Emma's Reaper: Soul Reapers #4

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Emma's Reaper: Soul Reapers #4 Page 4

by J. D. Lowrance

  Mass Mayhem MC was making sure of that! Even though they were out of New Orleans, they continued to deal in Baton Rouge even after several sit-downs and one rather harsh warning. Their greed was going to start a war. And how could I ask Emma to bring her boys into a potential war zone all because I wanted her? Could I ask that of her?


  I made my way over to her, feeling myself get harder with each step I took. I needed in this woman RIGHT NOW. “58 Mississippi, 59 Mississippi,” I counted as I stepped up behind her. “One minute. Time’s up.” And it was! I was tired of waiting, of wanting, of being half the man I needed to be.

  Emma was a fighter and I expected nothing less as she continued to deny why I was here. My name on her lips was the perfect torture. I used the big guns spouting the truth in Cajun about how much I adored her and wanted her. She still denied me. Frustration got the better of me as I made her turn around. How could she not see? How could she deny what we both wanted? Red, hot anger welled up inside of me. I wanted her so I told her, but that was not good enough as she continued to battle against me.

  “It’s not always about what you want Gunner.” Her words echoed in my mind, forcing my hand. The truth was a dangerous weapon that could be used against you. I learned that the hard way from my father. It was time to give Emma that weapon and see how she wielded it.

  “You are the only thing I want. Past. Present. And future. You!” Emma just stared back at me. “Emma Rose please,” I begged. “You are the only thing I have ever wanted for myself.”

  “What does that even mean?” She pulled away from me so I took a step back giving her space. “You can’t just waltz back in here and expect things to pick up where they left off.” Why not? Nothing changed for me. “It doesn’t work that way,” she continued. “Time has moved on. I have moved on.”

  Bullshit. “Liar.” I could see it in her pretty brown eyes that she was throwing shit just to piss me off, to get me as upset as she felt, but I was not going to play that game.

  “What the fuck did you just say to me?” Emma was pissed, but so was I.

  “You’re lying,” I pointed out. “I can see it in your beautiful face. Don’t ever play poker.” I stared down at her.

  “This isn’t a joke Gunner.”

  “I’m not joking Emma.” I crossed my arms to prove how serious I was. My movement drew Emma’s eyes to my chest. I could see the moment when she realized I was completely naked. Her eyes roaming over my body was like the softest of touches. I bit back the grin that wanted to escape as her eyes continued to cover each inch of my upper torso until her eyes rested right where I wanted her. My heart raced as my cock swelled at the attention. It was time to move this along. I cleared my throat getting Emma to look back up at me.

  “I can’t talk to you like this.” Her flushed cheeks completely gave her away as she turned back to the mirror.

  “I didn’t come in here to talk.” I came in here to take what was mine.

  “I . . . I.” I was done. My body pushed against hers, trapping her between the counter and me. She remained stiff against me, fighting against the need that bled from me into her.

  “I didn’t come here to fight. I came to show you how much I missed you. How you are every thought I have, every fantasy I dream, and every thing that I want.”

  “Gun.” My name on her lips drove me insane.

  “Je vous veux.” Emma needed to know, so I told her in plain English. “I want you.” I felt the moment she gave up as her body relaxed completely into mine.

  VICTORY. Like nothing I ever felt came over me. Not wanting to waste a second longer, I turned her around crushing my lips to hers. Our tongues met and her sweet taste had me gripping her head and pulling it back so I could dive deeper. The other hand slid under the t-shirt, bringing it up until we broke our kiss to rid Emma of it.

  Immediately we came back together, our tongues exploring as my hands squeezed her bare ass before lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist, bringing the best part of her against the hardest part of me. I sat her on the counter’s edge, sliding one hand over her hips I brought it down until I could glide my fingers through her lips, finding her wet and ready. Emma arched into me as I parted her and inched two fingers into her. My forehead came to rest on hers as I pushed deeper and deeper into her, earning the softest of whimpers with each pass. When I was knuckle deep, Emma’s lips found mine once again as she licked and nipped, teasing and building me up until both of our hips were pumping against one another.

  Wanting more, I grabbed my throbbing cock and replaced my fingers with my tip. I lifted my head to see Emma watching me. All doe-eyed as her emotions swirled in her chocolate depths. Tenderness, wanting . . . and dare I say love stared back at me.

  It was too much to take in so I did what I did best. I acted! I dove into her with one big thrust until she had taken all of me.

  “Gunner,” she moaned as I set a relentless pace. In and out, in and out. I could feel her pussy clamping down on me as she got closer and closer. I dropped my head taking a nipple into my mouth. A small nip had her crying her release. It echoed throughout the bathroom as I slowed my pace letting her come down slowly.

  “Amazing,” she giggled. I kissed her long and hard showing her that I agreed. “Your turn.” Her voice was breathy and sexy as fuck.

  “As long as you got yours cher,” I teased as I pulled out of her. The frown on her face was adorable until I surprised her by pulling her from the counter and turning her around. I ran my hand up and down her back before I applied pressure, pushing her shoulders down so her ass stuck out perfectly. A quick slap earned a squeal from Emma as I rubbed the pink mark I just made on her skin.

  “Perfect,” I murmured, aligning myself just right. But instead of plunging in dick deep, I took it slow. A little in and a little out, each press had us both moaning as I deepened our pleasure. “That’s it cher, push back against me. Ahhh,” I groaned as her ass brushed up against me. “Again,” I chanted and she obeyed taking all of me time and time again as we increased our rhythm. The slapping sound of wet skin filled the room. But it still was not enough. I wanted more. Lifting her leg, I rested my hand on the counter, keeping her leg up, opening her pussy even more for me. Her whole upper body was plastered to the counter as I took her deep and hard. Sweat dripped from my body as I pounded into her. Incoherent cries of ecstasy came from Emma as I slammed home once, twice before I exploded inside of her. My release unleashed hers as she screamed my name again and again.

  When our eyes met in the mirror this time, there was no clamoring need to act out against what I saw. Instead I wanted to do everything in my power to keep what I saw there.



  “I saw Gunner leave this morning.” Amber’s quiet tone told me more than anything she said next. She was mad and more than a little disappointed in me.

  I nodded, trying to stop the lecture I knew was coming before it started.


  “I don’t know,” I answered.

  “Are you that hard up on getting some?”

  “Excuse me,” I said as I turned to face her. I understood her frustration with my actions, but we never talked to each other that way.

  “You heard me, Em. He is a biker who is cut from the same leather as your dead husband. Do you honestly think he is doing right by you?”

  “I . . . I think. I don’t know,” I said. “I want to believe it.”

  “Honey, you can’t do this to yourself again. You need away from this club, out of this town.”

  “Not another discussion on moving to Dallas, please Am,” I whined as I fell into the seat across from her at the kitchen table.

  “You need to get out of this town and away from the MC. Everything has gone to shit since the shoot out. You saw how my real estate business suffered. I needed a fresh start and so do you, and so do our boys.” I rolled my eyes at the same speech she gave me over the phone a week ago.

��Listen to me,” Amber said as she leaned across the table and took my hands in hers. “I was able to join a team in Dallas. It is a really hot market there right now. I can support us until you can get on your feet. There are several really good hospitals and private practices you could join.”

  “Amber,” I interrupted. “I can’t do this.” Tears choked off my last word. Her eyes brimmed when I looked up at her. “I have lost so much. Tru and then you.”

  “You didn’t lose me. I left and gained some perspective. This town lives and dies by the MC. It is not like that everywhere else, especially in a big city like Dallas. You could be free from it, free to move on.”

  “I miss you so much.” I never realized how much until she came back to help me through the anniversary of Tru’s death. “I wish you could stay longer.”

  “I have to go back baby sis,” Amber said, earning a snort from me. She always knew how to cheer me up.

  “By one minute and two seconds.”

  “Hey, that still makes me older and wiser. And as the older, wiser, and more beautiful sister I recommend that you come with me.” I started to speak, but Amber held up her hand for me to wait. “The boys start pre-school this September. If you start now, you could get a job in Dallas by summer and be all ready to go for school.”

  “But . . .” The hand again!

  “I got a two-bedroom place. One room for our boys and one for us. It would be cramped, but we could make it work for a year or so until we are all settled. Em, come with me. PLEASE.” What she was saying made absolute sense, but something held me back. Well not something, but someone.

  “Tru would want you to go.” Gut punched by my own sister!

  Amber -1, me - 0.

  “You know that he would want the boys near the club in case we needed anything.”

  “But you don’t need anything,” Amber pushed. “Between your nursing salary and my real estate stuff we will do fine. You have Tru’s insurance money and me to get you by until you are settled.”

  “It wasn’t a lot.”

  “Enough to get you moved and in a new city.”

  “I don’t . . .”

  “I know Em. You’re not good with change, but this change is something that you and the boys need. You are dying here. You have lost weight as you both mourn the loss of Tru and pine away for Gunner.

  “I’m not pinning.”

  “And I’m the ugly identical twin.” I chuckled as I wiped away the last of my tears. God I was going to miss her.

  “Will you at least stay for the night?”

  “Why?” She knew me better than I knew myself.

  “The club is having something for Tru and everyone wants me there.”

  “Em,” she interjected.

  “I can’t do this without you.” When Amber rolled her eyes I knew I had her. Catholic guilt worked every time.

  “Fine,” she angrily agreed. “But if he hurts you . . .” Amber stopped talking right as Maxon and Mason came charging through the door and into each of our arms.

  “Hi guys,” I beamed as they talked at the same time updating Amber and me on their night at Stella’s. They loved Stella as much as she loved them.

  “Ladies.” Stella’s scratchy voice had us turning to see her standing in the doorway. “Good night last night?”

  “More so for some than others.” Amber’s cheeky answer had me rolling my eyes as Stella raised her eyebrow in question.

  “I think there is a story there for a time when little ears are not listening. Will I see you guys at the family barbeque tonight?” I looked to Amber for the answer. Amber laughed when she saw me giving her a pleading look and the boys began begging her to say yes.

  “Yes you will,” she dramatically sighed as the boys cheered.

  “Great. Then I will plan on taking the boys home with me so you ladies don’t feel rushed.”

  “Ok,” Amber and I said at the same time. My smile matched Stella’s as she turned and left us with two excited boys talking at once about tonight.

  When we finally got the boys settled down for their nap after lunch, Amber followed me into my room.

  “I want this to work out for you.”

  “I know. Gunner makes me feel so wanted when we are together,” I confessed.

  “That’s great Em, but what about the times you aren’t together? I’ve seen you miserable through the shit with Tru and I don’t want that for you again. I heard that same note in your voice over the phone the past two months and I hate it. It makes me hate him, but then I know how good he was to you and the boys before he left. It blows my mind how he was here and so into everything you have to offer, but then completely disappeared. Has he said why?”

  “No.” I walked into my closet because I knew it was not the answer she wanted to hear.

  “Have you asked?” Her voice no longer muffled by the door.

  “Not yet.”

  “NOT YET. NOT YET.” Amber was practically shrieking.

  I turned to her waving my hands up and down. “SHHH, Amber. Lower your voice before you wake the boys.”

  “Well you are going to find out tonight,” she said matter-of-factly. “Do you hear me?”

  “Yes, mother,” I grumbled.

  “Don’t play cute with me. You are going to corner that fine-ass man and find out what the hell is going on.” I felt sorry for the man who finally got her attention.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said as I mock saluted her. And even though I was doing it to get a rise out of her, I knew what she was saying was true.

  It was time for Gunner to be mine or stop claiming me as his.



  Any fear that I had that being back at the clubhouse would trigger bad memories for the boys was unfounded. Between the new look of the clubhouse and all the brothers paying extra attention to them, there was never any sign that they were scared or did not want to be there. It also helped that Gunner never left their side the entire time. Whether they were outside playing or running around inside, Gunner was there. His smile was contagious every time he caught me watching or threw a wink my way. He fixed them their favorite dinner of hotdogs and mac and cheese, and even skipped his round of horseshoes to stay with Mason and Maxon.

  “I swear if I didn’t hate him I would try and steal him away from you.” Amber came to stand next to me with two beers in her hand. She handed me one while taking a long pull from her own. “He looks just about perfect right now.” Her long pause caused me to look at her. “But we both know he ain’t perfect.”

  “Nobody is perfect Am.”

  “True,” she said, turning to look at me. “But the way that man looks at you is perfect. You and those boys light his world. You are his sun, moon, and stars all in one adorable, family sized package.”

  “How much have you had to drink woman?”

  “I know. I know. I go from lecturing to encouraging, but I have never seen a man look at you the way he does. I don’t know why he went missing, but it looks like no time has passed for him and how he feels about you and your family.”

  “This is so hard.” And it was. I wanted so badly to go over and join my boys . . . all three of them, but I held back. “I want to just give in and say fuck it, but I know if I do that and he disappears again I will never be able to look at myself in the mirror.”

  “Then don’t wait. Go over there and enjoy this quiet moment with him and the boys, and then tonight when Stella takes Max and Mase home you take him up to his room and get the answers you need to either make this happen or make it go away.”

  “I know,” I agreed. “You’re right. When did you get all wise?”

  “I told you. I got perspective when I moved away.”

  “Perspective, huh?” We both laughed as I began to rub up against her.

  “What are you doing weirdo?”

  “Hoping some of it rubs off on me.” Both of us began to laugh hysterically.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” Woods said as he t
hrew his arms around both of our shoulders. “Twins. Always a fantasy of mine.”

  “Ewww Woods. Don’t be gross,” I hollered as he pulled both of us tighter against him.

  “Not gross, sexy as fuck,” Woods corrected. “Listen, I didn’t come over here to get a threesome with ya’ll, but I’m willing if you ladies are.”

  Amber said, “Woods come on,” at the same time I said, “Well why did you come over?”

  “Come on who?” Disgust colored our expressions. He laughed, raising his hands in surrender. “Ok, ok, ok. I’m done. I actually came over to introduce you to the three new prospects.”

  “What about Ax?” I asked.

  “Oh he became a brother right after the VP’s wedding.” It felt weird not knowing that piece of information, almost as if I was missing out. Ax definitely deserved it, even after all the nonsense with the Night Demons and knowing Sam and Dylan. “So here for your bidding is Steel, Napoleon, and Hog. And here is Tru’s old lady Emma and her obvious twin sister Amber.”

  “Nice to meet you guys,” Amber said as I gave a little wave. Meeting them did not feel right. It just added to my awkwardness of being there. It felt like I should care or be invested in what happened at the club, and I had not yet decided if I wanted to be a part of this anymore. It was weird. I liked being back, but was nervous of what that meant for the future, what that meant for my boys. Violence from the decisions this club made hurt my family once, I could not forgive myself if I allowed it again.

  “Well you ladies enjoy yourselves and let me or any of the other brothers know if you need anything.” Woods gave me a quick peck on the cheek before leading the prospects back to the bar.

  “Well I have to say, Steel is a good nickname for him. I don’t think that man has an ounce of fat on him. I know who I’m doing later.”

  “Amber,” I chastised.

  “What? Napoleon was too short and Hog was a large man, while Steel was just right.”


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