Found by Love

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Found by Love Page 24

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "No Claudia. You are most welcome here and don't ever think that you're not. I've been looking forward to this for days and you all can stay here as long as you want." I looked at Olivia and she definitely seemed genuine and I could see Caleb squirming in his seat as he reached for his wine glass.

  "Okay. I believe you but Caleb? Has Mattie called you or something? Have Roger or Meredith been spotted in Oregon? Why are you all making me feel paranoid all of a sudden about our arrangements?"

  "Honey, your middle name is paranoid. Trust me, if Mattie calls me I'll tell you everything he says and I haven't talked to him since I told him we arrived here safely."

  I looked around the table and everyone seemed to be back where they were before Gid's outburst about the long lost cousin’s arrival so I let it go. I decided to get up and leave the table so I grabbed my plate after telling everyone goodnight and took it to the kitchen. I'm sure they were all mystified at my abrupt departure but I'm not an idiot and I know that something was going on and no one is telling me what it is.


  I know one person that seems to tell it to me straight and that's Mattie and hopefully he answers the phone and isn't still mad at me about jumping him about telling Grayson about Roger and Meredith's plans. I make it up to my bedroom and grab my cell phone out of my purse and dial his number. It took a while for him to answer and I was ready to leave a voicemail but he decided to answer after all.

  "Whatever do you want Claudia? Or did you happen to dial the wrong number?" Ha! I guess he didn't want to talk to me.

  "Well hello to you too asshole!" Oh God!! Did I just say that out loud? Holy shit I'm in a bad mood!

  "Asshole? Wow Claud. I guess that answers my question on if you're still mad at me or not. Should I make other plans for Thanksgiving? Maria is going to her family's house for Thanksgiving so I guess I could maybe invite myself there or just stay home because I'm really not feeling it this year anyway." Yes I'm still mad at him but I can't bring myself to be the reason for him to spend the holiday by himself. I go to sit down in the lounge chair to take my shoes off and start rubbing my feet and let out a big sigh.

  "Please come for Thanksgiving Mattie. I can put my madness on a shelf somewhere for Grayson because I know he's expecting you. Caleb as well and I know that everyone wants to meet you." He chuckled through the phone and I let out another sigh. At least he doesn't still seem as mad at me.

  "Well okay then. I was looking forward to going but wasn't sure if you had disinvited me after our last conversation." I could picture him frustrated and running his hands through his hair while he sighed. "You know that I didn't want to tell Grayson about the threat right? I only told him because of that stupid idea of his that Thomas doesn't want him living with you and Caleb. Isn't that the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard in your life? Ghosts?! That's crazy Claudia! Surely you realize that right?" I never told him about my dream of Jane and I'm quite offended that he thinks Grayson is crazy.

  "What's so crazy about it? Do you really think Grayson is crazy? He's not Mattie! I would think you knew him better than that. I haven't told you this but Olivia saw my brother in her dreams all of the time and at the cemetery and Cash did the same with Vanessa. They're not crazy either."

  "You are kidding right? Come on Claudia, I thought you were smarter than that."

  "I am smart Mattie and you know what? I'm not going to lie. I thought that maybe just maybe they were all crazy but it was their mind seeing something that it wanted so bad but that changed the night that you and Caleb had your little drunken talk the other night." Now he's full on laughing.

  "Oh Claudia, Claudia! What are you saying? You saw Thomas and Jane hanging out in the living room while we were gone? Hahahaha. Come on Claud! Please don't make me go get Grayson and bring him home with me right now because you know I will."

  "Don't you ever threaten me with that Mattie! I mean it! You know in your heart that I'm who Grayson should be with whether you want to admit it or not. Don't you ever threaten me with that again after all of these years of me finally having him in my life again. Yes it sucks that Jane and Thomas had to die and I wish for their sakes and yours and Grayson's that it didn't happen but I'm not going to lie and say that selfishly I'm glad it happened so that I could have my baby boy back." I choked on the last sentence because as much as I hated to admit it that was exactly how I felt. I begged him through my tears. "Please Mattie! Please don't ever threaten me again because I don't care how much money it takes but I will fight you. He belongs with me. Please Mattie, Please."

  "Alright Claudia! Alright. Let’s just drop it. I’m... I'm just so alone Claud. I have no one but Grayson. You don't understand how lonely I am. Thomas was my best friend since we were kids and I just feel... I feel like if I dropped off the face of the earth right now no one would even care. Yeah I'm sure that Grayson would be upset and he'd cry over me being gone but he's my last link in this world Claud. Do you not understand that?"

  Oh man! This is not how I planned on this conversation going because now both of us are crying over the phone. I've never heard him sound so sad…. and vulnerable. My heart went out to him because I knew EXACTLY how he felt because that's how I've felt about Olivia ever since Derek and the kids died.

  "Mattie. We can do this together. The three of us…. You, me and Caleb. That night you and Caleb went out to talk, Jane came to me in a dream and told me that we would figure it all out. She also told me that she wanted Grayson to be with me and that she was mad at you for not letting me have him."

  "Not you too Claud! Not you too? So you're telling me that Jane came to you in a dream? Did you ever think that maybe just maybe it's because that's what you wanted to hear? This is crazy Claud! CRAZY!"

  "Listen, I've felt the same way that you have and I'm not going to lie. I was always jealous when Olivia would tell me about seeing Derek and the kids because he was MY brother. Why wouldn't he want to see me? But... Jane told me something else that I didn't know because you and Caleb were keeping it from me and when Caleb told me, I knew it WAS her Mattie and not a figment of my imagination."

  "Oh yeah? And what was that Claudia?"

  "She told me to hurry up and get Grayson to Oregon and out of California because Roger and Meredith were going to try any way possible to get him back." I sat there waiting for him to say something but all I heard on the other end was silence and then a loud sigh.

  "Well... Maybe you're all NOT crazy. I don't even know what to say to that." He got quiet and I heard tapping in the background.

  "Are you tapping a pen against your desk?" He chuckled.

  "Yeah. It's what I do when I'm deep in thought. So... Did Jane tell you anything else? So she doesn't want Grayson with me huh. Not at all? What about Thomas?"

  "Well isn't this a change of direction for you? Haha. You went from thinking everyone was crazy to actually having a conversation with me about what ghosts want for our lives."

  "Well maybe I'm crazy too. How come Thomas hasn't come to me in a dream? He was my best friend after all. Now I'm a little jealous. Wow! Jealous of not getting a visit from a ghost. How freaking weird and crazy is that? Okay. Can we change the direction of this conversation because I'm thinking I may need to go see a shrink. Haha." I laughed along with him because I couldn’t believe the conversation that we were having.

  "Well don't go to the one you sent Grayson to because she will definitely tell you that you're crazy."

  "Is that why you stopped sending him to her?"

  "Yes Sir and I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Now that our conversation has lightened up and we are finally able to talk without screaming at each other I go ahead and tell him everything else that Jane said. "Listen Mattie. Jane does want Grayson with me but she also doesn't want you cut out of his life because she knows how much you love him and vice versa. She also told me that you always end up doing the right thing and for me to have patience with you. She said that there's a solution to the problem and that we would
figure it out."

  "Wow! That sounds like something she would say. Man I miss her wisdom. When I had a problem and I mean a big problem I always went to her because she was the least judgmental person I knew. Thomas would call me on my shit but she would explain why I did things the way I did and help me through the problem." He chuckled and went back to tapping his pen. "Ya know what? Maybe that's why I have such an attraction to you. You remind me of her a whole bunch." I went to say something but he stopped me. "Don't worry Claud. It's more of a brother sister attraction now. Trust me. I'm not getting in the middle of what you and Caleb have and honestly. I could use a friend right now more than anything. That is if you're up for the job, haha." I could tell in his voice that even though he was laughing, there was more hope in his question more than anything which put a smile on my face.

  "Oh I can always use more friends Mattie and I will gladly accept the job. You're not so bad yourself ya know that? I've been looking at you like you were the enemy and that was definitely the wrong approach. So. Hi! I'm Claudia and it's very nice to meet you and I'm a great friend but very needy at times." I really wished that I was there right now so that I could give him a big hug. I'm glad I called him now because we got really far in our conversation that didn't start out so great. His boisterous laugh had me cracking up.

  "Nice to meet you Claudia! I'm Matthias but you can call me Mattie and I tend to be an asshole but I'm working on not being such an ass."

  "Well I'm quite the bitch so I guess that makes for a great friendship. Please come visit us for Thanksgiving so that I can give you a big hug." I could hear him grinning through the phone.

  "Okay. I'll come. But only because I could really use a hug. Oh and to see my Godson. I really miss him already."

  "He misses you too. He's only mentioned your name a hundred times since we've been here."

  "Good, haha. You have a good night Claudia. I'm really glad you called."

  "Me too, Mattie. Me too. Goodnight." I hung up the phone with the biggest grin on my face. That was a big, big, big load off of my shoulders to be able to knock a few barriers down between Mattie and I. Caleb always thinks he has to be my peace maker but I can handle myself. I just have to pull those big girl panties on from time to time.

  I crawl into bed as Caleb is walking into the bedroom and by the look on his face I can tell that he wants to talk to me but I'm so not in the mood. After the great conversation I had with Mattie I don't want anything to ruin my good mood. I look at him and roll my eyes and reach up and turn the lamp off letting him know that I'm not interested.

  "Well goodnight to you too Cru. Oh goodnight Caleb. Dinner was good don't you think? Why yes it was Cru, right up until you got up and left the table without a proper good bye to everyone that was looking at me to explain what your problem was. Which was? This is where you stop me from talking to myself right?" I knew I should have jumped into bed sooner and pretended to be asleep when he came to bed. I angrily tossed the blankets up to lean over and turn the lamp on and lean back onto my pillows and give him a dirty look.

  "So what did you tell everybody? About why I left the table?" He stopped mid step and stared at me in shock.

  "What did I say? That's what you're worried about? What I told them? Well let's see. I told them that I didn't have a damn clue what your problem was because I don't know myself!"

  "Really? You don't know what my problem is? Wow! And to think. I thought you knew me more than anyone did. Geez! Maybe you're not the one for me after all!"

  "That's it! Get up!" He's angry now and I'm not budging which has him come over to the bed angrily tearing all of the blankets completely off of the bed. "I said GET UP DAMMIT!" I refuse to move. He's going to have to physically remove me before I even think about moving.

  "Don't you dare talk to me like that! What the hell is your problem?" What he did next had me screaming at the top of my lungs. He leaned over me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

  "Okay. If you won't get up them I'll get you up. You are so gonna feel like an idiot in a few minutes because of your little childish behavior that you had in front of my family. You're going to learn to quit throwing fits and start acting your age. You have a child that you need to grow up for Cruella and you need to learn how to act like an adult when you don't get your way."

  He had already left the room and I noticed we were headed towards the elevator and going on it when he pushed the button. I heard movement to the left of me and I maneuvered myself to see who it was and it was Cash and Olivia with shocked looks on their faces.

  "Do you think you two could help me out here?" I started punching Caleb in the back to put me down but he never moved a muscle and it didn’t seem to faze him.

  "Claudia, stop it! That doesn't feel all that great and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop it! You two stay out of this because I'm only giving her a dose of her own medicine!" I looked at Olivia and she laughed and put her hand over her mouth to try to cover it. Great! Some friend she turned out to be.

  "Um... Goodnight Claudia. Try not to be too mean to him and if it makes you feel better the kids are already asleep. Well... That is if your screaming didn't wake them up. Haha. Have fun girlfriend."

  "Have fun? Do you think I'd let Cash take off with you like some caveman and me not try to stop him?" She started to say something but Cash ruined it completely.

  "Yes you would little sis. Especially if you thought she deserved it and I think you're acting like a little brat right now. Brother? Let me know if you need a paddle or a belt. I think I can round one up for ya." He walked into the elevator and pushed the number for the top floor and my face was against his ass and I reached down and bit him through his pants which had him yelling out in pain.

  "Cash, I think I may need a belt after that because she just bit me! Olivia, you might want to tell your friend goodbye."

  "Claudia! Be nice. Trust me, you're gonna feel like an idiot in a couple of minutes."

  "Thanks for the help O!" The doors shut as soon as I opened my mouth so I started punching him again and tried to get him to loosen his hold on me. He flipped me over and dropped me on my ass and I looked up at him seething through my teeth. "You asshole! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

  "Oh I'm fine. You're the one with the problem because of your paranoia. Yes! I know exactly what your problem is Cru. You think we're hiding something from you and we ARE DAMNIT! But God forbid you let it be a surprise! Nope! You can't keep your feelings held and let us SURPRISE you because you want IT ALL NOW! Well….." The elevator doors opened up. "Here's your surprise. Go check it out."

  He walked out of the elevator and I wasn't sure if I should follow him or not. The doors started to shut and his hand stopped it before they could close and he stared at me with so much venom in his eyes I was actually scared of him. Boy! I've really pissed him off!

  "Do I have to drag you out of there? You know I will!" He started to walk towards me and I put my hand up to him.

  "I... No. I'll get out." I walk straight out of the elevator and look around the huge room before me. What I saw didn't quite register though. What used to be one huge room that was thousands of square feet broken up into a suite had been turned into rooms. Everything didn't seem to be as open as it was before. I looked over to my left and was relieved to see the big massive king sized bed that could fit a whole family on it. The bathtub that was the size of a small pool had disappeared though and was replaced by a wall.

  "What happened to the huge bath tub? I loved that thing and was hoping we could take advantage of it while we were here." I looked at him and he shook his head and seemed disappointed.

  "Man... There's no pleasing you is there. Oh well. It's gone and now in its place is your new walk in closet. What about the bed? Is it too big? Too much? Too little for Queen Claudia?" Why is he being so mean to me all of a sudden?

  "I wish to God that you would quit calling me that! What do you mean my new walk in closet? Of course I love that bed, that and the bat
htub made the suite seem like a honeymoon suite. Hence the reason Cash and Olivia used it as one. What are we doing up here Caleb?"

  "You call me dense? Why do you think we are up here Cru? Can you not tell that there are renovations going on up here? Who do you think the renovations are for?" Renovations... Renovations... Oh my God! That's what Olivia was talking about. They're not renovating MY house. They're renovating THEIRS for US! Oh he's so right! I was acting like a brat at dinner because of my paranoia.

  "So you mean... This is all for US?" I look around for a seat and since there's not one I walk over to the massive bed and sit down on the edge of it and take everything in.

  "Yes Cru. All 5000 square foot of this top floor is now ours. It was actually Olivia's idea and I laughed it off at first but the more I got to thinking about it I knew it was the right thing to do for both of us and especially Grayson. Cash got ahold of some contractors and I think you're going to love it when they're finished. We will have 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and a living room, den, huge kitchen and even a study. More room than we will need for a while but I would love to fill the extra bedrooms with more kids."

  While he was talking I was walking around and picturing exactly what he was describing and he's right. It's the best move for us and not to mention for Grayson. He'll get to be around his whole family all of the time and play with Gideon any time he wanted to and probably go to school with him as well. I looked at him with tears in my eyes unable to imagine what all he was trying to do for me and was mad at myself for ruining the surprise that I know he wanted to give me.

  "I'm so sorry. I'm just so... I'm not used to anyone taking care of me. I've never had anyone to depend on before so I always took care of whatever I needed myself. I have been worrying about if my house was big enough and how I was going to make it work by having Grayson with me and wanting to send him to Gideon's school. But now..." I noticed that he's standing by the wall with his arms crossed and he still seems upset with me by the way he shook his head.


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