Destiny's Call

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Destiny's Call Page 18

by E. Markus Sharp

  “I wish to start with you Marshal.” Corin invited and Marshal grinned.

  “This should be interesting.” Marshal told the rest.

  “Yeah Marshal! Go!” Gabe yelled as he drank down a pint of Dwarven ale he had acquired in Rolla.

  “Come on Corin show the brute your skill.” Roderick yelled out as Gabe continued to cheer for Marshal. Marshal gripped the two handed practice weapon and shouted Valas! He moved quickly and was hit by Corin in the stomach.

  “First point to me.” Corin told Marshal as they circled around in the combat area looking for an opening. The match would go three points so Marshal had to be more careful.

  Marshal attacked again but feinted and swung the other direction suddenly hitting Corin in the head and knocking him over almost out of bounds.

  “One for you.” Corin said getting up and rubbing his head. Corin swung the training staff around himself and began an attack. Marshal easily blocked it and the next then Corin brought it up between Marshal's legs and Marshal caught it with his hand and swung his weapon down on Corin's head. The two stepped back and Corin looked surprised and angry.

  “Nothing I couldn't have done in real life right?” Marshal pointed out and Corin nodded.

  “Yes two points you lead now.” Corin said getting ready. Marshal attacked again and Corin moved quickly leaping over Marshals head and landing behind him. Marshal tried to turn around before...Marshal was hit in the back of the head and stumbled forward on to his knees. Marshal smiled at that hit and got up.

  “Two and two we're tied and the next hit will be the match.” Marshal said getting ready.

  “You should just concede to my skills now it will save you the pain.” Corin told Marshal as they moved around one another looking for an opening. Marshal aimed for Corin's leg and angled his hit upward hitting him in the side and knocking him off his feet. Marshal won!

  “You should've been able to block that what happened?” Marshal asked and Corin seemed distracted and staring at something behind them. Marshal turned to find and beautiful giantess standing naked and wet in the workout room drying off with a towel. She didn't know they were there or she didn't care. Marshal took a good look either way.

  “My lady I'm sorry for our interruption we thought we were alone here.” Rein told the naked giantess and she looked up through her red hair and smiled.

  “It is I who should be sorry. I didn't know you were here and I should've checked first.” She said walking over to the group. Rein turned on his heels and looked at the opposite wall.

  “My lady you are not...that is you are...” Rein stammered.

  “Oh yes I forgot how seriously humans took nakedness. You know it's the most natural of things right?” The giantess told them and Marshal took that as an invitation and stepped forward taking her all in. She was glorious and if Lorena truly was the most beautiful elf than this giantess was the most beautiful of her people.

  “I'm Marshal and this is Rein, Trevor, Corin, Kindle, Roderick and Gabe. We were here having an impromptu match to see who was best.” Marshal told her holding out his hand. She put out her hand and he grasped her finger and Shook. She was close to fourteen feet tall and Marshal wanted every inch. Marshal could tell the other did too she was magnificent.

  “A match aye? My name is Saffria and you all look to be a challenge to me. How about you let me play too. If you win you can have anything you want from me.” Saffria offered.

  “Are you sure there is only one thing we want from you and I'm sure you know what that is.” Marshal asked her and she smiled.

  “If you all beat me I would love to take the lot of you to bed with me. It would be amusing.” Saffria Said making Marshal flinch.

  “I have a potion that will make you our height will you take it and make the prize of greater value to us?” Roderick asked and the fire giantess smiled.

  “It will make things more fun for me too so I accept the terms. Now are we going to fight or what?” Saffria asked and the men picked up their practice weapons and surrounded the warrior woman.

  “Come on.” She called out and Rein moved in and as he swung Marshal jumped into range and hit her in the arm, Roderick hit her in the shin and Gabe threw his weapon hitting her in the back.

  “That's three.” Roderick pointed out and the giantess smiled and reached down to the Halfling and Roderick gave her the potion which she quickly drank down. Her height instantly went from fourteen feet to five foot eight inches and she was so much more at that height. Marshal picked her up and carried her to his rooms with the others close on his heels. Tonight she would know pleasure Marshal and the others would see to it. As the door shut Saffria opened up and showed them what a true woman was.

  “Did you lose on purpose?” Marshal asked and the fire giantess just smiled wickedly at him and giggled at the stimulation of so many hands.

  “Ok stand back I'll show you how it's done.” Gabe ordered and the others laughed.

  “Tonight you all belong to me.” Saffria told them as she showed them things they never even dreamed of. Marshal wondered what they had done to deserve this special gift. Why look a gift horse in the mouth?


  Saffria left before the potion wore off she had spent several hours wearing them down and out. They would sleep the better part of the day. She got what she wanted she rarely got what she wanted but this time she did. They were hers if she needed them and she did. They would kill him for her now she would see to it. At last her husband would die and she would take his place. Well worth the pleasure she gave and would give if necessary. The next time they saw her they would race to her defense and kill Zaster the king of the fire giants. The next time they saw her they wouldn't hesitate to do the deed.


  Rein awoke to find Saffria gone. A part of him wanted to thank her and the other part wanted to apologize for taking advantage of her. She did come of her own free will though and she definitely knew what she was doing so he decided to chalk it up to a wonderful experience with a comely female. The others were preparing for breakfast washing up. They were to eat with the kings today so Rein joined the others and cleaned up. He left his armor here except the breast plate and belted on his sword 'battle-singer'. He had named it after Lightbringer. Its otherworldly tunes called Rein to battle and filled his soul.

  The others smiled but no one spoke of last night except to say Saffria was a beauty inside and out. No one besmirched her in any way and Rein believed they had shared something truly special. When they arrived at the king's hall they found Saffria in attendance. She was sitting with Zaster the fire giant king! Rein and the others had been with the queen of the fire giants! The others looked at each other in wonder but no one spoke of it.

  “Look it's the little ones who believe we should serve them. Get up wife and bring the little ones something to eat.” Zaster ordered his wife and she Shook her head no.

  “Do as I say woman!” the king of the fire giants ordered. So Saffria got up and picked up a tray of food and brought it to them. Rein was angered but held back his words. The other looked the same. Saffria's eye was blackened and since she had left. The others arrived and sat with Rein and the men from last night.

  “Did he do that to you?” Rein asked Saffria and she touched her eye. Rein was livid at the thought of the fire giant king hitting his queen but she was his.

  “What's going on?” Tessa asked and Rein waved her question away.

  “Oh nothing new just the fire giant king belittling us again.” Rein told her and she giggled.

  “He's belittling us?” She said and even he had to pause to laugh at that.

  “A toast to our little masters, may they rule over us for three generations.” The Fire giant king continued.

  “We do not wish anything of the sort. We just need your help to defeat the Witch-King.” Tessa explained. Saffria sat down and Zaster grabbed her and pulled her to him.

  “Did I tell that you could sit? Did I!?” he demanded.

p; “No Zast you did not.” Saffria answered and Zaster pulled her close and whispered something to her and she started to cry. She whispered back and she struck her knocking her off her feet.

  “I've had enough!!!” Rein said getting to his feet with the rest of the men at the table. The fire giant looked to Rein and his eyes flared to light burning with looked like hatred.

  “You have had enough?” Who are you little man?” the fire giant king asked as Rein walked across the room. Zaster hit Saffria again and Rein pulled out his sword and pointed it at the giant.

  “You have abused a woman in my presence and have questioned my honor monster! I challenge you to combat to the death you scoundrel even though you do not deserve fair combat. Now get down here and meet your destiny!” Rein shouted at the king still moving to kill him. Several fire giants moved to block Rein from the king and others raised their voices for order. The fire giant king put up his hands.

  “Stand down everyone. I accept your challenge pathetic knight. You will die here and then I will kill you friends too.” the king told Rein picking up a giant two handed flaming sword and marching out into the opened area with Rein.

  “Today you die Zaster that is all.” Rein told the giant who towered over him at twenty feet tall. Rein could feel the heat from the giant and his blade from here but he was not afraid.

  “This battle is not authorized do not fight!” Vermonter finally spoke.

  “You must I have been challenged!” Zaster demanded.

  “Very well no one is to interfere in this battle. This is a battle of honor and will not affect the decisions of future council meetings.” Vermonter spoke and the others nodded.

  “Now little man you die.” Zaster told Rein as he took his battle stance.

  “You are worth no more words villain.” Rein told the giant moving forward to meet the giant's blade. The blades clashed and flames and sparks flew everywhere but didn't move Rein. The giant looked confused. Then Rein swung hard around and cut the giant's hamstring. It snapped up and made a sound like a gun shot. The giant fell to his knees as the eerily beautiful music begun. The giant looked shocked as he tried to get back to his feet and Rein cut him across the chest. The dance of death had begun and the giant had already lost. The giant spat flaming liquids at Rein but he was too quick for such desperate actions. The giant swung his sword with one hand to keep the other under him for balance. Rein ducked under the blade and cut the giant at forearm cutting it off of his arm and losing his balance. The fire giant fell on to his face screaming. The giant tried one more move chopping down with his sword. Rein blocked the blow but the sword slid down his blade chopping him across the shoulder. His left arm was useless but Rein still had his other arm and he swung down and copped down on the back of the giants neck severing his spine! Blood spattered out of the monster as Rein brought down his sword for a second time and then a third. The fire giant king's head rolled free on the third strike. Rein raised his bloody blade in victory as the song of battle rang throughout the chambers. Rein was victorious. His friends ran to him as he stood over the body of the former king.

  “No one will ever touch Saffria again while I live!” Rein called out the challenge.

  “So be it. Rein you have won the battle and we give Saffria the Flame Throne and pronounce you her champion.” Vermonter proclaimed and Rein's seeing was out of focus and he almost fell but someone caught him it was Marshal, 'when did he get there?' Rein wondered.

  “Good job buddy.” Marshal said as there was a jumble of words and people talking. Then he saw her Saffria standing above him smiling. Then it all went black.


  Lila called out to Rurik to heal Rein's viscous wound. The giant only hit once but it nearly took the arm off and that was with one hand and no balance left. The giant could've cut Rein in half if he had hit with an early blow. The wound closed and she prayed harder to heal it further and only a bruise remained when she stopped.

  “Praise Rurik.” She said as she allowed Marshal to pick up the knight and they moved him to their apartments. Rein was incredible his marshal skills were better than she had ever seen and she used to watch the paladins practice in the church yard. There was a time when she dreamed of those strong and skillful men taking her to bed but now she craved another. It was strange how her preferences changed. Tessa had stolen her heart so quickly. All she wanted was her secret love. Maybe that was part of the attraction that they were keeping it secret. Would it be as good when they finally told the others? She would see. She also wondered if Tessa loved her or not she could just be playing with her. Her distraction didn't take away the fact that the men had somehow become manipulated by the queen of the fire giants. They all had the same reaction to her abuse and they all looked at her in the same ways. There was more going on with that but it did put them ahead because Zaster hated them and now the Avatars had an ally in the fire giant’s camp. She would have to keep an eye opened for the giants and Tessa.

  'Rurik please let Tessa love me?' She prayed in her head.


  Regina visited with the others at Rein's bed. Rein had slept for a few hours and there was nothing to do but wait. Saffria had stopped at the end of the hall and asked after Rein but she couldn't enter the tiny hallway, well tiny to her. Rein's actions had not jeopardized their mission in fact the giants seemed more likely to help now that one of their own was struck down by Rein. Regina didn't understand giants or humans for that matter. Because a killing was honorable it was alright. That sort of thing made it hard for Regina to calculate. A old world gnome scholar once said 'Humans use honor as a tool like a hammer to push their evil tenancies under and hold their world together.' Regina just thought that no matter what someone was going to miss the fire giant king and that person would be a problem for Rein in the future. Killing should only be done when there is no other option. Noble words but Regina knew that before they were done and Lightbringer was free there would be many more deaths.

  “Hello everyone.” Rein said sitting up. The covers fell down and Regina saw his naked chest for the first time. He was so built! It was obscene! She wanted to reach out and touch those muscles. But she stopped herself when she saw Banz. She was not going to ruin what they had for muscles. Everyone talked at once greeting him and welcome him back to the living. He smiled at the many voices speaking to him.

  “I'm glad to be back. Did the giants vote yet? Lightbringer needs us.” Rein reminded them of what they were not able to forget.

  “Not yet but Saffria has been looking in on you. You should go and see her and let her know you're Ok.” Marshal told Rein and Regina wondered what could've happened to make that woman so important to them in such a short amount of time. Rein got up naked as the day he was born and started getting dressed. A part of Regina wanted him to stay naked. She was becoming such a whore wanting what she had in another. The other ladies turned around but Regina lingered until he covered up. Banz just chuckled at her and she turned red. She used to be absorbed completely in her work now all she wanted was to be ravaged by the men around her and loved by the women. She was a whore. She took Banz hand and led him out of the room and down the hall to the room she was using mostly for sex and closed the door. Once the door closed she jumped into Banz arms and kissed him hard. Banz didn't complain or resist he just gave her what she wanted.


  Rein's arm still hurt but the wound was gone and only an angry bruise remained. He took his sword and belted it on and looked for his breast plate. The others still present told him the breast plate was damaged and Saffria offered to have it repaired, another reason to see the queen. Honor demanded he stop Zaster from hurting the queen but Rein was smart enough to know when he was being manipulated. In fact he was alright with he manipulations as long as she gave him what he wanted. He stopped at the hall to the fire giant's wing of the stronghold and waited for the guards to do their duty. One went down the hall to inform Saffria he had arrived and the other watched him. Another fire giant made hi
s way to him and stopped just on the other side of the guard.

  “Well if it isn't the queen's champion.” The giant said fingering his battleaxe blade and giving Rein a look that told him just where he wanted to put it.

  “You have me at a disadvantage sir. You know me and I don't know you. Care to introduce yourself?” Rein requested.

  'I am Bethon loyal friend of the fire giant king the great giant you murdered. It's too bad the queen has ordered you not be touched at pain of death or I would kill you where you stand.” Bethon told him and Rein drew his sword.

  “I release you from the decree and challenge you to combat to the death. There now come and join your king in death.” Rein told him and the huge giant lunged forward with a battle cry.

  “To the death!” Bethon shouted as his ax hit the wall in a full swing. Whoever instructed these giants in fighting needed to be executed. Rein easily ducked out of the way and cut the giant at the shoulder which was exposed by the giant leaning over and the awful swing. The giant yelled out in pain and swung the ax back around to cut low and Rein jumped back and watched the ax as it skidded and sparked off the stones. Rein jumped into the air as the sword's song rang out and echoed in the hallway and plunged his sword into the giants' throat. Blood spurted and spilled out covering Rein and the giant who fell backwards. Rein rode the giant to the ground and pulled his sword out of the monster and stabbed him through the eye. Rein turned the sword in the socket to be sure to mix up the giant's brains and the massive body twitched and he died underneath Rein's boots.

  “You all need some serious training.” Rein told the guard who looked like he was unsure about what to do.

  “Send in my champion.” The queen demanded from the other end of the hall. Rein pulled his sword free from the second giant today and walked down the hall dripping blood.

  “Oh and clean that up.” The queen ordered as Rein entered her apartments. The queen drank some more from Roderick's potion and her height was brought down to Rein's and she put her arms around Rein bloody and all and kissed him.


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