Her Santa Dom

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Her Santa Dom Page 2

by Linzi Basset

  “Well, I guess that means Santa number four just closed the bit for the pretty Ms. Clause in the tiny white tutu.”

  “Holy shitballs, Lucy. What the hell have I just done?”

  “You don’t know?” Lucy giggled as they walked toward the reception area where they had to pay for their Santa Clauses.

  “You, girlfriend, have just bought yourself a Santa Dom.”

  Holy reindeer shitballs!

  Chapter Three

  Bailey was beginning to curse her impulsiveness when they stood waiting with three other ladies for their Santas to come and collect them.

  Good lord, what am I letting myself in for?

  She was fast talking herself into leaving and was just about to rush out the door when she felt it.


  He pressed his hard chest against her back; her breathing faltered. This time his hands landed on her hips as he pulled her closer against him.


  She could feel every hard bulge and ridge of his frame pressed against her softness. He moved her hips in an orbit against his.

  Holy shitballs!

  The hard ridge, that she could now feel pressing into her buttocks, was thick and long. She suppressed a moan as she clamped her thighs together, desperate to maintain some control over her body that was zinging in response to his touch.

  “Ready for me, little one?”

  Yes! Fuck yes!

  “It’ll take a little more than a good rub-up,” she replied saucily, while every cell in her body quivered with lust.

  “Well, then, let me see what I can do about that,” he said against her throat. His tongue traced the pulsing vein teasingly. The next moment, he yanked the top of her dress down, baring her breasts to anyone wishing to look, seeing as she had gone braless to accommodate the style.

  “What are you doing?” She shrieked and covered her chest with her arms.

  “Drop your arms. Now,” he growled without stopping his voyaging tongue across her throat. Bailey was still formulating a sharp response when her hands dropped away; her own action shocked her into silence.

  He cupped the undersides of her breasts and jiggled them back and forth in a slow, smooth motion.

  “Oh lord,” she wailed, feeling her nipples tightening in response.

  Another jiggle. Harder this time.

  Her pussy tingled and her clitoris began to throb.

  Another jiggle and this time, he didn’t stop. Bailey’s moans flowed nonstop from deep within her throat as she felt her tits bounce and bob in response to his manipulation. Her nipples were taut and cried out for more. What for? Bailey had no idea.

  Until he said in a deep, dark voice, “Pinch your nipples.”

  Bailey shook her head. There was no way she was going to play with herself in full view of strangers. She knew she was on display. She could feel the heat of multiple gazes searing into her swollen breasts.

  “Now,” he barked.

  Her fingers closed around the taut nubs. She whimpered at the pleasure that shot to her clit when she pinched her swollen, pink nipples.

  “Harder.” Her fingers tightened. “Harder. I want to see these nubs flattened between your fingers.”

  Bailey groaned but followed his instructions blindly.

  “Don’t let go and keep the same pressure. Is that understood?”

  “Yes,” she whispered then cried out hoarsely when he jiggled her breasts again with hard, fast jagged motions. Her knees buckled and she clenched her thighs tightly closed. A gush of wetness flooded her panties.

  “Beautiful, little one. Now, keep pinching and pulling on them.”

  “Please,” she begged, now more aware than ever of the crowd that had formed a circle around them. She could hear the whispers and didn’t miss the grunts of approvals when she did his bidding.

  “From this point forward, for every instruction I have to repeat, you will be punished. Understood?”

  “Yes,” she puffed, her head rolled against his shoulders.

  “Get that pinch back to where I want it. Very good. Now, do what I told you,” he ordered.

  Bailey pulled on her nipples, just a little. He jiggled her tits. A moan escaped her lips.

  “Harder and this time, don’t stop until I tell you to.”

  “Oh god, please, this is—”

  “Pull!” he ordered.

  Bailey pulled and pulled. Her clit throbbed. He jiggled. Hard. Nonstop. Her nipples strained with every bounce. Another gush of wetness soaked her thighs. Her moans spurred the spectators to begin applauding.

  “More, Santa. These tits have a lot of pull left in them,” one of them shouted.

  Bailey could barely stand. The constant movement against her stretched nipples had her on the verge of climaxing.

  “You heard them. Pull harder. More,” he ordered when she stopped. She whimpered and cried out, but did as he ordered. It felt like she was about to pull her nipples right off when he began bouncing her tits in earnest.

  “Ahhh! Shit, no!” Her knees gave in but he held her upright with his hold on her breasts.

  “Harder, come now, show me what you’ve got, little one,” he urged her and shook her tits with wild abandon.

  Bailey pulled and then a raw scream echoed overhead as an unexpected climax rippled through her. Her hands fell away and she clawed at his arms, riding the waves that rushed over her. His fingers closed over her nipples.

  He pinched. Hard. Her grip had been child’s play compared to his. She screamed. Her loins clenched and the ripples began afresh. He pulled and shook her tits. Her legs gave way as she screamed while he ruthlessly kept feeding her climax.

  “Stop,” she begged clawing at the floor, where she found herself sitting on her knees, battling to draw a breath, watching through watery eyes just how far he was pulling and shaking her tits.

  He finally conceded and pressed his palms over her breasts, flattening them against her body. Her nipples throbbed painfully but instead of stemming her desires, it seemed to feed another flush of lust to awaken inside her loins.

  His breathing was hot against her temple. “I ask again. Are you ready for me, little one?”

  Bailey could barely breathe but instinct warned her he wouldn’t be satisfied with a nod. She forced a deep breath into her lungs.

  “Yes,” she puffed.

  “You will call me, Sir. Let’s try this again. Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she complied softly.

  He dragged her to her feet and allowed her to sag against his hard body. He rubbed her arms.

  “No,” he said when she tried to pull the dress up. “You have beautiful tits and they are such a gorgeous red color now. I wish to look upon them as we walk.”

  Bailey didn’t have the strength to protest and glanced into his face.

  His eyes were blue. Not an ordinary sky blue. They were blue like the sea, crystal clear; shimmering and churning. She could almost imagine the waves crashing against the shore as she gazed into his magnetic gaze. His face was still obscured behind the white wig and beard, though.

  “Shall we?” he asked with amusement glimmering in those wickedly gorgeous eyes.

  “W-where are we going?” she stammered.

  Way to go, Bailey! What happened to not offering yourself on a platter?

  That might have worked on the men she’d previously dated but it most definitely fell flat in the presence of this compelling man. A Dom; and a very powerful one at that. Bailey couldn’t imagine ever managing this man, under any circumstances.

  “The dungeon, my pet. It seems you require a little more playtime,” he drawled, “and there is the matter of a punishment because I had to repeat myself a couple of times.” He led her to the side of the large room, her tits bouncing all the way as they went.

  Bailey had to force her hands to remain by her side and not cover them, especially when she noticed him glancing at her chest now and then. She stepped through the heavy wooden door he held open for he
r, trepidation in every step as they went down the stairs into an underground dungeon.

  Chapter Four

  Bailey looked around as they entered a dimly lit area. Deep leather couches, small tables and lantern lamps offered a soft glow to the room. The ambience was different here. It felt sultry, sexy and gave her gooseflesh all over, filling her with sensual anticipation.

  Her eyes widened when she recognized Lucy in the arms of Santa number two, naked as the day she was born. Her arms were bound behind her back and her breasts pushed forward invitingly.

  “Ah, there you are. We were just about to come looking for you. This little elf needs a little attitude adjustment. Would you be so kind to assist?” Lucy was struggling in her Santa’s arms. He yanked her back against his chest. “Quiet. I warned you, didn’t I, little elf?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Lucy snapped, clearly annoyed with her man.

  “It’ll be my pleasure, Master Fury, especially since I need your assistance as well.”

  The two men shared evil grins before Bailey’s Santa turned to one of the helpers. “Please hand me the wrist cuffs from my toy bag, Rozanne.”

  She returned with red leather cuffs shortly.

  “Turn around, little one.”

  Bailey hesitated. His eyes hardened. “Do I need to repeat myself, sub?” She spun around, already worried about the punishment he had mentioned. “Hands,” he ordered and locked the cuffs around her wrists and then together with efficiency. He spun her around, his eyes on her breasts which bobbed invitingly.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured and turned her around to face the other couple.

  “Now, my friend over here, Master Rage, loves sucking tits, my little elf. I daresay, he can suck harder than anyone I’ve ever come across. Now, now, behave. Stand straight and push your tits out further and then very nicely ask him to suck them.” Master Fury instructed Lucy.

  Bailey’s eyes widened as Lucy meekly complied. Their eyes met and she recognized the apology in hers before she whispered, “Master Rage, please suck my tits.”

  “It’ll be my pleasure, little elf, just as soon as my sub asks Master Fury the same. But little one, you will ask him to suck and bite your tits.”

  Oh great. I got stuck with the sadistic Santa!

  His eyes narrowed in warning. Bailey cleared her throat and looked at the tall man standing behind Lucy. His golden eyes glimmered expectantly in the dim lights.

  Oh, Lucy, you are so gonna pay for dragging me to this fucking club.

  “Master Fury, please suck and,” she glowered at Master Rage, curling her hands into fists before she continued, “bite my tits.”

  “And no climaxing this time. Remember who your Dom is, little one. If you want to ask something, you ask me, not him. Understood?” Master Rage asked Bailey.

  “Of course,” she deliberately pushed his buttons until he straightened and one eyebrow shot up before she finished with a chilly voice, “Master Rage.”

  “Oh, you are asking for it, little one. Keep it up, we have until New Year.”

  “We have what?” Bailey squeaked, glaring at Lucy who seemed just as shocked.

  The two Doms laughed. Master Rage tapped Bailey on the nose. “Maybe you should’ve paid more attention to the rules before you placed such extravagant bets, my pet.”

  “And stop with the little one and my pet shit! I have a name. It’s—”

  He silenced her with a finger on her lips.

  “No names, my pet. If you want a name, I’ll give you a club name. Hm, let’s see, how about pussycat? Seeing as you’re hissing at me so sexily.”

  “I am doing no such thing,” she said hotly but the blush spreading over her cheeks gave her away. She couldn’t deny the truth. Her pussy was pulsing and leaking juices since he’d first pressed his hard body against her back.

  But my damn Santa Dom doesn’t need to know that!

  Bailey was ignorant about the dynamics of a Dominant/sub relationship. She didn’t realize that a compelling Dom like him could discern her reactions and feelings simply by paying attention to her responses.

  “So, pussycat, let’s get started, shall we?” Master Fury said in warning before he bent her over his arms and immediately latched onto her nipple. She couldn’t have prevented the cry even if she’d tried to. Her nipples were still sensitive from Master Rage’s attentions.

  Master Fury was just as salacious and he had her squirming, crying and pleading in his arms in no time. She tried to shut her mind to Lucy’s moans and cries. It irritated the hell out of her; the thought of Master Rage feasting on her friend’s nipples.

  Get a grip, Bailey. You hardly know the man and you’re already possessive.

  “Geezzz! Ooww, please,” she wailed when Master Fury began to nibble on the taut tips; softly at first, but then with increased intensity, until searing pain shot to her brain.

  Her pussy began to throb and her clit pulsed with every sharp nip of his teeth around her defenseless nubs. Her hips twisted and turned, searching for some traction but Master Fury ignored her, biting into her nipple hard and then shaking her tit back and forth.

  “Oh nonononono! Stop,” she wailed when she felt the burning heat shoot from her loins, to her chest, before it flashed all over her body. Her breath caught and her eyes searched frantically for Master Rage.

  “Please, I beg you. No! Nononono, stop!” She screamed but it was all in vain when he started shaking her other tit as well. The tension in her loins popped like a champagne cork, releasing a strong squirt of clear liquid from her pussy. Her eyes went wide, unsure of what was happening to her as she desperately tried to bring her throbbing body under control.

  Master Fury pulled her upright, gently sucking and licking her throbbing nipples. His eyes sparkled as he watched Lucy shatter in a similar fashion under the expert manipulations of Master Rage’s mouth on her nipples.

  Bailey’s cheeks were beetroot red. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, extremely uncomfortable with her soaked panties.

  Bailey had never had a nipple climax in her life, let alone squirted. To have experienced both at once, left her quivering and weak. Her sexuality had taken an about turn and she instinctively knew she’d never be satisfied with anything less now.

  Master Fury caught Lucy in his arms and chuckled at her furious, “I hate you.”

  “Ah, my little elf, let’s go and test just how much you hate me.”

  “Wait a minute. Just what did you mean by ‘until New Year’?” Bailey remembered to ask.

  Master Rage smiled at her. He unlocked her hands but didn’t remove the leather wrist cuffs.

  “Any bet higher than fifty grand bought twenty-four hours. Over hundred-thousand bought your Santa until New Year.”

  Lucy’s and her mouth gaped open as they stared at the grinning men. Bailey wished Master Rage would get rid of the damn wig and beard so that she could see what he looked liked, but both of them made sure their disguises remained in place.

  “That . . . we can’t. It’s impossible,” Bailey stammered.

  Master Rage tilted back her chin with his hand.

  “Oh, but it’s not. Never fear, my little pussycat. I will make sure we explore every desire in this little body of yours. Seven days . . . hmm, not sure if you’d be able to walk after two, but don’t worry, I know my way around a woman’s body and I’ll always kiss it better—pussy or ass.”

  Bailey nearly choked on her next breath at the visions that promise brought to mind.

  He smiled evilly and pressed his face into hers. “For that matter, Master Fury and I will make sure both of you experience the ultimate pleasure, together.”

  “You . . . what?!” Bailey exploded.

  “Oh yes, pussycat. We’re going to fuck the two of you all the way to kingdom come over the following seven days—sandwiched between us. Both of you are going to be walking bow legged for weeks to come.”

  The telltale rosy color conveyed her embarrassment when he smiled salaciously. But what sho
cked her more, was the excitement at the prospect of being fucked both ways, caught between their two hard bodies.

  She and Lucy stared at each other with wide eyes. Each one’s thoughts were obvious to the other. It was something they’d often discussed but never explored. Somehow, being together in the scenario that Master Rage promised made it more real—exciting as hell.

  Holy fucking shitballs!

  Chapter Five

  Bailey dragged her feet as she followed Master Rage into a large room, full of all kinds of torture equipment. She recognized some of them, from her web surfing—a couple of Saint Andrew’s crosses, spanking and whipping benches, restraining chairs and others that she didn’t recognize. Her mouth hung open as she watched some of the scenes in progress and cringed.

  Her Dom stopped next to a punishment table that looked like a doctor’s examination bed.

  “Hop on, my pet.” He patted the top of the bed. “Wait, I think we need to get rid of this pretty dress first. I have a hankering to see the rest of your body.”

  Bailey looked around. There were many people milling about. Some were in scenes and others just watching. She had never been uncomfortable with her body but racing towards forty-years of age, she could hardly compete with the tight assed twenty-year olds.

  “Did you forget about me repeating an order?”

  “Look, Sir, I wasn’t aware this is a BDSM club and I’m not so sure I’m ready for whatever you’re planning. I’m definitely not used to prancing around naked!”

  He frowned. “Are you saying you placed the bet without knowing what you’ll be getting in return?”

  “Ehm, not exactly.”

  “I examined your limit list. Or are you claiming that you don’t know what I’m talking about?”

  “Well, I do, but—”

  “Is there anything on that list you wish to change? I assure you, pussycat, I wouldn’t do anything you didn’t consent to in that list. Decide now, but you’re not leaving here until you get what you paid for.”


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