Destiny's Call

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Destiny's Call Page 15

by E. Markus Sharp


  Teamon watched from outside the city as the sub-humans played with the humans. The games they played were sick and perverted. Somehow a part of her regretted not being there. They should've been her victory too, until the mirror. Now she felt bad for those silly little creatures and wanted to save them. She was no longer evil, sweet evil when others suffering meant some sort of entertainment for her and where she was a double dealing backstabber with wings. Where she was free to do whatever came to mind with a smile. Now she cared! She jumped into the air and headed to Gond the humans there needed warning and they had to help Lightbringer. They just had to.


  Prince Ure watched from the world gem high in the Palace of tears. He saw it all the Witch-King was moving against the humans. He had already taken two cities! One was very close to Del Mothare and Iva, the Gold Elf sanctuary from the impure and the tree of wisdom. Del Mothare was the Gold Elves city surrounding Iva the tree of wisdom.

  The Gold Elves broke free from the others when they realized that then they had started mixing their blood and making it impure at first it was only the other elven races Gold, High, Moon, Wild and Gray. The Gold Elves spent many years trying to convince the others that they were diluting their blood and thinning out all of their people's strengths and thus breeding in the others weaknesses. They wouldn't listen and further allowed human half breeds to live! In the past a human half breeds would be killed immediately but the others decided to just exile them keeping them away from the trees of their homes. These creatures had no spirits! They had something called souls instead! It was then that the Gold Elves acted. Ure's ancestors took Iva from the great tree Eva as a seedling and left the Shadow Woods forever. Ure's people settled here and built a vast city and Iva grew to be a hundred feet tall in it's center under the pure rays of the sun just like the Gold Elves. The Gold Elves kept out the other races to insure they didn't pollute their homes no other has stepped foot in the city and lived since they broke ground and claimed this land. The Gold Elves keep their purity by force and isolation. Lately Ure has wondered whether or not this was truly good. Now if the Witch-King defeats the rest the Gold Elves will have to fight alone. His father says he's being foolish but how will the Gold Elves survive alone against the Witch-King?

  Ure was just watching the siege of Lightbringer and during the battle he saw this girl...woman. She was elven, he saw her pointed ears but she wasn't maybe she was a half breed. She was brave and never gave up. She had a fire in her eyes and a intellect driven by that fire. There was something about her something almost divine. He couldn't put his finger on it but he had to find her, to meet her, he had to help her. She was nothing like the others described, she was more than a creature with no spirit. He had to know.

  He took the gem from its holder and put it on his pocket. He had already packed. He would use the gem and find her. He had to find her, she was his destiny.


  Stiletto sat in the guild hall under Lightbringer he should've stayed with Rein. These people actually thought they could ride out the occupation of Lightbringer! 'The Boss' actually ordered them to stay put! He was done with waiting. He had to find a way out and back to Rein at least he was doing something. Stiletto finished his honey ale and got up to leave.

  “Where are you going to pal?” Gordon asked him. Gordon was buying drinks since he made it back but he had something he was worried about, something to do with dumping a body.

  “I'm leaving.” Stiletto told him.

  “We were told to stay put.” Gordon reminded him.

  “That's nice but I have places to be and I'm only visiting.” Stiletto told him and the man fingered his daggers.

  “That would be a mistake.” Stiletto threatened him.

  “You need to stay you could give us away.” Gordon warned Stiletto.

  “I won’t get caught I'm really good.” Stiletto bragged still backing away from the bar.

  “Let him go.” The Boss yelled from across the room. Stiletto exited the underground bar and the guildhall and entered the sewers. He walked to the first grate he could find and exited the sewers. It was day time which was good because there were too many night eyes in the city these days. Stiletto was by the East Gate and made his way to it. He found several goblins on duty sound asleep. The gate had been knocked down and put back up poorly with stilts of wood and cross beams. There was a gap that Stiletto could walk through so he did.

  “So much for the highly trained soldiers of Thul Zun…” Stiletto told himself walking away from the city unmolested.

  “It had to be luck.” He told himself as he made it miles out of the city without seeing one awake sub-human. Where were their patrols? Where were their professionals? Stiletto was embarrassed to hide as long as he did. Stiletto found some of the professionals at the first farm he came to. He hid in the trees and watched them collecting up supplies, all the supplies including the farmer and his screaming family. Stiletto wanted to do something but what could he do against twenty Orcs? Then he saw his chance.


  Breakfast met the heroes with the dawn Tessa made some eggs and what she hoped was bacon. When everyone sat to eat it was a feast she had put together in a very short time. She was quick at making dishes from her days at the Golden Griffon. Tessa was not able to enter the Elven forests so she worked for the Inn keep another half elf named Gant. The rest gathered around a full table with hungry eyes.

  “This looks delicious.” Marshal said sitting at the table while grabbing up a plate.

  “Tessa is a master chef.” Lorena told the rest beaming with pride as if she cooked it herself.

  “We need to figure out what's next. Where are we going? How can we free Lightbringer?” Lila interrupted.

  “Yes and Zury.” Rein added.

  “A discussion over breakfast is always a good way to start.” Tessa told them all.

  “I say we go back and kill them all.” Gabe said slamming a fork down on the table for emphasis.

  “We were doing quite well against the armies before we retreated.” Colin added.

  “Only because we messed up their plans but they still won.” Lorena reminded them.

  “They have an organized garrison now. It will be harder to go back and kill them all.” Banz told the others using the dwarf's words as a caution.

  “So what then?” Trevor asked with his mouth full.

  “We look for the dragons and the giants and get them to help us.” Tessa said and the room got laud.

  “Where do we find these beasties?” Gabe asked trying to embarrass Tessa.

  “We are in the mountains we can search here.” Tessa suggested.

  “Well if we're going into the mountains we'll need supplies.” Marshal said getting up and pointing to Gabe and Trevor. The three left the Inn in search of supplies.

  “I've been learning how to use the eye and I saw a city of giants in the clouds and I think we can get to them from here.” Lorena told the remaining.

  “What do we say to the giants when we find them?” Rein asked.

  “We tell them that we need them against the Witch-King. They are his enemies too.” Tessa suggested something simple.

  “Hey I betting that will work.” Roderick added through bites of food. He ate like it was his last meal he barely stopped to breath.

  “Ok then it's settled we enter the mountains and find the giants and convince them to help us.” Regina said approving the idea.

  “Then it's settled.” Lila repeated. Everyone though they were in charge and Tessa was fine with that. Less blame falling her way.

  The group finished a meal made for an army and Tessa grabbed her pack and called Bea back. Tessa did it in her room from last night because Bea arrived naked and she wanted her summoned friend to be comfortable. Bea put on her things which Tessa carried when she wasn't here and when she was ready they all made it downstairs.

  “What are we going to do with our cart?” Marshal asked.

  “I'll s
end Kindle with it to the nearest city. He'll sell it there and meet back up with us here.” Lila told the others and nodded to Kindle.

  “Very good mam.” He said taking the reins of the pack animal. Lila hugged him before they parted.

  “Ok I think we can follow that path into the mountains I figure it will take us half the day to reach them and then we will figure it out from there.” Marshal said starting the long walk.

  The first part of the trip was uneventful and delightful. When the path ended at the mountains and the overgrowth chocked the base of the mountains and had to be cut out of the way things started getting a little rough. The plainsmen took it in stride singing songs as they cut down the brush. Rein was not happy he complained about the bugs and the heat and at some point he took off most of his armor. He packed the pieces away and only kept on the breast plate. It was obvious he was unhappy. Tessa was even getting annoyed with the terrain but she kept it to herself. Regina fiddled with a pair of goggles when they stopped to rest and Benz had to be led around because he was all but blind during the day. Lila called for breaks and tried to encourage the others during the overgrowth and then suddenly the growth was gone and the rocks took their place. The rocks steadily made their way up the first mountain. Before they knew it they were high up and having troubles with their breathing. They looked off into the mountains and saw the clouds had joined them here in the mountains.

  “We have to go this way.” Lorena pointed to the worse terrain she could've picked.

  “We're going to have to climb down and up several times that way.” Rein pointed out.

  “Good I'll be able to help get you through it. I'm an experienced climber.” Corin volunteered.

  “Thank you Corin you're help in appreciated.” Lila told the monk.

  “Well so am I and I'll get you through.” Gabe said crossing his arms and nodding.

  Nothing prepared them for what was next though. Even having experienced climbers didn't make it easier. The group spent the rest of the day climbing down and up the first chasm and everyone was injured and tired by the time they camped.

  “This isn't as easy as I thought it would be.” Corin admitted when the fire was going and the food was cooking. Tessa was making a stew it would help to ease the wounds of the day. She even took a cut to her foot that still throbbed. Everyone was ready to rest for the night. Rein cut into their thoughts of good night rests.

  “I'll take first watch.” Rein volunteered and the others sighed.

  “I'll take second watch.” Marshal chimed in.

  “I'll take third watch.” Trevor told everyone.

  “We will need to study so please wake Lorena and I up an hour before the rest we'll need it.” Tessa asked Trevor and he nodded.

  “Time to pray.” Lila said and the others climbed into their bedrolls to recuperate from today's hike.

  “Aren't you going to pray?” Trevor asked Marshal and he smiled.

  “I'll pray in the morning. Valas doesn't care when just that I do.” Marshal said turning in.

  “You just started how do you know?” Trevor asked.

  “Because I wouldn't care about when so why would she?” Marshal asked and Trevor chuckled.

  “See you in the morning.” Trevor said getting comfortable.


  Regina finished her first pair they weren't her best work but they would do until she was in a workshop. She found Banz sitting alone looking at the mountains and shading his eyes from the light from the moon.

  “It's that bad huh?” Regina asked sitting next to the handsome dark elf.

  “I'll get used to it.” Banz told the gnome looking down at her as if for the first time.

  “How does someone so small become so lovely?” He asked her and she blushed and chuckled.

  “You flatter me.” She told him almost forgetting what she came for.

  “Here this will make things easier for you.” She said handing him the goggles she had been working on since she met him. He took them and put them on and sighed with relief. He looked around and smiled.

  “This is the best gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you.” Banz told her and her heart skipped a beat. He liked them.

  “There just the first try without any shop tools and the next pair will be better.” Regina told him as he smiled at her. Dark elves were supposed to instill fear into you but this one wasn't doing that. He was kind and nothing like Regina had heard about.

  “You've made my life on the surface better Regina I'll never forget your kindness.” Banz told her taking her hand and kissing it. Regina could hear her heart beating in her ears.

  “Thank you sir Elf.” Regina stammered feeling all warm inside.

  “You can call me Banz please.” He told her cupping her chin and touching his forehead to her's.

  “Do you have a...” Regina started but then didn't want to know.

  “A lover? Yes in a way I have a mother of my children she wants to kill me.” Banz told Regina.

  “So no true attachments then?” Regina asked.

  “Are you asking me to mate with you?” Banz asked and Regina's face went hot as a forge.

  “Um.” Was all she could say.

  “Are we able to?” Banz asked and then smiled.

  “You want to try?” Banz asked and she nodded. Banz put her on his lap and they looked at each other. Regina could still see his eyes through the goggles and he was looking deep into her soul as they sat there. Regina leaned forward and Banz met her lips halfway. She never felt this way before Banz was a dark elf and Regina had never kissed anyone outside her race before. Would everything fit? She wondered as the kissing got hotter and they pawed at each other.

  “Wait.” Banz said and Regina drew back with a little disappointment.

  “Is everything Ok?” Regina asked.

  “No if we are to become mates I need to know that this is more than just a procreation thing.” Banz said and Regina melted at his words. He wanted to know if she loved him.

  “OH Banz I've never felt this way before. I think I love you but it's so sudden. My mind still has to catch up. But I promise it's not just a procreation thing. I'm not sure if I even want kid right now but if I did I would want them with you.” Regina answered and it seemed to be the right one. Regina never knew how good life could be until Banz took her that night.

  'What would all of this mean in the morning?' Regina wondered.


  Chapter 11

  Thul Zun watched as his first army formed up. It was time to march on the next city. Now that the serpent wall was opened and Zury was in their hands the Witch-King's other armies could follow. Thul left a garrison here from the wall he was not about to break his armies up and the goblins would rule Zury well enough. The humans and the goblins had a lot in common when it came to administration of cities. Let them have it Thul just wanted to end the humans and enslave their half breed broods. This was the Orc's time and Thul wanted to breed the humans out. He already began in Zury. His men took the commoners and he planted his seed in the princess of Zury. He would do that to every princess to the fairer races and every noble woman he could as well. Just like Zury everywhere he went the next generation of humans would be half breeds. Thul made an announcement yesterday securing his next generation with the humans- For every suicide of the mothers or murder of the new generation inside the mothers belly's the orcs would kill four family members of the offender and replant the seed in the surviving offenders.

  His voice approached the Orc was taking to his new position well he even walked like a general now. Thul was proud.

  “General Frol, are we ready to move out?” Thul asked as the General planted himself on one knee in front of him.

  “I told you you never needed to knee before me on you feet.” Thul ordered he liked the General's offering of one knee but Thul wanted him to be more than the rest of the rabble. General Frol would never have to bend the knee to anyone. The General stood and saluted and Thul saluted back.

/>   “What's on your mind General?” Thul asked.

  “Word has arrived from Lightbringer. The city belongs to us now. All resistance has been crushed and the gold dragon was prepared as a feast for the army by General Xanthus as a celebration. The bones will be taken to the undead as planned. Your decrees have been issued and your second army works hard to plant their seed into every able woman. One of the Princesses has been turned into the symbol of Lightbringer's surrender in your absence. An effort to find the other princess continues. Once found she will be secured and transported to you for your leisure. Tolin has sent out the Eye of Detev to find her. The dark elves lost a third of their forces in the attack and the Avatars were present during the siege which is why our losses exceeded our projections by twenty-five percent.” General Frol gave him the news and Thul saw red.

  “Twenty-five percent?! Did we at least capture the Avatars?” Thul asked Frol.

  “No my lord Tolin did try to kill two of them and it failed when the Consortium interfered.” Frol answered.

  “I told you all to capture the Avatars. To capture! They can be held and fail their goals to destroy us but if they die destiny selects another Avatar and we have to figure out who they are all over again! I want them found and captured sent out the message. We can have more fun with them alive anyway but dead is just starting over.” Thul ranted until his blood stopped boiling.

  “Yes sir I will send out to all of our forces.” Frol said as Thul calmed down.

  “I did warn you that Tolin would be hard to control and it seems he has his own agenda.” Frol reminded Thul and Thul laughed.

  “If only we could end him but the Witch-King protects him. Send word to Tolin that Constopa is next so he better garrison from the fallen lands and get that army moving by the end of the week.” Thul ordered and Frol nodded.


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