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Deep: The Complete Man Candy Trilogy

Page 3

by Joanna Blake

  "Please Chan, I really couldn't drink another sip."

  "Oh, but that's not part of the deal Princess."

  She stared at me while her friends banged on the door. Finally she nodded. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. She tasted like sweet surprise. For a minute it seemed like she might kiss me back. Her lips were soft and yielding. She let out a sigh.

  I should have known better. It was stupid. But I could not resist reaching down to give her juicy little bottom a squeeze.

  A two handed squeeze.

  Her bottom was very, very squeezable. For a moment I felt like I'd won a contest. The world series of ass grabs.

  Then she slapped me.

  She stared at me, her cheeks bright pink. I rubbed my face, not sorry in the least. I opened the door and smiled at her friends.

  "Let's do this."


  I watched as one of the strippers flirted with Shari. It was the really big one named Bear. He was huge and hairy with tattoos all over his chest, arms and shoulders. Shari was loving every minute of it.

  Chan had dragged me away from the group to a small table in a dark corner. He'd waved my friends off but they'd barely noticed. Somehow, I got the feeling he was purposely getting his friends to distract mine.

  For what reason, I had no idea. He was up to no good, that much was clear, But why? It's not like Chan was desperate for a woman. Especially an inexperienced one like me. He was probably jus doing this for a laugh. He always did like getting a rise out of me. But sex? No, I didn't think he was after that. Not with me anyway.

  Ever since I'd known him, he'd just had to snap his fingers.

  Just like that, some girl would come running.

  More than one.

  He was getting us drinks at the moment. I'd put my foot down and insisted on water. I was hoping he'd comply.

  I already knew I was going to be hungover in the morning.

  Heck, that was an understatement.

  I rarely drank and never to this extent. There was something freeing about it though. If I'd been dragged on stage sober, I might have lost my mind. Instead I'd just layed there as Chan humped me like a wild animal.

  It should have been humiliating. Awful. Shameful.

  Instead it was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me.

  I knew it was just part of the show.

  But it felt like more.

  None of this was appropriate for a soon to be married person like myself. I should be ashamed of myself for not running off the stage the moment he'd touched me. No good Christian woman would allow that sort of spectacle.

  My cheeks burned as I remembered how he'd manhandled me. And how much I'd liked it. Max never touched me like that. He never even tried.

  He knew I was serious about my chastity. He respected me. Meanwhile Chan had zero respect for me.

  Or my vow.

  I told myself to remember that as he walked back over with drinks. Two cocktails and a glass of water. I could have kissed him for the water.

  "So Princess. Tell me everything. Who is this Prince Charming that finally tied you down?"

  "Nobody has ever tied me up, Chan. Not until tonight."

  He grinned at me and lifted his drink.

  "To tonight then."

  I rolled my eyes and sipped my water.

  "It's bad luck to toast with water."

  "I didn't toast."

  He sighed heavily and leaned his cheek against his palm. He just stared at me, waiting. I gave in. His gorgeous blue puppy dog eyes were too much for me.

  "Fine. What do you want to know?"

  He smiled at me like he'd won the lottery. He was almost too pretty. His teeth were white and perfect. His lips were smooth and pink and very, very sensual.

  I knew, because he'd kissed me with those lips.

  Twice now. Only about five years between kisses. It seemed like too long to wait for something so thrilling.

  Thrilling and dangerous.

  "How you've been. Who you are marrying. If he makes you happy."

  "Oh, is that all?"

  He tilted his head, staring at me intently. Chan had this rare ability to make me feel as if he was really seeing me.

  He always made me feel like that. Seen. Known. Like I was interesting. Not just another goodie two shoes southern girl.

  It was part of his charm.

  "Fine. I've been great. I got a teaching job down here. It's my first year but I love it. I really love the kids."

  He smiled and nodded.

  "You were always great with kids."

  I stopped nursing my water and looked at him in surprise. I didn't realize he'd noticed that. Or well, anything about me. Other than wanting to de-virginize the prom queen.

  Which I knew he'd tried to do on a bet.

  I couldn't lie. That stung. I'd thought that he really liked me that summer after high school...

  But Chan never took anything seriously. I knew that. I should have known better.

  I couldn't even blame him.

  He just was who he was.

  "What about the guy?"

  "Oh, he's a real estate developer. His name is Max."

  Chan froze in the middle of pushing my drink towards me.

  "Max Herchou?"

  Now it was my turn to freeze. I took the drink and sipped without thinking about it.

  "You know him?"

  Chan looked away and then back at me, cursing under his breath.

  "You are not fucking serious are you?"

  I stared at him, shocked by the vehemence of his tone. He looked enraged suddenly. Playful Chan was gone. This was someone else entirely.

  Someone who could commit violence. Not on me. I wasn't scared. But it was alarming nonetheless.

  "Max Herchou is the biggest scumbag in Miami. No- the planet."

  "What did you just say to me?"

  He stood up and leaned over me. He was close. Too close. His voice was low. His eyes burned with an intensity I'd never seen before.

  "Max Herchou is one of the most fucked up human beings on the planet."

  "That's not funny Chan."

  He was staring straight into my eyes. The look on his face was giving me chills. He was serious.

  Dead serious.

  "Caro- you can't."

  "I can't what? I can't marry him?"

  He nodded urgently.

  "Please Caro, he is one scary motherfucker. No joke. You can't marry him. I won't let you."

  "Oh, excuse me?"

  I raised my eyebrows and gave him my best school teacher look. I had enough. He had overstepped every boundary I had. Insulting my fiancé was the last straw.

  "Step back please."

  He stared at me, eye to eye. Finally he stepped back. But I could tell he didn't want to.

  Too darn bad.

  I picked up my purse and stood.

  "You have no right to tell me what to do after all these years Chandler. Let alone who I can and cannot marry. You had your chance, remember?"

  I stormed past him but he grabbed my arm.

  "What do you mean? You ran out on me!"

  "Everything is a joke to you, isn't it?"

  I pulled free.

  "Take care of yourself Chan. Goodbye."

  I walked out of the lounge to the street. The limo was gone. I had no idea where the hell I was.


  I glared over my shoulder at Chan. He just would not give up. He stood there, looking utterly gorgeous. For a moment I let myself pretend that he had good intentions.

  That he gave a hoot about me.

  "Let me see you home. We can talk about this tomorrow."

  I turned around to face him.

  "I am not seeing you tomorrow or ever again Chan. I've had enough humiliation to last a lifetime."

  I turned my back on him dramatically. I wobbled a bit as I walked down the block towards the corner. I heard him curse and chase after me.

  "Damn it Princess, this is not a n
eighborhood you want to get lost in!"

  I stopped and looked around. He was right. This was not a good neighborhood. It was late and the street was empty. Shadows were everywhere.

  "Don't move. I'm calling us a cab."

  I stood there, watching Chandler make the call. I ignored him while we waited on the street. When the car came I got in. I didn't even try to stop him from getting in behind me.

  I was so tired. I just wanted to be home safe. Forget this night ever happened. As the cab wove through the streets towards my house I started to feel woozy.

  I barely noticed Chan pay the guy and get out after me.

  I turned to glare at him on the street as the cab pulled away.

  Did he seriously think he was coming upstairs with me?

  I was about to tell him to get another taxi when I felt it. The contents of my stomach were gurgling up in an alarming manner. I slammed my hands over my mouth.

  Chan took my arm, concern written all over his face.

  "What is it Caro?"

  "I think I'm going to throw up."

  Chapter Five


  I couldn't stop smiling as I helped her up the stairs to her apartment. It was a cute little building. Art deco. Classic. Just like her.

  I took the keys from her and opened the door, expecting to see a pink floral explosion.

  Instead the living room was tastefully done in soft blues and grays. Caro kicked off her shoes and ran for the bathroom. I looked up and saw a needlepoint sign.

  Please remove your shoes!

  I shook my head, following instructions. Then I went to the kitchen and got a glass of water, trying to ignore the wrenching sounds coming from the bathroom. Everything was neat as a button. Clean. But not sterile.

  Warm and cozy. Welcoming. It reminded me of home.

  I walked around Caro's living room, looking at the pictures on the mantle. There were pictures of her family. Her grandma Jess as a bride.

  And there at the end, was a group photo from Bible Camp. About fifteen kids, all from the same year. Everyone had gone to Bible Camp. It was the only camp in town.

  Right in the corner I could pick out a shit eating grin.


  She had a picture of me on her mantle. That was interesting. She definitely had not forgotten me, no matter what she said.

  I heard footsteps behind me and turned.

  "You're still here."

  She didn't look annoyed so much as surprised.

  I held up the glass of water.

  "Here you go."

  "Thank you."

  She started to chug it and I stopped her.

  "Whoa- whoa-"

  My hand was on her arm. Her skin was so soft it sent a shot of lust straight to my groin. It didn't matter that she had just thrown up. I still wanted to kiss her.

  But she needed some hangover advice from a pro, not to be pawed when she didn't feel well.

  Even I was not such a dog as to try something now.

  No matter how badly I wanted to.

  "Tiny sips. Trust me on this."

  She nodded and took a small sip.

  "I guess I should thank you, Chan."

  I crossed my arms over my chest. I was gratified to see her glance down at my forearms. Her eyes got a little wider.

  "Okay. So, thank me."

  She bristled a little bit.

  "Thank you."

  "It's not a problem."

  She grabbed her purse and started riffling through it. She blushed as a roll of condoms came tumbling out.

  "My, my, Caro. Such a well prepared girl you are."

  "Stop it Chan. You know these aren't mine."

  "I know."

  She pulled out her wallet.

  "How much was the cab?"

  I stepped closer to her, brushing her hair back from her face.

  "Forget it."


  "I said forget it."

  I grinned at her, debating about stealing another kiss. She scooted to the side before I could make up my mind. It was almost like she could read my mind. Then again, if she could do that, she'd be blushing.

  My imagination was very, very vivid.

  "I better get to bed."

  "Let me tuck you in."

  She glared at me. I held my hands up, giving her my best innocent face.

  "Not like that- I swear. I just want to make sure you're okay."

  She hesitated and then nodded. I waited while she changed into her pajamas. I smirked as she came out of the bedroom in the girliest set of pajamas ever. Short shorts and a camisole that made my fingers itch to grab her. There were the pink florals I'd been expecting.

  Only Caro could make something so sweet look almost pornographic.

  I refilled her water glass and laid two aspirin by her bed.

  "Do you always carry aspirin?"

  "Do you always carry enough condoms for an army?"

  She giggled and I was reminded of the cute little girl she'd been. All pink cheeks and flashing eyes. She'd gotten her Sunday best dirty a few times because of me.

  But she'd never once told on me.

  Not even to the Minister.

  As I tucked her in, something broke open inside me. This girl, this sweet, beautiful girl could not be destroyed by that criminal she was about to marry. The thought of it made my blood turn to ice.

  I was going to protect her.

  I would save her.

  And then I was going to keep her for myself.

  I might not deserve her. Hell, I knew I didn't. But maybe somehow, I could make up for my shortcomings.

  I could change.

  I pulled the covers up to her chin and leaned down, stealing that kiss I'd been after.

  Her big blue green eyes blinked at me.

  I leaned back and waited for her eyes to close.

  Yes. I was definitely keeping her.

  It didn't matter what she had to say about it.

  Or her disgusting fiance.

  Just watch me.



  I put my hand over my eyes to block the sun coming in through the windows. A thin sliver of light was coming in- right across my eyes. For a minute I couldn't remember getting into bed. Or how I had gotten home.

  I just knew that I felt horrible.

  I sat up slowly.

  There was a glass of water by the bed and two aspirins. Someone had closed the curtains. My phone sat on the bedside table.

  It was on silent.


  He had done this. Along with a lot of other things. Like kiss me. Or the things he'd done on stage. Even as I started to remember the night before in excruciating detail, I could not deny his consideration.

  He'd looked after me. Even when I'd told him not to.

  I'd been pretty rude about it too to tell the truth.

  My cheeks warmed up when I remembered how he'd looked on stage. He'd been... so...


  I moaned, covering my face. If Max knew he would... well, he would not be amused.

  My mild mannered fiancé was a dreamboat in every way. Kind, considerate, well mannered.

  Nothing like Chan.

  Then why was it Chan who set my heart to racing?

  I knew the answer to that question. There was just something about him. About the way he looked at me. It was magical.

  But it was not going to interfere with my happy ever after. No matter how he made me feel. I'd just have to forget all about Mr. Chandler Jacobs.

  I'd done it before and I could do it again.

  I glanced on my phone as the screen flashed.

  Morning Princess

  I moaned and sunk back under the covers, afraid to look at my messages. I reached out and grabbed the phone, peeking at it.

  There were two texts from Max and three from Chan.

  Max asked how I was and if I had fun with the girls. So he'd known. I guess he didn't care if I'd been out drinking and letting str
ange men grind on me.

  Only in this case the 'strange man' turned out to be someone I'd known all my life.

  My stupid school girl crush.

  Some girls might think that was fate. Or the perfect farewell to her single days. It was almost funny how the guy I'd always wanted was the one to give me my last kiss. But I doubted Max would find it amusing.

  The next text was from Chan. First he said good morning. Then he sent a picture. The picture was of me, on the couch, looking like I wanted him to kiss me. Or more. Much, much more.

  Actually I looked like I'd been rolling around with him, And enjoying it. My lips were swollen, my hair mussed. Even my clothes were very slightly awry.

  Oh no.

  The next text was just one word.


  I had barely a minute to absorb this before the doorbell rang. I groaned and grabbed the aspirin, downing them with small sips as Chan had instructed me.

  "Be right there!"

  I barely recognized my voice. It was scratchy and sounded like a frog was in there. Or a duck.

  Not too far from the truth unfortunately.

  Shari and Katey stood there holding up a few bags of supplies. I smelled breakfast. It made me want to keel over.

  "Blood Mary time!"

  I groaned and stood back, letting them in.

  Shari seemed to be utterly unaffected by last night. She bustled around the kitchen while Katey and I watched her, saying nothing. I had a sudden vision of her with Bear... I was too tired to be curious about what she'd gotten up to last night though.

  She appeared in the kitchen doorway with a tray of big, red cocktails.

  "Shall we go out on the terrace?"

  I nodded meekly. Katey put her arm around me. We followed Shari out to my terrace. It wasn't big but there was room for a small table and chairs and a few pots of flowers. I did love my flowers.

  "How do you feel?"

  I shook my head, grimacing in the bright midday sun. Katey handed me her sunglasses.

  "Where are you staying? I didn't think you would be here until Friday for the rehearsal dinner."

  "At a hotel. Shari got me a deal. Though last night..."

  I gave her the side eye.

  "Last night what?"

  "I didn't get back until dawn!"

  I laughed.

  "Bad girl. Did you get into any trouble?"


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