Found by Love

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Found by Love Page 21

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "That's right honey and if you think we're done you have another thing coming."

  He flipped me back over and I'm on my back again completely in a daze wondering what he's planning next. He crawled up on top of me and looked me in the eye with so much heat in his eyes I was ready to go again.

  "Since I'm such a nice guy I'll go ahead and give you soft and easy as well sweetheart." He gently kissed my lips and started kneading my breasts which had me opening my legs, begging him with my eyes to enter me again.

  "Yes Nerd Boy!" He shook his head and grinned and lowered his body down my own while licking and biting me all the way down between my legs.

  "Not yet baby. Not yet. I'm going to worship you tonight and you're never going to suggest any other man again to me to me again and you're never going to forget tonight Cru." I looked down into his eyes and saw nothing but love and lust in his eyes as he whispered against my core. "I can promise you that!" My eyes rolled into the back of my head from not only his words but the promise and branding he was not only making on my body but my heart as well.


  An hour later I'm curled up in Caleb's arms and running my fingers around his tattoo while he runs his fingers through my hair. I leaned up and kissed the lock on his tattoo and looked up into his beautiful eyes.

  "I love you Nerd Boy but if you think I'm getting "Nerd Boy” put anywhere on my body you have another thing coming."

  "Well now that's not fair at all because I have a few more tattoo ideas with your name on them. I guess it's true what they say. Once you get one you can't quit thinking about the next one." I've never had a tattoo and have never had the desire to get one. The idea of marking my body in any way terrified me because of my fear of needles.

  "Well. You go ahead and mark your body up all you want but there's no way I'm letting a needle near me. You know what a big baby I am." He chuckled and pulled me closer and whispered in my ear.

  "Yes baby I do. You don't have to mark your body to prove anything to me. I know you love me." He sweetly kissed me on my temple and his lips lingered. "I am ready to make an honest woman out of you though. When do you want to get married? Have you told anyone yet?"

  "Mattie is the only one that knows. Unless you told someone." I felt his body flinch at the mention of Mattie and I realize that he's the reason I had made him so mad. "Listen Caleb. I know I was trying to pick a fight with you but all of the qualities I described about Mattie are true but that doesn't mean I'm interested in him." He let out a big sigh.

  "I know you're not Cru but the way you were talking about him took me back to never feeling like I was good enough for you." That's the complete opposite of how I've felt about him. I rose up to look him straight in the eye but he looked away.

  "Baby, look at me. Please look at me."

  I waited and when he turned and looked at me I saw little tears formed in his eyes which broke my heart. I've been so cruel to him for so long he is still dealing with his insecurities that I never realized until now that he's been fighting.

  "You've got it all wrong! Backwards as a matter of fact because I was the one that was never good enough for you Caleb. If I have to I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that you're who I should have already spent these last ten years with. I've been so terrified this past year because I never in a million years thought that you'd ever give me a chance after I was so cruel to you when we were in school. I feel like I've won the lottery because you love me unconditionally with all of my faults and I feel it Caleb. I mean I FEEL it to the depths of my soul." I reached over and ran my fingers over the outline of his tattoo that I realize is the biggest declaration of love anyone could prove to me. "If I have to I'll brand your name onto my body if that's what it'll take to prove my love and devotion to you."

  "You don't have to do that Claud. You just admitted how terrified you are of needles and I don't want to cause you any pain because of my little insecurity issue. I'm sorry I got mad and Mattie is cool now. He just feels that I threaten his relationship with Grayson and feels that I'm 'in the way' and how perfect it would be if both YOU and HE raised Grayson together and ended up having a happily ever after family. I told him and I hope I wasn't out of line that the three of us can raise him but that I WILL BE his father and nothing will change his status of being 'Uncle Mattie'."

  "So that's all you two talked about for hours and came home drunk as skunks?" I knew they had to have talked about more than that. I saw him tense up and could tell that he needed to tell me more.

  "I guess I need to tell you the biggest part of our conversation and before you overreact just know this. Mattie and I are taking precautions." Precautions? The hair on my arms stood straight up.

  "Tell me Caleb! Why do you need to take precautions? Please tell me it has nothing to do with Roger and Meredith?" He leaned over and turned the lamp on and I saw the shock and awareness in his eyes.

  "How did you know that Claud? Mattie said he didn't mention it to you and said he wanted to talk to me about it first. Ya know. Man to man protecting his family."

  "Let's just say I had a nightmare and I'll tell you about it after you tell me what's going on."

  "Um... Okay. Well... I don't know where to start. Okay. Here's the deal. Roger and Meredith are both out on bond. As soon as they got out of jail they sold everything they had and skipped town. No one knows where they are Cru. Their lawyer wasn't supposed to give any information out but he gave Mattie a call to warn him."

  "Oh my God! Warn him about what?"

  "Calm down. We've got it under control and I'm glad that we are leaving in the morning for Oregon because we will all be safer there." Safer? Oh my God! "It seems that Roger and Meredith told their attorney that they would get Grayson back no matter what they had to do and made a comment of "taking care of you and I" if they had to. Evidently Roger has a few friends from back in his drug addiction days that are some pretty bad characters." Any chance of me sleeping at all just went out the window!!! Jane was right! Grayson is in danger and if I could I would rather leave right this minute instead of waiting for our flight.

  "Jane came to me in a dream." The shocked look on his face was priceless. "Yes. I finally saw my first ghost and I'm not gonna lie. It freaked me out but she warned me that they were up to something and to keep Grayson in Oregon. Oh my God Caleb! What are we going to do? I'll hire security guards to follow him around if I have to and we can't let him out of our sight for a minute." He pulled me down into his arms.

  "Shhhh baby. It'll be alright. Mattie has agreed that the safest place for Grayson right now is with us in Oregon. We just have to figure out a way to convince Grayson of that but Mattie is going to talk to him and I think he knows exactly what to say. I think we should stay at Cash and Olivia's until this blows over. We'd be more protected there I think." Yes! Their house is like a fortress with its own security guard and we can handle the commute to work every day.

  "That's a great idea but have you mentioned it to them yet? That's a lot of people in one house but it would be great to be with my best friend every day and the kids."

  "Are you kidding me? Cash has enough room in that castle for 10 families! Wait! I thought I was promoted to being your best friend? Maybe we should reconsider. You and Olivia together every day... Hmmm. I don't know. I might get jealous of not having you all to myself." I elbowed him in the side which made him lurch forward.

  "Oh shut it Nerd Boy! You're my soul mate! There's a difference in the relationship."

  "Haha... Okay and please don't do that again! You have a bony elbow! That hurt Cru! I think you need to kiss my side." If I didn't need a distraction I think I would have ignored his comment but nothing gets me out of my own thoughts like he does. I lowered my head and lightly kissed his side and licked my way up to his nipple and twirled my tongue around it giving him goose bumps and causing him to moan through his teeth.

  "Oh no.. You keep that up and there's going to be a round 4." I looked up at him while still
licking him and ran my tongue down to his navel causing him to jump.

  "Get ready Baby because here comes round 4." I went down lower and touched the tip of him with my tongue and swallowed him whole and went to work. It's my turn to please him and thank him for all that he's doing for his ready-made family.

  "Cruella!!" He grabbed my hair and started moving his hips and getting in the same rhythm as my mouth. When I felt how close he was I got up and straddled him and continued to thank him over and over and over again.


  The three of us are almost to my house and I couldn't be any happier and nervous at the same time. Mattie ended up telling Grayson about Roger and Meredith threatening us in order to get Grayson to stay longer than the suggested week stay. I was quite irritated with him because in my eyes he's my baby but he's also just a 10 year old little boy. He went from feeling like a tragic unwanted orphan to feeling like a meal ticket and then I'm sure very confused about me entering his life. To top all of that off he ended up with a broken wrist and two psychos threatening to try whatever means possible to get him back!

  I had some pretty harsh words with Mattie about telling Grayson too much and Caleb had to intervene so who knows if he's coming to Thanksgiving dinner now after the way I went off on him. In his mind Grayson is older than he is because of his maturity but he's STILL just a scared little boy which is exactly what I told him! Dammit! Men can be such idiots sometimes!

  I look over at Grayson to my left and he's leaned up as far as the seat belt will allow him to and he's looking out the window checking out the scenery. I keep wondering what's going through his mind and I point out different places that we like to go eat and showed him our office where we worked and he would just grin as if taking it all in.

  Caleb grabbed my hand and pulled it up to his lips and kissed the inside of my hand with a peaceful look on his face and made me realize that this is the moment that we are taking our son home. HOME! To our house! We may only be staying for a night before we head to Olivia and Cash's tomorrow but we decided that the first night should just be the three of us at HOME. Just that word alone put a smile on my face. We pulled up to the house and I see Cash and Olivia's car in the driveway and I look over at Caleb with a silent questioning look and he smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

  The last thing that I wanted to do was overwhelming Grayson and introducing him to everyone the first day. I pray it's only Cash and Olivia and not the kids to. Don't get me wrong, I've missed the kids terribly but I don't want him feeling shy and worrying about what to say or how to act around everyone because everyone is going to bombard him with lots of hugs and questions.

  Caleb reached in and paid the cab driver and we all went to the back of the trunk to get our luggage. I wasn't sure who should walk in first so I nudged Caleb in the arm to take the lead. Walking into the house was such a wonderful feeling with the love of my life and my only child I looked behind me and grinned at Grayson and he gave me a nervous grin back.

  "Well.. It's not as big as Mattie's house by no means but this is home sweet home. I want you to feel welcome here Gray. I need to run to the store and get some of your favorite snacks but feel free to roam the house and raid the fridge if you want."

  "Okay.." He gave me a hesitant look and shook his head. "Mom. I promise I'll be annoying you in no time. Hey. Can we get a puppy?" I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at him to see if he was serious or not. I've never been crazy about animals in the house and the idea of them going to the bathroom on my carpet didn't appeal to me at all! "Geez! I was just kidding MOM!! Well.. Kind of, haha." Oh boy! He really wants a dog!

  "How about we talk about that when everything settles down alright? I'm not saying yes but I'm not saying no either."

  "Wow! You're really getting the hang on this mom thing huh? Haha. That sounded like something my.... Mom would say." He put his head down and looked at the ground.

  "Oh you have no idea what kind of skills I have up my sleeve buddy. And hey... I told you not to feel bad or weird about calling Jane exactly what she was. She was your mom." He nodded his head and grinned that gorgeous grin of his back at me.

  "It'll quit being weird one day. Hey. Is someone else here? I saw a car outside and it sounds like Caleb is talking to someone." I heard Caleb talking to Olivia and Cash and didn't want to rush the introductions but I guess now is the best time to do that.

  "That would be your Uncle Cash and Aunt Olivia. Are you ready to meet them? They're pretty cool and hopefully won't squeeze you to death!" I giggled because I know Olivia can't wait to meet him. He nodded his head and rolled his eyes and let out a big sigh.

  "As long as they don't pinch my cheeks I guess it'll be alright."

  "Oh they'll wait a week or two before they start doing that." I tried to sound serious but the panicked look that he got on his face had me rolling. "I'm just kidding! We only do that to babies."

  I grabbed his bag and set it next to mine and grabbed his hand and had him follow me into the living room. It was so great seeing Olivia and one look into her eyes had me trying not to choke up. I went in for a hug and Cash patted me on the back since Olivia and I wouldn't quit hugging. I felt Olivia's body tense up and I looked at her and she was staring at Grayson with tears in her eyes. I pulled out of her arms and motioned for Grayson's hand for him to come closer to us because he was still standing back taking everything in.

  "Grayson. I'd like to introduce you to your Aunt Olivia and Uncle Cash." Olivia wasn't moving at all but was just staring at him which made the introduction a bit awkward. I looked at Cash for help and he grinned at Grayson and put his hand out to him.

  "Hey Grayson. How was the flight? If I would have had more notice I would have sent one of my jets to fly you guys home." He leaned down and gave Grayson a big hug but Grayson's eyes were about to bug out.

  "Did you say JETS? As in plural?" Cash got a shy look on his face and laughed.

  "Yeah, I have two. Maybe we can all go on a guy’s trip some time. Caleb and I can take you and Gideon somewhere cool or something. Maybe a ski trip sometime."

  "Wow! That would be awesome!" He looked over at Caleb. "Do you have a jet too?" We all laughed at his question but Caleb answered him.

  "No... Why should I spend my hard earned money when my brother has two that I can use any time I need to?"

  Caleb winked at Cash who punched him in the arm by his comment. Before you knew it the two brothers were playing around trying to slap each other like ninjas which had all of us laughing. I looked at Olivia who was still staring at Grayson and was starting to make him feel a little uncomfortable and she could tell by the look on my face that she needed to stop. She slowly walked over to him.

  "Hey Grayson. I'm so glad to finally get to meet you. I'm sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable but it's just that... Well you..." She let out a huge sigh and grinned through her tears. "Do you mind if I hug you?"

  "It's okay. My mom told me I look a lot like my cousin Jeremiah. Is that why you're crying?" I gasped because I couldn't believe that he just came out and said it like that and Caleb and Cash immediately stopped what they were doing and Cash walked behind Olivia to put his hand protectively on her back but she pushed his hand away and turned around and looked at us.

  "I'm fine Cash, really. I'm fine." She turned around and looked at Grayson. "I'm not going to lie Grayson. You and Jeremiah could have passed as brothers more than he and Jordan did. I'm alright though. Welcome to the family nephew."

  She choked on the last few words which had me about lose it and I had to turn around while they embraced. Caleb came around to me and pulled me into his arms. I never thought that finally introducing my child to my oldest and dearest friend would turn out to be so emotional for the two of us. I turned around and Olivia pulled away from him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  "Do you know what aunts and uncles are good for Grayson?" He laughed and arched his eyebrow at her. "When your parents don't let you have your way y
ou go to them because they can never say no! Haha. Feel free to come to Cash or I any time you feel that Claudia and Caleb are picking on you. Okay?" He nodded his head and gave her a quick little hug again.

  "Hey now! That's not going to happen. You'll have to back us up if he gets into any trouble." Of course he's a good kid so I'm really not worried about it and we are just playing around.

  "Oh yeah? The same way that you and Caleb back us up with our kids?" I started to say something but she knew she had me so I laughed and bowed to her which had everyone laughing.

  "Touché. You got me there."

  I looked around the house and nothing seemed to have changed. I still keep wondering about what renovations Olivia was talking about and was hoping that my house was still intact. Olivia noticed me looking around.

  "We brought some pizza and Chinese for dinner and it's all on the table. I wasn't sure which food to get you so now you can have both." She came up and gave me a hug. "I'm so glad you're back and SO HAPPY that you three will be staying with us for a while! I've missed my best friend so much and the kids have missed their aunt and uncle, too!" She reached around me and gave Caleb a hug and kiss on his cheek.

  "So does that mean that you two are leaving?" Cash was the first one to respond as he came to hug me.

  "Yes little sis. We didn't want to bombard the three of you but we wanted to see with our own eyes that you were okay and bring you dinner and meet our new nephew." By now he's already hugged the three of us and is standing close to the foyer with his arm around Olivia's waist.

  "Um okay. I guess it was.. Nice to see you while we did? Haha." Olivia was standing next to Cash with tears in her eyes and I silently gave her a questioning look.

  "It's just so awesome to see the three of you standing there. You're a family now and I'm so happy for each of you." She wiped her cheeks off and grinned back. "I'll see you three tomorrow. Carmen will be cooking a feast so come hungry." I couldn't say anything because her statement had me so emotional my throat had closed up on me. We are a family! It's slowly but surely kicking in.


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