Found by Love

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Found by Love Page 36

by Jennifer Bryan Yarbrough

  "What's so funny?" He picked me up and laid me on the bed and rose above me and continued to rub my belly. He looked at me and was still grinning.

  "You don't want to know what I was thinking Baby." Oh no! Do I really want to know? There's no telling where his mind went.

  "I think I do Nerd Boy. What is it?" He leaned up and kissed me gently on the lips while still grinning.

  "Do you promise not to slap me or be mad?" I scrunched my eyes at him and nodded because I had to know what was so funny. He looked at me and leaned back a little bit waiting to see what I had to say but I nodded at him.

  "Okay. Here goes." He inhaled a deep breath and blurted it out. "I hope it’s twins so that we can name them Luke and Leah." I know my eyes must have about popped out of my head because he moved closer to hold my arms down that were about to rise up and slap him. “I knew you were going to lunge for me!" He waited for me to calm down and I about flipped out at what he said next. "Triplets would be awesome because having a Luke and a Leah AND a Han Solo would even make Grayson happy because we already have a Chewbacca!" I started bucking against him and he let go of me and rolled over in a fit of laughter. I grabbed every pillow I could find and started hitting him with them.

  "You've lost your ever loving MIND! Han Solo? Really? No freaking way in hell am I EVER naming one of my children Han Solo!" He put all of the pillows back on to the bed that he dodged and grinned again.

  "So you're not mad that it could be twins?" I let out a long sigh and shook my head.

  "Why be mad when I made the mistake of getting pregnant by your Super Kingston sperm?" The heated look that he got on his face had me squirming and pulling him near me because I wasn't thinking about babies anymore.

  "Oh my God you amaze me and I love you so much! Care to celebrate?" He nuzzled my neck as I sighed.

  "Might as well enjoy it while we can... Nerd Boy." I leaned up and pulled his bottom lip into my mouth and moaned as I slipped my tongue into his mouth to let me know how much I needed him.

  "Oh Baby. I don't want to hurt you but if you keep that up this could get pretty rough and wild. We can't hurt the baby can we?" I pushed him over and got on top of him and straddled him feeling just how excited he was.

  "How about you let me be in control for once? I'll show you rough and wild Baby." He growled at me as he pulled my head down to his and grabbed me by the neck as he kissed me roughly.

  "Wanna tie me up?" I arched my brow at him and chuckled and nodded my head. For once he's not going to be in control and my whole body was vibrating from the excitement of making him beg for mercy.

  "Oh boy do I!" I got up and grabbed some scarves out of my dresser drawer and went back to the bed and tied him up. I had one left and he was looking at me pensively wondering what my next step was so I answered his silent question. "Oh I'm going to blindfold you like you did me. I must admit that it was quite erotic and I want you to wonder what all I'm going to do to you. Get ready." I covered his eyes up before he could respond and he took a deep breath and exhaled and grinned.

  "I love you Cru and I love that you have a freaky wild side. Oh my GOD I love that you have a freaky wild side. Give it to me baby because I'm ready!" Give it to him was exactly what I did long into the night until we were both so exhausted we couldn't move.


  I walked out of the bathroom to let Caleb know that I was ready and stopped in my tracks when I took one look at him in his tuxedo. My oh my... Man he is hot! Knowing that he's all mine made my toes curl a little. He had slicked his wild mess of curls back and had just enough stubble on his face to drive me crazy which caused my stomach to drop at just how sexy he was. His eyes darkened with lust and I can honestly say that the last thing I want to do is go to this Christmas party with the family.

  "Let's stay home Cru! No way in hell do I want another man to look at you and he have the same thoughts that I have running around in my head right now." I beamed up at him and checked him out from head to toe to let him know that I liked what I saw as well.

  "Oh I could say the same thing about you too Sexy. Too bad we aren't taking our own limo because we could definitely play a few games on our way to the party." I wrapped my arms around his waist and his jacket surrounded me while he grabbed my face with his hands and tilted my head up to reach his lips. Who cares that I just spent 30 minutes applying my make up? As long as I'm in his arms little trivial things like my messed up make up don't even matter.

  He reached down and caressed my stomach the way that he does constantly to feel connected to the baby. There's something about being with a man that cherishes his baby and is looking forward to meeting them. He nuzzled my neck and whispered into my ear sending electric tingles down my spine.

  "How are you feeling Honey? Are Luke and Leah giving you any problems today?" I giggled knowing that he would love to have a set of twins like his brother.

  "Luke or whatever she will be named if it's a girl is being nice to me today and I haven't felt sick at all. I'm not having twins Caleb so you might as well accept it." I agreed to Luke if it's a boy because it is his middle name and of course I would name his first son after him but I told him absolutely no on naming our daughter Leah.

  "Ah baby. You're the one that should accept it. I've already had a dream about it and I'm telling you. You're having twins." I playfully pushed him away from me and went to put my heels on and grab my clutch.

  "Were you awake or asleep? You know there's a difference between a dream and a fantasy right? Haha." He waited by the door for me and I put my arm inside his when he put his arm out for me.

  "Oh it was definitely a dream." He winked at me and led me out of the room. "Derek said hi by the way.” I had stopped dead in my tracks and Caleb turned around and grinning that cocky grin of his.

  "Are you kidding me right now? My brother talked to you in your dream and told you I was having twins?" I'm going to kill him! Derek that is! I'm going to bring him back to life and KILL HIM! Why would he joke around with Caleb about something like that? "I'm sure he was joking. Derek was always a prankster; that's where Jeremiah got it from." He started leading me down the stairs one step at a time letting me hold onto him for balance. "What exactly did he say? Did he just come right out and say it? Oh hey, my sister is having twins." He laughed so hard he about lost his balance and I had to grab onto him to keep him from falling.

  "Not exactly, all he said was that I was going to get my wish and that he can't wait for me to see THEM and that she looks like me and he will look like you and Grayson." I started feeling dizzy and felt like I was about to pass out. I swayed a little and he grabbed me by the shoulders.

  "Cru, are you okay?" I sat down on the stairs and looked up at him and noticed how worried he was.

  "I am NOT the kind of woman that Olivia is in being content staying home with babies every day. I could handle one baby and probably take it with me to work for a while but two? No I'm not okay. I mean oh my God Caleb! Twins? Holy shit!" His face softened and he sat down next to me and started rubbing my back.

  "If you think that I'm the kind of man that expects you to stay home with our babies then you have misjudged me. Olivia does it because she loves it and I never expected for you to stay at home continuously popping out babies for me. I think that between the both of us we could take the babies with us to work until they're running around and when they get to be too much of a handful we can see if mom or Elizabeth will watch them or we can take turns going to work. We have a few months to decide Baby so let's not stress out about that right now." I don't even know why I put my makeup on for the stupid party. He had me crying when he said I had misjudged him. I jumped into his lap and started giving him kisses all over his face and had him holding on to me and laughing at the same time.

  "God I love you so much! You definitely make my life seem so easy sometimes! You're right. We can do this and you make it sound like it's gonna be a walk in the park but I can guarantee you it's not going to be but you make
it sound like it. Haha. Come on Baby. Let's go to this ridiculous party." He gave me a gentle squeeze and led me down the stairs where everyone was waiting.

  I checked everyone out and I must say; we are all quite a good looking group. Grayson was beaming at me as he put his hands out and turned around for me to see him fully in his tuxedo. I ran to him and lifted his chin with my hand.

  "Well aren't you a handsome young man. It's nice to know that if I ever wanted to wear a tux I'd look pretty awesome in it."

  I winked at him to let him know that I was just joking. It amazes me sometimes at how much the two of us look alike and according to my ghost brother, Derek, we will have another son that looks like both of us. We haven't told him yet about my pregnancy because we wanted to wait until my first doctor’s appointment and are told that everything is alright with the baby. Or babies! Oh I hope it's not babies!

  I looked at Mattie who looked pretty hot in his tux and looked around for Josie to see her reaction to Mattie dressed up but she wasn't anywhere in the room. I thought Caleb and I were the last ones to get ready but I guess not. I heard Olivia and Cash giving Carmen and Lucas instructions for the twins because they decided to not take them after all since both of them were teething and were constantly fussy. Of course Carmen didn't mind and kept telling Olivia not to worry and that she actually knew what she was doing. I giggled and walked over to the older ones of the group.

  "Well don't you all look spectacular? Gid, I love your bow tie. Amelia, how do you two always end up matching without making it look too obvious?" Gid had on a plaid bow tie while Amelia had on a Forrest green velvet dress and they both looked like they had walked out of a magazine they looked that elegant.

  "Believe it or not it's always by accident. He walked out of his closet asking how I felt about his tie as I walked out of mine asking him what he thought about my dress. I think we mentally know what the other is wearing half the time." She leaned forward and put her arm around me. "Sweetheart, how are you feeling tonight?" Elizabeth came around to the other side of me and they're both like mother hens around me now since they found out I was pregnant.

  "I'm feeling fine today. My stomach hasn't been upset since yesterday so hopefully I can make it through the rest of the night without any problems." I leaned over and gave Elizabeth a hug. "Thank you so much for having Caleb and I over for dinner the other night and... Thank you for jumping my shit for shutting you out of what has been going on. I'm sorry... Again and I promise it won't happen ever again."

  Henry and Elizabeth had invited Caleb and me to their house to make sure that I knew that even though Olivia was their daughter, they've always felt the same way about me and didn't appreciate the way that I had shut them out of their lives. I was so ashamed in disappointing them and somehow felt that they would frown on me like my real parents would have had they known that I had gotten pregnant and given my baby up for adoption.

  "I told you that I had already forgiven you but I just want you to realize that Henry and I love you so much and we don't just have one daughter. You're our bonus daughter and if we have to we will adopt you just to prove it to you in writing." She winked at me and hugged me while Henry hugged me from behind. "Not to mention having another grandson and more on the way. Oh my, Henry! Isn't it wonderful?"

  "Yes it is darling, truly wonderful." I turned around and grabbed Henry's hand and squeezed it.

  "I've been meaning to ask you something and you don't have to if you don't want to but I-" He stopped me from continuing.

  "If you are going to ask me to give you away at your wedding after we both told you that we consider you as our daughter Claudia, I'm going to bend you over my knee right now and spank you." Oh geez! That's exactly what I was going to ask him. I nodded my head at him and shrugged my shoulders and giggled. He gave me a hug and sighed. "I'll forgive you this one time but please quit feeling like you're a hindrance to Elizabeth and me. We love you very much Dear."

  "I know you do and it won't happen again. Thank you and I love you both!" I hugged them both again and turned around and noticed all of the men looking towards the stairwell and I stopped in my tracks.

  Josie was walking down the stairs with her head held high and she looked amazingly gorgeous. Her long auburn curls that she usually wears down to the bottom of her back were up in a clip and her long slender neck was surrounded by emeralds to match her dress. The confident air about her was unmistakable and I noticed that Mattie's jaw had dropped along with Cash, Caleb and even Gideon and Grayson.

  "Josie! You look BEAUTIFUL! You look like a princess in that dress!" Eden was right. She definitely looked like royalty and she knew how to make an entrance. I walked around to stand between Caleb and Mattie.

  "So... anyone care to help a lady out? Ya know…. the one that could probably use a little bit of help down?" Of course I was hoping Mattie's would catch onto my hinting around for him to help Josie but all I got back was a hateful look while Caleb went to help her down the last few steps.

  "Claudia... If I didn't know better I would have to wonder if you're trying to provoke me or not." I laughed and nodded my head.

  "Oh you would be right. I do have a question my friend." He narrowed his eyes at me dreading what was on my mind I could tell.

  "What is your question Claud?" I put my arm through his and leaned in closer to him so that we could have a private conversation.

  "Have you talked to Josie since you and I talked?” He grinned and nodded at me but I could tell that he was gritting his teeth as well.

  "I think I'll keep that between Josie and me for right now if you don't mind.” I clicked my tongue against my teeth and grinned.

  "Okay, You seem to still be mad. Is she still denying everything?"

  "Let's just say I loathe her very much at the moment and keep it at that." I spun around when I realized he was already across the room to get away from my questions. He loathes her? As in HATES her? I giggled to myself because it’s amazing how fast loathing can turn into love sometimes.

  I looked over at Josie who was getting a million compliments from everyone at the moment and she seemed to be glowing from the big smile on her face. I noticed she looked towards Mattie a few times as he had his back to everyone and seemed to be looking outside the window. The look of how hurt her feelings were wasn't missed by me and I wondered what in the world she is hiding to continue her charade of lying to him because it was obvious that she had feelings for him.

  "Cru, are you ready to go? We are all heading for the limos." He looked over towards Mattie. "Mattie? Are you still riding with us? Gideon wants to ride with Grayson so we have the two boys so I it should be an interesting ride."

  He turned around and nodded his head at Caleb and looked over at me and frowned. I shrugged my shoulders and headed towards the front door with Caleb's help. Lord help us but I sure don't want any drama tonight so it would probably be best to keep those two apart. Here I was thinking that they'd be a great match but I’m still hoping that they can work out whatever seems to be going on with Josie at the moment.


  I had never been to a Kingston Enterprises, Inc. Christmas party before and it was as over the top as a big company party could get. Cash definitely knows how to treat his employees at Christmas. Not only did everyone get rather large bonuses but he had door prizes as well that included vacation trips that would make the rich and famous jealous of and a lot of oversized TV's and every electronic device that you could think of and that was just for the adults. He had a party going on downstairs for all of the children of his employees and the presents under their tree had tons of tablets, cell phones, name brand clothes and shoes in every size that you could think of. I left Grayson with Gideon and Eden and they were all enthralled at how many gifts there were to go around.

  Olivia and I had been sitting at a table with George and Elizabeth while the whole Kingston clan made their rounds with all of their friends and acquaintances. At the moment George and Elizabeth were
on the dance floor while Olivia and I took in the scenery in front of us. We've always loved to people watch at parties.

  "Claud, is there something going on between Josie and Mattie?"

  I started to answer her but I noticed that she was staring really hard at something and I looked in her line of sight. There was Mattie and Josie in a corner away from everyone and they both seemed to be in a heated discussion about something. Josie went to walk away from him and he grabbed her arm to stop her and she slapped him across the face and threw her drink on him. It wasn't a little slap either because I could see the hand print that was rising on his cheek from where we were which was about 25 feet away. I went to get up but Olivia grabbed my hand.

  "Don't. Look." I noticed that Josie seemed shocked at herself by what she did and even though I could tell that Mattie was tensed up his face had softened and he no longer seemed angry. He put his hand out and stepped closer to her and she backed away and then took off running towards the bathrooms and Mattie immediately went chasing after her.

  I had the urge to take off after her to see if she was alright but realized that they needed to hash out what was going on between the two of them. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed the exchange between them but everyone seemed to be in their own little world. I looked at Olivia and her eyes were about to bug out of her head.

  "What the HELL was THAT all about? I was hoping for some kind of a connection between them after I saw them dance together on the dance floor a few weeks ago but that? Something's going on. They looked like they were having a-" I finished for her.


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