Destiny's Call

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Destiny's Call Page 4

by E. Markus Sharp

  Someone entered the room and Corin stopped his meditation. It was Gregard his teacher and the head of the order at the Monastery. Corin put away his things as Gregard sat across from him.

  “Master.” Corin greeted Gregard with a word and a bow. Corin knew Gregard hated titles so he always called him master. The two were very close.

  “Corin your time has come. I’m sending you to Lightbringer with this letter for the King. Edward is a wise man and he will guide you to your path from there.” Gregard told Corin.

  “But…” Corin started but Gregard interrupted.

  “This is important it may be the most important thing you ever do. Go become what you’ve always been.” Gregard told him. Corin had a hundred questions but he knew there would be no answers to be found here. Gregard handed Corin a letter addressed to the King of Lightbringer.

  “Now go.” Gregard ordered and Corin got up and packed his things.

  “Today my new life begins.” He quoted one of his God’s sayings from the Book of One.


  Quell loved her indiscretion and was in the act now. To most Druids this sort of thing was somehow wrong. Quell couldn’t figure out why. It wasn’t like they were compatible, she and her wolf. She knew this and so did the other Druids. They were just snobs and were missing out on something special. When she communed with nature it was a event. She was hoping her efforts would pay off with a vision. The big dog worked hard as if understanding what she needed. The wolf was so hard working and so aggressive that she felt herself filling her up and then there was a simultaneous explosion which left both animals quivering and drooling. Then the world fell away and she was somewhere else. She could hear voices whispering all around her. She focused on the closest ones.

  “…the time of the Avatars has arrived.” A deep voice informed another.

  “It’s too soon they could disrupt all of our plans. Send out the Githrond to deal with them. If we kill this batch they will have to be replaced. This should buy us some more time.” Another voice ordered.

  “But if we hunt the Avatars so early we may give away just how much we know. It might give away some of our agents in the field.” The other voice pointed out.

  “It can’t be helped we have to secure the Dragons and the Giants allegiances before they find out they are the keys to defeating our legions.” The other made it clear.

  “What of Rurik? It is rumored he has left his palace in the sky and walks among the races.” The other asked.

  “He wasn’t much help when we begun this campaign against the Light I don’t believe he will be much of a threat this time either.” The other told his servant. Then the voices faded and Quell could only hear her labored panting.

  “Oh baby…Good wolf Gunther, good wolf.” She said to her animal when she could.

  “Again? Of course.” She told her wolf and then helped him to position. After she was finished with her pleasure she would inform the others of her vision.

  No hurry now. Plenty of time for pleasure…


  Horns blew across the plains with a dire message the undead were attacking again. Marshal McGregor grabbed his ax and left his meal. He hurried to the village center and found Marie and Trellis both looked as excited as he felt. The older warriors looked serious but the youngster's all looked ready to run to the borders on foot. The children brought the horses down from their stables and the entire clan's warriors mounted as one.

  “Alright remember we are the barrier between the damned and the innocent. Fight hard make sure your kill is truly dead and protect the clan brother or sister beside you.” The chief Wellit instructed the group.

  “Let’s go send the dead back where they belong!” The chief shouted and all the warriors spurred forward with a battle cry. It was a sight to see and Marshal never tired of it. The warning fires were alight across the whole borders and every clan within riding distances were present. The Clan Macreet was already engaging the enemy when Marshal’s clan arrived. The clan ran head long into the legion’s front line. Marshal was unhorsed quickly and surrounded by the dead which made him smile wide.

  “Come on you dead bastards my battleaxe is hungry!” He shouted as the dead closed in. Marshal was tall even for his people and his battleaxe was a Great War battleaxe with a six foot haft and three foot double blades. He swung it like it was half that size and the dead were chopped down with the ease of a skilled soldier. Every one of the clan’s attack force was trained almost from birth to fight the creatures of the Witch-King and Marshal was perfect example of the apex warrior brought up on the boarder of the damned. He chopped down the dead as they fearlessly rushed in. They were already piling up in front of him and the day’s work had only just begun. Then he saw it in the center ranks working towards the front lines. A different sort of creature from the regular undead a creature in knightly armor burned black as night, a creature who’s chill could be felt to the front lines. He walked with a purpose. He was searching for something. He was heading right for Marshal who got excited.

  “Come on you metal nightmare if you’re looking for your equal you’ve found him here!” Marshal called out and the phantom looked at him. Its eyes burrowed deep in Marshal’s soul and left him cold.

  The monster was on him before he could blink. It wore a mask and fire burned underneath it skeletal parts could be easily seen between the armor pieces unless he was swinging his half steel half spectral sword then it was if he were alive and full. When he swung the sword it was like looking back in time at the man in his prime. The half spectral sword glowed blue at its end as the death knight attacked only half the blade and the hilt were made of metal. The armor was burnt and tinged with rust until the knight swung then it was as if it were newly forged.

  “So you are an Avatar? Destiny’s tool? Here to defeat the evil spawned by the Witch-King? I’m not impressed.” The death knight told Marshal who didn’t have a clue what the thing was going on about.

  “Come monster let my battleaxe taste you’re dead flesh if you have any.” Marshal told the monster. Marshal swung down hard and cut off the creature’s left arm it fell to the ground still moving and wiggling. The death knight laughed and stabbed his spectral sword upward putting out one of Marshal’s eyes. The pain was enormous and in the midst of the pain Marshal fell backwards blinded in his right eye. The creature stabbed down and hit him in the stomach. Marshal screamed out and Trellis was there. Trellis hit the undead creature with his shoulder knocking him back into the undead behind him. The knight lost grip of his sword and the spectral portion disappeared and the rest crumbled into dust before it hit the ground the knight disappeared too! Maybe the sword the creature couldn’t exist without the other. Trellis picked up Marshal and dragged him to the awaiting clerics. Valas Goddess of war had not called him to the afterlife today. She would someday but today Marshal still lived. The battle ended before he was healed and the cleric couldn’t save his eye but he lived.

  “I’ll get that thing next time.” Marshal swore and Marie held his hand as he was carried from the field.

  “Next time monster!” Marshal shouted to the creature.

  “Next time.” He heard whisper in his ear. The monster agreed.


  Sol watched as the Avatar was removed from the field. He had failed to kill the simple barbarian and it stung his pride. The simple man still lived and his woman. She was one too he could see their auras and they were both Avatars. Two Githrond appeared in front of Sol and both dropped down on one knee.

  “My lord let us kill the Avatar things. We are not from this place and will not be affected by their power. Please master send us and we will finish them.” They offered. The Githrond were long and lanky wrapped in strips of cloth except for their hands and faces. Their faces and hands were long and the flesh was weathered and stretched. Their eyes were cruel and calculating. Each carried a bejeweled sword made out of a metal not of this world and both were the size of broad swords. Their knees bent the wrong
way and their feet were wrapped up like the rest of their bodies. When they said place Sol wondered if they meant more than just Thana. Sol truly believed they were from another place one beyond the reaches of this land.

  “Very well do not fail me.” Sol consented.


  Chapter 3

  Quell entered the meeting place. The usual attendees were here and Quell bowed slightly. The six looked down on her from their platform above the stage area she was on. The darkness covered their visages but Quell knew who they were and what they looked like anyway. None of them were very special.

  “Lords and Ladies I have some information you all will be interested in.” Quell told them from their perches. The six harrumphed.

  “What could you possibly tell us that we already don’t know?” One of the center ones asked one of the men.

  “The Witch-King has sent out the Githrond to kill the current Avatars to buy time so that he can secure the Dragons and Giants to his side.” Quell told the idiots.

  “How could you possibly know such a thing?” One of the outside bitches asked.

  “I have foreseen it.” Quell told them and they six chattered like children fighting over a ball.

  “Yes by using your…unnatural practices?” One said with disgust in her voice.

  “What I do is completely natural.” Quell told them marking out her for a little moonlight encounter.

  “Thank you Quell that will be all.” The one in the center dismissed her like she was some sort of servant.

  ‘Druid’s circle be damned.’ Quell thought to herself as she exited. She waited for the circle to break up and she followed Careen. It was time to teach her a lesson. Careen stopped and turned to see Quell.

  “Hi.” Quell greeted her and Careen frowned at her. Quell threw her web spell at Careen who tried to dodge it but missed then Quell took Careens magic sack rendering her helpless. The webbing had already stopped Careen from screaming for help sticky stuff. Quell picked up Careen and walked into a tree in the garden teleporting to her grove. No one would miss Careen until she saw it Quell’s way.

  “Ok Careen you’re in my grove now.” She told her as she prepared Careen for Gunther. He would show her just how good it could be. After he was through she would be a true believer, the whore.

  Careen tried to talk as Quell used vines to restrain her and spider webs to gag her. Then she removed all of Careen’s clothing and items. Quell looked her over helpless and as naked as a newborn. Then she cast some spells to enhance the experience. Spells she was shone when she first started learning. Then it was time.

  “Gunther mount.” Quell ordered.

  “Don’t worry after a few days of this you will be begging Gunther to mount you.” Quell assured Careen as Gunther climbed on to the squirming crying whore. Well she would be…


  Thul Zun stood at the gates of the Purple Keep no one knew what the stones were made of or how the structure had been made. Scholars say the stones of the Purple Keep cannot be penetrated. The stones can’t but Thul Zun was willing to believe the gates wouldn’t hold up as well as the stone. His Kobolds were placing the explosives at the gate now while he watched the Prefect of Zury looking down at him.

  “I’ll pay one thousand gold to the man who shoots and kills that Orc!” The Prefect shouted and Thul Zun smiled.

  “Your gold won’t save you now Kern.” Thul Zun shouted up to the prefect as the archers high above him readied their bows . Thul Zun raised his shield. Why make it easy for them? They let loose and arrows landed all around the huge Orc and a few hit the shield penetrating but doing no damage to Thul Zun.

  “Azala my dear please give the archers something to remember us by.” Thul Zun called to his Court Mage. The comely Half Orc began casting a nasty spell as more arrows followed the first. Thul Zun put up his shield just in time as five arrows penetrated the hardened wood. Thul Zun used his sword to cut the arrows from the front of his shield.

  “Fools just keep trying to shoot me.” He whispered as another volley stuck his shield and all around him. He cut off the arrows from his shield a second time and noticed it was getting close to useless as the holes were already pretty big. The third volley hit the area and Thul Zun was hit by one of them in the arm. He grunted in anger and broke the shaft leaving an inch showing. Azala finished her chanting and a small ball of fire hovered above her hand. She smiled and threw it up. It traveled quickly to the top of the battlements and over onto the archer’s side of the wall and then exploded. The explosion took up the entire wall line and burning archers fell from the battlements.

  “Good Azala very satisfying.” He told her and she blushed it was no secret that she loved him and he used it as well as any man could. He would use it when they bedded down for the night too.

  “The explosives are ready your Greatness.” Boldis told Thul Zun and the time had come.

  “Break down the gates. Everyone ready. Find me the Prefect and his wife I want them alive.” Thul Zun gave the orders and his people went into action. The gates were blown off their hinges and his army charged into the breach with guttural war cries. Thul Zun joined his army and the humanoids got a taste of nobility taking the palace.

  The prefect and his wife were brought to him in chains as he took a local noble’s daughter from behind. Thul did not stop pumping this rare human jewel as the two were brought to their knees. Every time he pushed in hard the girl was pushed in between the Prefect and his wife and Thul Zun found that very amusing. The looks on their faces as they recognized the girl and what he was doing to her were memories he wanted to savor. This war was about more than just conquest to Thul Zun this war was about subjugation of the enemy’s people. It was about everyone conquered becoming their slaves and eventually their children being like him and the beautiful races bloodlines being tainted for all time with Thul Zun’s people’s blood. The next generation would be the children of the humanoids.

  “You see what happens when you don’t surrender to me? I fuck you.” Thul Zun told them pushing harder to make the girl moan in pain.

  “You Villain! I’ll have you flogged for this I swear!” The Prefect informed Thul Zun and he laughed.

  “I think I’ll keep this one she’s very accommodating and she squeezes just right when I thrust in. As for you you’re already dead only I wanted you to watch your wife be raped first. Take them away and make them pay. Then release the wife outside the city she can walk to the next city. I want that next city to know what to expect.” Thul Zun ordered and then he happily went back to torturing his lovely new slave as they were dragged out yelling and screaming.

  “You my dear are a true treasure a real war prize. We will be getting to know each other as the years go by and you give me strong half breed babies.” He told her making her grunt hard.

  “A true prize indeed.” He told her whispering it in her ear.


  Marshal and Marie laid in their beds on the hot summer’s night. The battle with the undead was costly this time Marshal lost an eye and his wound in his stomach was burning something awful. Marie changed the bandage a second time and he just laid there wondering why this wound was so different from the hundred other wounds he sustained over the years. Then he heard them someone was in the house. He tried to sit up and couldn’t. Marie got up and made her way to the bedroom curtain and pulled it back to see who was in their home and for what seemed like an eternity she just stood there.

  “Marie who is it?” He asked and then suddenly Marie’s head fell back off of her body and rolled across the floor stopping right in front of the bed. The look of terror on her face told Marshal all he needed to know He stumbled to his feet and grabbed his battleaxe as Marie’s body fell back into the room with blood spewing everywhere.

  “Marshal?” A voice called out from the other room.

  “I’m going to make you pay pal!” Marshal told the darkness inside the other room. He couldn’t see any light in the next room as he advanced.

>   “Marshal?” the whispering voice called out to him from behind and Marshal spun around to find a lanky, tall monster standing behind him. The creature’s skin was pulled tight over its skeletal face and it was fast. Marshal hefted the huge battleaxe for an attack and something struck him in the leg from behind. It felt like a blade sharper than anything he had felt before. It felt like it cut all the way through his leg and then he was falling. He hit the ground next to his leg and tried to get back to a sitting position and the other creature moved and sliced off his right arm. Then he felt the other slice off his left arm and then the one in front of him sliced off his other leg. He lay there helpless as the blood poured out of him he only had a few more seconds of life left in him so he spat at the one in front of him hitting him in the face. The creature cringed and Marshal laughed his last.

  The creature growled at Marshal as he died.


  “That lowly creature just spat in my face!” Orden complained.

  “It’s dead now. So stop your belly aching. The Great Lord will be pleased.” Arden informed his disgruntled brother.

  “Good for him.” Orden replied.

  “Soon brother none of this will matter we just have to keep the Witch-King happy until the portal opens.” Arden reminded him with a smile.

  “Yes the portal.” Orden reveled in the idea of it.

  “We just have to keep them on their paths and the portal will bring the cleansing.” Arden told Orden.

  “Yes.” Orden replied.

  “Let’s return to the Witch-King and tell him the news.” Arden suggested and they disappeared from Marshal’s home. The house was quiet only for a minute and then she entered.


  Quell knelt down by the big man and cast her spell. His limbs were restored and he was waking up. Quell straddled him as he woke. He opened his eyes and was surprised it was not Marie, Quell guessed.


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