Coming For You

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Coming For You Page 8

by Alyson Reynolds

  Carmen glanced up at me when I sat back down across from her. Her knowing smirk was uncomfortable, but I sure as hell deserved it. We had an agreement, Carmen and I. The only time we met up was when she was in town for a conference or stuck here during a layover.

  “Tell me about the girl.”

  “We really don’t need to talk about her. I’m sorry that happened.”

  Carmen took a sip of her wine and gave me a pointed look. “I think we do need to talk about it. That’s how all this works, right? We’re honest about this stuff and we don’t hide things.”

  “No, we fuck while you’re in town. We have dirty, nasty sex and then you fly off to wherever you go next.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Are you through trying to be a dick?”

  I rubbed a hand over through my hair, a nervous gesture I couldn’t seem to quit. “I’m sorry, Carm. This isn’t your fault and I have no right to take it out on you. We are more than just people who occasionally fuck. We’re friends,” I said tentatively. “Right?”

  “Right,” she said laughing. “It’s not going to kill you to have a friend besides Kade.”

  “I’m just not used to it,” I muttered.

  “Tell me about Dillon. She seems to like you or she wouldn’t have come over here to see if you were with your sister.” She smirked.

  I shook my head. “That was definitely a dig at me. I can’t believe she thought you were my sister.”

  “That girl didn’t think I was your sister. She was marking her territory.” I looked at her dumbly. “Zane, she wanted me to know there was something going on between you two. Men like to pee on things to mark them, women like to subtly threaten. She got her point across loud and clear.”

  Huh. It was entirely possible that she was right.

  “How long have you two been dating?”

  I lifted my glass to take a drink and paused. “We aren’t. We’ve only gone out a few times, mainly for work things.”

  She looked amused. “God you’re dense, Zane. You both had a pretty serious reaction for not dating. You like her don’t you?”

  Did I like Dillon? Being around her was fun. We got along pretty well when I wasn’t pushing her buttons and the sex was phenomenal. I guess that could be considered liking someone. It didn’t answer if I had real feelings for her, but I was man enough to admit that I liked her.

  “There’s your answer right there. You didn’t deny it,” she said matter of factly. “Don’t let her get away if you have actually caught feelings by mistake.”

  I laughed. “Do people our age actually say things like catch feelings?”

  Carmen grinned. “I like to keep up with the lingo.”

  I took a deep breath. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now go, or you’re going to miss your chance to talk to her.”

  She didn’t look surprised when I stood up and walked to her side of the table.

  “I’ll think about it.” I leaned in and kissed her cheek goodbye. “Find a good man, not some asshole like me.”

  “I’m already working on it,” she said smiling.

  As I walked towards the exit I noticed Dillon’s friend that had been at the club the night I met her. If looks could kill I would probably be laid out on the floor right now. She’d probably watched me kiss Carmen on the cheek and was waiting for her chance to call Dillon and tell her. Things were difficult enough between me and Dillon, the last thing I needed was her nosy friend making it worse. I could make nice with her later.

  What I needed to do was decide how I felt about Dillon though. I wasn’t a relationship guy, but it might be nice to have someone I liked actually accompanying me to events I was required to attend for ESEC. She likes baseball, so that’s a plus, and the sex is some of the best I’ve ever had.

  Am I really running a pros and cons list in my head?


  So this is what it feels like?

  I wanted a stiff drink and my old self back, not this new version that had actually caught feelings. Oh god, now it was wearing off on me. I rolled down the windows as I drove, hoping the night air would help clear the random thoughts running through my head. I drove with no particular place in mind.

  When I pulled up in front of Dillon’s apartment, I knew I had a problem. This was not the actions of someone who isn’t even sure he wants a relationship. Fuck, I ran a hand down my face. I didn’t even know if I was capable of a relationship. And who said that’s even what Dillon would want? Maybe this was just supposed to be sex to her.

  It didn’t take much to get past her doorman without him calling up, a good bit of information to have. Dillon answered the door in yoga pants, a messy bun and covered in flour. I’d never seen her so disheveled, but she was more gorgeous now than I’d ever saw her. Her lips parted in surprise.

  It made me hopeful that she didn’t slam the door in my face. Instead she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me.

  “What are you doing here, Zane?”

  I rested my hand in the doorframe so hopefully I could stop her if she did decide to close it. “Look, I know I’m an asshole and you have no reason to talk to me, but I can’t get you out of my head.”

  She gave me a pointed look, but waited to see what else would come out of my mouth.

  “Can I come in?”

  Her breasts were pushed up to a distracting height as she stood there in front of me. It was distracting as hell.


  I closed my eyes and flexed my hands. “I’m sorry. I’ll grovel if that’s what you want. Give me five minutes to explain.”

  When I opened my eyes, she had cocked her head and was considering. “Fine, but only because my cookies are ready to come out of the oven.”

  “Cookies?” I asked. “Who are you and what have you done with the maneater I know? Grubby clothes, no heels and no makeup. It’s like you’re a completely different woman.”

  I followed her into the penthouse apartment, taking in all the details I’d missed the last time. Dillon had amazing taste.

  “You aren’t helping your case, Zane.”

  “Sorry. I keep fucking this up worse.” I reached for her wrist and turned her to face me. “I don’t know what to say to you, other than tell you that I’m crazy about you. And that makes me insane because I don’t know how to be crazy about anyone. I can’t even remember the last time I was in a relationship.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “If you’re so crazy about me, then who was that woman tonight?”

  I winced. “She’s…a friend.”

  Dillon narrowed her eyes. “A sex friend you mean.”

  “She used to be,” I said slowly, careful not to lie. Dillon deserved the truth. “But she’s not anymore.”

  She pulled her wrist out of my grasp. “Since when? Since you fucked me in a bathroom while you were on a date with her? You really are a pig.”

  “No, since she helped me realize that I like you. Not as someone to fuck around with, but as someone I might have actual feelings for.” I took another step towards her and she allowed me to put my hands on her waist. “I’m not going to lie, this all scares the hell out of me.”

  She slowly turned back to look at me. “Yeah well, you aren’t the only one,” she murmured. “I don’t do relationships at all. I haven’t for a long time.”

  I relaxed a little. She wasn’t throwing me out the door or throat punching me for touching her.

  “Neither do I. So, maybe we can figure this shit out together.” I swallowed. “Does this mean you’re going to call me your boyfriend?”

  She laughed. “You’re an idiot. We can date, but if you use the boyfriend word again, you’re out. I date and do sleepovers and sex—lots and lots of sex,” she purred, brushing her hands up the lapel of my suit jacket. “But not boyfriends. Rule one,” she said ticking off a finger. “Don’t be attached with anyone else while you’re fucking me. If I find out about some girlfriend or wife in the background, I’ll cut off your ball
s. Two, don’t fall in love. I like you, Zane, more than I’ve liked anyone else in a long time, but seriously, I can’t fall in love.”

  I sent her a panty dropping smile. “Basically what you’re saying is that we can keep going the way we are, but we just do it…exclusively?”

  The corner of her mouth tipped up. “Now you’re catching on.”

  I leaned down to kiss her. It started gentle at first; my tongue tangling with hers, teasing the recesses of her mouth, but things heated up rapidly. My hands grasped the stretchy fabric of her yoga pants, itching to tug them down over her hips and thrust into her from behind.

  She pushed at my chest, backing me up until I was leaning against the bar countertop. I grinned and sat down in one of the barstools. It took us two seconds to tug off my jacket and throw her tank top onto the couch. As I peeled her pants down her legs, I groaned. Dillon didn’t have on a bra—or panties for that matter—and it was a fucking turn on.

  “You’re trying to kill me, Hart.”

  She winked and reached for the buttons on my shirt. “Only sometimes.”

  I groaned as she moved to unbutton my slacks, freeing my cock from the limited confines of the fabric. Her hands slowly ran up and down my length. It took everything in me not to lay her out on her kitchen counter and go to town on her pussy like I had a few hours earlier. She straddled my lap and teased her entrance with my cock.

  “Condom,” I choked out. “Back pocket. Wallet.”

  God, I couldn’t even make complete sentences.

  She nipped at my bottom lip and smiled wickedly before sliding her hand down my back and into my pocket. In seconds she’d thrown my billfold over her shoulder into the living room and was sheathing my length. My fingers teased her entrance as she settled back on top of me.

  We both groaned as my cock slid inside her for the second time that night. There was something darkly erotic about her being naked on top of me, riding my cock, and me being almost fully clothed.

  I wrapped my arm around her back and pulled her tighter against my chest. I wanted to devour her mouth. She tasted sweet like the cookie dough she’s made earlier. I tugged my shirt from my pants and unbuttoned it as she gripped the counter behind me to study herself. Her movements never stopped as I tossed the shirt to the ground.

  My fingers gripped her thighs tightly, helping her keep her rhythm. I sucked on the spot behind her ear that I’d found last time and was rewarded with her nails digging into my back as she whimpered softly. Her moans encouraged me to hold our balance with my shaky legs as she got closer to her release. Each time she moved forward I darted my tongue out to tease her nipple. She let out a high pitched cry as she started convulsing around me. Her entire body shook and I continued rocking her against me to prolong her orgasm.

  The sound of the oven timer was what finally made Dillon climb off of me. She walked on shaky legs over to the oven and pulled out the cookie sheets, leaving them to cool on the stove. My eyes never left her ass as she moved around the kitchen. She winked as she walked back over to me. I raised an eyebrow when she took my hand and pulled me up off the chair.

  “Can I sit here while you do that over and over again, just like this?” I asked.

  “Stand up,” she said, pulling me from the chair.

  The coy look she gave me made me do it without complaint. My slacks slid down my legs silently as I stood up. I kicked them over by the couch and was finally as naked as she was. When she leaned back in the chair and rested her arms on the bar behind her, I was thankful I hadn’t argued. Her pussy was lined up perfectly with my cock. As I pushed inside her I leaned over her and leaned in to kiss her. She bit her full bottom lip and smiled before letting her head fall back.

  “Fuck Zane.”

  I held onto her waist, careful to hold onto her tightly so the chair didn’t tip over. The last thing we needed was for an orgasm to come with a side of a concussion. She whimpered as I thrust into her harder. Sweat beaded up on my forehead and slid down my temples. Dillon wrapped her arm around my neck and threaded her fingers through my hair, tugging on the ends. The slight jerk of pain was what set off my orgasm.

  I groaned loudly and pushed as deep as I could inside her. Dillon gripped my hair harder and I thought my orgasm would never end. My jaw tensed and I gritted my teeth, vaguely aware that there was a world around us. As far as orgasms went, this was the supernova.

  Dillon leaned forward and rested her forehead against mine. “Are you going to survive, Dr. Turner?”

  “Barely,” I mumbled. “One of your cookies might help perk me back up.”

  She giggled and pushed on my chest for me to let her up. I watched the sway of her ass as she walked over to the sheet pan and grabbed one off the tray. Crumbs fell on her breasts as she broke the cookie in half. My eyes watched intently as she sucked the chocolate off her thumb, all while she never broke eye contact with me. Something told me this was going to be a long, long night.

  Chapter 11


  I kept looking over at Zane trying not to be obvious that’s what I was doing. My head was spinning. I still couldn’t believe he was here, or that I looked like hell. Jake and Piper were the only ones I let see me like this. Zane had showed up a few hours after I’d left him at the restaurant. I’d stripped out of my dress and taken a scalding shower, attempting to wash away the feeling of his hands on my skin.

  Now he’s here and we’re lying on the couch watching a movie like it’s nothing.

  “I can feel you looking at me,” Zane said, without actually looking in my direction.


  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Dillon, what’s wrong?” he asked, turning to look at me.

  “Nothing is wrong. This is just…weird.”

  He chuckled. “Us watching a movie is weird?” I gave him a pointed look. “I guess you’re right, but isn’t this what couples do?”

  I shrugged. “I guess. But is this really us? I can’t even remember the last time I watched a movie.”

  He sat up and moved closer to me on the couch. “Maybe we should find something else to do. We could bake more cookies,” he teased.

  “Stop it,” I said flushing. “I told you I do that when I get stressed.”

  “I like seeing you all covered in flour.”

  My cheeks burned. It wasn’t fair that he came to my apartment and saw me like this. No one, and I mean no one, ever saw me covered in cookie dough and singing along to old school rap as I baked.

  “You’re such an ass.”

  “Why? Because I’ve seen you with your hair messed up and you aren’t in one of those little pencil skirts that does phenomenal things for your ass?”

  I giggled. “Something like that. Jake and Piper are the only ones who’ve ever seen me like this. I don’t think I’ve ever stepped out of my house in yoga pants unless I’ve actually been going to the gym.”

  “That makes me feel a little more special.”

  He tugged me closer into his side. I shivered as he brushed his hand along my neck, cupping the back and pulling me in for a kiss. He stopped before pressing his lips to mine.

  “Is this more of what you had in mind?”

  “Maybe.” My voice was husky to my own ears.

  I gasped as he threaded his fingers through my hair and pulled my head back. His tongue laved across my exposed neck, sending goosebumps all over my body. The sound of a cell phone pulled me from the lust filled haze I was in.


  “I haven’t even started yet, baby.”

  I smacked at his chest. “I’m not being sexy right now. It’s your phone.”

  He stopped mid lick. “Fuck!”

  “That seems a little extreme for a phone call,” I said laughing.

  “No, it’s my work phone. They only call when bad things go down.”

  He reached across me to his phone on the end table and answered it. There were words like total paralysis and second decompression be
ing thrown around. That was all totally above my pay grade, but it sounded like Zane would be going in for surgery tonight. His hand rested on my leg, rubbing up and down gently as he spoke.

  When he hung up he rested his head on the back of the couch. He looked, not just stressed, but beaten down.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked softly.

  “No, not really.” He took a deep breath. “This is the third surgery in a week that’s been botched at the hospital. Something is going on, but I can’t figure out what it is.”

  We sat quietly for a few minutes. “How did you end up being a surgeon?”

  He smiled, but it did quite reach his eyes. “My dad was a surgeon. He did general, not neurosurgery though. It was already set in stone that I would go to medical school, but when we started choosing specialties I was just cocky enough to think that I was good enough to cut on people’s backs and brains.”

  “You’re good at what you do.” It wasn’t a question. I knew the statistics from surgeries he’d performed.

  “I guess. Most days I like playing God with my knives, but other days it’s exhausting. Like today, when I get to go clean up someone else’s mess.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  He stood up, but leaned over to kiss me. “Don’t be, I’m not. I’m just sorry that I can’t go for another round.”

  I smirked. “Who says I even wanted another round?”

  He bit down on my bottom lip and sucked it into his mouth, causing me to moan softly. “You wanted it.”

  Damn cocky asshole.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, Dillon.”

  “Goodnight, Zane.”

  I pulled down the blanket from the back of the couch and tucked it around me. This had been an eventful day. I stared blankly at the television, not paying any attention to what was playing, while I tried to process everything. Luckily sleep claimed me before I could overanalyze things a million times. Something told me I would probably be second and third guessing my decision.


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