Borrowing the Doctor (The Collins Brothers Book 2)

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Borrowing the Doctor (The Collins Brothers Book 2) Page 24

by Victoria Pinder

  “Sparrow Inc. going to reach new business highs?” he asked.

  “I have no idea.” She squeezed his hand. Should she apologize now? She held back and measured the distance to his house. She’d wait. “I’ve ignored the calls all day. I don’t want Mom’s company to fail, but I don’t have the background to run a company. It might be best to sell it, but I haven’t made any calls.”

  He led her up to his porch, and he let her hand go to unlock the door.

  Kate took a step to follow, but Daniel stopped her at the threshold. “What—”

  He leaned down, picked her up, and carried her through the front door. “We will not be bringing bad luck into our house.”

  She shook her head. “You already carried me once over a threshold.”

  “Wasn’t my house. This is my house.” He lowered her to the living room floor. She inhaled the familiar forest and ocean scent of him and closed her eyes. He leaned closer still, and her knees buckled.

  “If you stick around here,” he said, “you can get Sean to manage the financial aspects of your company. He manages the family’s finances and he’s good with numbers. Then you can hire whoever you want to do what you want at your mother’s company. Be hands on or hands off as you please.”

  “We can talk about that later.” She glanced around the room and found herself losing her nerve. She straightened her neckline. She ought to apologize, but her thoughts stayed on his words. She’d heard of the Collins’ business empire. She clutched her hands together behind her back. “If I ask him, will he want to control the company too?”

  “That’s up to you and the deal you strike, Katie.” Daniel answered. “Sean’s my brother and you’re my wife.”

  His wife. That should help her steel her spine. She had a lot to digest with that one. “It’s my mother’s company, and I didn’t know it was mine. Let me think about it.”

  He shrugged. “Fair enough.”

  She swallowed and opened her mouth. She needed to apologize now. Instead, she coughed. “Do you have a bowl of water to leave out for Charming?”

  He nodded. “Yeah. Stay here. I’ll be back in two minutes.”

  His strong torso caught her attention, and she curled her hands together like fists. She had never been a chicken.

  He headed to a door at the back of the room. She’d tell him how she loved him. She had to.

  She walked over to the living room table and picked up a picture of the pair of them on the ship, at dinner. When had he bought it? Her shoulders relaxed, and she smiled.

  He’d listen to her.

  She sat down on the sofa. Her heart beat fast and furious now. Then she heard his footsteps, and she jumped out of her seat. “Daniel.”

  “Don’t shout.” He raised his eyebrows at her. “I’m expecting an apology.”

  She swallowed hard. “I apologize.”

  He crossed his arms. “And?”

  She walked over to him and uncrossed his arms. “Daniel, I thought in forcing you away from me, that I’d protect you from the danger I’m in. Someone at any time wants to take me out. We don’t know who shot me. And I thought if I pushed you away, you’d be safe.”

  “You were trying to protect me?” His arms unfolded and fell to his side. Then he stepped closer. She stepped back, and used her arms as a shield. He shook his head. “Katie—”

  “No. Let me finish.” She gazed at his kissable mouth then back to his sexy eyes. “You protect me, all this time. I pushed you away because I was in love with you.”

  “You loved me?”

  “Wait.” He came closer, but she pushed back on his chest. “Not telling you I loved you was wrong. I hurt you, and that haunts me. After the last person who wants to kill me is found, I hope to stay with you forever.”

  “You’re not going anywhere now, sweetheart. Loved is past tense now.” He massaged her shoulders, and she dropped her arms.

  “Daniel Collins, I love you.” She let out a half- laugh of relief, and arched her back into his chest. “I hope you love me, too.”

  “Funny.” He leaned over her, and his cheek was next to hers. “Katie, I love you, too, and you’re not going anywhere.”


  He placed a finger against her lips. “You’re in danger.” His hug built a fire inside her. “We’re both safer together than on our own, sweetheart.”

  “I tried to stay away—”

  His lips took hers, and her arms wrapped around his waist. She moaned and turned into him. Then she forgot every argument.

  Daniel loved her.

  Chapter 67

  Daniel woke up first. Sunlight streamed through the windowpane, and Kate slept through his loud alarm. He smiled, reached around her to turn off the noise, and still she hadn’t budged. He maneuvered his arm out from under her. Then he stretched and reached behind his head and pillow.

  Then he watched her as she slept. Right now, she was an innocent beauty. A chuckle escaped his lips.

  He’d like to stay here forever. Then he rubbed his eyes. He had an appointment later in the morning with Doctor Galway to complete the purchase of his practice in Hyannis. This small change meant he’d stay closer to home, and could offer Kate a home and stability. Katie’d never had that.

  He kissed her forehead, then headed downstairs to make them breakfast. He reached the kitchen, and found the coffee to put in the machine.

  The red light triggered a flashback to the war.

  ‘Hit the deck,’ someone shouted and every able person in the hospital dropped to the floor. The hospital shook and the glass coffee pot crashed into his head.

  “You talking to a ghost or me?”

  Daniel blinked and heard Kate’s voice.

  Kate sashayed into his kitchen wearing his favorite Red Sox tee shirt. He smiled, but shook his head. He’d have to buy her Sox gear that was for her. Then he swallowed and shook his head. “I served in a combat hospital. One of my patients almost died, and the memory hit hard.” Daniel packed the coffee, and stopped his muscles from contracting. “I avoided my family to stay unattached, like that might erase what happened.” He stared out the window but saw her reflection in the pane of glass. “Living in the city, I stayed busy. But recent events brought back issues.”

  “Cause I was shot?” She crossed her arms.

  “Yeah.” He turned and stared at her. “A nice normal life in the suburbs, in this house, will cure this.”

  “I’ve never had that, but normalcy sounds good.” She relaxed her arms. “I don’t like getting shot much.”

  He nodded.

  “That was the moment everything hit me.” He blinked. “I almost lost you, and I’m not about to let that happen again.”

  “Sweet.” She tilted her head and smiled. “Daniel, I’ll make us breakfast. Let me take care of you for once.”

  He dropped his arms to his pockets. “Katie, you don’t know how. Let’s not burn the place.”

  Her hand went to her hip. “Hey.”

  He titled his head. “I’ll give directions, and we’ll get it done faster, working together.”

  “Deal.” She came over and squeezed his arm. “Home is where you belong.”

  “We, Katie.” He winked at her and opened the refrigerator. “Cut the bananas into pieces. I’ll get the batter started for waffles.”

  She licked her lips. “Where’s the knife?”

  “Drawer, second to your left,” he supplied and took out a few boxes. “Then turn the pan on.”

  She checked the pan and stared at his batter like he created something magical. Ten minutes later, he poured everything into the preheated pan.

  Then he turned around, and Kate had a cup of coffee made for him. “My new wife rocks. Thank you.”

  She stepped back. “Daniel, we didn’t date—”

  “Katie, don’t get hung up on what we didn’t do.” He shrugged. “Did you want years of casual dating? I’d rather skip that phase.”

  “You’re the best, my love. I spent my life waiti
ng to meet you.” She came closer, but he twirled her around, then checked on their breakfast.

  “Romance died fast.”

  He shook his head.

  Then she traced his spine, and the muscles in his back to lose tension. He winked at her. “After breakfast, we have a meeting to buy the practice down the street.”

  “We?” Her eyes raked his body up and down. His body followed her commands. She could have anything she desired. She stepped closer to him. “I’m not a doctor, and I have business calls to make.”


  She shook her head. “I’d rather not go out. I’ll stay under lock and key at home.”

  The air had a burnt smell.


  He fumbled but picked up a plate to get their breakfast. “I have to sign the papers. It won’t take long.”

  “I’ll get the syrup.” She twirled away from him, and gave him time to recover.

  Once he had the food on the plate, he turned back to her. “I don’t like leaving you here.”

  She massaged his back. “Go, Daniel. We can’t live in fear, and I’ll take a warm bath while you’re gone. Leaving the hospital, changing my life plans, picking up my dog, and then running here meant yesterday was busy. I need to slow down.”

  “I don’t like this, but I’ll show you how to turn on the security system.” He called out, and then he headed to the table. “Until my brother tells us they’ve found out who shot you at the pier, we have to take every precaution.”

  “Deal.” She plopped a piece of butter on his waffle plate, and she added one to hers. “This afternoon, we’ll celebrate us. Your parents will be thrilled.”

  He reached over her for the bananas. Today everything looked amazing in the morning sunlight. A business to own. A family he trusted to help. A beautiful wife.

  Chapter 68

  Kate stared at Daniel’s muscular backside. He walked out the door in his linen pants suit and white shirt. She’d have to get him a few Sparrow suits, from the men’s line, but he’d look hot in anything, or nothing at all. She scratched her head. On second thought, she should buy him the ugliest pants out there, and keep all that delicious manhood for herself.

  She threw her arms around herself and twirled. Until Daniel came into her life, she never expected a handsome, exciting anything. Now she saw a happy future play out in her dreams.

  She danced to no music, closed the door, twirled, and then climbed the stairs.

  At the top stop, she remembered Daniel told her to do something, but right now a hot bath to soak her body in sounded heavenly.

  She turned on the faucet, stripped her clothes off, and then stared at her rings. In every way, she was Mrs. Daniel Collins now. She was safe. She was no longer a Sparrow. Yeah.

  The steam from the hot water helped soak her feet. She arched her back, and let the hot air and bath straighten her back.


  She blinked. What would make that sound?

  Then she shook it out of her mind and slipped her leg into the water.


  No. She grabbed a towel over head, and wrapped herself. She cracked open the door to listen.

  Her heart beat loud in her ears again. Was someone in the house?


  She pressed her hand to her chest. Someone was downstairs, and the goose bumps on her body grew. He or she rattled around. Her body trembled, and she grabbed the door handle harder. What should she do?

  Her leg muscles tightened. If she ran down the stairs, what waited for her? Daniel told her to lock the door. Had she? She gulped and realized her error. Her phone was in the kitchen.

  She bit her lips. His parents lived next door. They’d have a phone to dial 911. She clutched her towel and ran down the stairs, three at a time.


  A shot? She slammed the front door behind her and ran down the street. The trees covered her tracks. Her Charming came beside her in the dash, and they both ran fast.

  The gravel rattled with sounds of footsteps behind her. She couldn’t find her voice. Breathless, she reached Daniel’s parents’ porch and banged on the door.

  His mother answered, and stared her up and down.


  Then Margaret dragged her into the house and closed the door. “Someone’s shooting at you.”

  “Security.” Kate stated the obvious. Daniel had warned her how to do just that. “I forgot.”

  “Come with me,” Margaret said. “Our family will be here soon, and you’ll need clothes.”

  Kate panted. “What about—”

  Margaret brushed her hand on Kate’s arm. Charming barked at the door. Margaret petted him. “Security installed by Liam is top notch. No one’s breaking in.”

  Kate’s chest tingled.

  How had she made it to safety this fast?

  “Are you sure? Ten seconds ago, I could have died.”

  Margaret opened a door at the top of the stairs. “Now I need you to get dressed, before my sons get home and see you in your towel. None of them are ever committing mortal sins, even in their thoughts. You’re Daniel’s wife.”

  The front door rattled.

  Kate’s stomach dropped, but Margaret swatted her. “Let’s get moving.”

  “Who’s that?”

  “Our family.” Margaret tugged her arm, to help her up the flight of stairs. “I hit the security button.”

  Kate stared, and Margaret directed. His mother threw a man’s tee shirt, a pair of old boxers with an elastic waist, and a black skirt three sizes too big at her. “It will have to do. You’re way too tall for my clothes. Tuck the skirt into the shorts when you put them on.”

  Kate stared at the clothes in her hand, and tried to get a handle on what happened. Her head became light. She sat on the bed, and almost breathed. Then she sucked in her breath. “I can’t believe . . .”

  A rattle of footsteps echoed in the halls. Margaret stood like a soldier. “Family.”

  Kate nodded, then threw the clothes on as Margaret slipped into the hall.

  A moment later, the bedroom door swung open. Kate rapidly blinked for a few seconds. Her feet rocked back and forth, but then her eyes became glassy. “Daniel.”

  “Lock the door.”

  Daniel came closer to her, and enveloped her in a protective hug. She quietly inhaled the smell of him, and she hugged him back. “I’ll listen better next time.”

  “There will be no next time. The police and Liam are at our house now, Katie.” His fingers in her hair jumbled her thoughts. “You’re okay.”

  Was it over? She stayed in his chest.

  Slowly, his family’s voices echoed into the room. She traced his shoulders. Unsure, she sat back, but took his hand in hers to squeeze. He kissed the top of her head. She stared into his eyes. “Let’s just get rid of the necklace. I want nothing but you, Daniel.”

  “I love you, but this is almost over. Everything will be fine.”

  Her father and Stephanie had set her up. Even if the shooter was caught, her family had planned this. She’d find the answer at Sparrow, Inc.

  Chapter 69

  “Whoever came after her got away,” Liam told Daniel the second he emerged from the upstairs bedroom. Kate had stayed in the room to clean herself up.

  Daniel’s jaw clenched, and he sealed his lips. Kate needed to be okay. He trusted his brother. Daniel’s stomach clenched, but held tight.

  Liam stared at the floor. “I’ve collected clues, and the police are on the alert, Danny.”

  His childhood nickname. Normally, when his family said it, he calmed down, but not today. “No one else is going to get to shoot Kate. I’m not going to let that happen.”

  Liam nodded. “The security system in your house will work, bro. Keep her inside.”

  He glared at his brother. Daniel measured the volume of his voice. “I can take her on the yacht. We can go away.”

  “It’s not as safe. Multiple weapons can be used against a ship,” Liam said. �
��Besides, if she’s safe inside, whoever is after her won’t leave Hyannis. I can stake outside your house better here than anywhere else in the world.”


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