, I’ll show you some stuff you’ve never seen before.” I raised my eyebrow. “Not like that silly,” she said, resting her arm on mine. “The article I’m writing. Although tonight could be a different story, I’m not all business. I like to play too.”

  She winked and I felt my cock harden in my slacks. Her throaty, rich voice was like a smooth bourbon. And god I wanted more. I could become an alcoholic for her.

  “Lead the way then Ms. Hart.”

  We walked towards the door and I watched the fantastic sway of her ass. This girl would be underneath me by the end of the night and I’d end up giving the interview to her boss if I was truly interested in being a part of this. No harm, no foul. Girls like her knew the rules going in. Fuck, girls like her created the rules.

  Sarah shook her head as I followed behind Dillon. Her eyes immediately shot to my hand at the small of Dillon’s back when I opened the door for her to go ahead of me. I shot Dillon a panty melting smile and was a little surprised when she just smirked back at me. That was the last thing I expected, normally when I used that smile women were putty in my hands.

  We walked out to my car in silence. She did a double take when she saw where we were going.

  “You have an Aston Martin One-77?” she whispered. This girl was shocking the hell out of me each time she opened her mouth. “I’m afraid to even touch it.”

  I grinned. “You know your sports cars. Color me impressed.” I had to turn away so she didn’t see exactly how her words were affecting me.

  She shrugged, but I saw the wicked glint in her eyes.

  “I like fast cars and hard liquor. There’s not much more you need in life.”

  I watched her tongue as it dipped out to lick her lips, fascinated with the movement.

  “I guess not.” My voice sounded hoarse to my own ears.

  “Well, there are a few other things,” she said pointedly as I opened her door. Her long legs folded down into the car gracefully. The red soles of her shoes winked at me, and I could easily imagine them wrapped around my head while I sank my cock into her. It took me a second to get my growing erection under control before I could climb in the car next to her. What in the hell was this girl doing to me? I never lost control. I was always the one in charge, but Dillon—she could change all that without even trying if I wasn’t careful.

  I kept sneaking looks at her as we drove to the restaurant. She was fucking gorgeous and she knew it. I was waiting to see if she tried to manipulate me or bribe me into getting her story. A woman like her knew how to use those looks to get what she wanted, and I was positive that she’d done it more than a few times.

  It was difficult not to blatantly stare at her ass as we walked through the crowded room. When we sat down at the table across from each other, I tried hard not to let her lips—or her legs brushing against mine—distract me from the questions she was asking. Her flirty demeanor never changed, but each question was a little more pointed than the last.

  “So after your fellowship at Georgetown, what made you decide to go back to Boston? You’ve been all over.”

  Her fingers tapped lightly over her lips as she waited for my answer. I had to swallow before I started to speak.

  “I wanted to work with a specific neurosurgeon at Boston General. Dr. Bryan Perry, he’s one of the best in the United States right now, and when I was offered the job, I decided to take advantage of opportunity.”

  She rested her finger on her clavicle and gently ran it back and forth over the indentation. It was distracting as hell. My mind wondered to what she would feel like if it was my fingers running along her soft skin. “So what kind of things did you learn under Dr. Perry?”

  I took a deep drink of my scotch and placed it back down on the table. Her eyes had trailed up to my face and flashed as she took me in. I smirked before answering. “Mainly advanced surgical techniques relating to trauma and vascular damage, among other things, but he took me under his wing and I was able to participate in some amazing surgeries in the four years I was there.”

  “You’re what, thirty-six? You have quite the reputation for being so young.” She smiled coyly.

  I took another drink. “Thirty-eight, but I imagine your research told you that already.” I leaned back in my chair. “I’m good at what I do because I work long, hard hours and take risks when the reward is high.”

  “Is that how you live your life in general?” Her lips tipped up in a small smile, like she had a secret.


  Her eyes flashed and she squirmed in her seat—not enough for anyone else to notice, but I sure as hell did.

  “You sound like
a cocky asshole.”

  I laughed. Hard. “Sweetheart, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Most surgeons are. Hell, most doctors are, but surgeons are the worst of the bunch. We have the skills to back it up though. In and out of the OR.”

  I winked at her and took another sip of my drink. Her lips parted and I felt my cock stir in my pants again. Now wasn’t the best time for him to be making an appearance, but with this gorgeous, smart, sexy woman across from me, I didn’t blame him.

  “What about your bedside manner?” she asked.

  “What about it?” I teased. “Most women don’t have many complaints when they’re in my bed.”

  She rolled her eyes at that one. “Good to know,” she said dryly. “I think I have enough to start with, but maybe we can meet up next week and I can ask about the hospital itself and how you fit into their business plan.” She glanced down at her watch. “I would stay and ask my questions now, but I have another appointment that I need to get to.”

  I reached out and put my hand on her arm to stop her from standing up. “Are you going to let me take you out tonight?”

  She cocked her head as she considered my question. “I suppose, but I think you need to be on your best behavior.”

  “I’m always on my best behavior,” I said grinning.

  “A likely story.” She stood up and handed me her phone. “Put your number in there and I’ll text you so you have mine.”

  I quickly typed in my number and handed her phone back. “Where would you like to go to dinner tonight?”

  “You choose,” she said smirking. “It’ll be interesting to see what you pick. My cab has been waiting outside for ten minutes. I’ll see you tonight, Dr. Turner.”

  Without another word she walked off, her heart shaped ass swaying gently as she went. I realized I wasn’t going to be able to leave anytime soon because my cock was hard as a rock underneath the table. With a grin, I turned towards the waitress and signaled that I wanted another drink. Golfing while drunk with Kade would be fun. It also wouldn’t be the first time, or the last.

  Chapter 3


  It was dumb luck that the office I visited this morning was the guy from the bar last night. He needed to trust me so he would open up. I planned to sell myself, not in a hooker kind of way, in a ‘I would make a good girlfriend’ way. Not because I actually wanted to date him, but because I needed any information he had.

  The bastard needed to tell me everything he knew, and if going out on a date with him would do it, I would do everything it took to make that happen. He’d brought us to a nice wine bar—one of my favorite actually. It surprised him that I was greeted by name at the door and I liked the fact that I had him slightly on edge.

  I leaned across the table and sat my hand lightly on Zane’s arm. “We should talk business, but I’m not interested in medicine or my article right now. Is that wrong of me?”

  His dark, burning eyes said he agreed, even if he didn’t answer. His eyes looked like liquid steel and his heated gaze made my skin tingle. I wanted to see how far I could push this. I shouldn’t, I really shouldn’t, but this wasn’t his first rodeo and he might open up more if I decided to make him think that I might sleep with him.

  “You seem so different than you were in the bar, Dillon.”

  “So do you, Dr. Turner. The glasses and suit definitely change your identity. You’re like superman, except your cape is a leather jacket.”

  He smirked. “Not quite. Maybe batman, but definitely not superman.” His eyes flickered with amusement and I had a hard time looking away. What was it about him that disarmed me so? I’d never had a problem playing this game before. All I needed to do was get him interested, then throw him to the side when I got everything I needed. Something made me think it would be harder to walk away from this one. “You should call me Zane, not Dr. Turner. We aren’t talking business for now, right?”

  I smiled and cocked my head. “Okay, Zane. Tell me why I seem different?”

  He chuckled. “Maybe different was the wrong word. I do like these heels better though.” He took a drink of his scotch and I tried not to drool as his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat. Obviously an intentional move on his part, but damned if I didn’t fall for it.

  It was ten degrees hotter in here than it had been two seconds ago.

  I cleared my throat. “It’s not safe to dance in six inch heels. I also wouldn’t risk my Louboutins in a bar. They might get hurt and that would make me sad.” I pouted and he swallowed hard while he stared at my full lips. Oh this game was going to be fun. “That’s not my normal type of place anyway.”

  “Then how did you end up there?”

  I took a sip of my wine and let the fruity under notes sing on my palate before answering. “My friend Piper dragged me there. She wanted a night out and I was sick of sitting at home, so we ended up at that dive bar somehow.”

  “What is your scene then, Ms. Hart?” He shot me a wicked smile. Every word we said seemed to have a flirty undertone or a dirty innuendo.

  “Obviously they know me here. I’m a fan of places that serve good wine, liquor or champagne. All three is a bonus. I typically like cigar or wine bars more than dance clubs. How did you end up there Zane?”

  He laughed and the husky sound had my pussy clenching. Zane had bedroom eyes and a devastating smile that could get me into all sorts of trouble if I let it. Those stormy grey eyes had caught me and if I wasn’t careful I would end up lost in their depths.

  “Lucky circumstance.”

  No way in hell can I let that happen.

  “You really aren’t like other girls,” he said, cocking his head to the side. “So what do I have to do to get you to agree to go out with me again?”

  I pressed my glass to my lips to hide my smile. Things were going better than I’d hoped.

  “I could probably be persuaded, but we’ll see.”

  We stayed for another hour, talking about everything and nothing of importance. He was surprisingly easy to talk to and was totally laid back. After last night, I’d assumed he would be a brooding asshole outside of the office. My mind couldn’t reconcile the two versions of him. As we drove back to my apartment in that amazing car of his, I kept pressing my legs together just to get some relief. Honestly, I was just as turned on by the car as I was by him.

  Zane whistled, slightly impressed, when we got to my building. He got into the elevator with me to take me up to my apartment, threading his fingers loosely through mine as we waited. I stopped outside my door and turned back to look up at him, even in my heels I only came up to his nose. He had to be at least six three or six four.

  He looked down at his watch. “I’ve enjoyed tonight, but I have an early morning in surgery. I could probably come in for a few minutes longer though. Offer me that nightcap you know you want to?”

  He shot me a dimpled smile that I’m sure he used to bring women to their knees. Literally. I was sure he’d had his fair share of bathroom blow jobs. Too bad that wasn’t going to happen tonight.

  I smirked. “Sure, you can come in for one last drink.”

  He took the keys from my hand and unlocked the door, standing back to let me enter first. I arched a brow and walked inside ahead of him. Not many men had the balls to try to push their way into my apartment.

  “This place is gorgeous,” he said, as he looked around my open living room and kitchen. I loved the modern, open feel of it. Apparently, so did Zane.

  “I’ll show you around if you’d like.”

  He nodded politely, and we silently walked through my gorgeous penthouse apartment. The high ceilings and intricate white woodwork looked amazing against the stark contrast of modern lines. Zane’s eyes darkened when he caught sight of the gorgeous white leather upholstered headboard in my bedroom. The room had been decorated almost completely in white, with gold used as the only accent color. It looked classy, not like a gaudy bordello looking creation. To my surprise, Zane looked at home there, like he
’d visited a million times before.

  He sat down on the bed as we walked into the room from the connecting bathroom. I arched an eyebrow at him as he settled back against the headboard and patted the space next to him for me to sit. So much for him having an early surgery, huh?

  I sat down and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his chest. He played with the ends of my hair and we sat in semi-comfortable silence. Was this all part of his game? He leaned down closer, his lips rested lightly at my neck, making my pulse race like crazy. Was he intentionally trying to turn me on? I angled my face towards him, our lips only inches apart, making me feel lightheaded.

  “Zane, I thought you had an early morning?” I whispered.

  He frowned slightly. “Do you want me to leave?”

  His hand massaged the nape of my neck and I worked not to moan at the amazing feeling. “No, I just don’t want you to be exhausted tomorrow if you’re cutting on some unsuspecting soul.”

  Plus, I’m not going to fuck you tonight.

  The sound of his breath against my ear was hard to ignore, but I knew his game. In the process of playing him, I was going to be miserable with my own need. My lips still hovered an inch away from his. Our eyes met and I saw the challenge behind his eyes. I changed positions so I was straddling his lap, my pussy rested against his hard bulge. His hands rested lightly on my thighs, but the light touch didn’t hide how his heart rate was starting to pick up.

  “All you have to do is say please,” I said huskily.

  “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?” He chuckled softly, and I smiled.

  Nice try, buddy.

  My face hovered just over his and I felt his warm breath fan across my shoulder as he tried to compose himself. He leaned forward enough so that our lips barely brushed against one another. I parted my mouth and his tongue delved inside. His fingers tangled in my hair and he pulled me tight against his chest, unable to hold back any longer. I moaned into his mouth and angled my head so he would have better access to deepen the kiss. My fingers gripped his shirt and I lost myself in that kiss.


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