Destiny's Call

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Destiny's Call Page 6

by E. Markus Sharp


  This morning was a jumble of work for Lorena and Tessa their teacher woke up and it was like she was struck by lightning. She woke the two up in the rude part of morning and made them pack and she then corralled them to one of the air ships and paid for their passage to Lightbringer. She handed them a letter for the king and sent them on their way. Before Tessa was fully awake they were on deck waving to Bienne their teacher as the ship took to the air and started towards the Protectorate city. The Protectorate was the largest kingdom to survive the shattering of the Empire. They were until the people became unsatisfied with King Edward and the protectorate was split in half the west halve became the Alliance and the Eastern half remained the Protectorate. The war was over and the Protectorate gave the Alliance their independence but the Alliance was growing and Tessa wondered when it would mean war with the two again. Right now it seemed Tessa and Lorena were on their way to the Protectorate to meet with King Edward. The air ship was at full sails and the crew wandered around adjusting the ship’s equipment to get maximum speed. The Consortium made these ships and there were several hundred of them in service to those who could afford them. They worked entirely on magic. Tessa didn’t know the specifics but she did know that there was a collector on the ship which drew in magic from the atmosphere itself and powered the flight. This meant no spells for Tessa and Lorena for the duration of the trip. Any spell cast would be drawn into the collector. Worse for Tessa no Bea for the trip who knows what would happen if Tessa summoned her here now. Lorena smiled and hugged Tessa from behind.

  “Isn’t this wonderful? The only way to fly.” Lorena said to her.

  “What do you say we check out our cabin?” Lorena asked starting to touch Tessa in places she shouldn’t in public.

  “Ok that sounds good.” Tessa replied and the tow made their way below deck. Lorena was beautiful and scandalous all at once. She had no moral compass. Tessa followed her to the cabin and they entered. Tessa began putting down her things and finding a good spot for Pauline to perch while Lorena dropped her things and flopped on the bed.

  “Tessa the bed is very comfortable you should check it out.” Lorena suggested as she began to remove her clothing and tossing each layer at Tessa. Tessa was in bed after she placed Pauline in her spot. The two kissed long and passionately as the miles passed by. Neither left the cabin until they arrived in Lightbringer and Tess wasn’t sure how many days had gone by. Food was delivered at the door and baths were prepared irregularly. Tessa estimated maybe three days. The flying ship was fast by horse the journey would’ve taken two weeks.

  ‘It would’ve been a terrible two weeks too since Lorena and I had never ridden a horse.’ Tessa thought to herself imagining the agony of a two week ride the first time on horseback.

  The two gathered their things and made their way on deck just as the city was close enough to see. It was breathtaking.

  The white washed buildings covered the horizon and some were of considerable height the large tower in the center was one hundred feet tall and the rest of the buildings were proportionately smaller making a wonderful skyline. The center tower was the nail of justice and it was topped by the light of Rurik the city’s patron god. The light was a huge white gem which gave off a passive light. People could see it at night but it didn’t light up the terrain like a spot light. The light just made it a little easier to manage. The ship was preparing to land in one of the stalls outside the wall next to the west gate. He it would unload and reload and be on its way again. The ships were expensive to Book passage and haul freight but they did make life easier if you had the gold. The ship slowly landed and slid into place. As soon as the ship was down the stalls clamps locked down on the ship holding it steady. The weight of the ship determined the grip if the ship ascended the clips would open up mechanically. Tessa thought that the mechanism could be overridden if a port wanted a ship not to leave but that was neither here nor there.

  The two exited the ship and made their way to the west gate of the city proper as wooden cranes came to life beside the ship to unload cargo. There was a line forming at the gate and Tessa fell in with the others. The city gate was crowded today as the ship’s passengers and folk from out of town lined up to enter. There were two lines side by side one was letting in people and the other was dealing with wagons and carts. It seemed that there was a search done at this gate and Tessa and Lorena would be required to submit to. The whole thing was quite humbling.

  Suddenly there was a roar from the city and everyone looked up. Above the city a gold Dragon took to the air from inside the city somewhere Tessa couldn’t see where. It flew very quickly to the west gate and hovered for a moment looking around and sniffing the air then it flapped its wings and flew out of the city to the south west and landed near a woman in some sort of armor Tessa couldn’t tell from this distance.

  “A gold.” Lorena stated in awe. No one could take their eyes off of the massive glittering scaled beast.

  “Pauline…” Tessa ordered and Pauline took to the air to get a closer look and listen. Tessa closed her eyes and used her familure’s senses as Pauline landed quite near to the woman and the dragon.

  “Teamon what brings you to the city of light?” The gold dragon asked and Pauline and Tessa watched them.

  “I’m here to help the city from an imminent attack by the Witch-King and the Queen of the underworld’s forces.” Teamon told the gold that looked skeptical if a dragon could look it.

  “What treachery is this?” The gold asked moving closer to the woman to intimidate her. It was working on Pauline who bounced a few paces to their side.

  “Gandaxx my dear you will just have to trust me. An army of humanoids are on the way from the swamps and an army of dark elves is under your feet right now.” Teamon told Gandaxx the gold. Tessa started for the dragon’s location. It was hard to walk and view but she needed to see what this was all about for herself. Lorena took her arm to help she didn’t need to use viewing her elven senses made it so the two dragons were right next to her. Tessa found another reason to envy her blood sister.

  “That’s impossible Zolin, the other monsters there and the toxicity of the swamp has made it impassible for a thousand years.” Gandaxx told Teamon as if she was a child.

  “To everything there is a time Gandaxx.” Teamon replied.

  “That time is long coming the Orcs are still primitive simpletons. I do not know what trickery this is Teamon but you will not enter the city and you will leave immediately or I will pick your bones clean.” Tessa and Lorena stopped as the gold’s growl passed over them. Pauline took to the air to escape whatever was next. Teamon’s form stretched out and she became a huge black dragon as the gold stretched out its wings and roared knocking Tessa and Lorena down. Tessa cut contact with Pauline as she spun away from the two huge creatures. Dust filled the air and choked Tessa and Lorena as they got back to their feet. They were still halfway from the two dragons but it was still too close for comfort. Both massive dragons stood up on their hind legs and clashed. The air became thick with the scent of the two dragon’s aggression. Tessa was sickened by the smell but they were essentially large animals. Lorena looked to Tessa with pure joy and excitement she was almost jumping up and down.

  “We’re out of the school a few days and we’re about to see a dragon fight!” She yelled over the two dragons and they roared in anger at one another and the black one pushed the other to the ground. There was a load Boom as the other hit the ground. Tessa could feel the tremor from the hit. The dragons then started rolling over on to one another fighting for the top claws flailing and fangs biting at each other’s heads. Tessa could almost reach out and touch them from this new distance. This time she grabbed Lorena and pulled her away from the colossal melee. Acid flew by far too close for Tessa’s comfort as they ran and fire billowed over head as both combatants resorted to their breath weapon.

  “Simply amazing!” Lorena shouted as the two took cover behind an abandoned merchant’s
wagon. The wagon was carrying cobs of corn not a very effective item for cover but they had little choice. Tessa wondered if they had gone the right direction as they watched these two one hundred foot dragons fight it out. The two pushed away from each other with heavy breaths.

  “Gandaxx please let me explain.” Teamon begged as the two moved around each other stalking like some huge cats in the wild.

  “Please? Your behavior is odd but I will not be fooled by your words. You have sided with the enemy and can’t be trusted.” Gandaxx replied to her request.

  “Something had happened to change all of that. To change me I beg you let me explain before this melee goes too far.” Teamon told the gold and Tessa wondered what it was that could really change such an ancient creature.

  Tessa looked down to her red robes. Those could solve this. The consortium mages all wore color changing robes that would change depending on the way the mage was aligned at their core whether they supported good, middle or evil- white for good, red for middling and black for evil. The wise mages of the beginning knew this would always let the world know what to expect. The color would tell someone where the other stood. Why would a black wear them? Not all did and what really drove a black anyway? The only thing Tessa could think was the Consortium had opportunities unavailable to blacks outside the origination and status. The robe meant whatever the color of the robe you were still dealing with the Mages Consortium and that meant you had rules you had to follow. Mages who didn’t wear the robes were not able to deal with the consortium and were mistrusted by the common folk as well. Even black robe mages could be trusted to a point and it was better than hiding away their true nature. magic was a powerful tool and the Consortium and the Midlands wouldn’t trust a mage without the robes.

  The two dragons moved to battle again and Tessa tensed. Boom the two hit each other hard enough to send out a shockwave. Lorena and Tessa fell down from the force and Tessa had her breath knocked out. She struggled to breathe as the dust rolled in from the roadway. Tessa saw Lorena get to her feet and begin casting!

  “What are you doing?!” Tessa coughed and shouted out to her.

  A ball of flame hovered over Lorena’s outstretched hand as the two dragons continued their fight. The black dragon bit into the neck of the gold and held tight and the gold thrashed to escape. Tessa could see blood coming from the wound of the bite as the gold grabbed the black’s head at the neck. They were going to kill each other!

  Lorena let her small ball of flame go as the dragons continued to try and kill one another. The tiny ball of flame flew up high above the dragons and exploded! Flames filled the air for hundreds of feet high above the dragons The heat from the flames was so great it could be felt at ground level. Both dragons stopped their fight and looked down at the two mages. Lorena stood tall and proudly in the dragon’s presence and Tessa came from behind the wagon to stand next to her.

  “Good I have your attention.” Lorena spoke regally. She was a high elf and sometimes could pull off the nobility of her ancestors.

  “Hi!” Tessa said waving to the two. Tessa was much less informal. Lorena gave her a side look. Both dragons moved their huge heads closer to get a better look at the two. Both realized the dragons were both focused on them now and they were gargantuan in size.

  “The city doesn’t need the two of you fighting like this. What if you breathe the wrong way? You’ve already left your deadly weapons out here in the fields outside the city. You need to talk to one another or leave and fight elsewhere.” Lorena ordered and the two dragons looked at one another and changed forms to humanlike with amply colored armor.

  “You are correct little elfin maid. We have been careless.” The gold said still bleeding from his wound to the neck. Tessa stepped forward and put her hands on his neck he looked to resist but Tessa grabbed on to him more firm. She began to cast her healing spells were weak compared to holy clerics but at least she could stop the bleeding. She gave him some of her health like her ancestors did long ago. The spell was gift from the elves something she didn’t have much of. The wound closed up and Gandaxx began to breathe easier. Lorena did the same to Teamon and then the two stepped back from the dragons giving them back their space.

  “Now we have ways to determine if Teamon is telling the truth. Do you want to talk this out or resume your fight?” Lorena asked with authority.

  “We will talk.” Gandaxx replied and Teamon nodded her head.

  “Good.” Lorena said like she was talking to children.

  “There’s a crowd gathering let’s take this discussion elsewhere.” Gandaxx suggested turning back into the dragon.

  “Please climb on we will need your guidance through this discussion.” Gandaxx suggested. Tessa’s heart skipped a beat!

  “You want us to ride on your backs?” Tessa asked.

  “Yes please.” Gandaxx asked politely. Tessa and Lorena climbed onto the backs of the dragons and held on tight. The dragons leapt into the air and flew up into the sky with a casual ease. The feeling was exhilarating! Tessa had never flown on the back of a dragon before and it was exciting and breathtaking! Tessa yelled out in her excitement as they passed over and away from Lightbringer.



  Chapter 4

  It was imprisoned in this world by the Witch-King, imprisoned to be his slave guarding this item and that item and now to be his instrument in an invasion. He has it in his power and it can’t break free. If it could break free it would make him pay. He has owned it for far too long. He has commanded it for so long it has almost forgotten what its home looked like. It is alone here maybe the only one of its breed here. It’s the only one called to serve.

  His lapdog comes to give it orders in the master’s name. He has passed it along to others but this one is dark elf and it wishes it could drink her marrow. She thinks she is great but she is nothing to it just another it must obey for the master. It will eat her before the end. It will kill her. It follows her for now but one slip and it will be free of her stupidity. It can wait for the chance to feed off of her sweet meat to crunch her bones and feel her die in its mouth. It can wait for her to make her mistake.

  “It is almost time.” She tells it.

  “Almost.” It replies meaning something much different from her rambling.

  “Remember who you serve and you will feast on the concurred men and woman of Lightbringer tonight.” She rambles.

  “It serves the master.” It tells her and she frowns.

  “The master put you under my control monster. So you better obey me understood?” she continues to make noise.

  “Your words are unnecessary It serves the master and he has instructed it to follow your commands. This talk is beneath it. You will not hear whatever you are after prattling on.” It told her and she got angry perhaps it was time to eat.

  “Just do as you’re told.” She ordered and It obeys for now.

  “Follow me we have to take our places.” She ordered and It obeys…for now…


  “Fools.” The inspector told Regina and her troop.

  “Why do you call us fools? Surely someone has to go down into the tunnels and stop whatever is going on down there.” Lila asks Lord Oliver Banyan the head investigator of Lightbringer.

  “I told the king that we had to find all of these holes and prepare for invasion not send down fools to die a horrible death.” Lord Banyan replied.

  “Do you know what’s down there sweetie? No you don’t or you wouldn’t want to go down there. There is an invading army down there and of dark elves. Now if you want to do something heroic you can help me find these holes and fill them in. We’re probably too late for that but maybe there is still time if we get the whole construction force on it right now.” He stammered and sputtered. He was very passionate. Regina liked him.

  “Won’t they just re-dig them?” Regina asked.

  “Yes they probably will. Good point. What about assigning guards to the holes a
nd ambush the dark elves as they exit? Hmmmm.” Oliver asked the group.

  “That will only hold off an army for so long.” Trevor answered.

  “Then what can we do? The dark elves are coming and soon. Once they come out of the ground we won’t have a chance if we don’t come up with something.” Oliver said looking serious.

  “They won’t come up during the day.” Regina added hoping to be helpful.

  “That’s it! Brilliant!” Oliver shouted making the others jump.

  “That’s what?” Jordis Oliver’s partner asked him.

  “The light we need to organize some things.” Oliver ranted a bit.

  “Of course the light.” Regina said looking up to the Nail of justice.

  “I might be able to get us all the light we need.” Regina said taking Lila’s hand.

  “We will go to the tower and ramp up the power.” Regina told the rest.

  “And we will collect up all the mirrors and lanterns in town. That will get them where it hurts!” Oliver said excitedly.

  “I knew there was a reason I picked you.” Roderick told them looking smug.

  “No bragging yet there’s still lots of work to do.” Oliver said bringing the Halfling back to earth.

  “Ok let’s do this.” Roderick ordered and the groups split up.

  “Will the Nail Guards even let us in?” Trevor asked.

  “Oh they’ll let us in.” Lila told him brimming with pride. She was a high priestess of Rurik the God who the nail was built for after all.

  The walk was short and Regina and company were outside the gates of the nail. The guards looked tense as they approached.


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